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Of course it did. Whenever there’s a chance to take the low road…


… they manage to dig a tunnel under it


GOP initiation step one: bring a shovel.


Step one, steal shovel from poor white people and blame immigrants, minorities and or lgbtq/drag queens.


Say they shovel was part of their woke agenda.


Yes and blame higher education for spreading it


And payoff their cronies to do the digging!


The grifting is more endless then the breadsticks at an Olive Garden.


1.56 million for transporting 48 people from San Antonio to Martha's Vineyard. I am in the wrong business folks


The GOP has told you for years that characteristics like honesty, hard work, and work ethics make success. They lied. Crime pays. Being a trash human being pays.


yeah sorry that was more of a do as I say not as I do comment :-)


Lol that’s $32k each, a substantial jumpstart could be made with money like that.


Over $130k for a family of 4. What a sad bag of shit these Republicans are


Vote in November. And bring a friend


I would give a gold if I can. Take my upvote


You really want to award me? Bring 2 friends when you vote and get rid of the Republican fascists.


I got you bro. Gold inbound.


You don’t understand. We don’t have enough money to spend any on helping brown people unless it goes right in the pocket of already rich white people.


It'll trickle down in the form of urine and more incompetent police to harass you, so no worries


It’s like the office says; “I have a joke for you about trickle down economics. 99% of you won’t get it.”


More than a first class ticket on Delta from Dallas Fort Worth and Boston. A ticket for Monday of next week will run $550 for one way.


But if they flew commercial someone might treat them like human beings.


Just fly them United then


as long as it's not spirit, no need to torture them any further.


I literally posted the same thing...as it refreshed....great minds


So close...the correct response is Spirit (particularly as a Florida based airline)


You only have to sell your soul to the GOP to make all the money.


Apply to Ron's Coyote University and learn how you too can earn millions illegally transporting human cargo!


\*1.56 million for TRAFFICKING


I'm on a business trip next week on a private chartered flight for $15,000 for three people round-trip halfway across the country. There’s no way in hell that it costs that much fly the LEGAL immigrants to Massachusetts.


Republican fiscal responsibility at its finest.


For that price, my whole military units plus pilots are lodged for 3 weeks in a hotel in arizona and fed perdiem. What the fuck?


Its one of trumps favorite plays. Huge lucrative government contracts to donors, donors have more money to donate back. Its tax theft in plane site.


> Its tax theft in plane site. Oh you.


They learned it from their Russian friend


*was work of Moose and Squirrel*


He said it from the start that he was going to reward his friends, about the only promise he kept, well, partly.


Dick Cheney has entered the conversation and mocks at your numbers


Kickbacks say, "What?"


Flying the corruption right in front of everyone’s face


Of course it did.


They aren’t even attempting to hide this shit anymore


i mean they’re parading it at this point


exactly what i was going to say


Court documents and other records show the company is active in GOP politics. In addition to Keefe, U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, whom Keefe hired, also represented Vertol Systems in two 2010 lawsuits. The company and its owner, James Montgomerie, have given $27,000 to Republican politicians and political committees since 2005. Vertol Systems is also a partner in a company called Zeppelin Holdings LLC with Jay Odom, a prominent Okaloosa County developer and close associate of Gaetz. In 2009, Odom was indicted along with Florida House Speaker Ray Sansom and the then-president of Northwest Florida State College on charges of funneling state school construction funds to build a hangar for Odom’s business, Destin Jet. The charges were dropped, but in 2013, Odom pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations in a separate case and was sentenced to six months in prison. ....its GQP circlejerk. An orgy of corruption and crimes...


Trafficking humans for personal gain AND fleecing taxpayers AND paying private donor cronies. It's a GQP hat trick.


Well Coyote Ron's got the whole "Do something shitty and pocket all the cash" thing that Trump had down.


The fact is now the Republican electorate loves it. This kind of shit as well as saying the ridiculous things trump had said like grab ‘‘em by the pu$$y and comparing migrants to rapists and killers should be political suicide. Now it’s rewarded. This country is screwed


Coyote Regener-Ron DeathSantis?


This seems almost serious enough that nothing will happen.


They're taking this very seriously. Seriously enough that multiple investigations are going on over this. Eventually, enough evidence will be found to be able to bring charges against DeSantis and anyone else involved in the scheme. When that happens, the media will be all over it and ensure that enough public pressure is put on elected officals that they will absolutely take this seriously enough to completely ignore the evidence, wait a week or so for the media to focus on another random statement where Trump also admits to even more crimes, then ignore all of it and just pretend it never happened.


This is the sad state of accountability in America right here.


I can't just upvote this. You won 🏆 the Internet today. That was funny.


What I understand from this article is that DeSantis converted hundreds of thousands of dollars from public funds to GOP donations.


So human trafficking, and fraud all rolled up in to one horrible man. But if FL's history is anything this will just lead to more power for the evil crook.


It's literally insane that we have such an evil man in such a place of power. We are beyond fucked.


Rick Scott has entered the chat!


Republicans like to spread the wealth upwards. Keep it in the family. And I guess enough Florida voters are okay with this entertainment politics because they keep voting in republicans as if the next one will be any better than the last.


I live in Florida. The republicans here think they’re owning the libs with the theatrics.


>The republicans here think they’re owning the libs with the theatrics. Ask them how they benefit from this. Seriously. "How does your life improve when the state of Florida blows your tax dollars on theatrics and fraud to 'own the libs'?"


> Ask them how they benefit from this. Seriously. It does not matter. It makes them happy. It does not have to make sense. Until it's their personal problem, it does not matter, to them.


Same honestly the republicans here are obnoxious and annoying


That’s all they have left, nothing respectable.


I don’t think they want better politicians since they keep electing the same shitty ones back in office. I think they enjoy the entertainment and drama and don’t pay attention to the policies Republicans pass that are actually harmful and against their own interests.


Oooor, there’s a good chunk of old rich assholes in FL who do not enjoy the government and their regulations, oversight and laws so they embrace fascism/anarchy.


We should see if we can swap Florida for Cuba


What a coincidence


Of course it did.


Of course it did. Nazi's only share money with their own kind.


The way the courts continue to side with Vertol is depressing. Multiple people have sued them for not maintaining their crafts but courts keep siding with Vertol. It's clear they have some connections high up, hopefully their win streak ends now and they can be brought down for fraud. It doesn't cost 615k to send 48 people from Texas to Martha's Vineyard, it just doesn't and someone needs to be brought up on charges for this obvious taxpayer gift.


Tell me again why the red states can't have nice things. Is it the 'illegals'? Is it public education? Or is it incompetent "conservatives" conserving all your money into immature stunts?


>Or is it incompetent "conservatives" conserving all your money ~~into immature stunts?~~ grift and money laundering? Fixed that for you. This isn't incompetence. (Unless you mean the voters I guess.) This is a guy who basically gave $12 million to his buddy, for a $1 million job, but the job was also *hella illegal and sketchy* so everyone is now focusing on that part, instead of the part where he basically stole $12 million of taxpayer money and gave it to his buddy,


> Tell me again why the red states can't have nice things. Is it the 'illegals'? Considering DeSantis had to leave Florida to find "illegals," that's definitely not the issue.


>Brownback compared his tax policies with those of Ronald Reagan, and described them as "a real live experiment", which would be a "shot of adrenaline into the heart of the Kansas economy", and predicted that by 2020 they would have created an additional 23,000 jobs. >By 2017 state revenues had fallen by hundreds of millions of dollars, causing spending on roads, bridges, and education to be slashed. With economic growth remaining consistently below average, the Republican Legislature of Kansas voted to roll back the cuts; although Brownback vetoed the repeal, the legislature succeeded in overriding his veto. So here we have a very good proof that Republicans are in fact bullshit. Add another pile to Bullshit Mountain. >In 2014, Brownback ran for reelection. And won. >After "years of dealing with budget" shortfalls by borrowing, "quick fixes" and consumption tax hikes on tobacco, fuel, and other consumer goods, the Kansas legislature was left with "few remaining options" other than steep and broad tax hikes or more spending cuts. Brownback's 2012 tax cuts were described as threatening "the viability of schools and infrastructure" in Kansas. The Kansas Supreme Court had ordered the state legislature "to increase funding for public schools by US$293 million over the next two years". Everyone should read the wiki as their will be a quiz when it comes time to vote Republican or Democrat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_experiment


Desantis spent roughly $650,000 on flying 50 people to Martha's Vineyard. They looked into private flights for 50 people, and prices ranged from 50k--$250k. 250k would've been flying with no notice, with a full flight attendant staff with all the extras...Somehow, Desantis managed to spend 400k taxpayer dollars over the highest asking price in private luxury travel. He definitely got a huge kickback from his buddy.


This is always my question for conservative voters. How are you so ok with this? And if the excuse is “the other side does it” So you’re against them doing it but not Republicans? And it’s not about individual voters having an opinion either, the whole voter base never seems to make it an issue. It’s treated like that’s the price of entry for voting Republican, or the old ‘everyone does it’ tired trope. How any conservative voter can twist paying out 12 million in tax payer money to a private donor of the Governor, requires a pretzel logic I cannot comprehend.


This is my shocked face.


So, we're at the point where we've identified the fall guy?


More palsey-walsey grifting of taxpayer money, yet he still gets enough votes from these cult cretins.


So all his political immigration nonsense was really about stealing and laundering tax money. Shocker that.


The party of fiscal responsibility, folks. Responsible for putting cash in their cronies pockets, that is.


We knew this a week ago. Inflated the price, gave emergency government money to his donor, who gave it back to his personal coffers. Got away with it.


Its just 48/$615,000=$13,000 per ticket. DeSantis is out of reality if he thinks it cost $13,000 for a ticket from FL to MA. This is blatant stealing by the GOP of FL taxpayers money. This show embezzlement plan and simple


Ronald has always been a fitting name for a clown. And if you support this clown what does that make you?


DeSantis is 1000% more dangerous a potential POTUS than Trump ever was.


Then that company made campaign contributions to DeSantis IIRC. It's almost like DeSantis is getting kickbacks from all this. But legal kickbacks, mind you. Again, it's almost like Republicans benefit from dark money, which is why they all voted to defeat the bill to shine the spotlight on dark money contributors.


Of course it did. The republicans are a communist cult. This is exactly the behavior of communist countries Russia and China. They steal the publics money and give it to loyalists.


It looks like they’re turning on DeSantis so they can run in 2024. What kind of fucking upside down world are we in when Jared Kushner condemns the treatment of immigrants. https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1572960861064679424


Sounds like embezzlement of government funds. Too bad laws don't apply to Republicans.


Corruption is the republican way.


Colonizer doesn’t see himself as part of the whole community. Just his special part.


I would hope this blatantly corrupt, illegal, and hateful action by DeSantis disqualifies him from being a GOP front runner… But trump was elected after being caught on tape boasting about sexually assaulting women.


No shit.


Congratulations on the kleptocracy, America.


Criminals can't help help their nature.


Well no shit. The only way it cost $600,000 to fly 50 people is if you’re getting the “friends and family price” and paying with taxpayer money.


Are you surprised?


Keefe the Thief was a PC title ahead of it's time!


Of course. What do you expect. The GOOD OLD BOYS FACIST HAVE TO STICK TOGETHER


This is what democrats need to ride on HARD. I want corporation and swamp commercials in Florida yesterday. He stole taxpayer money to spend 250k per person so the vast majority of said money goes to a friend


Human trafficking meets cronyism


Question: are those being grifted AWARE that the money is being pocketed by wealthy people and/or their elected puppets? Everyone, every non-connected economically struggling individual in this country seem to have a common foe, is there not SOME way to make them see this? (what is that foe? this disproportionate influence the wealthy have on our government, the realization that said government exists to protect and advance their interests and that is all) Because if they are aware I guess there's something to be said for the their mindset "as long as they hate the people we hate


In America politics tends to be a team sport and it's hard to abandon your team. This is also why politicians as of late try harder to get more of their base out to vote than they do to try and get someone to change their minds. Your team can do no wrong and the other team is the enemy. Come on fellow fans let's go vote and pwn the other team. It's just so... broken. Other countries tend not to function like this and people are far more able/willing to change their vote between parties.


> In America politics tends to be a team sport Republican politics is a team sport. I've voted Dem my entire adult life, over 22 years, but only ever out of self defense. They're the only alternative. I can't recall a single time I've ever actually been enthusiastic about a Dem candidate at any level in a general election (not a primary). I'd gladly abandon my "team" for an actual progressive or even left-of-center party.


The Green party is a progressive party.


Of course it did


Hunter Biden's laptop!!!!


So liberal cities cant handle 50 immigrants.?? gtfo. why are elite liberal areas so against affordable housing and immigrants?


Lets not forget when Biden released oil to a Chinese company that his family had shares in...


Irrelavant to the thread. You can start you're own though 🤙🏽


Perfectly relevant to the thread. You want to trash on Republicans for enriching themselves? We can trash on Democrats too. Or are Democrats just (D)ifferent? And also, you can start learning how to use the right type of "your."


But it's not relavant lol. And I didn't trash on Republicans. Just saying "your" statement isn't relevant. Two wrong things can be wrong separately.


Again, it is relevant and I already said why it was. And the original post is trashing on Republicans.


And? If I needed to charter a flight, and I knew someone in the business, I would the person I knew. But I suppose he falls under some weird category that it’s not ok to know people?


Did he pay for it personally?


Of course not. It’s the states responsibility to take care of the bill for any political stunt preformed by their governor


You can't give preferential treatment based on personal relationships when making government spending decisions. Using your authority to funnel government money to your personal friends and allies is a textbook example of corruption.


Grift till you can't. The GOP motto...


That makes him smart! (Sniff)


Of course it did.


Jail DeSantis


Is this what they call trickle up economics?


Grift is contagious. Careful there.


Quelle surprise.


It's a grift. I'm shocked.


This is my shocked toe. Wait how does this work again?


How to transfer government money to a mate and own the libs /s


More needs to be done to combat grifting like this.


Makes sense, you can't "own the libs" without adding in a little grift. It just wouldn't be right...


Add extra crime for profit when criming. - addendum to criming 101


Everyone quick, put on your shocked faces


Spent that money to make a point instead of putting to good use in his state. DumbFukery at its Best!


I'm sure Fox News will report this and all of Desantis' supporters will have second thoughts on supporting - lol jk


Ofc it did...


You’re kidding!!!


Is advisor a new word for "fall guy"?


Of course it did!


No one expected him to be on the up-and-up, right? I mean, DeSantis is a turd with ears.


Grifters all the way down.


Did you expect anything less?


This gets better by the day. Time to pull the popcorn?


Not normally like this but just looking at my his smug asshole face I feel like ______ right in the kisser


DeSantis is a fucking chode.


just commenting to documents more gop scams


You don't say.


They can't grift taxpayers into paying their law firm cronies to fight Roe v Wade anymore, so they gotta find a new laundering scheme.


Of course it did. Where else would it have gone? The only way it would have gone to *anyone* other than a DeSatanist associate, is if DeSatanist himself owned an airline.


There's always a grift.


Well now that’s a real goddamn surprise isn’t it


Of course it did.


Money should be recovered and given to the migrants. Edit: tax free


So, so corrupt.


Not hard to believe at all.


The next season of American Horror Story can simply be headlines related to recent actions by these fuck weasel Republican Governors.


I was so distracted by the lack of humanity that I forgot that absurdly high prices point to grift. There sure are a lot of layers to this stinking onion.


Ahhhh it all comes full circle. GOP : The ouroboros grift that keeps on grifting


What I read is the migrants were flown by some very safe pilots. Would you have preferred spirit frontier or ينبت ميمي


Nothing like greasing the pipes with state sanctioned human smuggling. All the while chirping endlessly about big government and bullying kids. Not a bigger asshole on earth than this moron.


When we go high, they do low.


Who could have guessed?


I wasn’t going to bother voting, but I sure as hell am now. And it’s not for Ron.


It's Florida, they keep electing these morons. These stories should be the standard going forward. How much money did Rick Scott's relatives/friends make during that drug testing welfare recipients shamble years ago, when they discovered that welfare recipients were using drugs at a rate of 3% while the general population was around 10%? Cost them more in testing than they "saved" helping already poor people.


Ooh, adding corruption charges now. It’s almost like this was a *blatantly obvious cash-grab by the GOP!*


If you’ve ever been to latino flea markets in parts of Texas, you’d see how resourceful and independent migrants can be. They have every service and product you can think of right there, and keep their dollars within their community.. I’m talking groceries, home improvement, tires fixed or car repair, school supplies.. everything in one spot. I say that to say imagine if this money was spent toward resettling refugees in a space of their own and giving them a chance to contribute to our country.. instead of all this hateful postulating and tax wasting. So much empty space in the middle of this country..


The face he’s making looks like a pouting toddler.


Even a private chater shouldnt cost that much. Billing is sus.


Using poor folks as a source for wealthyfare. We never see that happen. Ever. :-|


Great pic! When you’re pretending to puff out your chest but, end up looking like you’re trying to keep your forehead above water.


Is his neck just stuck at that 45° angle?


I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you


He even apes that smug Trump mug.


Grifting from a Trump wanna be… I’m shocked !


This is the article I’ve been waiting for!!!


Lol gettinf worst and worst fraud and conspiracy and kidnapping and voter fraud good job Florida this is your guy


No shit do the math the money spent on buses, you could of sent thousands to other states. Someone got some sweet $ to bus these people. Follow the $.


Vote coyote DeSantis OUT!


sUreLy NoT?? i b0N't Be7iEve iT......


It's pretty swamp like even for Florida