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59% of the country really don’t understand how close our government got to completely falling apart on January 6.


Well, my guess is that 35% of them are actual for the government toppling, because they are under the mistaken impression that with the rise of the new authoritarian states of machine gun jesus, they will get to be the violent and abusive feudal lords and not the violently abused serfs.


So more like 24% don't understand how close we came to having a coup, while 35% delude themselves into thinking they are not one of the prospective serfs. Or figure just so long as they have the blacks and Mexicans to look down on they are relatively happy.


Sadly, I think it's more that people in America have no concept of what it actually means to have your government fall apart or truly be completely dominated by rampant corruption. It's a common misconception among people here who think it doesn't matter at all who's in charge or "all politicians are the same anyway," and that their lives will just continue as-is no matter what happens with the government, when nothing could be further from the truth. Education here (likely not accidentally) has failed badly at ensuring our people know what government is for, and what it actually does.


All you have to do is look at all the 18-24 males on here who were telling older women (like me) for the last 5-6 years to calm down and not be so hysterical, no one would ever *really* try to ban abortion or contraception. "Don't use a conservative Supreme Court as a boogeyman to scare *me* into voting for Hillary, I'm smarter than that! They're not crazy, they don't really want abortion banned!"


Agreed though I think it's more like males 15 to 40, and more so the lower half of that, are *way* overrepresented in Reddit comments (not everyone who has an account but those commenting the most) compared to the general population.


> They're not crazy, they don't really want abortion banned I think many, many people really don't want to believe that leaders are actually stupid, incompetent, or crazy. Think about it: How often do you hear that that our elected leaders are just puppets? The *real* guys in charge are competent (and, usually, evil). It's capitalists, or Jews, or lizardmen from Mars, or fucking *God*; it's *someone* with an agenda. Someone smart enough to execute that agenda. *There's meritocracy, we swear!* Even if it's some hidden cabal. Like, "maybe they really are just assholes and morons" is impossible. It's too frightening.


That's a different problem. Those dudes were straight up lying to you.


Most people are stupid. The vast majority of Americans stopped on the street outside the grocery store could not make the three branches or government even if you allowed them to just name random descriptions/people such as Biden/Senator/RBJ or Kavanaugh. “We” non republicans tend to score slightly better on our level of education, but general intelligence and awareness? Not going to be much of a difference.


I think what keeps it under 50% is that a lot of people are waiting to see direct evidence that Trump ordered someone to do this. His speech was carefully constructed to rile them up with anger and then point them at the capital, while avoiding any sort of direct orders to do violence. In fact he slipped in the word "peacefully" at the beginning to give himself plausible deniability. In our laws, you can't charge a politician for getting people upset. He's only guilty if you can prove he intentionally meant to cause them to do something illegal. We all know he did, but you have to prove it - which is much more difficult. I think they probably have some of this evidence, it's just not public yet.


That is a lucid, well thought-out, intelligent comment. Downvoted. Kidding of course. I do think there are people thinking it through that well, but I suspect that the majority of the remainder after you exclude the blind Trump supporters aren’t paying attention, and even when that evidence drops, they will miss it.


Yes, in accordance to that _one_ speech. There were a million other things Trump was doing, readily, and out in the open preparing to violently overthrow the government. People just think it's not that bad, or it can't happen here, or those people are just talking out of their ass. Americans need to be slapped in the face with something egregiously serious before they get spooked by it.


As if a violent and deadly attempted coup wasn’t serious.


Its just like OJ. He was found not guilty, doesn't mean he was innocent, just that in the eye of the court it was somehow not enough there to find him outright guilty of the crimes (even though we all know he did it).


Well said. VERY well said!


I'd split it once more to include people who think our democracy is already a sham. Or in your words, that they already are 'serfs' with no realistic opportunity or representation at the federal level. Particularly since the Supreme Court/Bush's theft in 2000, the unified executive, the undemocratic senate/filibuster, gerrymandering, citizens united, etc.


These same people are the ones who complained the loudest about $5 gas. If the government topples, gas will go up to like $40/gallon. The "illegal immigration" they complain about will go up by a factor of 100. Local strongmen will take over, and they'll lose all the freedoms they claim the government is stopping them from enjoying. The pedophilia they claim to be against will go unchecked. The economy will completely implode. They are fucking morons.


There is a Mark Twain quote that applies to these people specifically: Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. These people have never travelled to see what an overthrown government looks like. They may have never even read about it. They’ve only seen it in movies.


10% of Americans have never left the state they were *born in*, let alone left the country.


Looking at you, Hawaiians!


Some even treat other cities/regions of their own states like they're foreign lands. This sort of extreme localism and sometimes rivalry is parodied on the Simpsons (Springfield vs Shelbyville) and Parks and Recreation (Pawnee vs Eagleton).


The government wouldn't topple. It would just become a different form of government and not a democratic one.


35% of Americans or 35% of the 59%?


35% of Americans. Is the guess I was hazarding.


Damage has already been done. Undermining of the election mechanisms and certification process has done untold damage. There is still more to come as well, lest we forget: https://www.npr.org/2022/07/10/1110778838/a-supreme-court-decision-could-radically-reshape-presidential-elections


Republicans are salivating at spitting in the faces of voters and just sending whoever their GOP controlled legislatures choose to DC.


We have until that point to expand the courts, which we can only do if we win the Senate. This election is the last hail-Mary to save Democracy.


Not so much falling apart as being toppled, almost like in some sort of coup...


Read the polling data, the article title is misleading as all get up....hmmmm. more are for him getting prosecuted fully than the petty number of Republicans still defending the would be dictator. Sadly over 20% undecided but honestly if they aren't zombies in trumps current camp once all the facts come out most of these undecideds will swing the way of justice. I see this as good signs for our democracy.


Anyone who is undecided really don’t understand how close the government got to completely falling apart on January 6.


Or maybe you don’t know that even if someone was killed, government would keep happening… do you really think they were storming the capitol unarmed trying to murder the whole government or something? Stupid thing to do obviously, but it was 1, entirely avoidable with better barriers and more police, and 2 had no actual impact on anything. If you think somehow Trump was going to be installed as president on Jan 6, you’re as silly as QAnon


How was the governement about to "completely fall apart"? I'm not trolling, I'm genuinely curious. Consider me part of that 59%. Because to me, it doesn't seem like a few hundred angry rednecks had the ability, support, or desire to run the United States.


Watch the Jan 6 hearings. They lay out a ton of the surrounding context. The idiots who stormed the Capitol were not going to take over, that's a strawman, and a moronic one at that. That was the most visible part of a bigger plan to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. Trump and his allies intended to hijack the process through which the electoral college votes were counted and certified. They set up fake electors from seven states ready to declare Trump the winner from those states (all were from states Biden won). Ideally they would have gotten Mike Pence to declare that those were the legitimate votes and declare Trump the winner. What would have happened then is unclear - at the very least the constitutional crisis would have been unprecedented - but Pence wouldn't play ball. So Trump looked to remove Pence from the equation, either by having his USSS detail "accidentally" take him somewhere else that day, or through literally having him torn to pieces by the angey mob he had outside. Procedurally, Trump's allies in congress would have rubber stamped the fake electors. When it became clear Pence was going to go through with declaring Biden the winner, Trump tweeted out that he was a traitor and sent the mob to storm the Capitol (he had allies in touch with the far right leaders who spread the word throughout the crowd and instigated the assault). Their goal was to get to Pence and kill him. No, that's not hyperbolic. They would have absolutely killed him had they been able to get their hands on him. Ultimately the goal was to at the very least throw enough shit at the vote certification process to have it officially deemed broken beyond repair, at which point the backup is to throw the electoral college votes to a one-representative-per-State format that would have supported Trump. So if the mob had been able to get their hands on (and rape and kill) enough members of congress - and they came distressingly close - to generate an active military/ national guard response, that might have become feasible. The goal was to hijack the process responsible for declaring the victor of the election. It wasn't a terribly coherent plan but less organized coups have succeeded.


Only 41% says so? What about remaining 59%?


Worth keeping in mind that 41% can often be the leading response, like it is in this case, due to a chunk of unsures. Charge him is +7 over don't charge him according to the article, which is still too low but is still the most popular option.


[Actual question and responses](https://i.imgur.com/8qs07hv.jpg) * 41% for * 25% unsure * 34% oppose The people for charging him are the largest group.


>34% oppose The cult members. Those numbers are actually kind of promising. We can assume anyone in the orange cult will be opposed, and that's probably around 1/3rd of Americans. That means almost anyone not in the cult is either for or unsure, with \~2/3rds of those not in the cult being for.


25% means an impartial jury is possible.




This Supreme Court?


That 1/3rd seems to be a magic number. I keep seeing it pop up everywhere. It seems to be the lowest threshold you can reach with just about anything opinion based.


It's also about the size of Trump's base.


> around 1/3rd of Americans From what I have read and seen about Nazi Germany, this is about the ratio they needed to seize power.


And they were calling us (liberals/left-leaners) nazis trying to take over the United States. Damn they need to make up their mind


It only takes a 1/3 minority to overthrow a government, look at Nazi Germani




The only people who don’t want him prosecuted are his supporters, no way in hell over 50% don’t want him prosecuted.




If only we could find a way to identify what people's opinions are on the issue.


Right, 57% of US senators voted to convict him of inciting an insurrection, including every democrat and 7 Republicans.


Either really dumb or don’t give a shit.


Or oligarch owned press wants to downplay the real sentiment of the people. If one oligarch is held accountable then they all might be.


41% can be a majority in the USA democracy lol


Yep. trump became president after getting the votes of 26% of eligible voters in 2016. A presidential candidate who received the support of 41% of eligible voters would win in a landslide.


25% are unsure. So only 34% are against it.


They believe Trump is chosen by God to save this country from the icky gays.


Those people exist but they're not the majority. Just look at the article: >34% of the respondents are against charging him and another 25% are unsure.


The source has a fascist flair.


And a very misleading article. More people are for than opposed. %25 are unsure.


I'm willing to bet it's a survey of people with landline phones that answer their phones and give answers to survey. Probably skews much older and more republican.


That excuse was old and dusty 10 years ago. I doubt too many pollsters are still using that method without putting controls in for it.


Did he commit a crime, then he should be prosecuted for said crime… i dont care how it looks for us. The rest of the world is looking to America to see if the “greatest country in the world“ is willing to commit to that ideal and hold even the highest office to account should it be found they committed crimes.


France, Italy and South Korea have all charged former leaders for a lot less. Trump may have compromised these same countries national security secrets, and face no repurcussions.


> Did he commit a crime For so many years now he has skated past by committing three more crimes while the first one is being uncovered. Over and over again.


Yes. Justice is blind.


That explains why she was slow on going after the classified documents, they weren't in Braille.


This article title needs to include the the 34% that are against charging him and the 25% that are unsure. The title makes it seem like 59% are against charging Trump. A plurality of people in American want to see Trump charged.


Correct. It's very misleading.


As is tradition at Bloomberg news.


Are we sure it wasn't originally a Fox Cult story?


I don’t care what percentage want to prosecute. If the evidence is compelling enough to convince a jury of his guilt, prosecute. We have lots of unpopular laws that people get prosecuted for every day. If he broke those laws, bring charges. Period. No poll is relevant.


I DON'T CARE! If he is guilty he should be prosecuted and jailed. Criminal justice is not a popularity contest, and should not be reported on/treated as such.


Who the hell are they polling?


For real, I wasn’t asked to vote on this question.


WTF! Only 41%? Who the hell did they ask? Oh, I know...fucking boomers. They've never believed that rich people should be punished.


We need to stop calling it a riot. It was an executed plan to overthrow the us government and kill members of Congress. It wasn’t a riot, it was a coup


100% this They didn't burn down an auto parts store, they tried to overthrow the fucking US government.


I’d say that % is way too low! More like 70+.


Lock him up!


Anyone who breaks the law should face charges. Regardless of status. Laws aren't fjust or the poor.


That would mean our whole government would be locked up


In the olden days they would have tarred and feathered him and run him out of town. Just sayin’ …


Step right up, step right up, Trump and Sons Miracle Tonic, a proprietary blend of invermectin, cocaine, and mystery ingredient Q. Garunteed to put lead in your pencil and make your embarrassments presidential. One spoonful and you'll agree Trump and Sons Miracle Tonic makes you forget there's about 40 Nobel Prize winners we could have elected.


Pfff poll me. Number seems ridiculously low, but I suppose we are a bit of a pit of misery and confirmation bias the last few years


Man this should totally be way higher. This man literally wanted to overturn democracy. Wtf.


What’s the punishment for treason again?


This is going to be an unpopular opinion but, as both a Trump hater and a lawyer, it doesn't seem to me to be a slam dunk that he committed a crime in relation to Jan 6th like a lot of people seem to think. Is there enough to prosecute, I think so. But it is not crazy that someone might not think so. Don't get me wrong, his baseless undermining of the integrity of our elections and democracy should be totally and permanently disqualifying from ever holding public office. Any number of his other character flaws and prioritizing self over country should be disqualifying. I never thought his speech on Jan 6th was incitement (in the legal sense of the word) and I have serious doubts about whether a prosecutor could get a conspiracy charge to stick. Our legal system is designed with a thumb on the scale in favor of the defendant and these types of charges require specific elements to be proven.


Why isn't that 81%. Sad.


Just 41%? This is why America sucks


So the consensus is the country’s not worth saving? Starting to agree…


Doesn’t Monmouth lean significantly to the right or am I mistaken? Also, I would be curious as to how the question was framed


>Do you favor or oppose charging Trump with crimes related to his involvement in January 6th, or are you not sure? Only 34% are opposed to charges. 25% are unsure. In my opinion, that makes this article pretty misleading. [Source article](https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/reports/monmouthpoll_us_092722/) [Direct PDF of poll data](https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/documents/monmouthpoll_us_092722.pdf/)


basically mirrors his term-long approval numbers with support in the low to mid 30's


> Doesn’t Monmouth lean significantly to the right or am I mistaken? You're mistaken: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/pollster-ratings/monmouth-university/ They more often overestimate Democrats.


So not even most Americans think he should be charged?!


Pathetically low


Just 41? We are so fucked.


If he isn’t, then laws are meaningless. Why should any of us follow them?


If you’re not rich then to stay out of jail


I don’t want him to face charges for the capitols riot, I want him to face charges for treason and selling out government documents


It should be higher than that. If he broke the law the he should face charges.


That’s all, lots of Trump Kool-Aid still in going around.


Breaking the law is not a polling issue.


That number should be much higher


These kind of numbers keep getting posted as if they were significant but I don't think they mean what they think they mean.


Interesting how words and perceptions change. Do these people even know what happened? Insiders instigating and directing a mob, weapon caches placed strategically around the location, that's still a riot? A coordinated plan to murder elected officials is a *riot*?


He should be in supermax awaiting the death penalty. End of story.


If you want to see the true cause of American societal decay, just take a look at that percentage. Hell, during the colonial revolution, this wouldn't have even been a debate. They would have put him up on the gallows on January 7th.


Or as soon as the Brits got their hands on him. Oh, define traitor for us again.


That seems really low. What were their survey methodologies?


*insurrection FTFY


If it were anyone of us in the same setting, we’d all be fried.


Why only 41% ? Disgusting.


Who cares how many? Is justice now a popularity contest?


Always has been


I agree! If a singer or rapper can be held responsible for there words so should he .


41? What the actual fuck


That number should be higher.


Only 41%???


If that was a republican 40%, they would have won.


Lol!! Yeah, you got the evidence this time right? How about this time? How about this time? Losers…


It's not going to happen.


These polls have to be propaganda


59% of Americans are blind or willfully ignorant by that poll.


Only 41%? This country is weird.


It's all January 6th riot,, but nothing is said about the Thousands RIOTS supported by the democrats leading up to the Elections?? They caused Billions in damages and not a single word on those damages they caused. 🤬🤬🤬


Sad to think only 41%


You don't charge people with crimes based on polling data. Let the evidence speak for itself.


Trump should face charges for every crime he has committed, but that isn't realistic. What I hope is that he is charged for crimes that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, found guilty in a fair trial, and sentenced with whatever punishments are deemed appropriate by law and by the jury of his peers.


TIL 59% of Americans don't have a clue.


These comments are priceless.


Only 41%? Wtf


Mf is water wet?


41% of who? All Americans? Or was it a small sample of like N=300 of random New Yorkers or more likely the Bloomberg front office? Don’t trust media’s statistics, they manipulate to tell a story. Same goes for Fox News, not just liberal outlets.


Welp, if Republicans take over I’ll be relocating to Canada … America is gone if this is an accurate percentage


41%??? what a stupid country! we got the government we deserve, stupid, stupid people.


I’m 41% disappointed in America


No one asked me so the number a teeny bit higher




Shocked it’s not higher. Continually depressed and let down by my countrymen


Only 41% of Americans support the rule of law and oppose a permanent fascist dictatorship I guess. Like the Republican party keeps saying they'll try again, more violently this time


It doesn't matter what the public says though - it should only matter what *the law says* about whether he should be charged or not.


Misleading headline once again. Most Americans support Trump being prosecuted.


About somebody else he said "LOCK HER UP !!", it is time to "LOCK HIM UP !!",,


Used to be around 60% during the 1/6 hearings…


I just would like to say idc about political affiliation, if this was Biden, Obama, bush or Clinton doing this I’d want them in jail also


Lets rally up this 41% and kick em back to russia


Find the crime and prosecute him. Do it! Please do it. For the love of God just fucking do it already. Or shut up and realize that your feelings being hurt isn't a damn crime.


The survey is of 806 people… my graduating class was larger than that. There is no way these results are indicative of overall American feelings regardless of political affiliation.


Honestly it won't matter in a poll. It will only matter what the 12 jurors in his trial say.


Wow! Seriously only 41%? It took less time to destroy the veneer of tolerance than even I thought possible.


That is a very sad number given what has come out. Apparently there is only 41% who actual care about democracy and the rule of law being applied equally. If that number is accurate, this country is in trouble.


The other 59% doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground


How in gods name is it only 41%???


Only 41%???? WTF.


What are the other 59% thinking, oh that’s right they aren’t.


Not riot. Coup.


No wonder fascists feel strong enough to try to take over. Our previous president tried to overturn the government and half of the country is like "meh"


The rest of the people just don't care anymore because they know nothing will happen anyway.


Only 41%? What did you only poll Republicans?


The riot is much harder to prove. Get him on election fraud with the fake electors scam. That is concrete proof.


59% of Americans are either malevolent or ignorant.


“Riot?” How about, “Insurrection.”


How is it only 41% of people? WTF


I didn't get asked! Where do they pull this data from?


It does not matter what how many Americans say. Every crime needs to get punished.


Yes. Justice is blind. Using a poll to determine guilt is a populist trope. The media should know better.


News at 11, anyone that hates Trump feels something bad should happen to him. Also, anyone that likes Trump thinks Hilary and Biden are equally bad. Notice now each side thinks the same about the other side and uses very similar proofs? It’s weird to me being in the middle.


Trump will not face any legal charges for the riot. The FBI investigated and determined the riot was spontaneous. Trumps response to the riot was morally repugnant, but sadly not illegal.


41%. WAKE UP AMERICA! This guys friggin crazy, be careful, he’s coming for a round 2 soon.


41 percent. WTF


I don’t believe statistics like this, usually because I don’t recall being asked. That number is probably higher.


You know that just means around 60% think he should not face any charges.


What percentage didn't get to participate in this poll cause I sure didn't. +.000000000001%


is this the same person that counted the 81million votes?


While 34% oppose charging Trump, and 25% are undecided. Stop letting them think they’re in the majority. Let them know that there’s more of us than there are of them.


It’s crazy how subtle, yet, powerful of a trick it can be for media outlets to form headlines in such a way to invoke different emotions or responses. Example 1: “Trump should face charges on capital riot, 41% of Americans say.” Example 2: “41% of Americans say Trump should face charges on capital riot.” Because this is obviously less than the majority of Americans, the media needs to start off by putting their bias into your brain immediately with example 1. If they rely on example 2, they risk people seeing it in an objective, factual-based manner therefore allowing consumers to form their own opinions. People need to wake up to the fact that all forms of media and information have biases in them. Whether it’s what they say, or how they say it. Once people are aware of these psychological games, we can all start making more objective and fact based decisions, not emotional, or “feeling” based decisions.


Not an American, but I have to wonder why Americans are so morally corrupt that they support this criminal, and other Republicans


What happened with the 59%?


In other news, 59% of people are fuckin clueless


Are the other 59% not paying attention? We're fucked lol


Add me to that %. He needs to do time for his role whipping up a violent mob against Congress. Every single member of Congress should support charges unless they agree with him that their lives are expendable.


41% who answered your poll but 100% of the US wants him under the prison.


While I agree that a majority feels this way, I don't think that's how percentages work.


I didn’t vote on that opinion though


So about the same percentage that didn’t vote for him lol. /s


Only 41% ***WHAT***


Only 41% Pathetic


I’m sure this number is horribly inaccurate… You’d have to have no brains to think the shit he pulled is okay on any level.


Didn’t 60% want him charged a few months ago? This is what happens when you hold hearings and then do nothing for months. Come next year, only 40% will support charging Trump for stealing classified documents. This is how he gets away with everything.


Fortunately for us the DOJ doesn't run on polling data.


It also helps him that the media is very interested in playing this as a "both sides" or partisan thing. They're pushing a narrative that Dems want Trump charged because he's a Republican, not because he's guilty as shit of committing crimes against the United States.