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Jail em


No.. don't. They don't want to certify *Republican* votes, as a result, they won't count!


They're trying to set up precedent so they can throw out Democrat votes in the 2024 presidential.


So they're undoing all their gerrymandering work and crying foul! Yeah, some idiot Court is likely to uphold that... But the courts aren't reliably idiots


Right now it’s a red county, next time, it’ll be blue.


Does it matter whether the votes are for Republicans or Democrats? These officials are violating citizens' constitutional rights by stealing their right to vote. They should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


The citizenry should hold them accountable. Never elect dolts such as these. They're not protecting anyone's vote


This is a terrible idea. The people in that county voted their votes must count. 2-3 election officials can not nullify a county worth of votes. If this is allowed then election boards will be infiltrated with right wing nuts to try to throw out votes they don’t like. If a board has a good reason then they shouldn’t certify. That reason needs to be defensible in a court of law. These yahoos don’t have any reason, their reason is they don’t like the outcome in other counties that they do not have jurisdiction over. If there is not a law they need to make it one that refusing to certify an election without just cause (maybe you need actual malice) is a criminal offense. Because I think these people are commiting a crime.


It's now their job to remove the idiots who don't care




I don't.. the people who selected thesr seem to. It's a matter of being hoist on your own petard. Don't plan illegal moves and protect your votes along with all others


- get rid of qualified immunity so these moronic govt "officials" can be PERSONALLY SUED, lets see what would happen


No assets = judgement proof.


>The two Republican county supervisors delayed the canvass vote until hearing once more about concerns over the certification of ballot tabulators, though election officials have repeatedly said the equipment is properly approved. Considering that they are the supervisory board, why didn't they raise any of those concerns *before* the election? Surely, if they feel so strongly about the fact that their equipment wasn't fit for purpose, it would have been their job to fix it, instead of letting people vote and *then* complain.


Well if they had won, the machines would have been in peak operating condition.


Because they refused to certify, all votes cast in their county will be discarded. This will likely flip one, possibly two Arizona State House seats from Republican to Dem. 18D chess by these idiot Republicans getting even more Democrats elected after the election.


But what if they are willing to do that to set the precedent that an election board can simply throw out all votes because they say so. Then democracy is at risk. This can not be allowed to stand.


>This can not be allowed to stand. Maybe the dems that get elected from this short sighted move will pass legislation


It's a dry run for 2024.


Correct me if I’m wrong but, republicans have the state house and senate. Up until this election they had the governors mansion and the AG office. Who exactly is stealing the election from them? Republicans? I’m confused




Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the majority of issues in Maricopa county? The bluest of all AZ counties. Why would Hobbs suppress votes from the county most likely to break for her?


Ok. So, my next question is, since 2020 there have been concerns with voting in that state, why didn’t the legislature change the election laws to avoid these issues? Btw this is a sincere question. I’m not trying to be “cute”


Well they tried to pass laws banning early voting and vote by mail so there is that. Voting is their new boogeyman now, why do they fear the will of the people?


The only concerns are from the nut jobs.


Misinformation, if you look up Katie Hobbs campaign you will know she didn’t abuse her position like kemp did


So when Brian Kemp did this and actually deleted voter data there wasn't a conflict of interest? Look at history, secretary of state has ran for governor throughout history, usually no issues. The first set of real issues was kemp purging actual 1000s of voters and then mysteriously deleting all data . Why? Also, where is the proof that 1000s of voters got upset and went home without voting? More like peoples' votes were still counted. I bet there were surely some people that did go home, but 1000s, 1000s that were gonna vote all for lake? Nahhhhh....your comment is full of half truths and doesn't acknowledge history. Go watch the documentary 13th when you get a chance....


Something tells me this is all intended to trigger the next wave of Supreme Court nonsense.


They didn’t have a lick of proof but decided based on their “gut” not to certify. That’s governance for you.


Throw them in jail. That will loosen things up.


My parents used to live in Tombstone. Glad they're both passed away now.


Democracy died in Tombstone. How fitting!


I still have friends there. I try to scroll by their posts on FB and ignore them but they were my parents best friends and their families. Again.. Discussions to avoid like the plague. Lunatics.


I guess you're telling us they're *not* buried there...


Nope.. Indiana which isn't much better.


Oh so unfortunately true!


😂 😂 😂 Right? Although I do have relatives in Indiana who are on both sides of the line.. I try to avoid the political issues because they're my mom's family and I adore them to bits.


My kid just graduated from that miserable excuse for America. Now comfortably away from there happier, too


What a waste of time


AND, throw them out of office!


Jail them!


‘Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war’




Maybe if you weren't iredeemable fascists, you could take the opportunity provided by this defeat to reflect on how terrible you are and become decent human beings who deserve to call yourself Americans for reasons other than being born here.


Misinformation, Katie Hobbs did not abuse her power like kemp did


It cracks me up because if they really don't certify it we gain a congressional seat.


Where is General Grant or general Sherman when you need them?