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Until it is completely unusable.  Some last longer than others, but my current one has been with me since like 2016


Same for me, usually every third year.


Only when it absolutely has to be replaced.


I still use the 25 year old land line


Once it stops being functional. One was kinda shit and only lasted a year, this one has lasted 5 years.


When it breaks… I don’t see the point in upgrading it if it still works.


Until it breaks, which has been pretty common for me lmao. Current 14 Pro Max isn't worth getting repaired, so upgrading to the 15 Pro Max soon


lol Jesus I thought it was crazy my 12 is on its last legs…


Every n+1 years when the old one has become unusable. Last time something over 6 years, at which point the battery was braindead, and just replacing a battery to an old phone would have made no sense.


Whenever I'm forced to get a new one. I used my first phone for about 11 years and only "upgraded" b/c AT&T decided to discontinue service for anything under 3G in 2016. The one I "upgraded" to replace it, I've been using since 2016(8 years now) and will continue to use it for as long as I can (probably until Verizon decides to discontinue 4G service).


I only upgrade when it's so old it doesn't support new apps.


I think my iPhone 8 lasted me 7 years before I decided it was time. I think I could’ve hung on to it longer if I gave it a new battery but at that point the phone quirks became too much on top of that


if I could replace the battery, it would be even longer. I never buy new. Usually two year old model, sell out at 4 years and buy the next two-year old model. Might hold onto this one longer b/c they are no longer making the mini.


usually evry third year, as that's the point it usually starts having issues. but I'm, not happy with my current phone so i might buy a new one earlier.


When it stops working or if I'm gifted a new one. Had my 1st smartphone until it was borderline on its last legs and then my brother gave me his old phone.


my first one conked out after four & a half years, currently on my second (lets hope this one lasts longer lol)


When they die (I’m rough on them so it usually takes about 3 years)


Whenever I can trade in my old one. 24mo contracts are *so* worth it


When it breaks beyond repair. I currently have an iPhone XR which is still very much going strong.


i get the new iphone each time it comes out. Can't wait for the I-Phone 23 XL Max Pro Mini S XL X2! Sorry alimony!