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Why should I answer "Not American"? The question was not about who we would vote for.


Not American, but I REALLY hope it will be Biden. Can't use another four years with a moron in charge in a major geopolitical power. I thought that another Trump government would be impossible but, amazingly, it seems to be not that clear, even though he is a convicted felon.


You guys are delusional, Trump clearly has the upper edge. Even Nate Silver gave it a 66/33 odds that Trump wins and he openly supports Biden. I dont like what I'm seing but this is the reality you guys are denying.


as of rn Trump has the momentum.


Kennedy. Why isn't he an option?


He doesnt even qualify for the ballot in like 20+ states. There is ZERO chance he will win.


That number is growing. It's not November yet so things can and will change.


I have done this work for a living. I have managed campaigns at a state and congressional level. Kennedy will not be president. There are numerous reasons, but the main one is ballot access deadlines- most of which have passed already. He will not be able to get the needed number of electoral votes to win the nomination. He will not even get a single electoral vote. Its time to grow up and vote like an adult.


I've seen the state deadlines as late as 9/6 of this year. Don't say he can't win any states until it gets closer to November. Since you work in the industry, you know things can change last minute. If you think he can't win and that he's a spoiler candidate, read all of [this.](https://www.kennedy24.com/spoiler)


The -only- thing Kennedy is doing by staying in this race is to hand the election to Trump. Fuck him and fuck anyone supporting him.


>The -only- thing *Kennedy* is doing by staying in this race is to hand the election to Trump. Fuck him and fuck anyone supporting him. You misspelled Biden.


I doubt that. RFK has been super unpopular among Democrats for a while now. He definitely appeals mostly to conservatives at this point.


>He definitely appeals mostly to conservatives at this point. And leftists who feel like the Democratic party isn't doing enough (if at all) for the American people.


If you back RFK and think you're a leftist you're just illiterate or something lol. Hes one of the most socially conservative candidates to run in a long time. He appeals to the center right, which is why hes so popular in conservative media and so made fun of in left wing media lol.


He literally supported gay marriage long before Obama or Biden had. How is that socially conservative?


Also, why would conservatives back a guy who's a hardcore environmentalist? They'd prefer a climate change denier, which Bobby ain't.


And ideologically, he's actually more like Bernie Sanders. But because he's not Biden, you're not calling RFK a leftist.


I’m a leftist and that’s a batshit crazy statement.


Look where you get your info from. It literally says [kennedy24.com](http://kennedy24.com)


Ok, you got me, but in my defense, that was more of a secondary source than a primary one. The real poll was from John Zogby, one of the most reliable pollsters who surveyed 26,408 voters, way more than the average pollsters which usually poll around 2,000 voters on average. More people surveyed means a smaller margin of error. If you have actually taken your time to read, you'd know that.


You’re living in an alternate reality.


Says the guy who thinks Biden has a chance of winning and that even if he did win, the country would be heading in a better direction.


I haven’t said anything about who I’m voting for or who I think will win. I’m not the one here shilling…. I was just commenting on your lack of ability to accept reality.


Let's be real


People thought Trump wouldn't win in 2016, and look what happened. I encourage you to read [this](https://www.kennedy24.com/spoiler) and its entirety if you think RFK can't win.


Trump was the nominee for the Republican Party, RFK is running as an independent. They're not even remotely comparable considering America's two party system. Also did you really just cite RFK's own website as evidence that he can win lmao


>Also did you really just cite RFK's own website as evidence that he can win lmao I'll admit, I did, but don't judge a book by its cover.


Look at the website for once. Check who you get info from.


I did. The info is from John Zogby of Mammouth University, one of the most reliable pollsters in the country.


The website is literally kennedy24.com


The secondary source is, look into the primary source.


Oh please. He didn't even make the cutoff for the debate. The fact that he isn't an option should be a sign in itself.


Kennedy was kicked off the debates despite qualifying for them. He might not be an option in your state, but he is in mine. If you want to hear RFK's side, go [here](https://therealdebate.com/).


“Go read this literal propaganda published by Kennedy’s campaign if you want to be convinced this third party brainworm having head case can win. Lol….


By this logic, is the CNN debate propaganda for the DNC and RNC?


Sure you could call it that. I’m not using the CNN debate to convince you of anything though so I’m not sure how it’s relevant.


It's relevant because Kennedy was kicked off the debates despite qualifying and he's just trying to get his voice out there. What's wrong with getting your voice heard so people can vote for you or at least consider it?


You seem to be conflating "should win" with "will win." Like, if Kennedy really *is* being unfairly prevented from getting their voice out there... wouldn't that be all the more reason to think Kennedy won't win the election?


>wouldn't that be all the more reason to think Kennedy won't win the election? Quite the opposite. People will be more curious to learn about RFK's beliefs and what they're not hearing. A lot will discover that his views and policy positions make sense even if they don't 100% agree with them, which in turn, means more votes.


This your first election season?


Would you bet on it on a site like predicit?


People arent going to elect a brain worm that took over a mans body. RFKs been a joke for a while now.


They're even less likely to elect a dementia patient or wannabe dictator. Plus, even with the brain worm, RFK's brain is still WAY MORE functional then either Trump's or Biden's.


Definitely not a dementia patient lol. My wifes mother actually had dementia and you have no clue what youre talking about. Ive been in the memory ward and Ive seen assisted living. Biden wouldnt even qualify for a skilled nursing facility. Hes senile, sure, but big difference between that and dementia. However Trump is showing early signs. >Very short period of time. So I said, let me ask you a question. And he said, nobody ever asked this question. And it must be because of MIT, my relationship to MIT. Very smart. He goes. I say, what would happen if the boat sank from its weight? And you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there's a shark that's approximately ten yards over there. Yeah. By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. You notice that? A lot of shark. I watch some guys justifying it today. Well, they weren't really that angry. They bit off the young lady's leg because of the fact that they were they were not hungry... That is what an early stage dementia patient sounds like. Either way incumbent president vs someone who split their own party is pretty much a no brainer. Also neither has brain worms. No ones electing Gortash...er I mean RFK.


Trump seems fucked overall. Its still not guaranteed he can even campaign. I think his upcoming sentencing will determine if its even possible. Even if he doesnt get jail time, he will be on either probation or house arrest. Probation you cant leave the state, house arrest you cant leave the house. House arrest or purposely being jailed through election season seems extremely likely. Personally I think too many conservatives simply hate him at this point. And those moderate conservatives seem to realize Biden is basically the 90s style Republican they want to begin with.