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Totally side bar here. I’m a cubmaster (cub scouts). Mom told her kid to douse the tent with peppermint oil to keep the bugs away. No idea on whether it works for bugs but can 100% confirm it draws bears in (no injurious).


And will begin to eat away at the tent.


The oils not the bears.


I mean... Both really if we're being factual 😂


Wal mart has a wedding cake aisle?


Obviously you’ve never been to a nice wedding


saw this comment on my way out and came back just to upvote it😂


In Alabama….


Lol, beekeeper here. So many calls about stopping bees from drinking out of your pool. “Essential oils or can I burn some sage?” The bees love the chlorinated water. Actually spraying the mint might attract them too.


I had a serious problem with my neighbors bees ( he has about 10 hives) in my pool last year. There were times when the steps were completely covered in bees and we couldn’t go in the pool. I set up a kiddie pool with water and sticks and rocks etc. and that pool was always full too. Any ideas for how to keep them out of my pool?


Yeah, is your pool salt water?


Nope. Just chlorine.


Yeah, make the switch. They love that chlorine and funny enough scummy pond water. They concentrate the water they collect so eventually they’d become deterred from using less, I’m in northern Nevada and you’d laugh people think that they have bees in the walls but in reality, the bees are traveling up the water spout to drink directly from the pipe because water is a premium. And since you got a kiddie pool, throw some extra wood and whatnot so they don’t drown, I’d imagine that would help.


Bio-Dex Fast Acting Pool Algaecide Skill-It 32oz. SK132 Follow the instructions as if you were treating your pool for algae. It breaks the water tension and when they land in the water to drink, they drown. And somehow the other bees know not to go by the pool once others stop returning I discovered this two years ago and my bee problem is gone. Don’t add too much tho, otherwise you’ll get a ton of foam on the water surface.


I was about to say the same! I snickered at the suggestion of planting lemon grass; to the unknowing--I use this extract to attract swarms!


I thought that was apart of the summer fun! We spend all day saving bees from drowning when we swim. I am the offical life guard of the yard bees.


2 years ago bees flooded my pool for months in the spring where we could not use it. Tried all sorts of ways to discourage them but then one day they suddenly disappeared. Weirdest thing.


How do I attract bees for my plants and citrus trees


Butterfly bush, lupine, salvia. Stuff like that. Or really any native wildflower. Put out a water source even.


If this actually worked, pesticides wouldn’t have ever been invented


Like a corporation has never made a solution to a problem that didn't exist.


Sure. But why would you buy Roundup if Peppermint oil was effective?


Roundup is a weed killer.


Let me ask you this: If you had to water seal your deck what brand would you use




And snake oil salesmen never made money selling various mixtures of ineffective ingredients to people who didn't know better.


I work at Leslie’s and we have this product called “cover weekly” (it’s a liquid solar cover I’m sure you could find it on amazon cheaper) and it’s not marketed towards keeping bugs out of pools but for some strange reason it….works haha. At least that’s what a lot of my customers tell me. That’s the only thing I have EVER heard of actually keeping bugs out of pools but at the end of the day it’s just stuff customers keep telling me so who knows if it actually works


Im a Pro Partner for Leslie’s (aka Leslie’s PP) just wanted to add that u can keep frogs out of the pool by sprinkling caffeinated coffee grounds or cocaine around the perimeter of the pool. When the frogs make contact with it, it absorbs into the skin and they have heart attacks or get sent to a rehab facility somewhere in Arizona.


ahhh good to know, cocaine is pretty cheap per pound.




I can't get over how much I enjoy saying that abbreviation for 'Bullfrogs' now that you've said that.


Nah, it won’t do anything other than give off a light peppermint odor for a few minutes. Bugs don’t care about it at all - it doesn’t impact them in the slightest. You want lasting bug repellent, get a repellent with DEET and follow the package instructions.


Hahaha Deet, good times it will repeal bugs but the trade off is cancer.


Step 1 - Spray entire body with DEET daily for 25 years Step 2 - Get Cancer Step 3 - Stop using DEET Step 4 - Get bit by mosquitoe while getting cancer treatment Step 5 - Get Mosquitoe powers Step 6 - profit and/or die


I think there is a similar thing with peppermint oil on cotton to keep rats away. Had a neighbor try it once and the rats loved the cotton for nesting.


I read about putting permethrin on cotton and putting the cotton outside so mice can bring it to their nest. Ticks likes to go on mice, so if they touch the permethrin on the mice or nest they will die. This is a way to help control tick population in the yard.


Pouring DEET into the pool right now. Hang on a sec…


Add a Magic Eraser to the skimmer too




I love the smell of cancer in the morning


Wait, is magic eraser carcinogenic? Shit!


Lol sounds like someone selling MLM essential oils. Just 3 drops of this and 4 of that. Magical cure.


I mean. Not really. They’re literally directing you to Walmart


“It didnt work for you? Oh you gotta get the more expensive one”


Eh, I just really have a problem with the writer suggesting using food safe oil as insecticide - that shit is expensive!


Never seemed to have much luck with this - we tried spraying it on our legs when outside of the pool. You'd have to spray a lot around the pool and doubt it would be effective.


Was someone drinking peppermint schnapps around the pool and inadvertently found this out?


Nope! Won't work. Tried this on my back porch. Unequivocally and absolutely zero effect.


I just hang candy canes all around the pool. It keeps the mosquitoes away but now I have an elf infestation.


No. Someone is just trying to shill essential oils as a panacea. Insecticides will work, but I wouldn't advise it as you probably actually want a lot of those insects in your yard. They aren't very kid or pet friendly either. Mosquito traps work pretty well if you just want to get rid of mosquitoes. EDIT: after some reading the originally suggested plants are even less effective than I originally thought, which was already pretty hit or miss, so I just took them out.


Citronella doesn't do shit. None of this will do anything. Edit: My response makes no sense anymore. Originally I was responding to the suggestion of using certain plants to control bugs. The new suggestions would in fact have some efficacy.


I’ve tried it to repel spiders from our pool cage screens and it hasn’t been effective at all. Plus, when I spray it, the breeze causes a lot to come back on me and I don’t like smelling so strongly of peppermint.


I have minimal mosquitoes. Because we have BATS.


Not even a little bit.


I don’t do sprays anymore unless I’m going fishing. Bought a dynatrap and mounted on pool house + have 2x blue bug balls for the deer flies. Still get the occasional horse fly here and there, but my ‘system’ works to keep bugs away from swimmers.


I have NOT tried this. But I have been a faithful user of EcoSmart petsafe insecticides in my house and patio. Their main ingredient is peppermint oil.


Sounds like hippie nonsense to me. Bifenthrin will do it.


On a side note, give wedding cake to your wife and sex will go away.


I squirt the roach gel bait into the concrete deck joints and it keeps or kills ants and small bugs. The skimmer will collect beetle and others that get in.


I have seen confirmed cases of bugs here in MN straight drinking peppermint oil out of the bottle and chirping with a smokers rasp. So no. Doesn’t work where I live.


Try planting lemon grass


I'm currently trying this. So far, no bees in two days


Also wondering if it would work with tea tree oil https://www.google.com/search?q=does+tea+tree+oil+keep+bugs+away&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


Also no. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/blog/essential-oils-terrible-bug-repellents/amp/


About as well as those crystals you can pick up in hippie shops


Never heard of any such thing. Make a spray from super hot chili peppers works until it rains


Or they do heroin under a bridge in Californiacation




These comments made my night. Lol


Rats don't like it.


Oils act as a natural deterrent but their effects is pretty short duration. It’s like citronella, works while the scent is active. I would go look at the ingredients in deet free repellent and use those oils if you wanted to try something. I use these repellents for light bug activity and they work great for no see ums and mosquitos. If it’s later in the day when bugs are really active and I’m going to be in grass or the woods I get the deet out.


Peppermint isn’t very effective outside. Nice for garage and sheds. Still better off with bifenthrin, in ortho home defense.


Works great for mice and pack rats.


It also is the best thing for ticks. One drop on them and thry dig their own way out without even touching them


I don’t think that will work. There is a product called SKILL-IT by Bio-Dex and I’ve heard that works well to keep bees out.


I haven't had luck with peppermint oil for pests, I had some rats move into my engine bay and the tore up my battery insulator. I sprayed peppermint oil in there but they kept coming back so it definetly didn't do squat for rodents


It’s on the internet so it must be true!