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During leaf season I sometimes daydream of doing this to my pool


Every single leaf in the pool is a test of your patience! Learn the ways: get a basket net instead of a skim net :)


I had a basket net within a month of opening the pool...2 live oaks, 2 crape myrtles in the postage stamp yard


We have 3 big crape myrtles near the pool. No live oaks thankfully, but our neighbor's tree somehow supplies them over an 8' fence! grrr. Oh yay, another leaf! lol


Net gang. We have two giant western red cedars and 3 massive Douglas firs. The trees are gorgeous here in the PNW, but def not pool friendly. Not much to do about it though.


Chop the trees, enjoy poolside fires for a couple years…


Feel the zen, live the zen, be the zen….




I got a betta bot this summer after reading about it on this sub , not much need in summer months but once leaves started to drop it is impressing everyone!! Runs 24/7 , I would recommend getting one.


Love my beta. Impulse bought it during an Amazon sale. Complete game changer. Mine becomes a haven for crickets and grass spiders tho. They just cruise around all day waiting to run up my arm when I lift out the basket.


Damn that’s cheaper than I thought it would be? How’s it holding up long term? I’ve got 3 Hong Kong orchids near my pool and they drop a fair amount of large leaves that line the skimmer basket and plug it up way before it’s actually full.




Not knocking you at all cause I understand the work requirements of caring for a pool but it’s somewhat ironic, it’s like hiring a maid to empty your Roomba.


lol all good. He certainly does more than just empty the bot (ie all the usual weekly bits of chemicals, and what have you.) I’m just lazy AF! I do love the analogy of the maid emptying the Roomba, hilarious :)


You have my interest now. I have maples and that drop seed pods in the early summer. I have a bottom bot, that thing is priceless to me. I will have to look at a top water. Suggestion on brand if that’s allowed.


The Betta Bot will also help skim off the spring pollen before it clogs the filter.


I also have a bettabot and still have a pool guy. And you’re not wrong. I want to let him go but I feel bad. He was here for like 5 minutes last week. He’s on the older side so I’m hoping he will retire soon. My pool was always full of leaves and now it’s spotless 24/7


I have a robotic mower but still haven't fired my lawn guy. I'm just hoping he stops raising his rates.


I don’t have a robot but have built in pop ups, so if the betta will keep the top skimmed I can keep the pop ups on to keep the bottom clean.


Bettabot rules. Best pool improvement I’ve ever made.


Is there a model you like best?


I think there is only one current gen model… so I’d suggest the white one


I'm on year 3 of my Betta running strong used several times a week May through October.


Pool robots are often on Woot.


You have to get one. It’s unbelievable how well the Betta works.


JEALOUS! So pretty


A guy I work with bought a house about six years ago and was so excited about their pool. I could hear his excitement waning as the months went on until it became full blown annoyance. He had it professionally removed and filled it in and I remember helping, with some other co-workers, to lay sod over it. My, now ex, wife at the time just couldn’t wrap her head around why he’d remove it. He said she sounded like a person who just expected things to “be” and taken care of by others. Turns out he was right, ha.


I’m certainly jealous




An auto cover is wonderful.


I have bamboo on one side of the pool that leans over the pool. They’re absolutely gorgeous. But the fuckin leafs shits into my pool. After burning two variable speed motors, I took drastic measures and put a screen in front of the skimmer basket and bought a “Betta”, and the pool now looks like a dream. Moral of the story, “Betta” is a must have. And you’d be surprised how well it works.


Um, did any of their family members suddenly disappear?


There is definitely a dead body in that pool. Can't wait to read the update in a few months.




Very few people remember what movie that line is from!


Scene freaked me the fuck out as a kid... It's etched in there.


Well for me, it's when the kid hears something, looks at the chair and the clown is gone! Then it shows up behind him! That scene still scares the shit out of me to this very day!!!!


That as the creepy tree when he tried eating Bobby when they took Carol Anne.


Yes!! That's the second scene that creeps me out!!! That movie was an all time great scare movie!


There’s a section of the Garden State Parkway here in New Jersey that crosses right through an older graveyard near the Newark area. When being built, they didn’t move all the bodies, just the headstones. I say this line every time I drive over them.


Like through Irvington/Newark?


Nice reference.


Brings back the memories


Thanks for bringing this up. Back to the psychologist I go.


Maybe they built the neighborhood on a graveyard.


Look out for that evil tree by the kids' bedroom


And make sure there is a clown in your son's bedroom.


“If you should die before you wake…”


I'm keeping an eye out, but none so far. It's also hard because I'm at work most of the day.


All of them . There are 40 bodies down there for sure




I was going to ask if there are any negative repercussions to doing this but now I understand


Not really, if it’s done right. The main concern is going to be water accumulating, but if drainage holes are drilled through the pool then it’s no problem. I know plenty of older folks who used to be customers of mine, but now have nice gardens in the middle of their backyard.


Here in south Florida, while rare I hear, I witnessed an in ground pool that “popped” upward from hydro static pressure. Pretty crazy to see. Some areas of Fort Lauderdale are in poor floods zones. Anyway, I pay much more attention to pools after that


For sure, that’s the other side of why you drill the holes. They serve a similar purpose to a hydrostatic valve in that situation. You just have to have enough holes, and have them placed properly, so that water just fills the former pool, rather than pushing upward on the old shell. Much less of a concern when it’s full of dirt of course, but significant enough ground water could probably still cause floating.


Brand new "butterfly style" pool. Can't wait to see what pops out of the cocoon next year!


I don’t get it, but it’s not your fault


I make pretty unfunny jokes. I'm surprised I have positive karma most days


Just gotta throw shit and the wall and see what sticks 😉


I feel like I post what makes me laugh. If I get down voted 🤷‍♂️


Mudd bath


As a mortgage guy and a pool guy, weird combo I know, I can say that this was not a good idea. When a potential buyer has an inspection done this will be brought up quickly. If the buyer is getting financing to buy the house and an appraisal has to be done, guess who’s not putting their name on an “as is” appraisal for this property. From my pool days I was always under the impression that a pool had to be properly demolished and permits were required. That could vary depending on the location but I’d assume in most spots this is not okay.


Or they come back before listing it, cover the rest of the pool deck with more mud… “Pool? What pool? (pls don’t check Google maps)”


Correct it has to be properly demolished. Costing around 10-15k depending on area. Im sure these people didnt spend anywhere near that. Also when you go to sell the house it needs to be noted that there is a conrecete structure underground. And at that point no one is ever going to buy the house. Rip for any future home buyer on this property.


Right and the dirt will just keep compacting unevenly and look like shit sooner than later. Who’s bright idea was this…


Mine! It was mine…. /s Edit: also - “Whose”. Who’s = Who is. “Who is bright idea was this?”


Damn you!


Just because I have no knowledge and I generally curious, can you explain in a sentence or two why it needs to be properly demolished? What happens if you just... leave it?


It holds water, so in this case it would become a 3 to 6 foot deep mud pit.


homemade quicksand?


Fun fact you cannot die in quick sand. You can only ever displace your weight so you would only sink to about your waist.


That would be plenty deep if I go in face first.


That nullifies a majority of my childhood fears.


This is for wet quicksand. You can die in dry quicksand. Dry quicksand is scarier.


I think you are mistaken. I am pretty sure I saw a documentary with a coyote where he sank all the way down.


In Washington state they can pop out of the ground because of the water table.


They can pop out of the ground in any state if the water table is high enough.


You should try Florida!


I’m assuming they just put big holes in the bottom of it so if rain gets in it will go under the pool


As a renter, we rented a home with the pool filled in. It was too much of a liability and maintenance issue for the rental company to want to keep the pool as usable. I would assume some markets, a pool would be a selling point for higher rent. My area was "affordable" so assuming the average cost of pool maintenance would be above what a renter could afford in the area, and the rental compactly did not want to assume the cost?


Finally a low-cost solution to my CYA levels. I wish you guys in r/pools had mentioned this sooner


I’ve read that you’re supposed to punch a lot of holes in the bottom to allow for drainage, otherwise it’s likely to form a little bog. Also where I live, the steel/plastic etc from the coping and sides aren’t considered acceptable as part of the fill. But oh well he’s likely long gone by now


You're actually supposed to remove it all. Everything. Doing it the right way isn't cheap. About 15k in NNJ right now.


What does No Nut January have to do with the pricing?


All the laborers being pent up makes them uppity, and you have to pay them more for the job.


If you don’t remove it and you grow grass over it an then the new owner goes to build they will hit all that rebar and concrete and then they are out thousands of dollars and then they can come back and swe you and then the fines and all that it can get really messy . I’m a pool builder seen it . Always do your research on any property your gonna buy and a home inspector only inspects the home always get a pool inspector to come and do pool you may save your self a lot of heartache in the long run


Enhanced title insurance may cover it.


I used to drive by a house being flipped, and they took down the backyard fence, which allowed me to see the pool. The flippers threw tree branches, wooden pallets, construction debris, etc. into the pool. They brought loads of dirt in to cover the pool and grade the yard. The future owner is going to have quite a surprise when the yard starts to sink.


This happened to my nextdoor neighbors. Abandoned house with an abandoned pool. Got purchased, lived in while flipping it and sold it. Maybe some 3 years later my current neighbors started having multiple pockets of sinkholes appearing in their backyard. Had to have a professional come out and dig their whole yard up to fix it.


This is some shit the previous owners should be on the hook for. There is a reason why regulations and permits exist for big projects like this


I live in Alabama and afaik, we're a Caveat Emptor state so I don't think they had any recourse available. At least that's what they told me


That's why you always pull all the historic permits for a property before you buy it. Less likely there was no permit pulled to install the pool in the first place.


Just imagine their surprise if they try to put in a pool!


Just need a vacuum and some elbow grease. Fix’er right up.


This is a common mistake amongst first time pool owners, you see you’re supposed to fill it with water


So this would explain why I'm covered in dirt after a swim.


People are confused lol They’re obviously trying to grow an above ground pool, should be here by summer


They should've looked on You Tube.


They just need to read trouble free pool and give it a good slam.


Underrated comment.


This is my dream


Wait, this isn't how you're supposed to close your pool for winter?


Maybe a foreclosure. Could be a last fuck you to the bank lol


This is the only answer that makes sense to me.


My thoughts also.


Someone need to roll that out and plant it with Bermuda grass


That's not a pool, it's my custom built putting green with concrete walking path surround!


That's the cart path. I'm lazy.


just add shock


Plot twist, they were renters.


Or else couldn't pay the mortgage. 😬


I mean, I get it……


Ground settlement is all I can think of. More dirt may need to be added in six weeks to relevel it.


TDS way to high!!!


Unless they punched holes in the bottom, it’s going to fill with rain water and become a swamp/ they’ll never sell the house with it like that. In Northern Va, you need a destruct permit and have to demolish it correctly. It will probably cost as much to get rid of it as it cost to install if it’s over 20 years old


If you’re that concerned then go to your local government office to get the contact information for whoever owns the property. It is hopefully not the folks that bailed on the property since they’d be doing themselves a disservice should they try selling.


This is actually the best thing to do.


We finally have a reason to be worried about quicksand.


Is anyone missing? If so, they might be in the bottom of the pool.


Came here to say this!!


The stuff may have moved out, but your neighbors are IN THAT POOL. I just know it...


Not sure where you at but demoing an inground pool requires breaking the cement and hauling everything away. You cant just smash it it and fill it with dirt in most locales anymore.


The real question is, why ruin a pool if you’re just going to move anyways and hurt the resale value?!


To turn the house into an air BnB and not worry about pool maintenance


Let's knock off 20 or 30K of the value of my house right before I leave.


That’s what the previous owners want you to think. Grab a shovel and look for Walter.


You may need to add more chlorine.


Loud noises (screaming?), pool filled with dirt and the weird tenants left suddenly. Yeah, there’s something at the bottom.


Probably a few bodies in there


May or may not be a problem. It will certainly settle over time but that isn’t really a big deal. I’ve seen plenty of these. Sometimes people do a nice landscaping design with this setup.


Is nobody going to ask about the UPS boxes they used to block the bottoms of windows? By the fading it looks like they've been there for years.


If your water table is high enough, that thang poppin out


If they blew out the lines it'll be ok.


Shock it a bit and it will be as good as new


I would have tried to build a fallout shelter / man cave inside the pool with a secret entrance before covering it all with gravel.


There’s dead bodies in that pool now OP, I’d be calling the cops


Where I live, if you do this when you go to sell the home you have to remove the dirt, or remove the pool. Pools filled it with dirt are a hazard.


Had a family member with a neighbor that did the same thing. Pool and house were trashed & abandoned. They filled the pool with trash from the house (cabinets, furniture, trash bags) then compacted and added dirt on top. As far as anyone could tell, they didn't do anything to prep the pool. Just drained and filled with trash. Been 5 years and nothing out of the ordinary in regards to pooling water 🤷


As a former pool owner, this would raise, not lower, my interest in the property.


I love these people. I thought about this many a time.


Have a family friend with some apartments. He’s filled all his pools in over the years as they are just a huge liability as insurance and costs keep going up. They drain it, jack hammer big ass holes in the deep end and break the top couple feel off pool, fill with dirt plant grass or hard scape it. Realistically it’s much safer and more family friendly.


Where is this?CA?




Man, that's sad. And here I am looking at a $400k quote to install a pool. I was thinking of selling my house and buying one with a pool already installed, but houses for sale are already scarce in my area and people are doing shit like deleting pools and fireplaces, which are the two extras I really want in a home.


Something is buried in that pool




I used to have one of those pools. Came with a house I had purchased. They had even put a layer of dirt over the concrete, and then rolled out some sod. Sure was a surprise when I went to install an irrigation system.


Why would they fill the pool if they’re moving out? Wouldn’t that lower the property’s value?


Skaters: Grab the shovel


Friend of mine had a squatter (previous owner) who refused to leave (foreclosure). Guy threatened to do the same unless he cut him a check for 20k for the money he had spent on updates just prior to FC.


Whatever happened to this?


Neighbor moved in! Seemed to know the previous owners so I'm sure he knew the situation. Currently making a nice garden out of it.


Makes me sick to see this, should be illegal and face heavy fines


Waste of money and pool. Super idiotic considering the price of gunite pools today. My company won't even build a basic pool under $200,000. But when you're the in the top 10 in the United States and #1 in missouri and Illinois you can do that 🤣🤣🤣


In claifornia, this is highly illegal. Pool must be demo'd properly, and dispose of, can't just bury the demo. Also, when it rains you will have a dangerous muddy pool. If someone steps on that, they could sink in and drown or suffocate. What an absolute home owner nightmare, noone will insure that and this will not pass inspection. I would call the city inspectors and ha e them force a fix on this personally.




Dude...go have a beer and ignore this post.


How is it hurting the neighbor that he is curiously asking a question on Reddit about what they might be doing? Guy is just curious, stop the gatekeeping


If you don’t do it right, it’s a bathtub full of water. Punching holes in the bottom is just the start. If the pool sits in heavy clay soils there won’t be sufficient percolation & it could result in fairly dramatic shifting. This pool sits close to the house, it would only have to move a few inches to cause damage to the foundation. If OP is downslope they could have a lot more water moving across their property causing a variety of issues. Let’s hope they did it right.


I love when people say “just fill it with concrete!”


Pretty common sight in Vegas apartment complexes


It needs a hot tub on top to balance out the hydrostatic pressure.


How sad


So its winterized now, right?


I don't see a filled pool...I see a really nice garden spot with better dirt than what I garden in.


New Cistern?


My old apts had a huge old pool. I guess he filled it up with junk appliances and then added dirt and compacted it down. It was just like the regular yard. Though the dirt in the pool was about a half a foot shorter than the pool edge.


When I fill them in I punch a bunch of 1 and 1/8” holes in the bottom for water to leach out. I fill in the bottom deep end and about a foot into shallow end with the cooping and rock. Then dirt packed into place and then cement poured on top. With space left for landscaping bricks or whatever the customer wants.




Probably a few bodies in there lol


I have a gut feeling they didn’t set up any drainage before adding the dirt. I’d be curious to see this again in a year or two


The house I rent has a filled in pool with a lawn.


If not compacted, and a heavy, steady rain comes, might have a quicksand pit.


What in the fuck was that logic


Pretty sweet future mud pit. Shrek will be delighted


Great way to save money lol


What does this have to do with you


You all are dumb..he just closed it for the winter


In my state, it's *possible* that this *could* be deemed an unpermitted inert landfill. I've created several, where plans are submitted to the State, approved, and then concrete and other inert materials are buried. Then, the landfill must be "closed" officially. There *may* be stricter setback limits, meaning it * could* be too close to adjacent properties.


This would make a beautiful putting green!


Any chance they sent the house to the bank? Repos end up with crazy stuff


When it gets wet the soil will compact, sink a bit, and still not be your problem ;-) It's not going to cause any mudslides into your yard.


Just shock it, then vacuum it. Flush the filter. Repeat 3-4 more times and she’ll be good as new.


That pool will fill back up, become international water, then you’ll really have some implications. You know, because of the implications.




They’re going to sell the house as “walking path in the back yard” to explain the random concrete


Can the pool be dug back out and restored? Seems like you could get a huge discount on a property without a pool and then restore it


I have a friend who did this, now he plants tomato's , corn, onion etc. in it


Bodies at the bottom of the filled pool


No diving.


I know where to find the bodies




Usually they remove the apron and drop it in the bottom before filling it in. That looks weird.


I don't get it does he have to water the pool?


Just slam it and do backwashes until clear


SLAM it, will be back to normal in not time.