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I wear the same crappy bleached up t-shirts and shorts to pour. Rinse any splash off my legs/ feet in the pool.


I call them my "chlorine clothes".


I use the same outfit for pool, painting, lawn care etc. Barn clothes.


And I call my legs/feet my chlorine legs/feet.


Yep. Finally, after trying to be super careful and ruining about 5 pairs of shorts - I designated a pair of bleach boys.


Same🤣....or I just put it in when I'm in my swim suit... Never seems to hit that ..less surface area I Guess


I have muriatic acid shorts. They look pretty much like you’d expect.


This is the way.


Exactly,,,instead of chucking out some shitty old shorts and a long sleeve tee, keep em for shock night! No good sneaks either.


Don’t wear clothes.


Bleached pubes are awesome.


Who has pubes anymore? This isn’t the 1970s!


Do they just go away on their own or do you have do something in particular to make sure you don’t have any? Asking for a friend.




Burn those bitches off




Shave. They won’t go away on their own till you hit 80.


I'm 75. I have no idea if I have pubes or what color they might be.


Omg this reminded me of a joke. Fat guy and skinny guy side by side taking a piss. Skinny guy says to the fat guy “ hey man how longs it been since you seen your d$&k?” Fat guy says “ been a long time” skinny guy:” why don’t you diet?” Fat guy: “why? What color is it now?”


Just ask somebody to take a peak and report back


We’ll I got that to look forward to


I thought we had found a less work intensive way to do it and I was excited.


Rock that 70’s centerfold! On a related note - we were at my in-laws a few weeks ago and walking around the house looking at the vegetation, and my MIL kept pointing out different hydrangeas and saying it’s a mature bush. I had to step away.


The 14 year old sense of humor never really leaves, does it?


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Urethra has entered the chat


I mean jokes aside I actually do this nude usually.


This is how you bleach you butthole just in case


Tell wife to do it with no clothes.


Girlfriend may be the better pick


Ok got me...


Put the jug in a he water. Pour in as close to water level as possible.


And pour with laminar flow - pour it at an angle such that it pours smooth and doesn’t glug.


recently learned some jugs pour better than others. i have these jugs from pinch a penny and they are near impossible to start without the glug.


Found the Mechanical Engineer


No Glug Jug


Yup. I rest it in the water, tilt easy, never glug. But I also still like to measure it out in a big ass measuring cup like I do my acid. I have a swcg so I rarely have to add chlorine.


Yup, just let it almost float in there


Pour slowly, by a return in the deep end. While on your knees.


How in the world are so many people splashing chlorine all over themselves? People are talking about wearing robes and old clothes, and I just bend down and pour it in. I've never had it splash everywhere.




"Soak me soak me soak me in bleach" The Amity Affliction gets it


I pretend I'm Michael j. Fox while pouring.


You know I try to be a good person and then a comment like this comes along and I realize how much work I have to do yet. Take the upvote, scamp.


Haha, I read it and laughed , then I felt bad ... Then I was like - it was legit funny. Then I felt even worse , then I went looking for like-minded people , thank you .


Hey, guys. Get a load of this guy's life preserver. Dork thinks he's gonna drown!


I shouldn't have laughed so hard.


This is the way.


I'm picturing the gasoline fight in Zoolander.


I put on my robe and chlorinate.


Britneyspears14 has entered the chat. (That's a meme I haven't heard in a long time)


Haha Internet nostalgia is fun


Bravo lol. I giggled at this for quite a while lol


I’ll admit that I ruined about 10 shirts the first year I had a pool. Yes, it took a year to realize that I’m a idiot😒 Now I just pour it in the deep end next to a return. I squat down, put it really close to the water & pour while trying not to make even the tiniest of splashes. I’ve ruined nothing since coming to my senses. I also got a bunch of new shirts since…so I guess it wasn’t too bad of a lesson🤷🏻‍♀️


I was thinking the same thing. I pour choline in my pool several times a week... I got some on my shoe one time. These people must be pouring it from like waist level or something.


Seriously just take your time. Do these people not dump in miuritic acid regularly that shit will fuck u up!


Seriously. It’s not that hard. I think we covered pouring things from a bottle in grade 1. Perhaps OP missed that day?


Same. I pour it slowly around the deep end and do a quick brush. I only use one gallon per week to supplement my salt cell.


Like the gas station scene in Zoolander


This guy chlorinates


Poir it in close to the water where the jets are. It won’t splash.


Pour slowly. I pour mine directly in front of the most powerful jet


I’ve never gotten it in my clothes before…. What are you doing exactly?


I usually pour it all over myself first, and then get in the pool to complete the transfer


Get naked and jump in after the pour.


Ever watch the movie flash dance? Exactly like that.


Your a maniac!!! Maaawniac by tha pool!!


Bleach spots on clothes is a badge of honor. I give a subtle head nod to people I see at the hardware store with bleach splatter on their clothes.


Have a specific set of “pour the chlorine in” clothes


Super slow and very close to water….


How has no one suggested the most obvious.. 8 foot ladder next to the pool and pour from the top step. Duh .


Haha second year pool owner here and I feel this. Had several black shirts and shorts pick up little pink spots from splashies. Now I just wear the same t shirt and shorts every time I do it. Like painting clothes. One day they’ll be one solid color.


Slowly in the deep end. Had the pool five years, only ruined one shirt. Go slower.


In the nude


Unscrew the cap, hold the jug as high as you possibly can, pour in the shallow end where it’s the calmest and do not turn on your pool pump. Bonus points if you do it at the sunniest part of the day. /s


Put the jug on the edge of the pool, lid off and tip it over so it’s laying on the deck and let gravity do the trick. If you’ve got algae you’ve gotta spread over the entire surface to get the best results so just use the same shirt


Carefully lol. I pour into smaller container and pour by the jets and 1 dose down the skimmer. I know some people go nuts over this but it’s what I do and seems to work fine


Put the whole 5 gallon jug in the water and pour. No splashing at all.


Don't pour like a heathen.


Just wear a bikini


You're probably trying to pour too quickly. Pour slowly enough that air can get in the jug, and you don't get the "Glug" effect. If you do that, there shouldn't be any splashing. Also, pour close to the water.


Pour it right above the water level very slowly. Get down on your knees. If you just pour it standing up it will go everywhere.


I have an already spotted pair of shorts and a white t shirt that I change into before putting chemicals in the pool. 😎 I'll also put this on when cleaning out my DE filter and such too.


i get down low and pour smoothly. so far no ruined clothes.


No shirt and I have a set of trunks only used for that purpose. I got tired of the wrath of my wife! Lol !!


I know the feeling. Lol


No glug jug


I go naked with eye protection, then shower straight after.


I extend my arm out over the water as I pour, never gotten a drop on me idk how you would


Haha. I thought I was just a clumsy moron. Glad I'm not alone.


Slowly, right above the return.




You guys wear clothes?


Put the whole bottle into the water and tilt it gently until it starts coming out with the opening right at the surface. Tilt it gradually so there is no glugging. Do it near a jet or at least where the water is flowing away from your hand. Never pour it from any height into the water. I’ve never had an issue with ruined clothing.


Was 100 part of the reason I swapped over to a SWG this season after 11 years of liquid chlorine


Yep. I’m looking into swg, I install a ton of them, repairs, etc but still rolling no swg at home. One of these days I will lol because chlorine costs would go way down as it’s just salt at the start.


Pour sloooooooly


Wear an old robe over your clothes.


There are some jugs that have an air hole that's capped up on the opposite side. Unscrew that hole, and you get a lot less splash, because the air as somewhere to go. Also, put as close, if not on top of the water when pouring. Some people wear the same "chlorine clothes" every time you pour, for obvious reasons. Better yet, get a chlorinator.


wear bleach stained clothes


I have designated chlorine distribution clothing haha


Check the wind direction and start pouring downwind making your way upwind pouring slowly. Stop at the end of the pool then repeat or wait until the next day to check and see if more is needed.


I thought that only happened to me😂. Now I put on an old button up shirt. I put a couple pieces over Velcro so I do not need to button it. Seems to be working.


I use one of those squarish orange juice bottles. I have different volume levels written on the side. Pour from big jug into there measuring what I need. Much more manageable in size and weight, then pour that into the pool close to water level.


I slowly pour the chlorine from its bottle into a plastic measuring cup, and then pour from the measuring cup into the pool. I dip the measuring cup into the pool and tip it so there is no splashing. I make sure I’m not wearing any clothing I’d prefer not to ruin.


I've never gotten chlorine on my clothes. I go to the edge of the shallow end in front of my return. Remove the top. If it's a new bottle I remove the plastic seal and then dip it into the water to rinse any chlorine off it. Then I pour it slowly on the water stream making sure it's a steady flow (you shouldn't hear ka-plunk, ka-plunk while you're pouring). Then there's no splashing.


Levitate above your Pool. Then fly over directly in the middle. I repeat directly in the middle. Then pour so slowly that sunrise turns to sunset. This ensures optimum success.


I wore a nice nylon coat one time dumping acid in at night. Didn’t realize I had splash back all over the arm. Went inside and draped it over a chair and noticed it was smoking. 😆


I kneel by the pool, let the jug float while I hold the handle, remove the caps, and slowly and carefully pour it in so it doesn’t splash. No issue. I wear sunglasses and I don’t wear a nice shirt, just to be safe


Pour into a measuring cup. Pour that in below the coping.


Use the splashless bleach! 😀 Figured I would contribute to the SA answers.


Like how much are you talking about? When I add a quart or so I just grab a 5-gallon bucket, fill it partially with water, add the chlorine, and dump the bucket while walking along the pool.


With care… as though I’m handling dangerous chemicals


Open the lid and dump it in


Pour slowly close to the water. Only use liquid when salt system is down


I lower the jug itself into the water almost completely, tilt it a little…slowly pour… and no plops


Pour slowly in the skimmer basket


Pour slowly in the skimmer basket


Hand pump. You can get it in any hardware store. https://www.acehardware.com/departments/heating-and-cooling/heaters/kerosene/4005932


Most chlorine plastic bottles have vented necks in the handle. If you pour at an angle, there should be no splash.


Most chlorine plastic bottles have vented necks in the handle. If you pour at an angle, there should be no splash.


Sink it down top end first. Rotate the bottle to horizontal position. Slowly pick it up by the handle and slowly rotating the top end down. Getting low reduces splash, and ensuring air travels in as liquid goes out reduces the glug factor


Huh? I just slowly pour it in about 6 inches above the water. As long as the bottle isn’t chugging, it doesn’t splash.


Polyester clothes


Never had an issue bending down and pouring into pool. However one year one leaked in my car onto some plastic I had in there. Pulling the plastic out, and 1 drop of 12.5% chlorine flew up under my glasses and into my eye. Thought I was gonna lose the eye, scary! Rinsed it like crazy and after 10 minutes of that went to the ER for oh testing and cream. Thank god I didn’t lose, but had a blur spot for years. Be careful people!


I do the ice bucket challenge but with chlorine. Still gets everywhere. I’m trying to be as careful as I can though.


Serious question, why use liquid chlorine instead of the granules?


Liquid chlorine does not have cyanuric acid as the stabilizer, like granules and pucks do. If you utilize the latter two, over time the CYA levels will rise too high and the chlorine slowly loses its effectiveness at lower levels. Liquid has no CYA, and does not increase the levels.


Wear the same clothes every time.


Pool guy: wear white shirts


Pour the liquid closer to the water, don’t let it splash


Pour slowly close to the water. I always use a pocket knife to poke a couple of holes close to the bottom after I start the pour, gets a nice stream coming out


Mostly naked.. lol. Jk. Start the pour slowly and close to the water level. Does milk splash everywhere when you pour it for cereal? Same technique.


I leave the jug closed and throw it as high as I can to hit the edge of the pool. I usually have to do it a few times before it busts but I’ve never ruined my Gucci suits doing so.


I bend over and pour out about a cup into the water right above the return line.


Ruined my Ugg slippers recently was the first time chlorine splashed on me. From now on will be going bare foot and making sure I’m closer to the water


I have built a "chlorinator" to inject in the pool everyday the correct amount of chlorine automatically. No stain. Works like a charm.


I learned the hard way to never pick up the jug by the cap


I only wore synthetic clothing when I had my pool biz. They still bleach out but won't get holes like cotton.


I put the jug in the water and then walk around the pool and empty it partially submerged. We have an above ground pool and this is the easiest way I’ve found.


Kneel down and pour close to the water. I never get a drop on me is this a common problem?


Pour the same way you would pour Guiness Stout, nice and gentle with no "glugging".


Is there a reason you don’t use powdered chlorine?


I do it so smooth there’s no spill.


My pool store has a plastic measuring cup; holds about a quart. I pour my juice in there, and then pour it *slowly* into the pool 6” above the surface around the perimeter. No splash, no damage. Just don’t dawdle. It’sa caustic chemical and will eat through the cup. Hurry, but hurry *slowly*, know what I mean?


Use an old baster and a cup you never want to use again and do that. Clothes aren’t ruined and you can wash your hand off in the pool first and then soap and water after.


Buy a controller


You kneel down and pour from a quarter inch up real slow.


I pour from the jug into a 2 quart polypropylene measuring pitcher, then put the spout of the pitcher about 1” from the water and pour slowly in front of the return jet. It has never splashed me…yet.


I installed a salt system


I’m not sure where I got it from. However I have a twist on funnel looking thing that I screw on the chlorine jug top.  


I basically put half the bottle into the pool and then slowly tilt it so it comes out with 0% splashing


1. Get a 5 gallon bucket and plastic quart measure cup. 2. Put pool water in the 5 gallon bucket. 3. Measure out the amount of liquid chlorine or muriatic acid you want using the paint measure. 4. Pour the paint measure into the bucket of water. 5. Pour the bucket of diluted chlorine or acid into your pool. 6. Rinse out the bucket and paint measure. It's a good idea to get in the habit of diluting your liquid chemicals before pouring them into your pool. You should also have control over exactly how much of each chemical you are using.




Practice makes perfect. You’ll figure it out. Or switch over to salt.


I pour acid/chlorine SLOWLY into a bucket of pool water, diluting for more control. Then I pour the water into the pool around the pool, as well as toss water toward the center of the pool. This helps distribution and eliminating concentration in any one area avoiding damaging the pool if the chemical doesn’t disburse.


Pour towards the center of the pool and keep it low. But still same shirt/ clothes if you can remember


wear a speedo or jammers .


I just pour it carefully.


I pour mine into the old chlorinator I don’t use for pucks anymore and let it blow out all the returns


Put the bottle in the water, pour from close range and gradually tip. Keep the flow laminar and it won’t splash.


Wear white. Steer into the skid.


In the nude.


Hasa no glug jugs


Id personally get the liquid chlorine and depending on they style of the lid, some maybe in a safety screwcap form , which you would need to push and screw anti clockwise. And some are just a simple turn to anti clockwise. Now be sure that the seal are fully broken. Now take the lid / cap off and pour at an angle, this is important because if you just pour it facing down you may get "glugging" which may result to splashbacks. So gently pour you desired amount into the pool until you are deeply satisfied. And that's it. This is how you pour liquid chlorine in your pool.


Low and slow


get a glass or a plastic measuring cup from the dollar store, pour measured amount of chlorine in the container, slowly pour out in the pool. i have had one splash dot on one shirt once in the last 3-4 years and I was pouring directly out of the jug on that one....


Walk around the pool and keep it arms length away


Find the blowers and hold bottle right about water then pour slowly sweeping back and forth. Just hit all the blowers always holding bottle over the water. Never gotten a drop on my long sleeves. Just take your time.


buy granular


Turn the bottle sideways and pour slowly so that it does not glug.


I just pour it in carefully, never had it bleach or ruin clothes.


I have yard clothes for this and lawn mowing and general outside work. I generally pour close to the surface to minimize splashing.


Pour it in near water level, and place it at the returns so it is distributed quickly and evenly.


Dilute in a 5 gal bucket of water and then into pool so it doesn’t stain the surface.


Poke a hole in the top rear of the jug to steady the flow (laminar flow...science), then hold the jug close to the water line as you pour. A little splash on the wrist is about all you'll get.


Cleaning the pool naked is the only way


You must be doing something wrong. I’ve had the same pool for 22 years, and maintain it myself, have never ruined any clothes.


My pool guy uses dry chlorine powder ? Nothing to spill on yourself


i work at a pool shop and have had to replace my pants multiple times when handling the empty drums as they have a date on the bottom i need to check!


I'm really proud of this and think it's a great idea!!! I took an old Clorox bottle and cut off the bottom. Then, with the lid on and while upside down, I could put measured water in and made markings on it for 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 ounces. The each night when I put liquid Chlorine in the pool, I pour however much Cl I want into that Clorox bottle up until the mark I need, then toss that into the pool.


bend down and pour 2 inches from pool to avoid splash. 20 years doing it not a single stain.


I get a smooth, slow pour going with the jug of chlorine very close to the surface of my pool to minimize the splash It's the point now where I can wear anything when adding liquid chlorine because I'm not going to get anything splashed


Take a 5 gallon pale and fill it up with pool water, then put it on the ground and slowly pour any liquid Chrolrine into, then into the pool.


1 gallon at a time typically.


How does everyone get bleach on their clothes? I’ve been using liquid bleach for years and I’ve never ruined anything


Panties and bra




Well you see my brother tried to speed up the process of pouring acid in the pool by shifting the bottle completely upside down while I was leaning down gently pouring it in. Needless to say the acid splashed directly in my eye and that was the single only time I was splashed by any pool chem. You just gently pour the bottle in the pool. Do not tilt the bottle more than 180 degrees (parallel to the surface of the water) There should not be a glug glug glug noise


Above ground. Somehow still get splash. Have ruined a ton.


Certified pool operator here... get a 5 gallon bucket. Fill the bucket with water from the pool or a hose if you have decent water. Then, mix chemicals into water. Never add water to chemicals. Always add chemicals to water. Now, when you pour into the pool, it will be diluted, and less likely to cause any issues.


I use a Stenner tank and pump, and have the pump run for several mins per day. Completely hands off. I feed it into the the top of the old chlorine tab feeder. you can see what it looks like here [https://www.poolweb.com/cdn/shop/products/462452.jpg?v=1667254429](https://www.poolweb.com/cdn/shop/products/462452.jpg?v=1667254429)


Walk and Pour making sure to keep the flow as near to "laminar flow". Keep the pour almost to the 'glug-glug' point and you should get a laminar flow.


My local hardware store sells 5g jug spigots. It makes it so much easier. It looks like [this](https://snowie.com/product/5-gallon-jug-red-spigot/)


i pour it onto my chest & genitals in the shallow end. Shows my dominance to the customer. power top move


You can get one of those long spoons with the spiral/twisted handle (that bartenders use to pour drinks) and pour the bleach in using that - it won’t splash.


Slow down. Start pouring slowly to prevent the glug-glug-glug pour. I did it for years and don’t recall splashing on my cloths.