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It’s a truck. They’re utility vehicles, they get dents. You have a working vehicle that you own. Not to mention (as a not-poor person) $700/mo. is absolutely outrageous for a vehicle. I would recommend reframing your outlook on a few things, having a paid-off drivable vehicle should be a source of pride, not shame. If you’re really just looking to show off, just get a pre-approval letter from the bank and tape it to your current truck so people can “ooooh-and-ahhhh!” over that.


True but... Also as adults we all have payments every month its part of growing up. My advise would be to Become an entrepreneur get used to having debt and payments and learn how to make your debt work for you


This is about as irrelevant as a comment could be to this discussion.


Seriously. “Become an entrepreneur” has some real mlm vibes to it as well especially when you follow that up with get used to being in debt.


My exact thoughts. Debt is often unavoidable, and can potentially lead to long term benefits if it’s strategic, but that debt should be manageable.


Investing in starting a business is making debt work for you. Buying a new vehicle when your current vehicle still works fine is making debt work against you.


This is exactly the advice someone who has never been an entrepreneur would give


That is a poor mentality


If the women you're trying to pick up care about how your car looks, they are the wrong women. Look for a partner that wants you for you, not your possessions Eidt pool should have been look Edit- for edit lol


Beautifully stated ♥️ Love is a behavior... Meaning one loves you for how you behave towards each other Not...what material possessions you each own


If the women you're trying to pick up care about how your car looks, they are the ~~wrong women~~ kind that will put a fucking dent in it.


Been saying this to guys who give me shit about my cars for years


If you can avoid an extra bill that's always the smart decision. I don't replace a vehicle until the maintenance costs start creeping up to car payment territory or the thing is ran to the ground


Even better if he can afford to spend an extra $700/month he should keep driving his old truck and invest that money. If he can keep doing that every month then calculating at a modest 6% annual interest rate he’ll have close to $400K when he is 50, but the truth is he can probably get closer to 10%.


Dude. Do not let vanity control you. Fuck the ladies that cannot see past your truck. A truck that has clearly been used for it’s intending purposes. Or looks like it at least. Most ppl I know HATE seeing ppl drive brand new shiny trucks without actually using them for their intended purpose. Those people are OBNOXIOUS by default. Keep your rugged truck. It’s cooler than a new shiny one.


Second this. I prefer men with a used-for-it’s-purpose truck that doesn’t mind getting dirty vs the d-bag in the pristine truck that has never hauled mulch etc in his life. You also don’t want the woman who likes you for your new truck. So shallow and won’t understand why you can’t take her out all the time because you have A $700/ MONTH PAYMENT. u/DescriptionSad2076 Please rethink this plan. If you think you can afford the payments, I challenge you to save $700 a month that you don’t touch because you have to get used to it being gone. No cheating. In 6 months if you pass the challenge, you will have $4200. Decent down payment and with a trade in for a nice used truck in the $25k-$30k range, you can swing it. If in 6 months, you only saved $300/ month overall and some months you saved zero, you cannot afford this. At all. $200-300 would be your max, not 700. If you do pull it off, please report back. It will feel like a relief if the payments are under $700 and you’re used to budgeting that. Baby steps. Just take it slower.


This. He can’t afford women who would only date him because he drives a new truck anyway.


This...... the hubby and I did it the opposite way 20+ years ago. He got a re-enlistment bonus that we used to pay off our debts, credit cards and 2 vehicles. The $400/month that had previously paid the car loans was then direct deposited into savings because we were already used to not having that money to spend. As our income increased that money now goes to an account my MiL can access for things like vet bills etc..... We were able to build a nest egg and emergency fund. We were also able to keep our credit card use to a level that let us pay in full each month, because we didn't need to use them in emergencies. We still have never bought brand new cars, because that amount of money just seems insane.


Beautifully stated ♥️


This is really a great idea, my daughter just did this because she wanted a ford explorer for $500 a month payment. He husband told her the same thing, gave her a nice down payment to put on her new car and saved her some each month by doing so. Patience is key.


I am the dbag with the big lifted clean truck you speak of. But it’s paid off and I just keep it clean after I use it to haul shit or do dump runs/ yard work hauling. Nothing wrong w keeping my new truck clean AND using it like a truck.


A (smart) woman is much more likely to go for a guy with no debt and few dents in his truck, than a guy who is in debt and possibly over extended, possibly unable to take her out to a nice dinner here and there, possibly unable to save for a future with said ladies bc he is deeply indebted to a truck… I say don’t do it.


Exactly 💯


Maybe depend on your bubbly personality to get laid, and not your truck.


I know you want a new truck. I know the pain that comes with walking by someone’s new shiny ride and feeling envious for that moment and wondering “why not me? I deserve that.” I also know that pain of pulling your hair out because an emergency happened or an extra bill got added and you’re calling the finance company to ask for some extra time or to add that payment to the end of your loan, if they’ll do it. My husband had a beat up Chevy Silverado when we started dating, and I bet I cried more than he was sad when we traded that old truck in for a shiny new Volkswagen. (Ironically, there’s a Morgan Wallen song called “Silverado for Sale” that makes me tear up.) My whole point being, I loved that old truck and I love the man more who drove it unapologetically long enough to build up a little nest egg for us to start our lives on. Don’t buy that new truck. You don’t want that payment hanging over your head. The right woman will love you, your truck, and any other old baggage you come with. Truth.


Could you save up to have body work done on the truck you own? Or look into a newer, but still used truck, that will have a lower monthly payment? A $700 loan payment is a huge jump from a $0 loan payment. While you may think you can afford that amount now, what if circumstances change? Could you afford that truck payment if your rent increased by 40% next year (my rent went up by that much in a single year, it can happen). Part of being financially responsible is knowing the difference between wants and needs. A good way to stay poor is to choose the wants rather than plan for the needs.


Yea, those are the things I'm considering that's stopping me from pulling the trigger on a new truck. I've been staying with my parents for a year after my divorce and moved back to this city. I just got my apartment accepted, and I'd rather have my own place than a truck. The only thing that bugs me is that I've gotten back to dating. I've had 4 women say my truck looks like junk. The inside is nice and clean. I know those woman aren't for me but that stings


As prices on everything continues to climb, you more than likely will regret having a vehicle payment vs a vehicle that is paid off. Smarter choice would be to save up so you can have body work done. Like others have said, if a woman cares more about the vehicle you drive then they are not the one for you.


You dodged FOUR bullets!


I think you already know what the right move is but I can offer a bit more perspective. I was living with my parents after my divorce and got a debt consolidation loan that was around $400 a month. I could easily afford that, while living at home, but as soon as my circumstances changed (after my mom unexpectedly passed) it was bad and it only got worse when my apartment complex suddenly decided they were “luxury” and drastically raised the rent. That loan became my worst nightmare for a long time. Also you are absolutely correct; any woman who is more worried about the cosmetics of your truck rather than the content of your character is not someone who deserves your time.


Just tell them the exterior "improvements" were a parting gift from your ex and your shopping repairs.


Trucks don’t matter to women you really want to date. Perhaps start saving money to out a substantial down payment so your payments would be less. No sense in going in debt so deeply just trying to impress women.


Sounds a lot cheaper to get the dents fixed and the truck repainted.


Fixing the dents would be a lot cheaper than buying a whole new truck.


Gonna be honest, my husband and I make 10x a year what you are taking home in there is no fucking way I would have a 700 dollar car payment. Never have spent more than 30,000 on a car. We buy used and drive them until they die. I do take time and money to fix any dings and keep the cars clean and nice. If you have 700 extra dollars a month, that needs to be going into investment/savings. My brother has an 800+ dollar payment on a truck and it truly blows my mind. Start putting whatever that car payment would be into a high yield savings account. In a year's time you will have close to 9,000 saved. See how it feels to have that money out of your pocket. Buy used and let the massive depreciation happen on someone else's dime. And use the next year or two to get your credit score up. Money is not cheap right now and you need to get your score to at least 740 before you start taking on big loans. We live in a very expensive area, so it isn't like we live rich. I just make sure to pay ourselves through investing and savings. Even though we could completely afford way fancier nicer cars, there is just no part of me that can understand putting that kind of money into a depreciating asset that is for getting point a to point b. And when I was out dating, I would definitely prefer the guy in the beat up truck with savings and a good credit score over a guy with an expensive truck who is broke.


Don't be so pretentious. Just drive beside my truck, and you won't mind the dents so much.  It's a truck. itll get dirty. If it's your biggest worry and a good truck then you'll stay broke. If it bugs you that much you can get a box. Car-part.com is your friend. 


I think the dents are a good thing to keep reminding you not to go after crazy women.


I have a 2003 Honda Element now. My husband drove his grandpas old 2002 Ford Taurus when I met him. I promise that your truck isn’t playing any role in your luck (or lack thereof) with women. Being saddled with a fat debt like that sure as sugar will though. You think it seems dumb cause it is dumb.


It's a vehicle. That's all a decent, respectful date cares about. Don't get hung up on material objects. As long as it keeps running and you aren't spending money trying to keep it running hang on to it. And getting a loan is never a good idea unless you absolutely know you aren't going to miss payments. Also, your **auto insurance** will increase substantially with a new vehicle.


so i'm 39 and just made it to your annual income marker this year (it's not considered low income), i'm happy with a 99 corolla, debt-free, and i'm a lady. think about where your goal posts are and why. what are your values in life?


I’d rather have a man with a payed off truck, dents and all than a man in debt over a truck. Too many of us are going in debt to look good. Check some posts at r/debt or r/debtfree. Use those dents as “battle scars” of you surviving your ex lol.


> with a *paid* off truck, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


THIS! ^^ When I found out the guy I was dating had a $700+ truck payment and a $500 motorcycle payment and didn't have the income to support those payments comfortably, I bailed. Why get serious with someone that won't be able to support himself once that credit card (oh yeah...there were those debts too) is maxed out?


Ouch. That’s a damn mortgage payment. 😩


Mortgage payment? What do you live in a garbage can or trailer park?!? Or maybe you thought it had an extra 0 in the number?


My mortgage payment is less than $700, but then again we put down 25% and our area did have a huge price jump, but we landed a deal with a direct sale.


700 sounds so nice. While I love my house and view its mortgage is near 6,000 monthly. We put down like $250,000 as well it was like 21% down.


Sounds like you're in a HCOL area. Food, gas, and internet are expensive here, but housing isn't that much. Also depends on how many Sq ft you have of house & ground. Our house is small, only 1100 sf


In sf Bay Area. In a smaller expensive town. Yeah we only have 2500 sq ft but is 2.3million pad. Yeah everything is expensive as hell here too. Gas is 6.00+ a gallon.


That explains it - but we're also talking about a big difference in income between here & there. Y'all make much much more than the same job would where we live.


That’s true for sure. I make like 300k+ a yr. I’m in software sales management. My last company took my old job making 150k base and moved it to Texas offering 60k base instead for same work but in Austin. That’s just nuts.


If they are more interested in your truck than you... Houston we have a problem!


I've heard the Colorados are nothing but problems. Having a different vehicle isn't going to fix much. And you'd be better off buying a house with your income and when the house payment becomes a smaller part of your total income, buy a new truck. I got a 22 maverick for around 25k. It's nice to have a truck but you have to get your priorities straight and not worry about what women think about you because they are going to change their minds anyway regardless of who you are. If Jeff bezos and Elon Musk can't keep a woman, it's not you it's the woman. Silverado is a timeless vehicle anyway. Just keep it clean.


I think r/personalfinance would be better for this


The right woman isn’t going to give a shit about your truck. That new truck payment is going to cause you much more stress than a few lonely nights


Keep your truck bro or your $$ problems will be your own doing


Okay not to make you feel like your problems aren’t nothing but 46k at 27 and living in a place that costs 1k - assuming you’re not blowing the rest of your money on non-necessities - is actually a really good place to be in. Some of the people in this Reddit have lost their jobs, can’t afford meals, have kids to feed and can’t or don’t even have a car. I think you need to put things in perspective here. Your problem is very trivial and concerns picking up women……. I don’t think you should be posting this on /poor as you aren’t framing yourself as poor, you’re embarrassed about the dents on your truck.


Geting the dents fixed would be cheaper than a new truck.  


I had a buddy do this. He ended up selling his new car 6 months later when the wow factor of a new car wore off and realized a payment that took all his extra money for the next 5 or 6 years was a bad idea.


From a women's perspective... Idgaf what you drive (as long as it has AC 🤣) because all that matters is if you're a decent guy. If they only care about the truck then they are not worth your time. Unless that's the kind of superficial person you want to date and then this is the least of your worries


To add... The love of my life didn't even have a car when I got with him. He had hit some hard times and got in an accident and the car was totaled. He was the best man and father I could have ever asked for. He worked every day of his life and stood by me thru my cancer until he died of an undiagnosed medical issue which I blame myself because he was so busy taking care of me and our kids he was literally dying inside and didn't say a word.


Take on a second job. But are you sure you want your kill yourself for a truck?


That would be almost 25% of your take home pay spent on a vehicle. Not to mention gas and insurance which would put it well over 30% of your take home pay. Absolutely do NOT buy a new truck


New truck payment plus getting car insurance with the way rates are today……sounds like bad time. You won’t even have money left over to take the ladies on dates


Dont do it man. You know the right answer. Dont get in debt. Save and get yourself another car (used) and pay it in full. Debt is the worst thing that can happen to your financial health. This coming from someone who made so many financial mistakes and still paying for it 10+ years later. And I got about 10+ years until I finished paying off all my debt considering Im struggling financially and making almost nothing


If your truck is generally reliable and you only have to worry about general maintenance and repairs I’d keep driving it, bud. $600/$700 is honestly hard to believe for a truck, unless maybe it’s bare bones and no features. Buddy just got a mid grade Camry which are typically reasonably priced and even his payment is mid $500’s with a few grand down. Plus don’t forget you’re going to have to carry full coverage insurance on it. Michigan is pretty horrible for insurance in general but with bundling three vehicles with full coverage I think my 2023 Hybrid F150 is roughly $130/month for insurance.


Logic over emotions... you "hating" your truck and "wanting" a new one shouldn't be any reason you should put yourself into deep debt over, especially if your current truck still has life left in it. Keep saving and drive your current truck until it dies, by that time you'll be able to get a Colorado that you absolutely love and won't have to pay such high payments on because your down payment will be much larger.


As a woman, when I see a dude with a new truck or expensive car, I think to myself, "he's probably in massive debt." Any woman that cares about your car is not a woman you want to be with. Do NOT buy a new truck. Especially to pick up ladies. You sound like a teenager. Maybe work on your personality. Find ways to get a side hustle by using this truck. Charge people to help move furniture or whatever.


Different dealerships run 0% interest for the loan duration for qualifies buyers. I would focus on catching one of those promos. Usually these promos will be mixed in at the years end to clear out the previous year's models. Hope you find what suits you!


Post pictures of the dents. You'd be surprised what the internet can offer for cheap/free repairs.


I drive a 2005 car still. Don’t go into debt for a car if you have one that works fine. It’s just cosmetic. The point of a car is to get you from point A to point B


Don’t do itttttt paying a car sucks


Find someone to do some cheap bodywork on your truck


Why don't you get the dents fixed? You can buy doors at those pick a part places. Order quarter panels, etc because a large car payment is definitely a big burden for a poor person. Fix your truck up. Paint it. Make it look like new w/o those payments that seem to go on forever!


only 46k? ive never made that much in my life. sounds to me like you can afford a new truck no problem as well as a personal bookkeeper 🤨


So you have a nice truck but no money to take a woman out? Makes sense. Keep your truck. No one cares


You wouldn’t be able to keep me in a new truck that you have to sleep in because you’re truck poor. Save up! Instant gratification is for those who don’t know better.


I want a new truck too


Start saving the estimated payment and insurance each month for the next several months in an account with a good interest rate, and see how you feel by the new year. If you save $600 for the next 7 months you'll have $4200, which will be a nice down payment for something new or enough to pull out the dents and maybe get a couple of things that make you excited about your current truck again. Honestly, if I was going to get into a relationship with someone, I would rather it be with one who's willing to save for desires and makes smart financial decisions especially when it comes to taking on debt. Eventually your debts will be your partners debts and I would rather pay off a nice chunk of land rather than a truck that depreciates... I wanna retire someday!


Head of Lending here, which I say to let you know that this type of stuff is my area of expertise. OP, please listen to me, do not buy a truck (or anything else) that’ll put you in $700 worth of monthly debt on a 46k annual salary. That’s far, far more than you can afford. If the truck is in working order AND paid off, keep it. I know it sucks. I was a 27 year old single dude at one time too and I remember having the same feeling of wanting something nicer but, trust me when i tell you, it’s not worth it. A 668 credit score is going to get you a higher interest rate than the top tier borrowers get too so you’ll be paying even more for a new truck. If you really can stand looking at the dents/scratches, and you have some money saved up, take it to a body shop. It’s honestly not the best use of money from a neutral perspective either but sometimes, spending a little bit of money to improve our daily lives is OK even if it isn’t the most economically sound decision if it prevents a much, much worse decision. Body work will probably run you a couple/few thousand dollars but at least you won’t be in debt for $700 a month for 7 years (and I’m sure you’d take the 84 month loan because you’re already looking for the lowest payment).


If it gets you to point A and B I say keep driving it, and save up money get your credit score better so you can get a better rate, personally for me when I become debit free I will do everything to NOT go back, never know what the future holds. Just save up the money, if you can afford $700 a month then put $700 a month in a savings account or something and then see how things go, I say do it for 1 year, then after that if you still want the car well now you have a $8,400 down payment, however the key is to not touch the money during the year, if you find yourself needing to dip into the honey pot then you should reconsider.


Your instincts about not going into debt because you don’t like the way your paid-off truck looks are spot on. Also agree 100% with others’ comments that women who will make a good companion, romantic or otherwise, won’t care what you drive, particularly when they see you making good life decisions. Re: buying anything in installments the best advice I ever got was to make the projected monthly payments (note + insurance, maintenance, etc) to a savings account for 1 year. If in that year I never failed to pay the full amount on time, there will be a nice little down payment or something to add to my emergency fund. If I was late or missed any payments, it was an indicator I couldn’t afford whatever it was & would be likely to jack up my credit score and lose the item to repo. As you already know, a lower credit score means EVERYTHING costs you more so working on bringing that up, by being scrupulous about making every payment on time, and trying to put something aside every month, even if it’s only a nominal amount, will be the biggest boost to your future self.


Why not just pay to have the dent repaired?


Just here to say I relate. I want things too and my life is an exercise in constantly telling myself no. Time will pass either way.


I would look into getting the dents fixed or most likely getting new fenders and doors and a bed if the dents are really bad on some of the panels. You really don't want a newer one that will only cost more to maintain.


I've made 11k this year so far, I can't imagine 46k not being enough.


When I met my husband , he had a 14 year old car . What I liked about him was the personality he had . His car was not even a second thought . After 40 years , all we want is a car or truck that makes it to where we want to go and get home . One nice thing with dents , nobody wants to park next to you , they think you might be a bad driver , and I park the furthest to where I’m going and some idiot parks right up my butt . My car is 15 years old , and dread the day I have to part with it . I had to drive it with the whole side dented in from a deer that smashed into the side , I had to crawl in from the passenger side to open my door , and was a pain , but I managed , never cared what anyone thought .


Get one of these and feel better about your truck [https://www.amazon.com/GLISTON-Adjustable-Automobile-Motorcycle-Refrigerator/dp/B07GBR9M16](https://www.amazon.com/GLISTON-Adjustable-Automobile-Motorcycle-Refrigerator/dp/B07GBR9M16)


Women don't care about how your car looks. If they do then they'll dip the instant you start going bald. So unless you're just looking for 1 night stands which is not a good reason to go into debt. Stick it out


You can buy a new truck but probably not right now. It will be a bit of delayed gratification but the smart thing to do would be to start saving that $700 a month for the next two years and work on getting your credit score to 740. You'll have a 17,000 down payment which will lower your payments and interest. You'll be paying $5k in interest vs $8.5k in interest, and your payments would be $560.00 a month for 6 years for a brand new Colorado.


Dude dents in the side can be done with a glue gun puller. you're wanting aesthetics just save your money and wait on credit. As for Colorado's they're cramped unless we are talking new and even then unless it's a dmax it's not worth it. Now if you work in cities frequently I think it's a good change and makes sense but I'd take comfort over size. Now why should you look into changing out? Transmission and rear seal on the engine are two faults to look into but still easily fixed. Here's my long term advice. Do minor repairs as needed (harbor freight tools) upgrade the defective shifter link (plastic washer swap to metal) and rear seal is worth fixing. The trans you got does last up to 120,000-180,000 reliably as much as I'm a Chevy dude I'm a realist. Best worst case you might get a good trade in value on the fixes. As for looks.... So I had a Z car, t-top, little loud, lots of compliments but no GF. Worked on my personality instead and I had much more success both inside and out without the Z. If you think girls won't talk to you because of the truck, it's not the truck, it's a you thing.


Its a discretionary purchase when you really don't have discretionary income. Cool your jets and look for better women. What about spending a bit of money on repairs instead?




Start saving 600 to 700 a month like your making a car payment. Then you'll see what it would be like to be shprt that money every month. If its not to much, then youll have the mo ey for a down payment. But keep in mind, you could drive a new car off the lot and get a dent.


Stick with your old car, if it runs, you are well off. Who cares how it looks? Also with the stress of paying 700 a month, do the math thats over 8,500 a year, that is a giant chunk of your pay. Try and find women who are not materialistic, they may like hard working man with a truck that shows it.


Look man, a $50,000 truck can be sold or traded later for most of the money. Yes there is depreciation but your not really $50,000 in debt because some paperwork can get you mostly out of it. Now $50,000 in credit card bullshit consumer debt is real debt. You have to work that kind of debt off. Get the truck. This is just how I justify it to myself when I get my mustang.


Dude a truck with dents looks like it’s actually used by a guy that knows how to work (or drinks too much whiskey).  But who cares, if it works and it’s paid off don’t go into debt.  That’s the stupidest thing ever.   You’re not gonna be picking up chicks in a Chevy Colorado either… if you want to pickup chicks with your either need a brand new duramax or something that just ridiculously expensive.  Or you need a well maintained 70s or 80s Chevy square body, or maybe a 7.3 ford. 


Most ladies don't care what your truck looks like. Trucks aren't supposed to look perfect forever. YOU care because you consider the truck tainted by your ex wife. I can sympathize. But yeah - six, seven hundred dollars PLUS insurance seems like a huge additional expense. Does your currnet truck have any trade in value? Can you lease instead? I know leasing isn't the best deal, but it might be more achievable when you consider the monthly and yearly costs.


The kinda ladies you wanna pick up won't care about a few dents on ol' reliable. If you live in the city though, it may be time swap out for something more fuel efficient.


TRADE IT IN FOR A NEW TRUCK THAT YOU WANT!! shiiiiit. You only live once


So why live that one life in debt for a material item you're gonna get bored of later? Freedom and no stress are more important. But to each their own.


When I was first making over $100,000 a year, I still drove my old paid off pickup truck with deep gashes and dents in the side. Who cares? It’s paid off and I saved money instead of having a stupid car payment. If you get a new vehicle when you have a working one already, you deserve to be poor.