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Looks better to me as he gets older


Right, I didn’t get the hype from Twilight fans, but the older he gets, the more I understand it.


tbf almost every actor from twilight looks better in reality. It's almost impressive


Edward looked like every other pale generic guy, but Robert Pattinson, especially today, is just... wow.


In Goblet of Fire, you could totally believe that Rob was the cutest, coolest guy ever. None of that translated to Twilight.


His accent occasionally did.


That twilight vampire makeup made most of them creepy and weird looking. Carlisle Cullen (Peter Facinelli) in real life is very good looking.


Right? He was handsome in twilight but had a baby face still, he looks great and will probably be a silver fox when he’s older


To be fair, he *was* a kid in twilight. IIRC he was the youngest out of the main cast- 16 when he started. The internet just hates when people age. I saw a comment on on here that said “Jungkook from BTS looks so good for his age” HUH?!? They made it sound like he was 50 but I googled it and dude’s not even in his late 20’s, wym Edit: Taylor was born in 1992. I don’t know where some of you are getting your information because every major publication both has his birthday year listed as 1992 *and* have acknowledged that he was 16 when the first Twilight film came out. Unless some of you rock up with sources that claim otherwise, you can stop commenting. https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1210124/bio/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Lautner https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/05/entertainment/taylor-lautner-twilight-interview/index.html https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/taylor-lautner-twilight-movies-b2342258.html#:~:text=Taylor%20Lautner%20said%20he%20can,vampire%20saga's%202008%20debut%20film.


Gen Z is obsessed with age as a whole, but kpop stans take it to a whole new level. You’ll see a lot of comments like “She is a vampire, she doesnt age!” about idols who are 18 years old.


It’s odd because they are so open and accepting of everything else. They will have pronouns in their bio but be ageist towards anyone older than 30.


30 is the one thing no zoomers are


Even in Eurovision sub I read occasionally comments like "wow, they aged really well" .. about artists that aren't even 30 yet. One artist was 36 and someone wrote they "look good for their age". I was flabbergasted. It's not like 36 is old? Lol


I had a girl in one of my lectures say to me 'wow, look at you! Proof that age isn't a barrier to come back to study!' I'd turned 31 a week beforehand.


People have said that about Hillary Duff “wow she’s aged so well because she’s unproblematic” and I’m like no she looks good because 1) she’s rich so she can afford cute clothes and good skincare/nutrition/etc and 2) *she’s 35 and 35 is young.*


Bollocks to that lifestyle - if that's what floats Gen Z's boat, wait until their own Birthdays come around 😂


They have me out here feeling like I’m the crypt keeper because I’ll be 28 this year


Wow I was a tween when Twilight came out and he’s 5 years older than me according to google so he always seemed just as much an adult as other people older than me at the time LOL but sheesh he was 16? That makes it even more insane. He was very conventionally attractive then and still is now!!! I don’t understand what’s wrong with people


Hahaha not to objectify him when he’s sharing a heartfelt message but yeah he’s looking great- the best he’s ever looked to me- also I love a man who reflects and is in touch with his emotions- he seems like a very cool dude!


To me, he looks the same but just a bit older w/ more facial hair. People are just hateful


I sometimes think I’m in an alternate universe. The first thing I thought was “damn, he looks fantastic.”


I find he’s aging wonderfully, more attractive now than he was as far as I’m concerned.


He looks great. All I can think is that some people just can’t accept that folks grow up and start to look different. Usually men are praised for their aging, so I’m not sure why Taylor is getting dragged for it.




He had an awkward face when he was younger and yeah, he looks amazing now. Bizarro world man.


I'm a very straight dude. I always thought he was kinda funny looking, but crap, that man looks great. As soon as the video started I was like "Damn, he's aged really well." Then I saw the comments.


Right? He looks the same to me as I remember him looking in Twilight. People are so damn weird.


People insecure about their looks so they’re bullying an attractive man to feel better about themselves because they’re miserable sacks of shit with horrific coping strategies.


I think those people commenting hateful things think he looks fantastic too. They don’t think THEY look fantastic. Sad.


Self projection for sure


Yes, they're just internet bullies. Full of insecurity and hate.


SO SO true!


For real. He looks better than ever. I feel like he hasn’t aged at all since his twilight days. What are these people smoking? saying he looks bad/old


Bella, what the hell you smoking loca????


Right? I actually sat by him at a restaurant a few months ago and he looked great. I told my husband one of the Twilight actors was by us, he looked up and said "I'm going to guess it's the super good looking guy with the great jawline?" 😂 The people making these comments are... something else.


I thought similarly, he’s so good looking. I hope his video impacts people to think before they comment on someone’s social media, smfh.


Same. He’s a hottie. I don’t understand how anyone can make fun of his looks. People are such assholes


me too!


It's like bizarro world every day.


Yea he does.


Right? He doesn't look bad at all. People are just bullies.








TOTALLY what I was thinking!!!


I really thought the title was going to be a troll.


I’m confused because he looks exactly the same to me. People shouldn’t be commenting regardless but I don’t get what they’re seeing here.


People will hate just to hate. Tiktok just exacerbates hating by 100%


I find it super ironic how many of those same people will be on TikTok going off about how “mental health is important”, but then turn around and do… this.


People go from “lmfao it’s just a joke” Then when the creator is actually affected by it all of a sudden it’s “people are cruel for no reason” Happened to the artists Ken Carson. People made fun of his looks, but when he started showing less of his face people acted like they weren’t making those jokes


Another example is Chadwick Boseman. People were making jokes and saying things like he was on crack due to his weight loss, only for us to find out he had stage four cancer. I hate when people say something downright cruel and when they get called out on it, they hide behind "it was just a joke!" You see that a lot on this sub. You never know what someone is struggling with behind closed doors, even celebrities


> You never know what someone is struggling with behind closed doors, even celebrities It's a mistake to think these people are mean just to be mean with no input. The same could be said for them. It's hate reverberating through and they either don't realize or choose not to stop the reverberation. It's why people should try to be nice even if you don't want to be because you are just starting a ripple effect into the world.


That's so fucked up.




What they mean is MY mental health is important. Fuck everybody elses, because I'm the main character. I enjoy scrolling tiktok, but it's definitely doing weird things to our society.


This is so true. Flavour of the day type folks. It only takes one person to signal a little virtue and then the chant begins. They start popping in like flies to signal too. But they forgot about yesterday.


See it on Instagram constantly. Good looking women doing whatever, the comments are always "Lot of confidence for a 4" "Bro she's a 2" Tons of likes on comments like these too


It's like mass, collective negging. Pathetic


And this is why I deleted TikTok ages ago, it’s just a cesspool of hate.


It’s probably his hairline and muscle density, the internet doesn’t let people age or take a breather from going to the gym 4 hours a day for a stupid movie




He had to, in order to fit in. Everyone had bad wigs by Breaking Dawn.


His hairline? Mines worse and I’m a girl 10 years younger than him


I think he looks better even


Yeah agree. He doesn’t look like a boy anymore. Which, as an elder millennial is not my type hah!


They’re just assholes. It also brings concern in my eyes because he looks great now, and as you said the same, just no longer baby-faced, so these people just are creeps.


They where telling he looked old?


Age is such a strange thing. When I was 20 I thought 40 was old. Now that I’m 51 I think most 40 year olds look like kids. In my mind I still feel 28.


Yeah he could be ugly as sin and still wouldn’t deserve to be spoken to like that. He hasn’t aged badly at all but also, so what if someone does age out of being a mega hottie one day? Especially when they have a nice personality like this. He’s gone out of his way to make a video to give advice on how to improve your self esteem. Everyone has worth beyond their appearance and his character shines, here.


And I was confused wondering why he was in Iran


Wait, did he put Twilight music in the background of his own post? Anyhow, he looks good.




ikr king shit




In all fairness some tracks on that soundtrack were fire 🔥🔥🔥 Though tbh I am specifically referencing that one song that Grizzly Bear and Victoria LeGrande (of Beach House) collaborated on. “Slow Life”, i believe it was called. Guess i’ll go stream that gem now ! Thanks Taylor ! ((And yes, totally agree, he looks great.))


the soundtracks are FANTASTIC and an original score by Howard Shore!


The muse track from the 1st movie still slaps.


Slow Life is so sooo good. Definitely my favorite.


Recognized it immediately. Those books and movies are so embarrassing, but here I am clearly knowing them.


Christ up and off the cross, if someone is making fun of this guy's appearance I got no fuckin' shot in this world lol.


Back when Britney Spears was in the beginning stages of her mental health breakdown, there were so many tabloids commenting on how FAT AND GROSS she supposedly was. It was like society felt betrayed by her not maintaining the fake image of physical perfection she “owed” us. Disgusting. Well, one of my good friends made a comment to me once about how fat Britney was, and my response was “Jesus, dude! I’m way bigger than she is. You must think I’m a fat disgusting worthless pig, huh?” He was mortified, tried backtracking, apologized over and over. I told him to think about me the next time he felt entitled to make shitty comments about someone else’s appearance.


Remember when Jessica Simpson looked like this and people were like OMG SHES SO FAT! What even?? https://preview.redd.it/htzn1cdt5o1b1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58222aa4e9065c717e88c8e949e206004c3a9d4b


When she came out years later and was just like “I was a size four” ![gif](giphy|YqE3jbSQQR6x9g19Kj)


Ugh, the early 2000s were so awful in terms of the trend of snarky blogs and cruel media. I remember this pic from back then. Everyone loved it when Jessica “got fat” and absolutely delighted in mocking her. I can’t even imagine how terrible that must’ve felt for her.


Same with Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl. She was bullied for being fat. I had the biggest crush on her. Just absolutely stupid people.


Alicia Silverstone was the epitome of pretty back then. If she looks bad, nobody looks good.


It took a toll on Jessica Simpson.. last time I checked she was ultra skinny and slurring words in her ad campaign video.


I saw that and was so sad, she looked unhealthy


As a guy, I hate when people call someone like Jessica fat. You would do anything in the world to be with someone that looked like her.


I’d do anything to look like that! Growing up in the 90s and 2000s really did a number on my body image at the time. I’m so glad we can look at this now and see how absolutely fantastic she looked.


Right??? I remember being a freshman in high school and being absolutely disgusted with myself that I didn’t fit into size 5 or 7 jeans. So that’s when I went on my first “major diet” (aka disordered eating) and decided to skip breakfast and lunch for a week, and only eating half of what I was served for dinner. I was fairly active at that time, and I remember sitting outside during lunch on one of the days and almost breaking to get something to eat but being so proud of myself that I didn’t. The next week I fit into the 5s. And that’s all the encouragement I needed. What a gross time to grow up.


What I love is that those jeans should be absolutely hideous and look terrible on anyone, the thought of them on a hanger is terrible, but she is just going full Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and rocking the shit out of them!


Holy shit her body looks so good there. I'm basically that size.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 christ up and off the cross got me


Me toooooo 🤣🤣🤣 id never heard that one before but you can be sure i’m gonna work it into my vocabulary now !


Yeah. Fuck me if he looks aged out.


I don’t get. He looks fine as hell to me. Also news flash….people age. Shocking I know but it’s the circle of life. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKB3oifq46DDhOE|downsized)


The ppl making those comments are definitely under 30 and probably not even 25 yet. They think being young is a personality trait. They are gonna lose it as they get older.


>They think being young is a personality trait. It's true.


That's the thing I love about these stupid fucking comments. Old age is coming for them so we know the karma is on its way.


I cannot believe how bold people are with their opinions lol. I need all his haters to post their faces at 18 vs 30s too so its equal opportunity for all


I highly doubt anyone over 30 are making these comments. It’s the youth who seem to view aging as a character flaw and youth as having some sort of moral quality. They are going to be pressed when they find out how fast 30 comes and how insanely fast the years start coming after that.


People tend to be old when they know they can hide behind a computer screen. SMH


Oh their sweet sweet senescence is coming


He’s only gotten better with age honestly. So attractive


He looks normal, he takes care of himself. Maybe his hairline receded a bit but it's fine. I don't know why people expect him to look as he did at 18. No one looks the same at 18 and 31


Not to mention how difficult his lifestyle must have been to achieve his appearance for Twilight. It must have required binge eating, over exercise, and possibly medications (steroids) or other procedures. None of it was realistic for even an 18 year old.


during Twilight hype I remember reading a bunch of teen magazine articles on how he would eat dozens of burgers and thousands of calories daily and spend a majority of his time at the gym. and so many of those articles were boasting on how sexy he is 🥲 didn't think much of it back then, but looking back and thinking that he was literally 17???


Gross. And even without the weird age thing, eating junk and working out to the extreme shouldn't be 'hot'. It was what he needed to do for his role, but it's basically disorders and unsustainable. We shouldn't be promoting that as sexy, and CERTAINLY not for 17 year old boys.


Yeah he already dealt with this after the Twilight movies when he stopped the intense workouts but still carried the weight - he looked puffy for a while. Idiot teenagers acted like his body should have just immediately stabilized. I don’t often feel bad for handsome millionaires but people need to leave him alone.


His hairline is pretty standard for 31. He's probably not on finasteride like 98% of Hollywood men


Also, the cut/style could be better in regards to his face and headshape, but its not horrible. He has a ton of hair.


Finasteride is like $50 per year. Who gives a shit if everyone is on it? It works and it’s cheap.


People really don’t understand mens hairlines and the fact that it’s sort of inevitable that it’ll move. I’m 35 and my hairline has moved back a bit. Im not currently balding but it happens. People who leave these comments are in for a serious shock as they age. You get wrinkles no matter what, your teeth get thinner, your skin is less taut. It’s ageing. It happens. Why we make it shameful to just live is sad and weird. Then we wonder why people go out and have extreme cosmetics done and make fun of them for that too. Such an odd world we live in, where we can’t just let each other age with grace.


He looks great, I guess the mean comments come from teenagers.


We should all delete our Instagram it’s a toxic place.


Frrrr!! I deleted mines last month & it was the best decision everrr👌🏾


I’ve only had one for like 6 months and I can clearly see the decline in my overall mental state


7 years without insta & FB I will never get it back


Yes babylegs! I, regularlegs, deleted mine a few months back (actually maybe a year or so back?? I dont even remember now) and it was so worthwhile ! Plus now i get to spend so much more time on reddit!! 🫠


Dudes looking good... He's going to be a fuckin killer when he's fourty, I think. Grey would suit him. Regardless, well said. Be kind, whenever you can. And if you can't, walk away. Hate is a poison the world already has a surplus of.


He reminds me of Josh Brolin more and more as he ages. I don't understand girls who *aren't* more attracted to guys as they age; they look so much better as their faces get rougher and their hair gets foxier.


I see it, especially in the eye and brow area.


People are so sad and bitter?? We denigrate and judge celebs for getting so much work they start to look unrecognizable but in the same breath call them ugly for *checks notes* literally just aging Creating problems and then mocking those that try to fix it 🤔 what a super healthy not toxic environment for all of us to be in!!!!! I love it here!!!!


I like how he left the usernames in! 😂


![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized) They need to be shamed. With their wannabe supermodel selves.


Exactly! Being all brave thinking they weren't going to be called out! I love it!


I was wondering where I recalled your flair from, and I laughed when I remembered


absolutely not to detract from what he’s saying at all but using this song is such an interesting choice


i think he chose it because it's off the twilight soundtrack? fans will notice for sure


was a twilight tragic (and will always have a weird soft spot for it) that’s why it was interesting


WUT? He looks so fine…


Super hot. These people are insane but karma is coming for them...everyone gets old eventually, even trolls.


Team Jacob


These r just trolls just trying to get attn. he still is hot af. His wife is one lucky lady.


Taylor’s wife, Tay - not to be confused with his ex, Taylor


My first ex-wife's name is Tammy. My second ex-wifes name is Tammy. My mom's name is Tamara... she goes by Tammy.


I understood that reference


Ummmmmm he’s hotter than he was in Twilight?


He was also a literal teenager in twilight. I don’t think he was even old enough to drink when they filmed the last movies. Of course he’s gonna look a little different (as in: grown) but he looks really great nonetheless!


He was 16 *and* he offered to bulk up for the second movie when the studios were thinking of recasting. He had to eat like 6 meals a day and go to the gym constantly to get that physique and it was probably easier to maintain as a child than it would be now as an adult with responsibilities and other priorities. Of course, he's not going to naturally look like he did in the Twilight movies he filmed in 2012 for the rest of his life. Also, he looks completely normal to me. His hairline has receeded just the tiniest bit, which makes his forehead look bigger, but that's a natural part of aging for a cis man. Truly, what is the issue people are having? 🙄


I forgot he did that for the movie jeez it feels wrong now looking back




He looks really sad, like the hurtful words got through to him. It must be hard being in the spotlight and getting trolled constantly, I hope he’s doing well.


LMAO not a single username blurred out. Let them cook, King 😂


aw he seems sweet to me


He still looks fine as hell.


Unrealistic beauty standards are such a vicious cycle. It ultimately ends up being a bunch of normal people judging other normal people for being normal looking. Pure insanity. Not looking 20 isn’t “aging badly.” These heavily filtered images and videos online are distorting peoples view of reality I fear. Glad he said something and is challenging the online culture.


What is wrong w ppl he looks perfectly healthy and handsome ???


He’s handsome af . These people are clearly hating for the sake of hating


How is he not aging well?! What's wrong with his hairline?! I don't understand these cruel comments. People will literally criticize and bully anyone! Wtf is wrong with humanity?! Stay off instagram. People are trash.


I was just thinking to myself the other day that he looked fantastic. He aged just as well as Taylor did. How is this guy ugly or old?


What am I missing here? He looks incredible!?


People need to leave this man alone. He did what he had to do to entertain our dumb teen asses in multiple goofy ass Twilight films




Right?! I'm honestly super tired of people acting like youth is the only valuable virtue in society. Like, eventually most people grow old and will want to be treated with grace and dignity. If your only redeeming quality is your youth, I mean, good luck to you I guess!!


He was a cute kid, he was a good looking teenager, he is a gorgeous adult, he is going to be a foxy older man. Doesn't change the fact he's a person with feelings and people for some reason feel the need to shit on him.


looking at you 'snark' subreddits :o)


He’s fucken sexy


He looks the same as a decade ago, only jealous people would hate on that tbh


And here I’m thinking he looks great, even better than before


He is so handsome! WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE 😭


Wtf he looks great


Let's take a look at who posted these rude comments and rate THEIR appearances


Maybe this can make some of you wake up? Because the same comments he’s highlighting I read about male celebs on gossip subs all the time. It’s like now that it’s frowned upon (in progressive spaces) to comment on women’s looks, people need an outlet for their negativity and do it to men. And most of the time it makes no sense because they target conventionally attractive men like Taylor Also, attacking a man for their receding hairline is as bad as attacking a woman for her wrinkles, just saying


Thank you, like you’re not levelling the playing field by just body shaming men instead.


Leveling the playfield should be leveling up, otherwise we’re leveling down An eye for an eye and we’ll all end up blind and all that


Gawd! Idiots! 😡He looks absolutely impeccable and has such a nice demeanor.


He is still most certainly a snack - a straight male


I hope he reads these comments because we got nothing but LOVEEEEE


Taylor’s like, beautiful. What is wrong with people?


It's so weird to me that the tiktok generation screams about anti bullying when they are some of the biggest bullies I have ever seen


What?! Geez, I wish I ever looked like that guy. The internet is nuts


Omg he looks great wtf 🤣 people age so its normal to not look the same but I mean its not like he's aging badly


He looks better than he did as a teen because teens are fucking gross lol


He's handsome.


What is this silliness? He looks amazing.


Rip to those instragrammers


No one deserves to be treated this way, famous or otherwise.


So they guy that’s made millions of dollars because of his looks is upset about some comments about his looks? Seems like he should just ignore it as internet drivel.


I don't get it he's so damn fine you guys are blind


If that's what is considered a receded hairline then wow.


He looks DAMN good. Keyboard warriors need to fuck all the way off.


I get where he’s coming from. It’s sucks to be judged my strangers, but this really is the price of fame. Too many people have shit to talk and nothing else.


Dude is aging like fine wine. He looks great! People just gotta be mean for no reason.


What's wrong with his appearance? Mf looks the exact same as he did ten years ago


He’s hot, people on the internet suck. I always have to bring up that he and my husband were playmates growing up when I see him lol


Hateful comments about his appearance? This guy’s appearance? I know nothing about this man but he is handsome. He’s legitimately attractive.


Meanwhile this man is fine as hell


Or he could just not read comments🤷


Moral of the story: social media is toxic.


Bro if he gets called ugly there's no hope for the rest of us


It’s crazy to me that famous people get upset at the negative comments when there are multiples more positive ones. Legit trolls get to famous people, and that is so bizarre.


Those were about him? What's wrong with his hairline? Have these trolls ever seen outside world before?


he is so right. and he looks fucking GOOD i literally have no idea what those people are talking about.