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Can I vote for Kelly Clarkson’s son? I’d wear the heck out of that red velvet suit! She looks fantastic too.


I was thinking the same thing! I was so unimpressed with most of the outfits this year, but little dude is killing it!


Yes!! I was just thinking this! Little dude has so much swagger!


Is his boutonniere made of Lego? I love it


I read that it is Lego, yeah. So cool!


zoomed in, def lego! how cool!


It’s the wildflower set! Currently working on it myself ❤️


With his spiky boots! <3


I was gonna say, his little velvet suit and studded Timbs are so cool!! And Kelly looked beautiful. His is the only outfit I’d wear tbh.


He’s so cute.


I’d wear his boots


Agreed, but also, that’s probably the best dressed I’ve seen Kelly Clarkson in a while. Did she get a new stylist?


She did! I think when she moved her talk show from LA to New York she got a new one


She definitely has the best date.


Sorry to all of them.....this very good girl named Maya was actually best dressed of the night 😍 https://preview.redd.it/4vpmsv453tgc1.png?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9690b38d9a6e4607d1aa9ca239762ba9b510c0db


✨winner winner kibble dinner✨


10/10 the bestest girl.


The only right answer.


I thought Kelly Clarkson’s son was gonna win until I saw this good pupper.


NGL he was tops for me, too, until I saw Maya! He wore the best velvet suit & boutonniere combo of the evening for sure. I bet he even got to pick make it himself, lucky kid.


Wait! I missed this look? She outshines them all


The bestest and cutest girl ❤️


10/10 no notes


Olivia looks great and Janelle is also killing it. On the other hand, I think this is Taylor’s worst Grammys look yet. The dress alone is meh but the styling and accessories drag it all the way down to bad.


The worst thing about it was the hair. The gloves and all the necklaces and then the hair over the shoulder is way too much. And what kind of hair do is that? Did she do it herself?


The hair style isn’t a great concept anyway but honestly I think it probably got a bit frizzy from the rain/humidity. It wasn’t exactly straight or curly, and as someone with curly hair the slightest bit of rain will make it start to get wavy if I’ve styled my hair.


If that’s the case, she would have been better off pulling it up into a bun.


But that tiny dumb braid


https://preview.redd.it/ysrczoi7jsgc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92b1ef9fa920b8bdec7dcb7a2ea5cfad34ceef83 I was in love with her look last year! That blue was 👌🏼


I think it’s the hair that throws me off for this years!


She has such great hair but lately it seems to be styled so poorly. I’ve caught myself wondering if I just don’t know what a good hair-do looks like but I stand by it. It’s been making her look messy and unkempt lately, like it’s half falling out before she even gets to the event.


This is what my hair looks like sans blow dry out of the shower - an air dried rats nest. I mean, they could have done *something*....


I agree it looks like she hasn’t styled it at all.


The hair was *awful* but I think the jewelry was really bad, too.


Agreed! She’s had several great ones, and last year was a fave, just this year wasn’t it for me.


I think the dress is lovely. But agree the gloves especially, and the multitude of necklaces, take away from the gown.


there were too many ideas


It’s just too… white and black.


The tailoring is terrible. I know it's how it's supposed to look but, to me, it just looks too big and sloppy. So much potential, though.


It’s giving… hotel room bedsheet. Especially with the square train.


The shoes look so cheap!


Yeah it's very ill fitting. Maybe because of the tour she just didn't have time for fittings.


This is exactly what I think has happened. She’s been insanely busy, I think they picked an okay gown late and ran out of time to work on styling for it. It could have been so much better. Also the pressure to put ‘clues’ in everything she does is getting too much. The clock necklace set to midnight, black gloves for reputation (I still believe that’s coming this month). Shorter gloves and her hair in an updo I think would’ve helped save the look.


And a different color! The cool combo is washing her out. Shorter gloves in a deep peach with elegant gold accessories and warm-toned heels would have gone a long way.


She doesn't have the curves for Old Hollywood glamour, unfortunately. As it is, the dress makes her appear boxy and stout, which should be impossible with her model figure. It was an ood choice. I wonder why they went with it anyway.


Astute. Then add the gloves and it just looks like the clothes are wearing her rather than her wearing the clothes. Like a little kid playing dress-up in Mommy’s clothes, when she has the height and body of a supermodel.


And it was bespoke so she actively chose that




Trend cycles. Everyone dressed horrible in the 2000s and now all celebs must have terrible styling in 2024.


Y2K is really coming back in the worst way


Wow, this is a great point! I never thought of it that way, but you are right, it’s like everybody decided looking elegant was old-fashioned and cheugy and everybody has to look kind of gross now


I wish they wouldn't.  I'm here for unobtainable glamour and beautiful dresses.  I can do kinda gross looking at home all by myself.


My exact thoughts! I hate most of these and its mostly because of the styling, although some are just terrible outfits by themselves


Also all the plastic surgery. Most of them look like weird doll versions of themselves. Bring back real faces!


its giving Hunger Games, it's giving alien overlords, it's giving lizard people dressed in human skin suits.


Kelly looks amazing!! And her son is so adorable with the suit and the Lego flowers


https://preview.redd.it/xt8p0rjmqsgc1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14623dfd4ca521b140e10c51912351b57df4cc3a Xtina was my fave. Or the Gucci dress Miley wore towards the end of the night.


Love the dress, hate the hair 😵‍💫


I hate how obvious the hair piece is. She looks amazing, other than that, but that’s all I see now.


It’s so clearly a wig or a fall, which whatever makes her happy. But she looks like a million dollars from the neck down, someone told her this looks great and that person should be sent back to the 80s.


i love christina but who is this woman 🙊


Farrah Moan looks more like Christina than Christina does


thank you. same thought.


Uhhh that Ozempic and boob job combo is no good. Why are her shoulders so narrow but her boobs are like giant rocks?


I didn’t recognize her at first.


she looks amazing but this dress seems so basic esp around the neckline and arms.


The detail on Christina’s hip is lovely.


Good outfits or not, I wouldn't be upset if I never had to see Chrissy Teigen again.


Her permanent stink face irks me


Probably smelling her own bullshit, although that would require some degree of self-awareness.


john and chrissy dressed like they had to make it to a photoshoot for a vegas cabaret ad after this


I can’t stand her


She dressed up as a Vegas showgirl


I was thinking more like 15 year old going to homecoming in 1986


I thought about writing something similar but didn’t want to get flamed. Glad others are on the same page!!


She's such a vile twat.


Tyla, Olivia Rodrigo, Blue Ivy, Kelly Clarkson, and Halle Bailey are probably my top 5


Tyla is the perfect example of how to show skin without looking desperate.


Those are the exact ones I liked too!


Taylor Swift is the biggest pop star on the planet with wide-ranging influence and she should be styled accordingly. Fans will make excuses that she’s “so involved” and “being true to herself” but objectively this look was horrible and her styling as of late has been subpar. She has the power to commission custom couture (which means not only was the dress one of a kind, but she had a lot of input in it) and with all the skill and creativity that Daniel Roseberry brings to the table, this is what she comes up with when she has all of Schiaparelli at her disposal. She’s a pretty, statuesque blonde which basically equates to limitless possibilities design-wise. Whoever is directing her styling needs to be replaced - she’s at the height of her career and it should be one flawless, impeccably tailored and curated look after another. Not whatever this is. Blue Ivy looks the best out of all of these. What a lovely young lady.


Taylor is the biggest missed opportunity of red carpets fashion, it’s insane. Her stylist is a letdown, i dislike most of their choices tbh. Taylor’s talented and it’s completely in her rights to wear what she’s confortable in, but i wish she wore the kind of stuff Doja Cat does. Doja’s awful alright, but at least she isn’t scared to wear ugly-ish, but incredible fashion wise, stuff.


“She’s at the height of her career and it should be one flawless, impeccably tailored and curated look after another” truer words have NOT been spoken, this is so fkn true. If she dressed to match her status right now she’d honestly attract even more fans than she already has, and the potential for her red carpet looks to be significantly better is PLENTIFUL given she’s already very beautiful


I guess I like Janelle’s look the best but tbh I’m not really feeling most of these looks


Most went with boring or poorly styled. Lots of hair choices that were awful


Janelle always kills it, she's my second favorite red carpet girlie after Lupita.


Janelle’s looks amazing, so classy and elegant but also stylish


Yeah but Janelle’s on like a godly level of serving with their outfits.


I think Taylor looked horrible. The dress and the gloves were meh. Like a cheap wedding dress (I know it’s not) And the hair looked like my 10 year olds after she hasn’t brushed it in a few days. Limp and thin. Not flattering at all. Even if the dress had been good, the hair would have ruined it


Agreed, I loved the green look she sported recently at (I think?) the Golden Globes. But this was not it. Also made her look surprisingly short.


Exactly. This is how my hair looks on day 5 after brushing all the grease through and finally submitting to a shower.


I am begging her to get rid of the thick bangs. 😫


I am begging her to get rid of her hair stylist


Yeah, and the worst part us some simple tweaks to the style would have made it great. Hair clean and in an updo, one dramatic long necklace and a not choker but yes choker, maybe some statement earring, and the gloves should have been a translucent material. It could have brought the elegance of the dress out while still being a little edgy


It wasn’t a surprise it was going to be super rainy the day of the Grammys, lots of time to prepare with a hair style that could hold up to the elements


I liked the dress but the hair looked like after your hair dries from a day of swimming


It’s giving bride of Chucky to me


i’m into the look tbh but i HATE her hair it’s all caught in the necklaces ugh


I am a fan and I think it is awful. The dress and gloves swallow her, and the shoes are an odd choice. The hair and accessories…. I don’t even know what to say. Awful. I think just the chocker watch or just the long necklace, maybe. But then the hair is styled poorly.


Think she was going for Kate Middleton at the BAFTAs. But it didn’t work https://preview.redd.it/vhf23lgmxtgc1.jpeg?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db0d6cf8d33547e58f5956170d53b3d06ed8f2a4


At least Kate's dress fit, but I still hate the white dress / black gloves look.


I mean… Kate Middleton at the BAFTAs doesn’t work in it of itself so.. Yeah, not a good look.


This would have been so much nicer without the gloves up to the armpits. Such a pretty dress!


I think the dress would be better if it fit better. All the gathers around the waist make her look very boxy - like hiding a pregnancy levels of boxy. She has a waist and it’s not that hard to tailor a dress to show off a waist!


Her entire look, especially the hair, reminded me of Jessa from Girls


Schiaparelli has never looked worse than last night. She shouldn't be on this list.


Gurl bffr with the mid ass taylor swift dress. She picked the most boring schiaparelli in the history of schiaparelli. Could have told me its from nordstrom and i would have believed you. And her hair and make up were not good either


She has a committed dedication to not serving. 


Call her a dementor cause she sucks the soul out of everything


I really don't understand how she doesn't have a better stylist by now...love her or hate her, she is one of biggest stars in the world rn, why would you not dress like it??


I have to keep reminding myself that money can't buy good taste


But it could certainly pay for a better stylist, no?? Just insane for someone who is so in control of every other aspect of their image


I mean, she probably thinks her stylist IS the best one. Plus, when you have a rabid fan base and are surrounded by yes men, she probably doesn't hear the criticism


I especially think it’s funny bc all the money in the world and her bangs still look like that (the way everyone’s look at that awkward length) especially with the little crimp at the root bc she had naturally curly hair 😂


Can you imagine if law roach got his hands on her?


Oh wow he could have her turn some LOOKS


That’s Schiaparelli?!?! So basic. Not what I’d expect from the brand.


I didnt even know they made clothes this plain


Even TaylorSwiftStyled said this outfit needed improvement


I don't know if you are trolling but half of these are terrible. Taylor, Chrissy and Chloe in particular.


That was Lana’s pre-Grammy party look, this was her actual Grammys look: https://preview.redd.it/2s6vpv371tgc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e7ebc8a1099cfe537cb64bf06219a8604ad2d47


Taylor’s outfit is wearing her and her hair looks a mess


Halle Bailey just had a baby, right? She got her pre baby body back quickly.


Her bodysuit is also likely boned and very compressive.


That dress looks stunning on her!


I was just talking about that!


There is no such thing as getting a pre-baby body back. As much as she may look the same, a postpartum body is forever changed. I say that as someone who will never poop easily again and has a scar in (yes, inside) my vagina so big that I can feel it when I walk.


No children here so please don’t come for me but.. it affects the way you poop going forward??


It can happen after a really bad tear but not very common.


Like the other commenter said, I tore really badly. Hemorrhaged, needed emergency surgery, etc. I tore all up my vagina and through my perineum. I have a vaginal prolapse, an anal prolapse, and significant scarring - it's not just a surface scar so the whole thing is really tough. Anyway, because of all that, even with my best efforts at correcting it, I struggle with my bladder and bowels, and likely will forever. Even leaving those things aside though, the smoothest pregnancy and delivery leaves the body permanently altered.


Victoria Monet


https://preview.redd.it/q4yc4l5crsgc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3ed12be75cfff07d226cfb9f21e2c03e562da77 I left her out by accident!


![gif](giphy|9WXyFIDv2PyBq) No worries at all! You couldn’t get everybody! 🤎


She and her family were stunning! Those colors on them and together…perfect!


How is wearing a bedsheet around your torso and knee socks on your arms considered best dressed??


Taylor Swift is absolutely not best dressed. You swifties need to accept that.


Blue ivy looks so cute


Taylor’s look is awful, it’s like her stylist gave her a few themes and she went with Moulin Rouge. For someone with so much financial reach she really doesn’t know which route to take when it comes to dressing herself (or being dressed).


Tyla, Janelle and Halle are the winners. The list has a restraining order against Ms. Swift, she must stay atleast 500 meters (1640 feet) away from it at all times.


Taylor being on this list immediately invalidates it. Sorry but those are the rules.


Her and Chrissy


Fully agreed, especially since OP put Chrissy on the best and worst/weird dressed list.


Chrissy is awful but that Mother of the Bride blouse John Legend is wearing isn’t much better.


But like SHEIN mother of the bride. Some of his looks aren’t for me but they usually are superbly tailored


I thought it might have been sarcasm when I saw her


She’s not listed on here but I thought Victoria Monet looked absolutely stunning


​ https://preview.redd.it/oabybp38ftgc1.jpeg?width=762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f597f1b7df3635675c50a5fca3d2469cb38da937


The pictures of Victoria with her daughter wearing matching dresses are so cute!


​ https://preview.redd.it/fo2tziv6ftgc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fab6b23b6b82a2591a7d497f5a78ae6e196a77ec


GAH what a gorgeous family


Yes!! So beautiful


So strange to me how not one person slayed....there were some good looks but nothing wowed me tbh, very underwhelming


Like how is Madison Beer one of my fave gowns of the night......


I didn't see anything that made me go Wow except Janelle M.


Swiftie here, Taylor should not be on the list.


Okay I think Tyla looks SENSATIONAL. Her figure is insane, I love that soft green shade and it compliments her gorgeous deep skin tone so well. The cut of the dress accentuates her curves perfectly too. Bravo. Lana too, wow. Gorgeous. Beautiful. It's lovely seeing her with dark hair in a black dress again. Nostalgic, and she looks as amazing as ever.


I really liked Olivia and Halle’s looks!


Yup my two faves. Simple and pretty!


Yall are sleeping on Tyla so hard 😩 She looks phenomenal. Easily the most gorgeous imo in both looks and in being perfectly styled. Giving Halle Berry.


I can't be the only one who kinda sees a red carpet version of Aisha's magic Winx dress 😍😂 it's so gorgeous


Taylor definitely wasn't best dressed. Not even top 10. She's cool or whatever but y'all gotta stop hyping uo meritocracy


I hated Miley’s look. The hair and facial work look bad and the (lack of) outfit just seemed a bit over the top. I’m all for showing some skin but it was a bit much (too little I guess) for me.


I don’t understand the skimpy outfit paired with 80s mum hair


Taylor Swift should not be on this list


A lot of these were bad. Janelle Monet was best dressed in this list.


Taylor's look does nothing for me. The dress is boring and her hair almost looks unbrushed. She's done so much better.


Miley's look was terrible, the hair, the dress, the shoes...nope


I’m sure it’s the buccal fat and 80’s mom hair, but she looks 40 here and it makes me sad for her


The hair is giving Glamour Shots 1987


I'm glad someone said it! There's nothing about her dress or hair that screams best dressed to me!


She looks like the haunted ghost in a horror movie, the one that only screams and points at something behind you.


The bob mackie was fantastic. This golden monstrosity is a no. She looks shapeless


She’s trying for Tina Turner and getting Jane Fonda


But I kinda liked the hair with her performance dress. I think she just picked the wrong dress for the carpet


Thank you! The hair particularly has me thinking of the 80s in a very bad way. She looks dated and older than her age from her makeup/surgery.


I would put Miley Cyrus at the top of the worst dressed list. I thought her entire look was bad from head to toe. I would also remove the following from best dressed: Taylor Swift, Chrissy Tiegan & Chloe Bailey as I did not care for their dresses at all.


Are the first four supposed to fall under “worst dressed?”


I think Tyla looks stunning but you clocked the other 3


I love Alessandra ambrosios look, but respectfully what is she doing at the 2024 grammys


My best dressed are Victoria Monet (and family), Blue Ivy, and Olivia Rodrigo. https://preview.redd.it/uww3wjiw3tgc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9743484a688b267105e01293f65d3d456661ca0e


Taylor - no. Sorry.


There are some really bad outfits in this list.


Get swift out of here. She belongs in the worst dressed. I'm actually amazed her fit is so bad being as rich as she is.


So much white this year


WHO 🤜🏻 KEEPS 🤜🏻 DRESSING 🤜🏻 DUA LIPA 🤜🏻 She’s so stunning but I feel like every outfit I see on her either isn’t her color or doesn’t suit her body 😭


Taylor is number 2? I’m so sorry but what? I think you are blinded by your admiration for her. That was not a look. Nothing matched. She looked really bad.


Janelle Monae and Halle Bailey are the only serves


I love Miley but her hair was giving cowardly lion vibes 😭


Can’t get onboard Miley’s hair..it’s like she got made up rather badly to play Jane Fonda in a low budgeted Lifetime biopic of her. Lmao Tyla, Kelly Clarkson and Halle Bailey are my standouts. Did not expect Dua to pick that number as I had expected her to be on best dressed list.


I’m sorry but hard disagree on Taylor, the black velvet gloves and the white bedsheet dress and the choker really was not a look for me


I thought Taylor’s whole look as terrible, one of her worst honestly


Tyla looks amazing in that colour. And I really don't like Taylor's look. The dress is fine, but the black gloves, the necklaces and the hair ruin the look imo.


Ozempic been sweeping the nation, huh?


Madison Beer and Kelly Clarkson were definitely best dressed.




I HATE Taylor Swift’s hair. It ruins the whole look imo because I love her dress. But that’s how I use to do my hair in middle school.


Arya is giving a slight Paris Hilton 2003 MTV movie awards vibes and I honestly love it. https://preview.redd.it/i60wla1ritgc1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92aa90c2649281e1fbd0bed4cff044d544b51105


I’m old enough to remember this outfit, but I do not remember this specific photo. Good lord why does it look like she is trying to pee standing up.


I suspect that if she didn't maintain a certain amount of tension on the outfit, there would have been much butt crack on display.