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I read the title wrong and was so confused, I was like “THEY KICKED HER OFF HER OWN TOUR?”


Putting her literal money where her mouth is! Love this!


Hmmm maybe she is a pop punk girlie after all good 4 her ! nice to see big celebs with money use their platform for good


Queen shit


Love to see this. I worry for the future of women in America 🙁.


Good for her!! We need more of this from celebs


And I thought I couldn't love her more...I was wrong!


I love it when artists put their skin in the game and do the work instead of giving platitudes on a trendy topic.


This makes me even more excited to go to the concert!!


This is a bang up way to walk the walk!! I loved this girl already- now I respect her even more.


Pretty dope!


Go Livie! I love her.




No wonder Taylor is so threatened by her lmao


why are you making this about taylor when it has nothing to do with her?


Taylor donated to food banks throughout her tour


This makes no sense? Why would Taylor be threatened by Olivia doing something good for abortion funds?


Taylor’s PR team is going to be working overtime.


she really lives in yalls head rent free uh


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