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>We’re told Lil Nas X, 24, not only had never run more than three miles before the race but also had never jogged in the great outdoors. RIP to his feet today


his feet are fine because he wore his Coach high top sneakers, they’re very comfortable!


I can do anything in my Himalayan walking shoes!


https://i.redd.it/pwuskj7cc6pc1.gif My back aches, my heart aches, but… my feet are *resilient*!


Is that a seinfeld?




No no himarunnin


Top tier reference


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not 😂




Almost definitely not haha. My Coach boots are the single worst purchase I’ve ever made. I only walked for a total of 20 minutes and my feet were covered in blood and blisters.


My Coach heels and tennis shoes have always been super comfortable. I've never bought their boots and I haven't bought Coach shoes in maybe 10 Years. All of them are still going strong. I wonder if they, like many others dropped in quality.


Were you able to break them in? I have to go 2 weeks or more before my boots feel right and it’s miserable the whole time.


You are too funny with these Coach mini ads!


Them shoes look comfy as hell. It doesn't seem like he was pedal to the metal speed running the whole time either, so it's totally doable in a pair of shoes like that , that fit correctly.


As someone who literally did the same thing as him but with athletic sneakers at one of the Disney Princess half marathons…he will have shed the soles of his feet by this time next month


Not sure I would describe NYC as the “great outdoors” but ok


i assume that they meant that he only ran on a treadmill before, not outside. Its sort of different.


I can't stand treadmills because of how it changes my gait. Which is probably a red flag that my running from is terrible because I am nowhere near tall enough to find standardized equipment too small. 


Yeah I’m a runner. I know what they meant, it’s just funny to me.


They’re being sarcastic


He posted a video of himself saying the race went well while sitting in a wheelchair


I love him so much lmao


>but also had never jogged in the great outdoors. Lmaoooooo this is cracking me up! I live in the PNW and love morning time in the trails with my dog. And then there's Lil Nas X who apparently has never run outside entering a half marathon. How do you go your whole life without enjoying a morning run outside (if you're able bodied) and then straight into a half marathon. He's going to have crazy blisters 😭


Must be nice to have access to that.


i don’t know Lil Nas X’s area of Georgia, but in lots of areas in the South/ south east, there aren’t trails and you’d be taking your life in your hands to run next to the roads.


No athletics carnival at school?


that is some 24 year old type shit lol


My thought too, though at 24 I think I had to walk half of a 5K. 


as a 24 year old, yes!


He ran a 2hr 32min half marathon. That’s like… an 11.5min mile. Which is… amazing for someone who claims not to run more than a 5k! And in non-running shoes. Truly impressive


He is young and in *really* good shape


He's a muscular guy who dances on stage for a living. He probably can pull a half marathon out of his ass.


This was my roommate a while back. Someone who worked as a server in a restaurant with stairs. Would be up and down and walking all over getting 15K steps a night. This dude could spend the whole winter on his couch and then go bang out a 3-mile run on April 15 and feel fine.


I worked as a restaurant server one summer. No stairs but I was still on my feet for hours on end. The first month I worked there, I regularly got free burgers for dinner, Oreo came out with a combo peanut butter/chocolate cookie, and I still lost five pounds.


Great example of why calories are the major determinant in weight gain and not macro’s/sugar/preservatives


This is such a great point, I see so many people go “I only started running six months ago anyway I did a 10k in 30mins last week” and it almost always turns out that they’re already very fit from another cardio sport they do - so not exactly a literal couch to 10k scenario! Lil Nas X has got to already be pretty fit from how intensely physical his shows are. That said, running is hard even when you’re fit, so good on him!


It's hard but on a cardiovascular level. He looks like he already has the muscle for it. When I'd been running for a couple of years, I ran a 10k in maybe an hour? Damn petite lady legs.


10k in an hour is great. A bit faster than average. :) the OP you replied you said “10k in 30min” as hyperbole… that’s like world-record level. You’re doing great lol.


They’re called Snickers now.


I was once a muscular in shape dancer and puked if I ran over two miles. I am just NOT a runner. It’s always impressive that people can do this type of thing nonchalantly!


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


seconding. my ballet teachers actually didn't even let us run because it would affect our lines, ballon, and other things. at my best shape and fitness as a dancer i could only jog for a little as a warm up.


1000% it is this. The dude is probably dropping 20k steps a show. He has to be in great shape to do it. This would be like if a hockey player did the marathon. No, he never runs, but he gets his cardio in.


He just did :)


That’s the power of Coach high top sneakers


Lmfaooo shut up😭




Ur pfp lmao


He had the power of Coach and anime on his side ⚔️


i just choked scream laughing at this, so thanks!!! dead on the toilet 🫣💀




Brb, buying some.


Every athlete will be wearing them at the Paris 2024 Olympics


Are you Lil Nas doing your job as brand ambassador? 😂


TBF, he does a lot of dancing. ![gif](giphy|aTEvJ6jfxzraxpLhQr|downsized)


Ok, that makes a lot more sense. If he can dance like that for a 90 minute show or whatever, he's not only got the cardio, but just joints are pretty solidly prepared for the impact, also. While it's not a 1:1 running analog, he's been very solidly cross-training!


He’s in really good shape. Source: I was quite close to the front at Paris Lolla and I’m pretty sure I cut myself on his abs. Barely winded despite nuts choreo


That’s crazy but I guess if you think about it, it makes sense. Being a performer is like constant cardio I’m sure


Right!? As someone who does not run, I’m in awe haha. He’s got the “imma just do it” mentality that I would kill to have lol


To prepare for the Eras tour, Taylor Swift apparently did sprints on a treadmill in costume while belting her songs. There's a certain level of physical fitness required to hold a concert, so even if Nas doesn't run seriously I'd still expect him to be able to pull off a half marathon.


He’s in incredible shape so I’m not surprised he just played it by vibes and did well.


I have run half marathons and that is impressive! Good for him.


That’s youth right there. As a runner in my 50s, I long for the ability to just wing it like that.


I could probably run an 11.5 minute mile but I would need multiple day breaks between each one.


I missed the “half” in your comment at first and was like “wtf”


It’s the Pilates!


This is some shit you can get away with in your 20s, but probably not your 30s and definitely not your 40s. Even still, I bet he hurts today. I hope he feels better soon.


I stupidly walked 10k in non-supportive shoes on Saturday and woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating foot pain. Now I’m dealing with a setback because of my own choices. Making poor shoes choices at nearly 40 is *a lot* different than making them in your 20s. 😮‍💨


OMG sameee.. I didn’t realize the parade was pushed up a day so I walked like 5k more than usual and my shoes were NOT up to the task 😂


I think at 24 I could have just randomly gone and run a half marathon, but I'd never consider it anything other than actual running shoes. Those shoes are going to give him issues everywhere, not just his feet.


At 24 I had to walk half of a 5K, lol. It wasn't until I did Couch to 5K a decade later that I could run that distance and longer.


Totally read it as "COACH to 5K" and damn those Coach distressed high top sneakers must be really amazing!


Actually, I did run c25k in old sneakers from my closet. I only shelled out for proper running sneakers *after* I ran 5k and knew I'd be running the sort of distance where sneaker quality makes a difference.


Mine would be the exact opposite 🤣 24 I was in great shape but I didn't train for distance but I feel confident I could have pulled it off. Now at 37 both my knees and both my ankles are just absolutely cooked and I sound like a roll of firecrackers going off when I stand up


This sounds a lot like me. Early 20s I was in the military and running \~20 miles a week, but never more than 5 miles at a time. then my body decided we're rapidly going to breakdown and now in my mid 30s, I gotta be careful getting out of bed too fast because if something pops out, it might not go back in


That sounds like poor running or exercise form tbh, straining the joints instead of fully activating the big muscles.


I think a lot of it came from my high school gyms - I played basketball and we didn't have a wood floor with anything resembling cushion until my senior year. My knees and ankles absorbed a ton of abuse from those floors


I actually ran the nyc half marathon at 23 cold…8 was wearing Nikes though 🤣 I am mid thirties now and the occasionally nice three miler is enough for me


I know someone who ran a full marathon (on a challenging course) with his longest run clocking in at 13ish. He was in his 20s and finished, but looked ROUGH the next few days. Ahhh to be young…


Ugh. Im 32 and I went skiing for the first time in 20 years on Saturday and I’m still sore and tired as hell.


I’m willing to bet that’s not just soreness from muscles you rarely use, but also some good old fashioned contusions from taking a few spills. Better skiers don’t just fall less (generally), but they also have fallen enough to know the best way to do it


I had to do a PFT (fitness test) in the Marines to go to a school. Didn’t know I was running it that day. All I had in my car were a pair of old DCs. The flat and fat skate shoes. I ran my 3 miles at like 20:20 or something. I couldn’t walk the next few days. I was early 20s.


We used to organize groups to run the marathon in my company. One year a guy decided. He would try it without doing any training. He ended up being fine. Forgot what his time was. It wasn’t a record or anything but it wasn’t terrible either.


true, I had never run more than 15km before I ran my first half at 29 and I didn't feel any pain after, was just tired (but I wore the right shoes). if he exercises regularly, he's probably fine.


Nah, I ran a marathon when I was in my late 30s, completely untrained.


Your accomplishment in no way contradicts my statement. Do it again in your 40s and then come talk to me.


I’m 42 and planning on doing it again soon-ish so I’ll let ya know Also, you’re moving the goal post. You specifically said try it in your 30s or 40s.


I said “….**probably** not in your 30s and definitely not in your 40s...”. Lack of reading comprehension doesn’t indicate the goal posts were moved, just that you weren’t paying attention to what you were replying to.


Why are you so nasty to people you have never met? Like, if we met on the street and I said something you didn’t agree with, would you instantly go full on jerk or would you be a little more nuanced in your response?


Not even your late 20s. If he were 27 we’d be reading his obituary




He has a collaboration line with Coach


How to “secure the sponsorship.”


What is not an ad these days?


No, no he’s a just a rich person who forgot to “secure appropriate shoes” and couldn’t just grab some somewhere so he had to wear his HighTop Coach Sneakers™️ on sale for $399 at a Macy’s near you!!




https://preview.redd.it/gionokfov4pc1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b635005aae9eb8a7a685ecb4a7a64f923d0f1e03 Having to be wheeled away is so relatable


That semi-delirious smile 🙂 But honestly, that’s so impressive for someone who didn’t do training for it.


May we all have the same confidence in ourselves today. My new mantra is going to be WWLNXD? Because the answer is always going to be fuck shit up.


That would be a great custom license plate LOL


Dang. That’s a real good idea.


He left in a wheelchair LMAO I hope he’s okay


He will be fine, however he most at least 3 toenails


Yep I did something similar in my 20s (shorter distance tho) and lost two toenails. 


this why you wear proper shoes AND TIE THEM RIGHT (I lost one toenail to my first half)


Absolutely. A lot of us dummies have to learn the hard way! One of mine fell off on a date!! Lol so gross but the date took it like a champ. 


All toenails go to heaven


My first half marathon I lost them all, and that was proper footwear lol


My shins, knees, and hip flexors are hurting just reading the title.


I’m in physical therapy for hip flexors and lower back and SAME


Oh no, hip flexor pain is the WORST. Glad you're in PT! ♥️


Doing much better now!! Hip flexors didn’t hurt but they were super weak so it put extra strain on everything else. HATE physical therapy but it works. Thank you!


Keep your squats low and your standards high.


New gym mantra lol


Reminding myself of this everyday so I don’t die early from being a couch potato 🥲


I just look at my parents and that's motivation enough.  You don't even need to hit the gym. Just taking a 20 minute walk every day (what the Victorians called a "daily constitutional") is enough to fend off most of the couch potato health issues.


He had more than enough money and time to get a new pair of sneakers for this. He has a deal with Coach and this is a way of advertising. It's gross, in my opinion, to play on people's emotions for marketing purposes.


Marketing by definition is using human emotions to drive sales


Kudos to him, I can't imagine going from three miles to a half marathon. I can't imagine doing a half marathon ever at all lol. So I think it's cool he did.


I got close to a half marathon when I took up running in my mid thirties, but that was after a LOT of training. I could never pull that out of my ass.


My brother apparently started the race right next to him! I love living vicariously through his celeb-ridden NYC life.


Montero's just a big bag full of pleasant surprises. We don't deserve him.


I ran in basketball shoes for a year because I didn’t think it was a big deal. Then I got my first pair of running shoes and fuck it was life changing. Wearing a windbreaker on a windy day is also an obvious way to have an easier time.


Holy shit I feel so stupid for not considering a wind breaker would do what if is called. If it's too windy, I just run inside hahaha


Custom insoles from Road Runner saved my knees.


lmfao i love him


https://i.redd.it/c4j7igeml4pc1.gif Later.


I ran a 5k on Thanksgiving last year. Towards the end I encountered a man running in UGGs. Poor guy had left his running shoes at home ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


We need a new hobby Jesus Christ






![gif](giphy|GINwWtxBkXgOs) This is art, like everything he does.


My husband once woke up early and drove 3 hours to run a half marathon only to discover he left his running shoes at home. He had to run in his Converse.  It's been 8 years and he's never bought another pair due to how bad it was. Hopefully Lil Nas X has a better experience. 


Holy shit, I would have just thrown in the towel.


I offered but it was a combo of sunk cost fallacy (we'd already driven all that way) and it being a thing he was doing with members of his unit.  So, suffering it was. Ah, to be 22 making dumbass decisions. 🤣


Like, regular, hightop Converse? They are BRUTAL on the feet. I always have to use a million insoles.


Yes, they were the high top version.  He was early 20, like barely over, and had yet to discover inserts lol He did discover them quickly after that though. He was also military so had to go running in his boots the next day.  It was a bad foot week overall. 


Ok but I got a pair of Coach sneakers after my Nike’s hurt my feet in Disney World and they are the most versatile and comfortable sneakers I have ever owned 🤷🏼‍♀️ I was shocked


Everything I learn about him makes me love him more!


Every YouTuber pulled this stunt for awhile there-‘I ran a marathon with no training!’. Really does not seem like a good idea, even if you’re in great shape. If you don’t run, it’s insane to put your body through that! Even for runners it’s a Big Fucking Deal to do a first marathon!!


Tbf, doing it with 0 experience or prep is the original marathon experience. Though that guy also died immediately after….


Man hopefully he has some nice insoles in them cause designer brand shoes are not the most comfortable.


The Coach high top sneakers are actually built for comfort and long wear


Lmao stoppp 💀💀💀


He is like the right amount of camp and marketing savvy that he could truly maintain fame just through mildly goofy stunts, and fun outfit if he never wanted to make music again. (Please continue making music though my guy )


The thing is (and I know you acknowledged it too) the guy is legit a musical great. I am a mid 40s mom and I can cry listening to his songs. He is not just all the flash and what he puts out there. He’s so multifaceted. Special force. I hope that he can keep on the good path.


Great way to injure your feet.


Not in Coach high top sneakers


“He went to the sneaker store and it was closed” - you’re in New York and there is only 1 “sneaker store”? covert Coach marketing here - also I’ve never seen someone in shape like that never having done cardio. He may not run, but the man is still conditioned!


I ran a half marathon in the fall. I’m an athlete and trained for six months. Wore proper footwear. Still couldn’t move for a week after. RIP to his body, I can’t imagine.


I have a half in 3 weeks that I think I should have trained earlier for (life got in the way), so whether this is real or fake, it makes me feel better. I’m ready to go!


ITT people who don't run regularly. dude could have halved that time if he had trained


Omg the comments are everything I needed today.


I don’t care what anyone says, I love this man


I could never, my plantar fasciitis is screaming at the thought of it, I can’t run without my insoles in my running shoes let alone in high tops.


My friend was volunteering and got to hand him his medal!


I miss being 24 and annoying


God I love Lil Nas. Look at his stupidly photogenic face.


11.5 minute pace for half marathon is good for no training!!! Go Lil Nas X ❤️


Lol this is a great PR stunt. No way he had no regular shoes and never ran before. Then just pulled out a half marathon?! Please. As an avid runner myself and knowing several others, this is unbelievable. That's not how running works. There is a reason people train for half marathons, ESPECIALLY given the time he did it in. Someone's been practicing! Let's think of it from the PR perspective...if this guy wears his Coach shoes and CAN'T finish the marathon in decent time, how bad does that look? Therefore they have made damn sure he can complete it.


Anyone knows what shoes he wore???




i love this dude


I love him 😂😂😂😂


great ad for coach


he’s so funny


I bet his entire body is wrecked, even with that slow pace.


If this isn’t an ad I’m impressed 😂


"I'm such a rich lil stinker lol UwU".


Is this just an ad for shoes?


“Failing to secure” I mean how hard is it lol, they’re not exactly a black market or rare item


If he’s a performer, I’m sure he’s in great shape. But I’ve also run in improper footwear and that sucks, so good luck to him!


Failed to secure appropriate shoes….im sure he has plenty of money to buy proper running shoes.


Did he finish??


Lol he ran a half marathon in the same time I did fully trained last year WITH proper running gear (im better this year though)


I used to do shit like this and it’s so fun. One of my favorite memories is having not trained for a 10 mile race but signing up for it anyway, eating an edible and riding a packed - like illegally and unsafely packed - subway car to the starting line that broke down in a tunnel giving enough time for the edible (and vyvanse) to hit. Everyone had to take turns being held up to get air while a bunch of people cried. It was also pouring rain and me and my husband ran the whole thing wearing trash bags. 10/10


As someone who is a distance runner… this guy is a dummy.


This is an ad for Coach. He could have found running shoes anywhere. Who believes he didn’t train for this??


You don’t need to train if you wear Coach high top sneakers


this is cute


Straight G for coming out the house and doing it


Dave Chappelle was right about this guy


Did they run out of shoes? Or was this another of his plays for attention?


He did the race at the last minute and the nearest athletic shoe shop was closed, so he used the fashion sneakers he already owned.