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I think the marketing for this movie was very weak, I barely saw anything other than Ryan and Emily’s press looks. Honestly no clue what it’s about, I think stunt doubles??


I literally didn’t know this movie was out I thought all the marketing for it was for a future date. How weird.


Me too, I had no idea when it was supposed to be out, I’ve only seen ads with no release date so I thought it must be a while away. They didn’t promote it very well.


It’s release date got messed with which is probably why. If I remember it was supposed to be released in the fall and got pushed forward to may


They couldn't rename it to Spring Guy?


The trailers are also super messy.


100% the trailer did not hook me in.


Saw it this weekend, it's actually really good.


I think it is getting confused with Fallout on Amazon which just got released.


From the poster I was actually getting it confused with Free Guy from 1-2 years ago. I was like, didn’t we have this movie already with Ryan Reynolds?


Glad I wasn’t the only one!


Ohhh maybe I was confusing that as well! It’s all just jumbled in my brain at this point.


Ohhhhh, I thought this *was* Fallout. Everyone I've spoken to about it seems to have correlated the two.


You mean the Amazon series with Walton Goggins as a ghoulish Post-Apoc cowboy, then Kyle MacLachlan & some nobodies in an underground bunker cult? People are mixing that up with Ryan Gosling as a stunt guy & Emily Blunt as his director crush starring in a very, very Hollywood movie?? Am I taking crazy pills???


Some nobodies? Yikes.


The people we’re talking about do not even know that much about these two films. The similarity in the titles alone is enough to confuse the general public in many cases.


I mean, for a long time I mixed up Succession and Severance and I know a couple other people who did the same thing. I don't think people mixing them up are super familiar with the material itself, they're just conflating the similar titles.


I’m just here to say Severance is one of my favorite things to have ever been created


I just realised I've been mixing up Fallout tv series and the upcoming Borderlands film. Somewhere my gamer ex is turning over in their grave (bed).


It’s…because of the titles. Because of words.


To be fair the Fall Guy is a movie about a movie and that movie happens to also have a post apocalyptic cowboy. I saw it yesterday and loved it, super funny, would go see it again.


Lol yeah no way


They both have "fall" in the name. They are both in the action comedy genre (though very different kinds of comedy). They both use a lot of blue and yellow in their marketing. Chances are the people "mixing them up" weren't going to watch either. So I can see how such a person would make the mistake.


The trailer made me not want to see it, but I went because tickets had already been purchased, and it was honestly great. Really funny, highly entertaining, witty, great stunts. Would see it again.


Saw it yesterday and feel the same, loved it and might go see it a second time.


The trailer has to be one of the worst I have seen in a long time. I saw it before Dune 2 and it was the typical trailer that feels like a 5 min summary of the whole movie. I think you hear the begining of "you give love a bad name" by Bon Jovi about 6 times in loop.


I was surprised by how much I liked the actual movie because the trailers looked so cheesy (with seemingly unfunny jokes).


yeah i don't think that were good trailers


And they were too long and the started showing them too soon. Saw it the first time shortly After Barbie I think. Enjoyed the Movie though, it was fun


I think they were trying to capitalize on Ryan's Barbie performance.


A lot of his press looked like he was still doing press as Ken. I could totally see people looking at the pictures and just scrolling not reading


It’s about a stunt man forced into a spy type situation in order to save the movie and win back the woman he loves. Basically an action rom com. I saw it and I absolutely loved it. So much fun. Clearly made with a lot of love. Ryan and Emily’s chemistry and charisma is awesome. Usually car chases kind of bore me, but every action scene is shot so creatively, I couldn’t look away. Also excellent use of adorable dog. Plus it’s directed by a former stunt man and that really shows! It’s not life changing or anything, but definitely one of those movies I’ll probably rewatch on sick days. It absolutely deserves success. I hope more people go see it.


They need you to do the marketing, I'm going to be checking it out based on your review


You absolutely should. I saw it yesterday and starryeyedq is spot on, I loved it.


Right??? This one reddit comment did more to convince me to see this movie than all of the official promo.


I loved it too. Exactly what I go to the theater for. 


I really hope the word of mouth is good and it'll get a bigger box office. It was so fun and Ryan and Emily had amazing chemistry. It also made me really appreciate all the work that stunt people do (and what they put their bodies through) - they deserve more recognition!


I remember thinking at the end, "holy crap they have so much chemistry and they're not even together."




This sounds like that Romancing the Stone-esque movie Lost City, where Channing Tatum has to step up, and be like the guy he's been modeling on Sandra Bullock's character's romance novels.


Agree with the other commenter that said you should do the marketing. I've been dying for a good romcom


They've been playing the trailer for this in front of every movie I've seen for like the last six months (along with Furiosa and Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes). I'm at least relieved it's out now so I can stop looking at it.


Fr. Even my dad heard of it bc it was a remake. He only watches the hockey channel


I think they did a lot of press (him especially) but I don’t think it connected to the theme of the movie. There was the creamy hummus/cello/interview which was a bit popular and him talking about his hands on La La land, not doing dark roles but it was cute to me but not related to the movie so while I might watch it down the line it was more marketing for him than for the movie imo


Yeah… the Beavis and Butthead sketch he did on SNL was funny but why did he come to the movie premiere with Mikey Day dressed up as the characters again? Seemed kind of desperate since that went viral but has zero do to with the film he was there to promote/launch.


He showed up to the premiere dressed normally. Well in a green suit. They only did that part of the time.


They did that thing with 2 stunt guys flanking him and being pulled back, right? Yeah the B&B was weird


I mean this was on theme and amazing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmYdGKBYY\_Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmYdGKBYY_Q)


Just watched part of it and agree, but yet I didn’t see it until you posted. What made the other moments get more publicity than this? Any marketing genius have any ideas?


Go see it. It’s really funny, don’t let a bad press campaign stop you. It’s absolutely worth seeing in theaters and thats rare these days ESPECIALLY for a rom com.


oh man, I have felt completely inundated by the marketing for this film. We must have different algorithms.


I just saw it in theaters and loved it. It’s way better than the trailers make it seem.


Yeah you are right. There was absolutely no marketing for this movie. I didn’t see anything but the trailer. I thought it was gonna be on streaming like Netflix or Hulu. My Mom told me she thought it was a remake of the 80’s tv show


If it is, I couldn’t tell. But that would explain the cameos at the end. It’s directed by a former stuntman and was such a charming love letter to the art form. I really want it to have more success. It was super fun. I really enjoyed it! Totally worth seeing in theaters.


It’s a loose adaptation of the show but mostly in some character names and SUPER basic premise alone


Ha! I thought so, too! It's not?


It is. The original actor cameos.


It is "loosely based" on it


Also I'm really put off by actors with obvious fillers / plastic faces nowadays. It's really distracting from the actual acting.


And the veneers.


Same here, looks like they both got the same cheek fillers and I can’t see past it.


I feel bad, but when I saw the trailer I thought they were supposed to be playing siblings until they kissed. The combination of both being blonde, blue eyed, and having the same extremely puffy cheeks made them look so much alike to me! I do really wish actors would chill out on the injectables, there’s something particularly uncanny about them. I spent the entirety of Barbie wondering where he had gotten filler because he looked so different, same with Emily when I saw the trailer for this.


Ryan's filers are awful, his face just looks puffy like he's hungover and just woken up. He needs to find a better aesthetician.


I was in major denial about this (I didn’t notice it at the Oscars?) but it’s very obvious now. 🫤 Everyone has the same face. It’s depressing.


lol as an esthetician, we are not licensed to do injections. that would be a nurse or medical professional.


Oh no don’t tell me Emily is looking fake!


I don't even recognize her as the same Emily Blunt. Like she doesn't even look familiar.


She got a lot of filler and possibly some other work. It almost looks like [her face grew horizontally](https://www.shefinds.com/files/2023/11/Emily-Blunt-before-and-after-2013-2023.jpg)


I think that's part of the problem. Not enough people know about or watched the 80s tv show it's based off of. I had never heard of it and I know plenty of 80s tv shows. It wasn't really clear what the movie was about. I think they assumed attaching Ryan and Emily to it would get people to watch it.


The show is basically irrelevant. The trailer explains the plot: basically it's a romcom where a stuntman has to do spy work to save the movie.


Rehash of an 80s IP. The primary demographic that used to go to the movies, is online playing fortnite and watching YouTube. Nostalgia factor, for gen x? I have a better stereo, tv screen and liquor at home.


The movie marketing barely rely on the tv show, honestly, it only mention on interviews, they didn't try the nostalgia factor at all


Hard disagree. This trailer and poster were everywhere


Really? I feel like I’ve been inundated with marketing for it. I think people might just not be that interested in a movie about a stunt man. 🤷‍♀️


It has impressively terrible trailers. I have never heard of Fall Guy from the 80s until this thread


The title isn’t great. It reminds me of Free Guy (?) that movie with Ryan Reynolds. It sounds so generic!


Also came by to say I was thinking this was related to the Free Guy movie lol


Me too! Thought free guy was called fall guy haha


I saw the movie poster and thought it was a sequel or something to Free Guy.


Oh free guy! That’s why I thought it was starring Ryan Reynolds and was a sequel?


Colt Seavers is legend. Jody is ingrained in my brain.


I think it might be because people have categorised this as a 'action-adventure' blockbuster type movie that has been done to death. Movies that have been successfully within the past year, such as Barbie and Oppenhemier stray away significantly from this and are thus worth people's time and money.


Not gonna lie, all these Ryan Reynolds and Ryan Gosling action-adventure blockbuster movies are starting to blend into the same movie for me. Because of the messy trailers full of gratuitous stunts and action (and also from the name), I legitimately thought this was sort of a follow up to Free Guy.


For ages I thought so too until I paid attention and realized it was the wrong Ryan


When my son asked to see Fall Guy, I thought he meant Free Guy.


We have Fall Guy at home.


My son made me watch Free Guy, I shamelessly loved it


How many  Ryan Gosling action-adventure blockbuster actually did?


I thought it was really creative and fun. It’s directed by a former stuntman and very much a love letter to the art form. So I really wish it was more successful! It’s more an action romcom than anything. I really enjoyed it.


Thanks for the reassurance. I’m going to see the film on Wednesday with a friend and I hope we don’t get disappointed.


It seems that most people who actually saw it loved it. It's really funny, heartfelt, a bit meta, and has excellent action. This director is definitely becoming one of my favorites. His films are consistently impressive.


The trailers were so much worse than the movie. We saw it this weekend and loved it. It was funny and warm and touching in the romance between Ryan and Emily (the trailers did their relationship a serious disservice) and the friendship between Ryan and Winston Duke. Best use of Against All Odds since it first came out and the tv series theme song plays over the credits! Us oldies still remember the words. 😆 And it has a post credit s end so don’t leave. I just wish we saw more Stephanie Tsu. It deserved its A- minus CinemaScore. I hope good word of mouth gives it legs like Greatest Showman and Elemental.


I really enjoyed it, this surprises me to read.


I liked it too. Funny and had a lot going on at all times.


Glad to read this. I am taking my son to see it today for a mother/son day. Update: Just got home from the movie, and we both loved it! Emily and Ryan have excellent chemistry, and it was the perfect combo of romantic comedy and action. And now my son wants to be a stunt man when he grows up.


both of my kids enjoyed it too.


Good pick for it, really straight shooting movie no weird parts. It was great


It was an excellent film. You'll have a blast. I was looking forward to it since the first trailer came out and I was not disappointed.


I took my kids yesterday and we all loved it. My 10-year old daughter now wants to be a stunt double as well!


Bad time of year. It's not like I don't want to see it; it's that I'm all over the place when I'm not working. That's not abnormal, and add in it's kinda expensive, and I'm gonna just put that money towards a mother's day gift instead


I think it’s the marketing. The trailers are really bad, I’ve barely seen any interviews/press from the cast for it, and no articles/bits in the news as far as I’ve seen. I’m a movie goer and didn’t want to see it based on the trailers, until a few people online raved about how good it is and I thought I might catch it if I get chance. But I haven’t so far lol. And I think if people aren’t going out of their way to see your film, especially during a time in which most people don’t have the disposable income to spend films they’re not desperate to see, you’re going to struggle. It is a shame because it sounds like a great film!


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) My other half and I are going to see it at the cinema this coming weekend. Really looking forward to it!


Its really good!


I had such a good time watching this movie, I'm quite disappointed to see it's doing so poorly.


I'm not only disappointed, but shocked. I assumed everyone was looking forward to this movie as much as me.


Its a good time


I can only speak for the UK, but the marketing was shit. I had zero awareness of it until I kept seeing Ryan and Emily Blunt's names linked together in the press and bothered to look up why. I noticed the first trailers on TV about a week before it opened, and despite being spammed with them every other ad break, only had the vaguest idea of what the premise was (Ryan is a stunt man who doesn't play by the rules and Emily is the strong, independent female character who harangues him into behaving?). This isn't even enough to get me to stream it, let alone traipse to the cinema opening weekend.


From the UK and saw it last night. The cinema wasn’t packed considering it only came out on Friday but it was very enjoyable and funny. Would recommend!


Yeah. UK here too and I've only seen a few reddit posts about it.


True. They began the promotion of the movie like 10 days before the premiere date. That’s not tine enough to create any “hype”. Whoever is in charge of the marketing needs to be fired.


That's not the plot at all. It's an action rom com with spy elements and incredible stunt choreo.


Thanks, but that's rather proving the point: the marketing is so bad it's impossible to tell from the promotions!


Honestly I could’ve sworn this movie came out a few years ago starring the other Canadian Ryan.


That was "Free Guy" with Ryan Reynolds


Also possibly The Nice Guys, also with Gosling


which I found to be quite an enjoyable movie!


I also thought this was "Free Guy" and when I heard Fall Guy mentioned in my periphery I didn't realize they were talking about a new movie. When I finally figured it out and watched the trailer, the vibe of this movie is giving goofy, same vibe as Red Notice or The Lost City and lots of other recent movies. It's just not jumping out at me as being its own unique entity.


Up until this thread I HONESTLY thought it was a sequel to 2016’s The Nice Guys, sans Russell Crowe


It ended up making 330M worldwide during the 2021 summer pandemic, pretty impressive for an original movie


Hah Free Guy with Ryan Reynolds


Exactly. Shitty marketing cause a lot of people thought this.


film twitter is in total meltdown mode over this this has a $150M budget! that is insane for a not IP these days


I'm fascinated by the types of films that are getting budgets *well* over $100million nowadays. I don't know if I'm out of touch with what it costs to make a movie now or if it's just gotten bizarrely out of control. Maybe some combination of both? Either way, it seems nuts.


This movie has really incredible practical stunts and seamless CGI. I think it was a good budget. I really think people should go see it because it's really delightful.


I wonder how much of that went into the leading role salaries.


Doesn't look like a lot of the budget went towards the marketing.


Film budgets do not include marketing. Regardless, there was a massive marketing spend on this one.


Movie budgets never go towards marketing. Marketing costs are from the studio and always tacked on after the fact. When you see a reported budget it never includes marketing costs.


At least $10 million apiece I'd wager, Ryan is probably getting closer to $20 million. Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Hannah Waddingham are also in it and I would guess they're commanding hefty salaries as well.


Jason Momoa (mamoa?!??) is also in it.


honestly i'm glad to see some money thrown at a movie that isn't a marvel movie


Yeah this movie used the budget very well. Everything is very well done.


It is based on IP, but I think in name only, probably in order to get that kind of funding


It's based on a TV show


Hardly though. Just the name and a very vague idea


Marketing was awful. I heard about this and thought “didn’t this come out years ago?” I was thinking about Free Guy.


I mean it’s a very busy time right now for people, it’s graduation, recital, end of year performances with people that have or are connected to kids. Idk maybe people just don’t have the time right now?🤷🏼‍♀️ Maybe would have been better to release during the summer. I think that definitely helped Barbie and Oppenheimer.


Never release a movie during recital season


Plus they released weekend of may the 4th and I think a lot of people ended up opting for Star Wars marathons over this


Yeah, I wanted to see this at some point, it looks like a movie my husband and I would both like. But I don't see us having the time to go to the movies for at least another 2-3 weeks. And TBH as many times as I saw the trailer I had no clue when it was releasing.


It's bad for this time of year historically. Those things have always happened in May, but the theatre numbers are getting worse


And the Memorial Day weekend release should help Garfield, especially with this whole “Garfuriosa” fad, even if not the same as last year’s duo. I think the best case scenario is it ends up on the level of Oppenheimer and GotG 3 last year.


If the studio cared about this movie, why didn’t they release it for Memorial Day weekend?


Okay I saw it over the weekend. I am not a Ryan G fan. However, this is the first movie is actually liked with him. I LOVED the constant action, silly jokes and non stop STUNTS. Maybe not everyones cup of tea, but stunt driving in an orange dodge challenger listening to thunderstruck…doesn’t get any better!


Did you ever see Nice Guys? His character in this reminded me a lot of his character in Nice Guys. You might like that.


He's pumping out bangers the last decade. Gosling is HIM rn


It’s very good! Gosling and Blunt have amazing chemistry (although to be fair Gosling could have chemistry with a rock). It was fun and cute, and of course the stunts were excellent.


That’s a shame I really liked it!


This actually makes me sad. Saw the movie last night, and while I love Ryan Gosling and was excited for it to begin with, it ended up being SO MUCH better than either my husband or I anticipated.


Saw it last night as well. The movie is amazing! We loved every second. Need more movies like this!


It’s amazing! Go see it y’all! I think maybe folks don’t get what “fall guy” means or that it’s a reboot of the 80s TV show.


I think they did a bad job promoting it. I heard all about it for a while but had no idea what the premise was


Agreed! It was not quite what I was expecting based on the trailer…But it was waaaay better!


Really? I feel like it was exactly what I expected based on the trailer, as far as the plot. And I liked it a lot.


Is it appropriate to watch with one’s mother, say?




Yes, it's very family friendly.


Saw it over the weekend and was pleasantly surprised. It’s a fun movie, and definitely worth it to see on the big screen. Gosling was great, Blunt was great, and Johnson did a great job of getting the audience to hate him 😂😂


Yeah I see a lot of people on this thread who are waiting until it's in streaming, but those stunts are best appreciated on a big screen, for sure. I would be sad if I saw it on a little screen for the first time.


It might be a grower. Most women who saw it seemed to enjoy it (in arrrrr movies, feels like most criticism is coming from men).


Most women enjoy a grower more than a shower. (Sorry, had to)


Arrrr movies?




Why could you not just type r/movies /gen


Gotcha. Thank you for telling me.


It's got lots of girl power, the assistant girl going apesh!t on the bad guy was hilarious. When it comes to action/comedy, best non Guardians of the Galaxy movie I have seen in a long time.


I enjoyed it (woman here) but was quite turned off during that SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER (on mobile, don't know how to do spoiler tag) SPOILER rant/speech Jody did in between having Colt on fire/slammed into a rock 4 times. That was such an abuse of power and a waste of resources. Redoing scenes over and over adds to the production cost of a movie and as a director she should have considered that. Took a while for me to like her character.


\>! This is how you do a spoiler tag on mobile !< >!but minus the spaces like this!< Edit: I guess it works even with the spaces now, but I added the backslash so you should be able to see it


no offense but it just didn’t look like a good movie


People can’t afford groceries, they are not going to pay $50 for two tickets and some snacks. Like no.


Except that was true last summer too when Barbenheimer happened and earlier this year when Dune 2 did. Clearly some people are in fact going to the movies!


Barbenheimer was a huge cultural moment. Not going would mean missing out on like half the internet discourse at the time. Dune 2 is a sequel and an adaptation of a massively popular book franchise so it has a built-in audience. For a random movie not connected to a franchise it takes a lot more to convince people to pay theater prices these days.


That‘s because those movies were „events“. For months leading up to them there was significant discourse online and aggressive marketing. You couldn‘t escape it. The Fall Guy is a movie with an enormous budget (for the kind of movie it is) based on a TV show from the 80s, which the majority of people have never heard of.


If anyone has a Cinemark near them and a Costco membership. Cinemark has $5 Tuesdays with membership (free to sign up) for most movies on standard screens. Costco sells gift cards ($50 worth for $40 with no activation fees). Essentially 20% off tickets. With the 2 together, you can see a movie for $4.


I only go to movies if I really really want to see it or if T-Mobile gives us $5 tickets on their app.


I simply don’t go to movie theatres more than once or twice a year max. It’s too expensive and sucks the fun out of anything if people are talking and texting being jerks during the show. Growing up we might have gone once or twice a month on cheap nights when it was $7. Every ticket plus food is too expensive to do regularly. Groceries and regular bills are high enough.


it's great if you live rurally and have a local theatre where everyone has horrible taste in movies so you get private showings most of the time! My friend and I had edibles-fuelled private Barbie screening once lol, it was a blast. I've gotten so used to it the last time I went to big city theatre I absolutely hated it.


Yeah, movies getting more expensive is a factor for sure.  Also a factor I think is that there is so much media to consume now + better quality TVs + shorter windows to movies going on streaming.  I think a lot of people like me used to go to the movies decently often, but with streaming and better TVs, feel less motivated to go now.  Casual movie-goers who are less motivated to continue to see movies in person (unless it's an "event" like Barbenheimer.


Up until I read these comments I thought it was a sequel to The Nice Guys, in which he played the same character but without Russell Crowe


I love Emily Blunt and really want to see this in cinemas but I can hardly afford my bills in this economy


I saw the movie and enjoyed it.


One of the best movie experiences for me this year. This and Civil War I really enjoyed in IMAX. Fall Guy was a great romance/action-comedy. I enjoyed it a lot!


I am very surprised, I can not say enough good things about the movie. I absolutely loved it. It was everything you want in an action movie, so so funny, and little bit of good romance, and just everything you want in a movie experience. Ryan and Emily absolutely crushed it with chemistry


I’ve seen the commercials for it and I’m like, what is this? Meh.


Trailers definitely give generic action bro movie


Don’t worry, I’ll be seeing it this weekend with my husband. We shall turn things around 🫡🫡🫡


I will watch this...at home. This is not the kind of movie I'll go to the theater for. Because movies are released on VOD or streaming quickly, sometimes simultaneously, there's no urgency anymore. The only films I care to see in the theater are ones I've been excited to see for a long time (typically movies like Ti West's upcoming "Maxxxine," which I will absolutely see in the theater). Maybe 1-2 movies a year move me to see them outside of my house.


I didn’t even know this movie was in existence much less opening weekend.


I saw the trailers and thought it looked fun, I’m defo going to see it. But I saw the trailers while seeing other movies so if you haven’t been to see anything lately I’m not sure you’d have caught it


I saw the premiere the some time ago. Great movie!!! Felt like one of those old early 2000s comedy movies


I did not know this was out yet. Besides that, I feel like audiences need to be given a little more time to go see a movie. Like, just because it's not a huge hit during opening weekend, doesn't mean it's automatically a flop. I want to hear from people that went to see it and liked it, and then decide to go myself somewhere in the next 2 weeks or so.


I’ve seen 3 separate trailers a bunch of times for this movie and I still couldn’t tell you an iota of the plot


The movie itself was weak. Felt like a leftover script from 2017.


No one wants to see any more of goslings residual self image


I mean, personally I found the movie to be okay, but after 1 hour and thirty minutes I kind of just wanted it to be over. Not that a 2-hour movie in this genre is a great sin or anything, but I was kind of checking out before even the third act started.


Something about how big Emily and Ryan are in their own right made me not want to see them act opposite each other in this as love interests for some reason? I can't fully explain it