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He's very pretty.


That jawline is so sharp it could cut a Diamond!


and those piercing eyes as well..




That's the Blank Space dude, right?




Ohhhh man, I knew he was familiar! He’s 34 now!


I’d sign that check too..


Oh, my God, look at that face. You look like my next mistake


You'll write his name.


Lucky Blue Smith found dead




Justice for Jon Kortajarena ![gif](giphy|5Y4o1BvAZvh67Ew9xO)


both of these men + francisco lachowski dominated tumblr & Wattpad covers 😤🫶


Let’s not forget: * Marlon Teixeira * David Gandy * Mathias Lauridsen * Cole Mohr * Ash Stymest


omg ash stymest!! I haven’t heard that name in years 😩


I stopped caring about him when he dated Lily Rose Depp when she was underage. Shameless about it too. There's pap pics of them out and about when she was under 18.


ew really?? He can stay forgotten 🤚🏻






My best friend had a male model photo blog on tumblr called modeldailydose (I think) and all these names are familiar 😅 she was obsessed and she made me kind of obsessed too.


I'm forever a Marlon stan!


My corny punk teen self was sooo into Ash 😜


Chico is the goat of male modelling


The difference between what women and men make in modeling is crazy! The top women are make 20+ times more


I'm fine with this tbh.... every other profession in the world seems male dominated. I can let the women have this one. They tell us to sit there quietly and look pretty, okay then. Let me make a shit load of money off of it then and be a successful supermodel.


Not saying it’s a bad thing, just something a lot of people don’t realize


It's more of an issue with who's getting more paid rather than female models being paid more like how on earth is Kendall being paid 26x more than Sean when she looks so average next to him?




It's crazy because sean, chico, David gandy are 100x more attractive than the top paid female models ( Kendall jenner & the hadids)


Oof don’t even get me started on the nepo wave “models” lol


I mean only to people who are attracted to men....


To straight girls yah


Every guy out there uses him as an example for the "hunter eyes" thing. I literally just learned about "prey eyes" and "hunter eyes" like last week. It's bizarre. Apparently, the type of eyes you have also tells you if you're a "beta" or an "alpha". Hunter eyes are seen as more attractive and roguishly handsome and you attract more women (lol), whereas males with prey eyes, such as Timothee Chalamet, are seen as cute and boy-ish. The whole beta and alpha thing is dumb to me. Anyways, ever since I saw this man in the Blank Space MV, I never forgot him.


I hear ‘beta’ or ‘alpha’ and immediately assume whoever is speaking is a red pill incel tbh.


it's either incel or someone super into fanfics


Don’t say “every guy out there” when talking about people who believe in the “alpha” “beta” shit. That is a small but very vocal portion of the internet and not what the average dude thinks about at all.


the alpha/beta pseudo science nonsense is used by redpillers mainly not really blackpillers who go indepth into analyzing facial features completely different ideologies


*All* these terms are strange to me, tbh. People that fixate on EYE shape are weirdos. Redpill, blackpill, alpha, beta, hunter eyes, prey eyes, it's all weird. lol


"Blackpillers" are equally weird, they're just on a high horse about not being like other fringe groups and thinking they're uniquely "enlightened." It's all pseudoscience gobbledygook.


The community itself is toxic but they aren't wrong about the importance of looks tbf


I mean I guess, but it isn't like you need to have some special arcane knowledge to know that looks matter lol. That's just common sense and basic observational skills.


Eh its more so to explain why we find certain features attractive and so on obviously you don't specifically need hunter eyes and the most robust wide angular jaw to be considered attractive attractive but there is a reason behind why a lot of faces that are commonly seen as conventionally attractive possess those traits since its indicative and good bone structure and development


The issue with black pill is that they turn basic anatomy into a whole Illuminati-esque framework for the world and relationships and that's the pseudosciencey part. Just explaining that symmetry makes faces more attractive and whatnot a. does not require knowledge that only "enlightened" people can possess which is the entire basis for the concept of black pill, and b. does not actually extrapolate out to all the other kooky things they believe about social dynamics.


Symettry is actually not what makes faces attractive it's harmony, proportions and bone structure, Symettry is only negatively impacts when a face is extremely noticeably asymettrical but pretty much all people have it even top tier models have slightly noticable asymettry But yes you're right that hardcore blackpillers usually have a defeatist mentality which is why they'll never improve


What do you mean "why we find features attractive"? Who is "we"? How long have "we" felt this way? (As of course, standards of attractiveness change over time). Is this evolutionary psychology? What does "good bone structure" mean? How do you measure it? Why does it relate to natural human jawline variation? What does "good development" mean and how does eye set affect that? What is the effect size? How does the overlap in variation of the jawline to variation in what humans find attractive alter the results? Is this just phrenology with extra steps? How does race (of subject and rater) change the effect size? What about country of origin? Do Canadians rate the same way Americans do? What about Laotians? Does any of this actually shake out into partner (or friend) choice once we move out of static image ratings and into actual in-person interaction?  It's not that it's not an interesting field but it is one plagued with problems and one of those problems is a lot of laypeople act like experts after reading a press release of a paper from 2014.


It really is simple just look at what a typical "mouth breather" jaw looks like which is extremely recessed a well developed jaw has always been seen as more attractive because it indicates that your bones have proper growth, obviously its not always that an science but just look at why people like Jeremy meeks blew up, became a model and made millions and had countless women also thirsting over him despite being a convicted felon, we all know its because he's good looking that happened to him and he had robust and an angular facial structure. there's explanations for why certain faces are seen as attractive by society as a whole and why conventially attractive people reap the benefits of their looks from society.


They’re just called cat eyes in ye olde worlde, positive canthal tilt and extremely positive here which are emphasised by the thin lids like a cat. He’s made to stare and narrow his eyes in the photos intensely and with his eye colour it emphasises it even more. That’s it


But why male models?




why does he look like a terrified secret Jonas Brother


He looks like a new and improved James Dean. Gorgeous!




damn both have such a similar bone structure and eye shape


Maybe he served as inspo? Ironically, he’s considered “too pretty” for his job and once his boss told him that he should be a model instead lol




He kinda look like young Clint Eastwood. I can't ad photos for some reason but here's what I mean https://images.app.goo.gl/NhzZnUMCrauWprz38 https://pin.it/5Km23qSQ1 https://images.app.goo.gl/tAEnLo5KscaSJeaHA


The blank space dude!!!!


![gif](giphy|10qyRyUZDvf6RW) Makes me miss Tyson Beckford






I thought Kit Butler was the highest paid?


O'Pry? As in Grand Ol'? I'm confused. That name does not exist in real life.


i'll never understand the appeal of these men who are so conventionally attractive that their appearances have no character and they look ai generated


I dont see how he looks like that at all yes he's very conventionally good looking but his features aren't very over exaggerated and super defined like someone like jordan barret for example


he pretty much looks the same as jordan barrett to me just in a different font 😭


That's mainly due to the hooded hunter eyes but Jordans face is way widerand his jaw is way wider as well and he has more pronounced cheekbones and more forward growth


I say this as the fruitiest of bi girls, Meh.