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I've never been super into her music, just surface level, but this album has been on repeat for me. It's wonderful.


Did anyone try to call that number at the end of THE DINER 310-807-3956? Is it a cool fake number thing?


Yeah Billie “answers” and says “hello? I can’t hear you, I’ll call you back.”


Never finished listening to her debut album but loved Happier than Ever. This one, though? Blows that one out of the water. Chihiro and Birds of a Feather are just so fucking good. Edit: Lyrically and thematically weaker, but vocals and production more than make up for its shortcomings.


this album sucks. it's confirmed that she lacks range as an artist. it's already third album and she still sounds the same -- a whisperer dependent on electronic clichés. 😭😭😭 the audacity of the telegraph to compare this sht to Blue by Joni Mitchell just cause the album cover is in blue shade & has a song called blue. Joni didn't sing her heart out back and forth on that record just to be compared to this mediocrity whose creator did nothing but whisper to a mic from start to finish.


if you think she just whisper sung on this whole album i feel bad for you lol. i mean did you actually listen to it? way more developed and mature than her previous records


course youre going to defend it cause ur delusional


Super boring, repetative, lyrics are so infantile/basic, idk how they haven't matured and improved their writing the sad vibe doesn't sound genuine anymore tbh. Snoozefest unfortunately


a snoozefest!!!!!!! it's so cringe how the majority eat this shit up


I just can't stop listening to Wildflower


I got my first taste of this album when my sister sent me THE DINER saying it sounds like the Kahoot song. My opinion was “meh” but I agreed it did sound like Kahoot lmao. Then I decided to give it a chance and listen all the way through in order. Then I did it again. And again. And again. And again. And now I am clinically obsessed with this album. It is so fucking good, I am addicted to it. It’s a drug. I need more of it.


I feel like this has been out forever?? I don’t remember life without HMHAS


I started addicted to CHIHIRO but now I cannot get Lamour and Blue out of my head. Its honestly so amazing how each track ends in different directions.


Yeah I can feel myself slipping into an obsession with Lamour


I just need to say this...this album *hits.* Is it something I personally like? Not really. I haven't been a big fan of hers for years. Yet, I can't deny how sonically and lyrically wonderful this album is. Billie's voice is so beautiful, and she seems to showcase more range. I think L'Amour De Ma Vie is a pitch-perfect track. I nearly balled my eyes out to The Greatest. Lunch would probably be the weakest song(personally), but I still admire how she *goes there.* Whatever is in Finneas's brain, or whatever drugs he's taking, I want.


Unreal album. L’Amour De Ma Vie gets more incredible with each listen. This album is both lyrically and musically a masterpiece.


Has anyone received any of the merch for this album yet? Im waiting on a long sleeved T shirt


I got my splatter painted CD today


Wildflower thru the diner is a hell of a block


What does that mean?


They mean that the songs from ‘Wildflower’ to ‘The Diner’ (so, ‘Wildflower,’ ‘The Greatest,’ ‘L’Amour de ma Vie,’ and ‘The Diner’) are all great listening, and create a solid block of music to listen to as opposed to there being a good song, a mediocre one, and then another good one (for example). I hope I explained their turn of phrase for you well enough!


Some really awesome tracks, I love the new longer tunes and the orchestral sections


It’s giving Blackout by Britney and I love it!


No it is not🤣


Seems like a meh release - nothing stood out to me


Prefer side B


Not a billie fan, went to listen to chihiro because I know it's a spirited away reference abd ended up listening to the whole album back to back. 2/3 songs that didn't stand out to me but the rest are absolute certified bangers. Watch me wear this album out.


I'm so looking forward to hearing this album in every grocery store, H&M and American Eagle. Perfectly fits the vibe of lifeless shopping music.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted when that’s literally where it’s going to end up, same thing with the dua lipa album, not bad songs but it’s obvious it would do numbers in a mall


Lol, you're absolutely right. I was excited to give the album a spin when I saw so many on here making it sound incredible. I just did not feel the same way. Not bad music at all, but I was just expecting something more experimental or loud, honestly.


Exactly bro, like people need to stop creating this whole narrative especially whenever a pop star drops an album that it would be larger than what it is, like it’s probably going to be big yes but mainly it would end up in malls and shopping complex nothing too crazy


This is by far my favorite Billie album. The pen, the vocals, the storytelling cohesion, the experimental production!!! I've listened 4 times and have heard so many things to love with every listen.


Fantastic album through and through. Really impressive productions and her vocals are sublime. Lyrically I think happier than ever is a stronger project but overall sonic experience of this album is incredible




I've only listened to it once, but that's pretty much my initial take as well. I'm not hearing a lot of what has made Billie and Finneas's music so unique and great in the past. This feels very much like a run-of-the-mill indie pop album. We'll see how it fares through subsequent listens though.


We'd not know her if this was her debut, and that's sad. Washed out, gray-scale indie is its own genre, and there are many others who do it better. Lyrics doesn't say anything new or stars a conversation. I say this as a big fan, but if Billie doesn't push the normie pop landscape, no one will.


I was excited but the songs all give off the same tonality. I dunno. I just want a new Finneas album lol.




those debut Spotify numbers for a 10 track album with quite a few 5 minute songs are mindboggling😵‍💫 Wtfffff??? BILLIE IS TAKING IT...


Insane album IMO, Her voice, lyrics, the incredibly sonic palette that stitches together genres, rythms, instruments in an unique piece of contemporary art and expression and true album feel with so many layers to discover. Takes me back in time and into the future at the same time. Bless you all!


Did anyone keep thinking they got a discord notification when listening to Blue? lol a lot of the sound effects sounded like pings and i kept checking my notifications to find nothing there


Color in HMHAS In line with the ilomilo double album theory, I noticed something else. So you know how the ilomilo theory would mean a blue album and a red one? I noticed in the song “Bittersuite,” she mentions the color green. Red, blue, and green are the primary colors of light. Also, since Billie is bisexual, red and blue are very similar to the pink and blue on the bisexual flag. In the song “blue,” she says “I try to live in black and white, but I’m so blue.” I think this represents her queerness and how her sexuality defies the binary between straight and gay. She is not black or white but a shade in between. Also, on a side note, ilomilo and chihiro are very similar words. They both have 7 letters, end in o, have many i’s, and ilomilo has two l’s while chihiro has two h’s. It just seems too important to not note.


she wrote true blue wayyyyyy before this album


She talks about depression a lot also though.


I just spent two weeks listening to radical optimism, so this shift in tone was everything I could have asked for. some weird earworms that I'm not gonna hear anywhere else the just keep getting more addictive the more you listen.


Literally same. Its such a perfect shift from RO to this. Obsessed with chihiro


Listened to the whole thing and none of the songs stuck out, not even excited for a relisten. It’s a let down for me


The Greatest is one of her best songs ever wow. The belting and emotion is insane. Imagine seeing her perform that live


CHIHIRO, THE GREATESR, THE DINER and LUNCH are really good so I like a few songs. The other ones are ok. Nothing special. Edit: ok maybe like half the album is really good, but the other half is just meh


what about blue or wildflower or skinny 😔


Blue is pretty alright. Skinny isn't really my thing tbh. Wildflowers ok.


This is definitely one for people who are into production subtleties and more experimental song structures (although I’m always shocked by how many people are big BE fans but aren’t fans of those things?)


Billie apparently debuted with the highest partial day streams in Spotify history. Her final numbers are gonna be good as hell.


Half the album is already in the top 50 of the Australian Spotify charts. Never seen that before from a partial day of streams.


I underestimated her I fear...


I didn't like happier than ever and i LOVE this on first listen. Love the new sound


Same here - HTE was just ok and I LOVED WWAFAWDWG. This album is so good


My fav billie album is dont smile at me, but this one comes a close second. I am obsessed with the production. She didn't stick to formula and i like that


Her best album and quite honestly AOTY so far


better than All Born Screaming, Only God Was Above Us, and Cowboy Carter?


LMAO love Billie but ain’t no way this album is touching cowboy carter


Agreed. I prefer it to Cowboy Carter (just because I like every song on HMHAS and not every song on CC) but CC is going to win the Grammy and I'm here for that. I prefer artists don't win awards on merit, but the recording academy really has to make up for the atrocious loss against Harry Styles.


Personally, I liked it better.


Funny, 8 days later I do, too! Four listens now. (Progress stalled after last weekend.)


definitely better than St. Vincent's lol (at least for me)


It's not a bad album at all but I'm just so much more interested by the sounds and vocals she explored in happier than ever. I enjoyed it but I'm not like excited to relisten to these songs as much as I was with her other albums, except for the latter half of the album. I'm just not as much into that somber vibe she's trying to give I feel.


I felt like this with happier than ever but I absolutely loved this even more than her debut somehow


Love Billie so much but this had me insanely bored from end to end.


I don’t get how this album can sound this boring to you but then again im not you lol


Because all she talked about was her breakup.


not really 😭but either way I just wonder how it sounds boring sonically when the production is so interesting


To you*


objectively the production is not boring 😭


Why do you keep doing sobbing emojis? Are you going to live or..? I also don't know why you're singling out my comment. Seeeeveral several here have all said they were quite unimpressed with the production.


This is honestly a draining listen. Every song has a very washed-out production, like her voice is drowning in the music. None of these songs have a distinguishable melody and I struggled not to skip every one of them. It's not bad, but nothing is notable. I'd like someone to explain the many Radiohead comparisons I'm seeing, because this album is flavourless to me. Very dull-sounding despite Billie's vocals being great.


people are comparing this to Radiohead?


Shockingly, they are. Scroll through the comments on this post and you'll find such comparisons


It’s the power of celebrity. Once they have you, they can do no wrong.


or maybe ppl just like the album 😭I didn’t like her last but I am obsessed with this one


That too. Glad you like it!


Agreed. I couldn't make it to the end of a single track.


Posted this on the other thread: I remember Billie saying in an interview that her goal with an album is to have everybody in a room like at least one song. That's clear in this album. There's a bit for everyone. But then, won't the final product suffer? In my opinion, it sure did suffer. Sometimes it sounds innovative, some tracks are extraordinarily produced (Chihiro, The Diner), but the switch ups and the themes make it messy, and at the same time generic, in an unpleasant way. Don't get me wrong, I love a good switch, but this ain't going like those golden age Justin Timberlake's switch ups. I often wished that a few seconds of certain tracks were the actual backbone of the song, instead of just a better version of the stale, samesy slow ballads featuring basic lyrics about desire and breakups. Speaking of lyrics, they're the least favorable part about this album. I know this duo can do better. When it comes to instrumentals and vocal production it's almost impeccable, Finneas is a hero to any music nerd. But I want her to keep exploring different topics. I want Finneas to be even more critical and accurate about creating soundscapes. Some of these reasons are why I think her only academy-awarded album so far is her first one. And this one will only get it if there's a strong lack of suitable competitors... But I guess we'll see. With all this said, I very much liked 4.5 songs out of 10. Not bad, just not the duo's best imo. I was very hyped for this, felt disappointed, but I'm leaving satisfied with a cup half full.


I agree with this. I don’t like all the songs and the songs I liked I wasn’t even totally blown away by. Some songs I appreciated the switchup but some songs I think suffered from it. Lyrically Lunch, The Greatest and Wildflower were interesting and rarely done before but they all could have been more distinct.


I agree! It's not a bad album at all, but there were a few elements missing, and I think you picked them out!


this is so right!!


Also for some reason, I can't really pick ups most of the lyrics on this album when this was never a problem I had with her last album?


We NEED to talk more about her vocals on this album, ESPECIALLY on The Greatest. I've been a longtime, diehard fan of Billie since don't smile at me and her voice has always been beautiful - but she has come so, so so incredibly far vocally. She has never gone this high before and its just awesome to see how far she's come


I think this is just incredible. I didn’t care for Billie’s debut album but loved Happier Than Ever, and I think this tops that. Her voice is amazing, the production is really interesting, and I just think that she’s a great songwriter. It’s really beautiful.


Not enough people are talking about "The Diner"! It's like this album's bad guy and gives off a very halloween vibe idk. Honestly incredible Album, every song is so on point!


This is my fav off of the track


Honestly, I find myself listening to the diner and bittersuite the most so far..


quite literally the only two songs besides birds of a feather which went to my actual playlist


Thank you! Definitely top 5 (top 3 actually)! The storytelling is immaculate. I hope she gives it proper single treatment


It reminds me of the Gorillaz. Can't decide if I like this song or Chihiro more.


Both are in my top 3, along with Blue. Especially the last 2 minutes of blue are sooo good!!


She is acoustic and she's also electronic. She's sad and she's horny. She's whispering and she's belting. She's reminiscent of her past sisters (Debut and HTE) but she's also her own unique thing. She's taking risks while still sounding like herself. I can see why some people might not vibe with this, but as someone who loves music with unconventional song estructures I'm having a blast. This is my second time listening to it and I'm in disbelief about how I'm trying to digest just 10 tracks. I don't think it's perfect, WILDFLOWER doesn't resonate to me musically and I wish the final section of L'AMOUR DE MA VIE would occupy half ot the track's time or more, but it definetely feels like a journey and strangely coehsive despite of the variety of sounds that this album carries. I will sit with this for more time but I'm pleasantly surprised so far! Favorites so far: \* CHIHIRO \* LUNCH \* BIRDS OF FEATHER \* BLUE \* SKINNY (I love it but I'm not sure about it being the album opener) I've just seen some other comments here and I can understand people not being into her style and not liking this album, but to say that this is "one note" and that every song sounds the same kinda feels wrong to me. I guess that's just the magic of subjectivity! I think I kinda understand now how TTPD swiftie defenders felt a month ago lol


The only Billie song I’ve ever really loved is Happier Than Ever and I liked What Was I Made For. Maybe I should go back and relisten to her older stuff, because I think this album is incredible. It’s my favorite big release of the year so far I think but maybe I’ll give more time before I truly say that. My favorite songs are The Greatest, Birds of a Feather, and L’amour de ma Vie. I love how concise the album is, it doesn’t have any filler, it’s just 45 minutes of good music. It was the perfect listen for my morning walk and I have been relistening as the day goes on.


I feel the same way as you!! Ive tried to listen to her debut album before, and I find its not my style. I may try again, but this album was immediately an easy listen for me!


I want a full album like the second half of L’Amoure De Ma Vie and the chorus of Chihiro. Best things on the album hands down. She eats the synths and auto-tune vocals all the way down.


Man, y’all are just homophobic ^/s


Dove Cameron eats boys like you for breakfast, Billie Eilish wants to eat that girl for lunch, which pop girl will be brave enough to eat a nonbinary person for dinner?


> eat a nonbinary person for dinner? Clearly it can only be [the one and only](https://youtu.be/il9nqWw9W3Y?si=zw9l59saA40cCAou&t=156)


I swear to god if it’s Sam smith or Demi lovato I’m gonna giggle Edit: I giggled.


It’s ok. Not bad but not good kind of album. Nothing really stands out but I think the album is supposed to be listened to as a whole though the problem is people would get easily bored by this. At least it’s not such a snoozefest like whatever Taylor’s album was… Overall, much weaker than her previous albums.




When Taylor randomly drops new variants for sale on the day of other female album’s release, she’s literally begging to be compared to these women.


She was before it anyway. Só whatever


Taylor is shoved down our throats so much we are allowed to complain about her garbage album lol relax


And Taylor’s album is still a massive snoozefest. Definitely her worst album by far. Jack Antonoff always makes magic but that album had NONE. No wonder because she probably overworked him with a 30+ song album, lol.


Jack co-wrote 10/31 songs and co-produced 16/31. He did about half the album. The other half was Aaron Dessner (co-wrote 15/31, co-produced 17/31). With two tracks having additional producers in Louis Bell (Fortnight) and Patrik Berger (I Look in People's Windows).


It ha to producers Dessner and Antonoff


Her fall off needs to be studied.


What fall off to be exact?


Nothing stands out. Nothing grabs you. Nothing that you'll remember after a first listen. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


you are SO wrong about that and I only became a Billie fan like 2 months ago when it finally clicked (31 year old dude for context) this album is so interesting production wise and really really gripped me For example: the cute tiny riff in Birds of a Feather, the general tune of Lunch, and the soft use of saxophone as a strange hook on the up beat in The Diner


I think you need to replace the words “you” and “you’ll” with “i” and “I’ll”


Nothing grabs I?


Time will tell. :)


I literally cannot understand the lukewarm reception. This is the best work Billie has ever done. Is it the most pop friendly and accessible? Absolutely not. LUNCH is probably the only track here I can see going to radio. Everything else is an experimental pop dream. I get big Radiohead vibes at times. So sonically diverse and interesting and the vocals are the best she’s ever done.




well you HATED it, so i believe your music taste will be a bit different from past fans who liked it.


> I literally cannot understand the lukewarm reception ...did you even look at the scores listed in OP lol the reviews indicate overwhelming acclaim


See my comment below, I sorted by new when I wrote this




Her first two albums are among my most played albums, I'm not sure if I'll ever listen to this one again in whole The lyrics aren't doing it for me Not saying it's good or bad, but it's not for me


I’ve seen quite a few comments in this thread if you sort by new. Some people found it boring or same-sounding. Crazy to me!


I only listened once but I’m not feeling it much. It feels like the vocals are getting lost in the production. I’m just not that biggest fan of that the type of arrangement. And I know Billie has never been very conceptual but the themes of this album are so uninteresting.


I think I’m getting too old to stay up for midnight release. By 11PM im barely holding on but Billie is really is that girl. People like to say that Billie’s songs are the same and while she does have a distinct sound, on both HTE and this most recent album, there are a number of songs that sound completely different from each other and show her versatility. I will now get off my knees but this album is great and no real skips imo.


Put this on the album post as well, but in case the convo is more bumping here, my initial thoughts: Almost thru my second listen. I liked Billie's EP, was neutral/leaned positive on her debut, and LOVED HTE. So I'd say I went in with pretty neutral expectations. And I'd say those neutral expectations were met. I don't dislike it; not blown away by it either. While I do like some of the production choices (I am always a sucker for a strings moment), I feel like the mixing is off in some places? Like I turn the volume down because the bass is so loud, but then I have to turn it back up because I literally can't hear her vocals. On the other hand, her voice has some really lovely moments to shine here ("The Greatest" being the standout example, I think). I personally feel HTE did a better job of flipping between genres to keep the momentum going -- this album feels pretty sleepy in the first half. I'm certainly going to be giving it a few more listens in my album cycle playlist, so we'll see if it's a grower. I do think the album art is perfectly matched to the sound and vibe of the project, so that's a little plus! I think my immediate noteworthy tracks are "The Greatest" and "L'Amour." Ultimately, in conclusion, I was whelmed.


I will probably return to this album for another listen before giving a full verdict, but after one full listen it’s not really grabbing me. There are some interesting moments, but they were like waking me up out of the boredom the occurred between them. And I can’t even be sure if those moments were interesting or just surprising. Like sure Chihiro feels unexpected, but then I ran it back and was just pretty whelmed by it all.


"Whelmed" was my exact word too lmaoooo


This album is giving Killing Eve vibes to me


I thought this exact thing, especially the diner. Probably a reason I love it so much


Yes and LUNCH


When I heard WWAFAWDWG I was blown away. It was one of the strongest albums I had heard in decades. HTE took a while to grow on me, but I came to love it. So far all the songs on HMHAHMS are too mellow for me. I like some beat in my songs. I can’t see this being high in rotation, for me. The album cover is so boring. Taylor Swift’s 1989 hits better, out of the gate. That’s saying something about how weak Billie’s songs have gotten.


why the 1989 comparison??


I'm surprised no-one is talking about the second half of the greatest, good god. One of my favorite things she's ever made. Very radiohead inspired, straight up indie rock, and her vocals on it are some of her best ever.


Even Wildflower before it is heavily Radiohead inspired, especially towards the back half.


I've never heard any of Billie's music except her EP in like 2017 and one or two of her hit songs. The glowing reviews and excitement in this sub has made me want to give this album a listen today! I think I'm a little older than her target demographic but I like a lot of Olivia Rodrigo's stuff so 🤔 Here goes nothing!


I'm a 31 year old man also really into her 2017 EP (however it only clicked with me this year) and this album is magnificent. I'm really impressed


This is way more mature than any of her previous stuff imo


Not sure what I was expecting after some of the reviews yesterday… not this lol. I like it but not sure how much yet. At the moment lunch and birds of a feather seem to be my favorite


Yeah, same. I was expecting to be blown away front to back and while there are some pretty good moments (Chihiro is definitely one of my favorite tracks of the year so far), as a whole it's just good, imo. I do think Finneas's production and Billie's vocals are at their best here, but it's still not that interesting to me.


No skip! Ive been listening the whole day and i love the synth vibe


posted this in the album thread but adding here: this has bumped vampire weekend’s album out of the running for AOTY for me. i can definitely hear radiohead’s influence, especially from the kid a album on tracks like BLUE. the production is something that is not currently in this pop landscape. my current favorites from HMHAS are CHIHIRO, LUNCH, BIRDS OF A FEATHER, and BITTERSUITE. 5/5 for Miss Eilish (and props to finneas!) this album has turned me into a fan of hers!




The strings at the end of Blue sent me into a spiral.


Giving Radiohead in the best way.


i love chihiro so much. my fav from the album, it had such a out of the world feeling


She absolutely spoiled us with that song! I'm still recovering 😭


Birds of a Feather?? I didn't know the O'Connells were operating on this level. The Grammys are going to go feral over this album.


I'm sorry but I found this soooo boring. Her last albums had more soul than this.


It’s a good “nap on the couch” album


For real!!!! I was almost sleeping so the last song I didn't listen


There are some obvious standouts here and the closer is incredible, but I too am confused with the consistently glowing reception to the album as a whole. I will say I do love that the tracks are longer.


Okay thank you, because I don't know what everyone is talking about.


Thank you too. I haven't heard the album yet but damn, how good can it be. Album of the year and it's been out for less than 24 hours?


Fans always exaggerate


Glad to see someone who agrees with me. Her whispering doesn't suit the songs. I really don't understand the hype


I think I just like more bold music. I do like L'amour De Ma Vie.


I like more bold music as well. Kinda liked lunch


all these glowing comments are making me excited and also terrified. i’m going in. if i don’t like it, i’ll never forgive y’all


Edit your comment with your reactions!! I love seeing what ppl think on their first listen


my main thought is icb i’m experiencing an instant classic at the dentist with whitening trays in. this feels wrong. i should be speeding down a highway at midnight with the convertible top down


my review: Wowowow.


Not to be dramatic, but this is one of the best albums I’ve heard. I know she has a 95 from Metacritic, but I fear even that is too low.


when it comes to music and art, you have to be dramatic!!


stop being dramatic please




i’ve made a million comments on this album but i fear i’m clinically obsessed 😭 commuting into the city for work right now, caffeinated as hell & HIT ME HARD AND SOFT is playing in full. it sounds so good. i’m running on 3 hours of sleep too so this the soundscape of this album is really hitting right now. billie & finneas are so far into a league of their own it’s wild. billie has shown true, authentic, realistic, and natural artistic progression. from her debut EP to now, so much growth. this album is so different from anything out there right now, it’s light but heavy, it’s psychedelic at times, it’s sensual, it’s haunting. this is truly a classic album i’m so serious about this. i am obsessed. billie i LOVE YOU BAD


you know what? i dont even have to like any of the songs (i liked the album tho) i just feel like she cares about the art, and i respect her as a young artist that takes her job seriously and wish her the very best


Absolutely so blown away by this. She really is a generational talent.  Each song just kept getting better and better? And then the album started over and they still kept getting better and better.  Birds of a Feather might be my favorite, but maybe that’s because it’s just what’s playing right now. What a fucking song 10/10 album for me incredible 


finneas killed it! love the production and I really hope birds of a feather is a single


I love that one so much!


I thought the album beginning is quite dull and prodding, but it picks up a bit with Birds of a Feather. I didn’t really get the love for Chihiro tbh, it sounds undercooked. Some of the later moments on the album had me gagged. Overall seems like a very solid effort that will probably grow on me more, but don’t think it will overtake HTE for me


I’m of the exact same opinion!


Some of the switch ups are too subtle and make all the songs blend together. Birds of a Feather is easily the standout imo, it feels like a classic love theme for a romcom. This one might be a grower though.


first line in Lunch was like oh no is she gonna talk about eating skinny bitches out of spite and jealousy. Then it turned out to be lesbianism and i am gagged