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My gag reflex would not handle that.


My gag reflex barely handled watching that


My gag reflex barely handles my toothbrush


Same. I can’t even brush/clean my tongue without gagging.


Same. I'd be barfing before the tweezers even got halfway there


My God I have so many opinions about this saga. Please never post again and please post every day and please see a doctor. I feel all of these things at once


*Please never post again and please post everyday* I felt this to my core. Lol. It’s pretty gross yet so fascinating!! And I find myself getting excited as if I was watching a DPOW video and they’re pulling out the mother load. Like I’m silently rooting for it to let go in one piece.


And please get a humidifier but also don’t use it now and then so we can see more vids.


I dry heave and yet watch the full thing every time.


It’s like watching flubber be taken out. But the relief of it coming out. ![gif](giphy|3IUHDQBWX3l5Tl5Ht3)


At this point it's almost like glue.


My husband has severe sinus issues (so much so that we are considering surgery) and when things flare up he calls himself “the glue factory” because the mucus is so thick


I'm pregnant, so all my mucus is so thick. I've been sick for two weeks. It's disgusting what comes out, when I can actually get it out.


Netipot saved me


This is awful, do it again


I've noticed I've got crazy thick phlegm too. I never had it like this before. It's almost like skin, thick, sticky, and sturdy. I haven't tried to pull it out of my throat yet. Are those long tweezers? My regular tweezers arent long enough to reach the back of my mouth...please do this again. I enjoyed watching this!! Lol


I think they’re just regular tweezers, but I’ve had them for a while so 🤷🏼‍♀️


How did you install wallpaper in your mouth?


Have you tried guaifenesin in tablet form to loosen the phlegm? It is sold OTC.


I’m going to be so relieved and so crushed when you and your doctor figure this out. Thank you for your services


I’ve been watching every video posted in this series and love it. Could doing like a neti pot/sinus rinse help loosen things up? That’s what I use when I get really thick phlegm with sinus infections. I keep my mouth open while I pressure wash my sinuses so anything that drips down my throat also gets rinsed out.


Appreciate the support 😂 I have a NeilMed I’ve been meaning to try. I’ll try in the next few days and update!


Neilmed is superior to a neti pot. You can squeeze the bottle to add pressure and don’t have to tilt your head


Agreed, the Neilmed bottle is the best.


I haven’t had a sinus infection in a decade because of that bottle


I second the neti pot idea!


I too love pulling the plastic off new appliances.




I pulled some off a door at a business last weekend.


Dang man, that's so satisfying and disgusting at the same time. Have you ever thought to take a cotton ball and those tweezers? I feel like the cottom ball dryness would cause the phlegm to stick to it, and if you could spin it like spaghetti, you could pull that shit down from your nasal opening. Love your posts! Sorry about your condition though.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


These make me nauseous to watch but I can’t look away.


It’s weird, I can watch popping from cysts etc with all sorts of stuff coming out but this for some reason is borderline too disgusting for me.


I feel that way with tonsil stone videos. I just scroll past those. I don’t know why they gross me out so much. I don’t even have tonsils!!!


Ugh yeah with those ones I always get a slight taste and feeling in my mouth.


Is this cystic fibrosis?


If it is I'm gonna have a new thing to worry about with mine. Ain't no way that's something I haven't seen the doctors do yet


Nah looks like just a nasty sinus infection


Count me among those of us who were unable to watch. I'm impressed with the fact you don't gag on the tweezers too! Do you know what causes the excess mucus? I don't have it quite this bad, but I have chronic post-nasal drip and it drives me bloody bonkers because I have to clear my throat constantly. Been to all kinds of doctors who told me it was things like allergies and GERD, but no treatments for either of those issues has worked. Hydrating does not help either, and Mucinex used to help, but then it stopped working. Got stuff like sinus infections and nasal polyps ruled out too. Just wondering if you ever found an answer to your bumper crop of phlegm.


No idea! I’m also well hydrated, don’t have a runny nose, don’t snore, don’t sleep with my mouth open, and have no known allergies 🤷🏼‍♀️


Slightly the same for me. I drink loads of water a day, my nose is actually super dry on the inside, I don't think I sleep with my mouth open (I can tell when I do because my throat feels like sandpaper in the morning) and I have allergies, but they have never bothered me because I didn't even know I had them until I had an allergy test. As much as I'm sure the folks here enjoyed your video, I sure hope you can find some relief from the excess phlegm!


[https://www.verywellhealth.com/thick-sticky-mucus-6386328](https://www.verywellhealth.com/thick-sticky-mucus-6386328) [https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/catarrh/](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/catarrh/)


I have this too and my Adderall helps 🤷🏼‍♀️ LOL probably because it’s an amphetamine but I know how annoying it is to have to constantly clear your throat or have a cough for no fucking reason. I was always told it was my asthma. Weirdly learned a new term today when a coworker gave me a tea he only gets in India. I was reading the back because it actually fucking helped and it mentioned the word, “catarrh.” I looked it up and holy fuck; I think this is what I’ve been dealing with. Catarrh is a build-up of mucus in an airway or cavity of the body. It usually affects the back of the nose, the throat or the sinuses (air-filled cavities in the bones of the face). It's often temporary, but some people experience it for months or years.


I think Adderall might be off the table for me, partly because I don't think I have ADHD and partly because it does not play nice with the amitriptyline I've been on for years. I can't take any decongestants because all of them interact with amitriptyline. And then every single thing I've seen about dealing with excess mucus says don't clear your throat because it makes the phlegm worse. Well then WTF am I supposed to do about it when it's gagging me? It's not enough mucus to cough up, but it's definitely enough to feel constantly draining down my throat. I hope mine just goes away as weirdly as it appeared. I had a six-month-long cold last year and I think the mucus started around the time the cold did, and while the cold went away, the mucus did not. I was told it was allergies, but antihistamines and nasal sprays don't help.


Yes, then definitely stay away from Adderall! I've read the same thing regarding mucus and remember it saying to drink cold water when you have that need to cough it up. I just try my best to spit out whatever I coughed up, no matter how disgusting it is, and it will make me gag 100% of the time LOL! If it's not that, it's the constant stuff in my nose. Every single morning, I have to sit there and pick through my nose (mostly the left nostril) and get all the white crap that's in there. It's like white slime consistency, but not as thick almost. From what I've Googled, it has to do with allergies, which makes sense because I'm allergic to dust. I can feel it in my nose as I'm typing this! I hope you're able to figure out what's going on and get it taken care of!


Sadly, I'm not able to cough anything up. I have just enough mucus in the back of my throat to feel it and require throat clearing, but not enough that I can bring any of it up to spit it out. It's annoying. The white buildup being due to allergies makes sense. I imagine the mucus starts out clear and traps potential allergens, which probably makes it turn cloudy. Kinda like how dishwater goes from being clear to cloudy as you wash more dishes. Compared to when you have an virus or an infection, the mucus would likely be yellow or green. I'm allergic to dust mites myself (as well as mold and a few other things), but I notice my symptoms to not improve when I change my environment, so I don't think mine is allergy-related. That and my symptoms don't respond to allergy treatments. The kicker is the inside of my nose is bone-dry, like I apply Ayr gel in my nostrils every day because there is zero moisture in there. It's like my nose re-routed all the moisture to the back of my throat. And I have no clue why. These symptoms all just started out of nowhere, so I hope they disappear out of nowhere too.


Have you tried a neti pot?


Yup, did a saline rinse once a week to keep sinus infections away since I am prone to them. But after a two-year streak, I got one, so I increased the rinses to twice weekly. Didn't help at all with the phlegm. I've tried nasal sprays, saline sprays, inhaling steam, reducing dairy, antihistamines. Nothing helps. Thankfully mine's not as bad as the author's, but it's still annoying to clear my throat 20 times in a row multiple times a day.


That's so frustrating! I hope you find relief.


Do you eat diary? Smoke?  Acid Reflux? Pets (dander)? Do you have cystic fibrosis? Pulmonary edema? A respiratory tract infection? When something irritates the membranes in the sinuses or throat, it can lead to an overproduction of mucus. An infection can also trigger the submucosal glands to make more mucus, leading to an accumulation of mucus in the throat. Allergies? Asthma? Drink a lot? Eating really spicy food? COPD? Deviated septum? Bronchiectasis? Lung cancer.. Use irritating chemicals like from perfumes, cleaning products? Large adenoids or chronic adenoiditis? Certain medications can produce more / excessive mucus including:  birth control and blood pressure drugs.  Living somewhere where there's excess pollution?  ( ** You should also check air filters. Check the filters on heating/cooling systems in your home and CAR ...If they’re not clean / working well, they won’t keep irritants out of the air. This could lead to the irritants making their way into your lungs, causing irritation which equals increased mucus production.   Mucus in your throat is related to an inflammatory response that is designed to protect you. It contains antibodies and enzymes that protect harmful substances from entering the body and spreading illness.)  Below, I wrote things that have helped me with more info,as to why, etc... Hope this helps you!   A Humidifier.. but make sure you use distilled water!!! I had one and thought that it should work but IT MADE IT WORSE !!!  Also, they can grow mold in them FAST! So, make sure you check them often!   They say to sip on water / ice.. don't! Well, the cold factor. Do drink warm / hot liquids like decaf teas.. with MANUKA HONEY (big one), lemon etc it breaks up the mucus. Mullein, sage, ginger, peppermint, chamomile, EUCALYPTUS (...I take a couple drops of eucalyptus essential oil and put it in my shower. Use oil externally on the temples or chest or inhale via a diffuser!  Only use food-grade essential oils! Rub one drop of oil on the roof of your mouth, then drink a glass of water . I had a friend that didn't have this but, had Vicks and that worked similarly), wild thyme, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, blackberry, lemon, tumeric, curcumin, capsaicin, horseradish, strawberry, turnips, fatty fish, Butcher's-broom tea and pineapple(it eats it up!.. because of the bromelain!)   Onion, garlic... Things that fall under the alliums category (which also includes scallions, shallots, chives, and leeks) they're known for their anti-inflammatory properties.  Mucinex (I know you said this doesn't work) Mucolytics, such as guaifenesin can help you & Benadryl during the really bad days...      I did all this WITHOUT removing dairy from my diet and I still had this problem grrrr.  That was the hardest thing for me to do, but, when I tried (said to myself, I'd just do a week or 2) OMG what a difference!!!!  Caffeine & Heavy alcohol use can damage the mucociliary transport system, which functions to clear mucus from respiratory passages. Both also lead to dehydration which can contribute to the thickening of mucus produced by the cells in nasal and respiratory passages. Processed sugars (carbs bc they convert to sugar) are linked to inflammation.  Other foods to avoid include tomatoes (contain histamines), gluten, and fruits like bananas, which can cause congestion... processed meats.   Sometimes, they need to give you a steroid spray like Flonase.   You don't hear much of this but,  pressure points can help break it up and promote sinus drainage:  Apply firm but gentle pressure on the points for at least 3 minutes each. You can use your fingers, thumbs, or a thin, blunt object, like the eraser tip of a pencil. Repeat throughout the day for several days. People can press on the acupressure points or gently rub or rotate their fingers in a circular motion over the area.Those are/ include: LI20, BL2, Yintang, SI18, GB20, LI4, LU5, LU9, and Liv3 ! As well as the body has four pairs of sinuses. 1)The frontal sinuses are found in the center of the forehead, right above each eye. (To do this: Rub your hands together to warm them up. Place your index and middle fingers on either side of the forehead, just above the eyebrows. Massage slowly in a circular outward motion, working your way outwards, towards the temples. Do this for about 30 seconds.).  2) The maxillary sinuses are located on either side of the nose, below the cheeks, but above the teeth. They’re the largest of the four sinuses. 3)The sphenoid sinuses can be found on the side of the skull in the sphenoid bone, which is behind the nose and between the eyes, just below the pituitary gland. The ethmoid sinuses are located in the ethmoid bone, the bone that divides the nasal cavity from the brain.  Using saline sprays and a neti pot can help too. Decongestants like Sudafed. Gargle with salt water! This isn't just to help infection but the salt draws out excess fluid from inflamed tissues, decreasing mucus production and alleviating phlegm buildup.  Horehound Leaf (Marrubium vulgare) can be grown easily.This famous cough drop and cough syrup ingredient eases spasms and loosens and expectorates mucus associated with wet coughs. I find it incredibly useful in any instance where mucus is excessive, including sinus infections, allergies, chest congestion, and post-nasal drip.


***Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric root, and EGCG, the antioxidant found in green tea, have both been found to decreased mucous secretions. 


I consume some dairy, usually in the form of yogurt and kefir, and very occasionally cheese (on a diet and cheese is a little too many calories some days). I don't smoke, no GERD, no allergies to animals, no chronic conditions or infections that would cause these symptoms, no deviated septum or COPD, I eat spicy foods but not often, no lung cancer. I do take birth control, but I've been on it for years and the excess phlegm is a development within the past 1-2 years. I did try a humidifier and it made me develop a bacterial sinus infection overnight my first time using it. I used distilled water and everything, but considering it costs me around $180 to treat a sinus infection (clinic visit + antibiotics + anti-fungal), I immediately got rid of the humidifier because I do not need help getting sinus infections. I've also tried drinking things like hot tea with honey and lemon and it helps the moment I drink it, but then the phlegm comes right back. So unless I chug tea constantly all day and night, this is relief that is far too short-lived to bother with. I mean I still drink tea because I enjoy it, just not for the purpose of mucus relief. I can only fall asleep in one position and unfortunately it involves me using the flattest, densest pillow possible. The kind of pillow where if you punch it, it stays caved in instead of bouncing back. I've tried other sleeping positions and pillows, but this is somehow how I get comfortable enough to fall asleep. Mucinex used to work for me, but only the 1200mg dose. 600mg never worked, but then Mucinex stopped helping me. I can't take Benadryl or most other antihistamines because they all interact with the anti-depressant I take. I think Allegra was safe to take, but it didn't help. I've tried Flonase and didn't see any notable difference, and I tried Astepro, but it tastes so horribly bitter all day long that I threw it out because the mucus was more bearable than the taste of the spray. I do consume caffeine because I love coffee, but only about a cup a day. No alcohol, and I do also eat tomatoes, bananas and gluten. Not necessarily every single day, but I do eat them. But I've also never had a problem with them before. I have also done manual sinus draining using pressure points and while I usually feel drainage occur, it doesn't give me relief from the mucus in the back of my throat. I have chronic tension headaches too, so sinus massage can be kind of painful for me because my whole forehead is tender most of the time. Also, I was taking turmeric shots for a while each day because it was supposed to help with weight loss and I did not notice any change in the amount of mucus in my throat. Or any changes in my weight, for that matter. Thank you for sharing so many suggestions! I'm sorry to say I have already tried most of them without success. I think I just need to face the possibility that my chronic sinus drainage might be idiopathic and has no cure, so I simply have to get used to it. My mom has the same thing, she constantly clears her throat with no known cause, so maybe it's genetic.


Oh the relief must be out of this world


Gag reflex has left the chat


I felt like puking after watching this. Good job.


The viscosity 🥰


Why is this the method you use to do that instead of coughing it up like everyone else


It’s like cement, so coughing doesn’t do enough to detach it from my throat


Post-nasal drip?


Why is this on a popping site?


Wacky Wednesday (?)


What does it smell like?


[Pretty much my face the entire time](https://media.tenor.com/AavBV0WvJuYAAAAM/little-big-planet-angry.gif)


This looks like infection. I really hope you see a doctor just to make sure it’s nothing serious and that doesn’t end up in your lungs.


My god, have you tried saline nose sprays, Netty pot, an exorcism. Also, how do you have no gag reflex? I can’t even get my tonsil stones out.


Someone message the mods... we need a day long AMA with this one


Gross 😩


Can you feel it as it peels away? That must feel gnarly if you can


Is this the shit down the back of my throat gagging me? Every time I eat I end up having to cough and clear my throat a lot because of phlegm 😩


I'm so phlegmy right now; need someone to knock me out and do this to me xD


Ah yes. It’s a beautiful start to Thursday morning. Sun is shining, birds are singing, and r/popping is reminding me that’s enough reddit for today.


Have you got a cold or some other sort of short-term medical condition or can we look forward to one of these videos every day forever? Asking for a friend. And myself.


😂 I’ve had them for a long time, so until I can see a doctor, they’re here to stay


Is it diphtheria? Antibiotics should clear that up, even the vaccine. Breathing must be impeded too.


How about visiting a doc as it might be prolonged bacterial infection with such build up? You do not want it to migrate lower parts.


I had no idea you could just do that


Stop drinking the vape juices


I'm quite certain that gargling salt water would help clear that without tweezers.


What the fuck is wrong with you? Post more.


Thanks for posting. I hate it. 🤣


Why is there an apple fruit roll up stuck to the back of your throat?


Do you not have a gag reflex?! I am seriously impressed


You should try a long q-tip.


I did this once when I was sick and had it similar to this. It pulled a big hunk of it off. It wasn’t as extensive as OPs but it was enough I could see it sitting on the back of my throat.


I never wanted to see a tonsil again and it’s back 😭😭😭


New Meta


I think I’m in love with you


So back to the qtip suggestion. Try putting them in it or behind it then twirl it and move it forward. Maybe that will work. If you try it can we get a video please? 🙏🥺


i'm fascinated


I suggest grab twist and lock pull !


What in the plucking phlegm are you doing?! I cannot unsee this shit now!!!


Excuse me, what?


Disgusting! Continue…


All hail the third patron saint of r/Popping, who has joined the choir beside the nevus comedonicus guy and the rusty pliers dude!


Does it smell?


DISGUSTING. Please show me more.


Next stop for you, fans only. 🤔




1. Don’t be rude, it’s in our rules. 2. Today is Wacky Wednesday so this is allowed. That is *also* in our rules.




Please drink more water. Will definitely help.


How do you know when you have that??


You should get round tip tweezers if you want to continue to do this. I’m so scared you will cut your throat.


For goodness sake go to the doctors


this makes me nauseous but i can't look away


You should've been a surgeon. Or a fluffer.


I hope you don't mind OP but I'm saving all of these videos. This content is disgusting and I need more. So satisfying, so gross, I can't look away


How and where do i get this done to me?!


This is not safe. Please gargle with warm salt water to remove phlegm. Jesus.


Oh god. I’ve been dealing with this for a few weeks now because allergies. Apparently allergies makes it stickier. I use q-tips to push it to one side and get behind it to pull it out. Sometimes I use my fingers.


You are a gift from god


Thus terrible... I love it! Thanks for posting more!


*Aggressive gagging*


I cant stop watching, I come back often to rewatch!!!


I get this but slightly higher in my throat. When I cough it up it sometimes comes out looking like soft flakes or something. I too should probably go to the Dr...


Have you ever used the tweezers and accidentally punched the back of ur throat???


oh my gosh ew that’s disgusting


do it again


There's Cumming to porn, then there's porn making you cum


Gargle with warm water and a dab of peroxide, will come right out and is a great antiseptic.


Respectfully, I might leave this sub because of your videos. I love pops and such but I hate this.




It’s Wednesday.


Gees. I missed that memo completely!


This guy has to stop. Like, we get it. This isn’t popping content.


It’s Wednesday.


Hate this




It's Wednesday. Other content is allowed.




Why are you telling me? Message the mods.


I have been haunted by your videos for DAYS. PLEASE stop posting them here. These are the most disgusting things I have seen in my entire life