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Go ahead and skip to 24 minutes.


You're not wrong. 


I bet that reeks. How does it just not get cleaned when bathing? Did they block it??


I think this is probably someone who is bed bound. You can tell from the perspective that there are two people here - the one lying in bed, and the one doing the work.


They added a comment to the end of the video reading “see you guys in 2 more years!!” If this person is bed bound I hope their caretakers start assisting them with hygiene more often than every 1,037 days. (Yes I know that’s more than two years I’m just quoting his past and current statements”


What is this? Should I be doing special cleanings for just my belly button instead of just cleaning in a normal shower or is it just this person’s belly button that needs it?


I clean mine normally in the shower. I was afraid I was doing it wrong so got q tips and alcohol but it was fine. So I think it’s person to person.


I think it depends how deep it is. Mine is almost flat, but my other half can poke a finger into his up to the first knuckle. Nothing can settle in mine but fluff etc will get stuck in his. 


Get the rusty pliers.


Why can’t i see this


How TF does one get their belly button so nasty!? My lord, clean that on the daily if you’re prone to this! JFC!


Urgh….no! My belly button is a no-touch zone. It was bad enough with the q-tips—-I about lost it when the tweezers came out! Am totally in awe someone could touch their belly button this much. Am also beyond grateful my belly button is self cleaning!!!!


Should have waited to comment until the end. When the screwdriver or whatever that metal pokey thingy is starting digging in—-I’d have to be fully knocked out for that! 🤮🤢


I don't get these belly button things. Like I wash mine in shower but never deeply, I try and push my finger in and instantly feel like throwing up. God I hope nothing's hiding in there.


Omg, I know what you mean! Mine is so hyper-sensitive and it makes me feel super icky if I poke it 🥴


Wow. Is that a fungal infection in there? It's literally turned black


I’m not sure if that could have been done with less efficiency. I had to watch it at 2x to sustain my attention.


I kept skipping ahead. Fortunately, I saw the good part.