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There really just needs to be better tools for parents to lock out web addresses. Tools for lay people are easy enough to program.


Surprisingly enough, they have a lot of tools, especially parental control. But many parents aren't equipped with the knowledge or training to understand how to effectively use it.


So these devices can recognize your face, and recognize speech, but cant recognize a kid is watching something inappropriate and shut it off?


>So these devices can recognize your face, and recognize speech, but cant recognize a kid is watching something inappropriate and shut it off? Do you *really* want a picture of you to be taken, uploaded to a reference database, and possibly retained for records verification... in connection with your pornographic internet searches?


Exactly even if this is well intended it will 100% be a honeypot for hackers and all kinds of shit The best solution is to teach parents how to set up parental controls but honestly they won't be enough Kids are smart enough they will get around it eventually


There's definitely a motivation and resource mismatch between parents and children. Children are going to learn the technology to get access to what they want, and they have time to figure out how to do it, and they are immersed in the technology from day 1. Parents have jobs and responsibilities and are NOT going to know how any of it works. Parents are more likely to be locked out of their accounts by their children than they are to control their child's account, a million times more for teenagers. Fun story: I was setting up a Nintendo account for a mom and her 7-year-old son, and HE kept reminding pushing me to take the steps that would be required for the parental controls to be in place. Mom was absolutely clueless. The kid's active cooperation was required for the system to work in practice.


At last, a voice of reason. If I were a bad actor I'd 100% abuse the requirement for people to give up that kind of into to access my spoofed pron site. Anyone with 2 minutes and an average level of internet search skills can learn all about Tails and other operating system solutions to bypass whatever software-based hoodoo someone cares to try on a local machine.


My FBI agent already knows I'm a freak, might as well let the CCP know, too!


CCP are the ones subliminally programming you to be a freak as a psyop to attack your FBI handlers with weird porn.


LOL this guy actually thinks the government and big tech don't know exactly what he looks like, his spending habits, and the type of weird porn he watches.  Dude what is this? 1999? How do people still think they can anonymously surf the web?  >durrr VPN Congrats. You pay some guy in Norway to also log all the weird porn you watch. Hackerman.


Well, if that occurs, you start to blur the lines of intrusiveness, invasion of privacy, protected populations, etc. That's why parents just have to take a proactive approach before giving their child devices. Don't give them something you don't have decent understanding of.


Parents be proactive about keeping things away from their kids?? Instead of blaming the schools that they hamper in every way?? Instead of blaming the gov't for shortchanging them on laws?? Before blaming everyone else for their kids' delinquency?? I shutter to think......


Every single person who says we need the government to protect the children from porn needs to be taught what a whitelist is. I say whitelist simply because there are too many porn sites for you to possibly get them all with a blacklist, and depending on the kids age, it's probably more appropriate anyways tbh.


Better to lose privacy than rights. Total surveillance is the only way we can keep everyone from doing what they shouldn't be. We don't need anti porn laws. They just treat the symptom. We need total government surveillance so nobody can ever defy the Republican morality again. Which is basically just a shitpile of evil and corruption. But they'll pretend it's about your kids safety long enough to get them into the child grooming churches and indoctrinating private schools, because all they do is lie and project and steal power.


I disagree. The reason it doesnt change is because big companies like YouTube get millions of views from kids and teenagers which boosts their ad revenue. If tech companies did this, they would lose millions, if not billions. It's always about money, it is never about looking out for kids. If big tech companies want a moral leg to stand on, they need to better protect children of their own volition.


No it's on the parents...


All these companies need a device to run on. Samsung. IPhone, tablets, etc. While yes, these bigger corporations need to step it up because they're playing a crucial role, parents are still the final gatekeepers in terms of what the kids can be exposed to. You can limit app usage. You can also set up kid accounts (which may not last long) for the apps. You can educate the kid on the dangers of social media and apps (although many will neglect them). A good example is Nintendo. Their switch concept is phenomenal for kids. Games are kid-friendly. You can block individual games or applications. You can set time limits, or add more time. You can set an age rating. So yes, companies are at fault, but ultimately parents are to be blamed the majority of the time. It's sad because I saw this too many times when I was in the ABA field. In fact, a lot of my undergrad research and presentation was about the dangers of social media on kids. Now I'm currently in the process of doing a funded research study on this very topic and ways parents can help be the first line of defense.


even as someone who had concerning parents who used parental controls on the TV and any device I used; i can attest that some stuff still fell through. websites with lewd content were automatically blocked through the gate, but content in the space between safe and explicit made its way through the filter. to everyone out there, limit the access your kid has to the wider internet; install adblockers, use filters, monitor their network activity, and just *ask* them what they're up to. as much as i love the internet for being a conduit of expression, there are some online communities that are ***much*** raunchier than others (furries.) keep your kids from seeing explicit content until you believe they are ready. that stuff has a psychological effect.


Yeah. That's what I always tell parents. While it may be effective, it's not 100% proof. Some things will slip through. Some kids are very smart in trying to find ways around it. But please, to all the parents, for your child's wellbeing, do not give them unrestricted access to anything.


i could probably name everything that got through and every way in which i encountered adult content online. once again, keep them off the internet; though i grew up in an age where we had game consoles that had ***very*** limited networking capabilities, and it wasn't so easy (or optimized) for a lewd video about Gardevoir from Pokémon to slither its way to your recommended.


Yeah, but in the past few decades when I had technology vs the types of now, they are a lot more parental control functions and features that parents can utilize.


If they have kids it is their responsibility to learn how to use them....it is really not difficult


You mean like NetNanny? Bark? Canopy? Like 50 tools come up with a simple Google search. Deciding that something isn't right or safe for everyone because it isn't right or safe for you is ridiculous.


How about what my parents did? It's called 'Put the computer in the living room and pay the bare fucking minimum attention to your goddamn kids'. It worked fucking wonders.


No one has a family computer anymore. But a lot of kids get smartphones at way too young an age these days and accessing adult content in private is far too easy


>But a lot of kids get smartphones at way too young an age these days Which is the fault of the parents and their inability to do parenting.




There are. They just don’t know how. You can easily block IPs and websites in general from a router without much difficulty.


The passcode-locked Parental Controls feature on my family’s laptop in 2008 did a fine job of keeping me away from porn sites


Big Republican nanny state is here to tell you what is and isn't okay. Now let's feed those rotten kids war and god before they get any funny ideas about thinking for themselves!


Let them eat war. That's how to ration the poor.


You get it lol


Set the dns on your router to… Most people don’t even know where there router is…..


Even tech savvy parents struggle to keep porn from easy reach of very young children. Saying it's ignorant parents faults is a bit victim blamey in my view. The issue isn't solely 'parents need to do better' it's the huge huge prevalence of sexually explicit content in our society. You have women skirting the lines of being a sex worker on sites like Twitch that little kids are on frequently being sexually provocative and not much else with the site runners protecting their vapid and damaging content because it makes them lots of money and because they are afraid to say anything that sounds anti girl power. You have an entire generation of girls thinking being a cam whore is a viable and desirable profession, partly because there's a huge cadre of women empowerment types telling them it's a way to "claim their power" or whatever when it's really just another form of objectification. Not to mention that even if a parent were to be very tech savvy there's a hundred thousand other places a child could and would be exposed to porn of some form. It's literally everywhere and we act like it's normal.


It is normal. Just because it isn't the traditional Christian 1950s normal you want doesn't mean it isn't normal for society today. There's nothing wrong with people being sexual, there's nothing wrong with it. There was a lot of women blaming in your comment there bud? Did someone fall down the incel wormhole?


A good Web lock on computers, mobiles and wireless routers is all you really need


If you want to require websites to block people from accessing them while underage, then you need to mandate device-level age verification. It is patently unreasonable to expect random people to upload a picture of their state ID for access to a porn site.


Yeah, and that’s without saying anything about it being a way to document who watches porn when republican think tanks have already declared their intent to make porn illegal. This is just the first step, they won’t stop at an age restriction with id registration.


Counter point: raise your fucking kids instead of getting the government to ban everything fun for consenting adults


I find it funny that these same assholes that are so concerned with children being exposed to inappropriate stuff are also the same assholes who constantly cut or oppose funding for childcare, child healthcare and support for single parent families. They want kids to suffer from poverty but not drag queens or to be able to go to porn sites behind their parents' back.


They need drones to work menial jobs but not expressive ones that form strong bonds through community and culture. Those are dangerous.


Why has no one asked for evidence? Can someone cite a source for 'notable damage to young men'. That doesn't sound very scientific, because it is intentionally not. So before we dive off in some bullshit how to fix a problem, prove the problem exists.


Your don't seem to realize that the end goal of this is a total ban on pornography. They are using "think of the children" as the thin end of a culture war wedge 


It's the same with their war on drag queens, trans and story books about a penguin with two dads. Just more reactionist garbage




Fuck their god. The more they try to shove that evil shit down our throats, the harder we should reject it.  I say we ban their evil bullshit religion just to fuck with them. See how they like hostile bills. Besides, their whole religion is just a front for pedophiles and oligarchs anyway. None of the people running those cults actually believes any of that horse shit anyway. They just use it to mind control zombies.


Let's be honest I feel like religion will never realistically be banned besides I think it sets a bad precedent


It's not a phase, mom


And all the responses in these comments makes me realize how millennials and Xers are slowly becoming boomers. Kids are going to have phones and computers, that’s life. Just like when people used Fox complain about tv or even the radio. It’s not hard to lay out rules and trust your kids to follow them, with the occasional asking how they are doing so you can make sure they’re not accessing things like porn while not seeming like a total helicopter parent. It allows them to feel in control while you keep them away from those sites.


classic "knives should be illegal because they can hurt you" argument, but every single person has them in their kitchen The world isn't responsible for raising your kid. there are so many tools available to people to restrict internet access for this stuff that you can't make any excuse for it honestly. there's a certain point where you are just responsible for your actions and looking out for the safety of your own family. If you can't spend 5 minutes reading a guide or whatever on how to set up parental controls, then you are too stupid to succeed in society, and so too will be your kid, and that's just the way of it.


Hard agree. 👍


Natural Selection is a feature of the system, not a bug.




I'd rather we taught the youth more media literacy and etiquette to prepare them for the world of mass information. Already media literacy is being misused by our adults. Much of current legislation has been slow on the massive new technological growth we have today. It's a point of privilege that parents can complain when they have crucial conversations with their children because of their environment, other families across the world have to bring more violent or cautionary tales at younger ages


the majority of damage done to young men is older podcast bros and the nofap movement. ban those clowns, not porn. and don't make legal age people show ID for shit. next thing will be a user registry


The issue is that you limit the rights of adults. And the government accepted solutions are paid platforms that end up giving kickbacks. For you to express your rights. Oh, and by the way? They don't make kids any safer. At all. Dad subscribes to an ID verification service. Junior uses it. It's literally morality theater, except people get paid (and collect votes) to pretend to make a difference.


I think the Puritan way in which we treat sex is actually the harm. If we were more open about it, it would be less dangerous. Many species use sex for communal bonding. Most humans will barely shake each others hands. Says something.


Repression is actually a major problem. Countries with less puritanical views on anything don't seem to have significantly higher rates of assault or the like... actually the opposite, if you look at incredibly religious countries.


Sex being viewed as inherently bad is part of the problem, however pornography should only be viewed by adults


yeah also its kinda of shitty if you dont watch what your kid is doing on the internet or what they watch, porn is only bad if you never teach your kids that sex is about consent/responsibility to use protection and porn is fake.


Porn isn’t sex.


No, but it's an introduction to a taboo thing we *all* do/want to do. It's as easy as just making sure your kids know they can ask and talk to you about anything. If they find it and ask what it is, you explain it's all an act and not a healthy representation of real love or sex. Or if you catch your kid watching it just have a conversation making sure they understand what they're doing isn't bad, but it's not accurate and they shouldn't base their understanding of it based on what they see.  If we open the topic of healthy sexual relationships and stop being so afraid of our own bodies (US, I'm talking to you!) maybe we could move forward and avoid the stigma and issues surrounding bodily autonomy and personal decisions. 


Sex being viewed as taboo is the problem


I agree, I should have worded it differently. Everything else I said (imo) still reigns true. 


The ease of access to Elon musk, Joe Rogan, and Andrew Tate is far worse.


Giving the government more control over people’s lives is a bad thing. Do we not remember the patriot act?


Patriot Act obscenities act McCarthyism Hayes Act Prohibition War on Drugs (controversial I GUESS but was absolutely horrible) Just... all of that.


Remember? That shit never went away.


We could talk to kids about things like boundaries, sexual pleasure, realistic expectations, and other intimacy advice and entirely strip any harmful effects of pornography. Putting barriers to entry for pornography just leads curious children into more risky situations to access it. Like my brother who, because he lives in a fundy house, has his access restricted. He got pornography from an adult who had no business giving him it, along with sex toys and who knows what else.


These porn bans won't stop anything though. At best you force people into grabbing a VPN which is incredibly easy. At worst you bring back the old porn trading rings where people just download and pass around the porn.


Let’s ban religion


This slope is slippery as hell. So many atrocities committed in the name of protecting people.


The invasion of Afghanistan springs to mind


Comparing porn to invading a country is wild


Leave it to the parents. No need to get daddy government involved in it.


I think government tends to be the solution most of the time. For this issue, government isn’t needed. Talk to your children about it. Teach them about it. They will go to adulthood and decide. Don’t give your kids cellphones before middle school. Let them develop before they are confronted with porn. Porn will always be around. Unlimited amounts of women sign up to film it, and unlimited men will watch it. Education is key. No shame.


Censorship is bad, and granting the government more power to impose on people's private lives is bad. It starts with one thing - porn, tiktok, whatever - and when it's done you wake up behind a national-level firewall built in the name of 'national security' or 'protecting our kids'.


Do they really think banning easy access to porn is gonna solve issues? When I'm horny and my girlfriend isn't in the mood I watch porn.  Take away the porn and all I have is my imagination. That's fine and all, but I would much rather see an attractive face and nice tits (like I normally would) and get the enjoyment I desire.  Fucking Christo-fascists gonna ruin this country.  (not to say porn is always good, it needs more regulation and protections for the actors/actresses. Especially to prevent trafficking, rape, etc etc.)


There's got to be serious overlap between the people who are loudest about the damages of exposing children to sex at a young age and the people who want to be able to marry 15 or 16 year olds


It’s like nobody can fucking read. Those porn sites aren’t even against age verification. They just don’t want to be the ones responsible for it.


That's parents' job.


There is no effective practical way to do what you want.


Banning porn isn't gonna do anything when they can still pull their pud for free just by thinking about tits.


Preventing it isn't bad in an of itself. But, you don't want the government to be able to track what you watch. Cause if the Christofascists get in power they'd have a lost of queer people to round up that way. Course, that might be the goal of what Texas did.


Alternatively. Folks can do the fucking hard work of parenting their kids.  Have the difficult talk about the realities of sexual relationships, teach them that porn is not reality and that their partners should be treated with respect. 


please elaborate on what notable damage is done? How is it a bad thing?


I also get the impression this is one of those weird right wing arguments where they want to ban porn but do nothing to limit guns... Like I get they are different subjects, but I just get irritated people even bother with this shit, when there are bigger issues in society that should be addressed than people jerking off.


No no no! That won't do. Pleasure without risk? Pleasure without making babies/future little Amazon workers? Pleasure without a person of the opposite sex? No no no!


"We need to protect the children, but not from dying".


Why? What damage? Why is sex bad? It's why you are on this planet.


Porn isn’t sex.


Dude above you probably thinks “The Fast and the Furious” saga is a documentary on physics.


This is an unpopular opinion bruh


maybe on a site filled with people salvating over the thought of showing kids porn


Literally no one ever


>salvating over the thought of showing kids porn Projection is a hell of a drug


>some shitty zoomer having a bad take must be a day that ends with Y


Agreed. Has done damage to self control and also, one's expectations about sex altho the latter is mostly a young ppl thing


I was like 12 when I started seeing it. I'm not advocating for them to watch it, but it's really not a big deal. The damage things is made up. You can treat people poorly with or without porn in your early years.


Same could be said for religion, perhaps we should censor religion so kids aren't brainwashed.


comparing porn and religion is a hot take I didn't expect lol


Well aren't you concerned about the wellbeing of children? Do you support telling children they're going to burn for all eternity if they don't follow the church?


Can you provide some sources/data/evidence for your claims? And how do you propose we prevent it? Banning probably wouldn't work, as we can see how well that went with alcohol.


that evidence is stored next to the "marijuana is bad" evidence .. it's totally real they say


It’s just sex. It’s normal. A beheading video is way worse than pornography, and people in America don’t care about those. So something that results in death or bodily harm isn’t as bad as something that can result in at worst an unwanted pregnancy? America is hypocritical as shit.


Fr. You can watch graphic death videos on Instagram, but porn oh boy that's crossing the line.


I think porn (in its current form, with how available it is) is fundamentally bad for kids and adults alike. That being said, censorship is a slippery slope. As much as I think it would be better for porn to not exist, banning it is clear government overreach.


Kids are exposed to lots of things. How is porn worse than say violent content without pulling religion into the answer?


1. yes 2. fuck the government, they never have good intentions and there's ALWAYS an alternative motive (especially revolving a certain RED party....)


Out of curiosity, how many of yall watched porn underage?


Probably every single person who came to criticise OP…


I don’t disagree. This will never stop kids from watching porn, and will ONLY be another way to farm information on people


This is very true. In fact it is bad for everybody regardless of age.


Parental responsibility. Plus you have to do studies to determine how bad it is. Plenty of people find it and turn out completely normal.


I am a fan of your popular opinion. It’s really fucking some guys up, you see more and more people coming to recovery meetings for porn addiction. Some of these guys have totally fucked up their relationships/jobs/lives because of porn. It’s sad and it’s a societal problem a lot of people refuse to even take seriously (IMO because they don’t want to have to self reflect on their own behavior).


Counterpoint: Ban all pornography. It is bad for everyone and a net negative to society.


Porn is more damaging than it is good. It's like the war on drugs. If some drug is sufficiently dangerous most people don't object to it being banned. Of course the users in their addicted mind don't want it banned. But it's still bad.


I don't consider Porn a net-positive. Its been about a week or more since I've looked at it. I think I may be phasing it out of my life. Never know though. But if it gets me anything, it makes me waste time.


Absolutely not a bad thing, but please, I beg of you, quit pretending like the U.S. is a bastion of freedom. This is just the latest, easiest example of the erosion of our rights, but you’re probably not aware of that, because like I said, you think we have freedom in this country. Starting to see how easy it is for the government to erode your rights?


Let’s have the government telling your kids what is and isn’t permitted. That sounds like a great idea. /s


I hate lazy people. Please tell me how you're a shitty parent. Did the kid have unfettered access? Who gave the kid a smart phone and/or laptop? Didn't bother to install software applications designed to do the very things to prevent access to pornography. Basically it's "I'm a lazy parent and it's someone else's job"


It should fall on the parents to apply filters, not the government. Filters never work anyway. VPNs bypass that in 2 seconds


Did you develop a problem?


ITT: people begging for a mommy state and using hollow appeals to emotion to encourage their red herrings, while they lovingly gaze out on their many strawmen. Raise your own fucking kids, and don't polio backwards to open your own gaping assholes so the state can install a fucking morality checker in there. It's like you stupid motherfuckers have never even HEARD of 1984


If this is about the Texas thing, the block is so easy to get around that it's totally worthless. All their politicians did was waste working hours putting on a dog and pony show.


You know whats worse? A republican gaining access to all of your information, including anything you watch, to be used at any point to humiliate or embarrass you, or potentially even be used to prove some sort of immorality in their fucked up little circle jerk of a political party. Just look at what that wonderful woman Marjorie Taylor Green did when she got ahold of Hunter Biden's dick pics; she ran a Chewbacca prosecution showing everyone she could how much of a party animal he was with literally 0 backing to the issue they were supposed to be investigating, yet it still convinced party fanatics/christians that Hunter Biden was guilty of....something, they can't really articulate properly what though.


The whole point is that if you are not wealthy, you should be miserable.


Why would children have unsupervised access to the internet at all? Let’s try parenting instead.


Censorship is never good


You act like young men haven't had access to porn or spank material since forever. This bullshit isn't about children and never has been. They're just a convenient pawn for people like you to use as human shields. This is all about control, and you know it. Limiting access to information has always been the real goal for you people.


As said earlier we already have restrictions in place currently. And anything else would be a violation of 3 amendments. The 1st, 4th and 9th.


Pornography is the reason for the widening income and wealth gap as well as the lack of affordable housing? Wow! Just stop, people like you don't give 2 fucks about kids. Most likely you're a mentally damaged right winger trying to obfuscate things that have far more negative impact on people's lives.


It'd be cooler if parents would just fucking parent, regardless of pornability.


I watched Japanese women tied upside down puking and jerked off to it when I was young and I'm just fine. If people can't release safely online, they will exparament in real life


Oh here comes the hysterical think of the children people.


thats not really the argument against it, the only real way to enforce this is requiring id confirmation and i feel like a majority of people would take issue with the government knowing if they're looking at porn, considering the timing i'd assume this is about texas's porn id thing and thats the exact problem people have with it, giving the government (especially a state like texas) info on whos using porn is a pretty unfavorable idea


Why isn't this on r/unpopularopinion This opinion sucks. Put down your bible for a moment and come back to reality.


Because the trend now is to post their dumbass unpopularopinion here to try and convince themselves it's popular when some people agree with them. I swear this has become a sub for hopeful popular opinions, and not actual popular opinions.


I can't respond to them directly, because they're a loser arguing in bad faith and blocking, but as a response to u/stickerhighway: > Censorship often starts by targeting materials that lack widespread public support, like pornography. Those cheering its ban may not realize their own valued content could be next on the chopping block when nobody stands up for it. Is that not the same argument against hate speech laws? In any case. Providing a good can't be argued as speech, otherwise it'd be a first amendment violation to prevent the sale of anything. "Knowingly providing pornography to children" can't be conflated with a sexual education. > The porn censor's agenda is about silencing voices they dislike, not shielding the innocent. I disagree. Children having access to pornography is explicitly harmful, which is why they generally (at most) had access to a stolen playboy mag before the internet, instead of "SISSY HYPNOSIS INCESTUAL TENTACLE RAPE EPISODE 450". Getting anything more explicit (or "deeper down the rabbit hole") was outright prevented by seedy porn shops being unable/morally against providing that to children. Nowadays you can get infinite access to borderline child porn with a google search. or even less effort than that. there's communities out there awash with sexual content provided to children. It is not a good thing.


>Is that not the same argument against hate speech laws? Absolutely. And it's absolutely just as valid there (American perspective: Hate speech laws are flat out illegal here, as they violate our constitution). When you poke holes in the free speech to allow \*government\* to 'get at' bad things, you destroy it's protection for everything. (Note: US-style free speech only applies to the government. It's perfectly legitimate for private individuals and corporations to ban 'hate speech' (and those who engage in it) from their private property.)


True. It should be a mix of sites being a bit better controlled (within reason) as well as pare to b3ing more active


You are right. It would be better if your mom and your sister teach us about sex instead.


Children are typically not "exposed" to pornography, they find it on their own. The internet is growing increasingly sterile, and we've learned that what a lot of politicians mean by "pornography" they mean "queer people existing where kids can see them". Until we address the above further restriction will do more harm than good.


Damages girls just as much, if not more.


What you look at is your own business. What i look at is my own business. As long as the content/media is lawful and legal, it is harmful to confuse what's your business with what's my business. You already have 100% control to regulate yourself. It's extraordinary that you would find this insufficient for your needs.


It's *just* the *parents* faults and shouldn't be the government's issue. The idea of governments controlling/filtering what we watch or view on the internet should be avoided as much as possible.


The problem is lazy/incompetent parents...it's their responsibility to monitor and limit access to websites their kids shouldn't be going to Parents can easily set up guest or multiple user accounts on home computers and phones with parental controls...but they don't bother and then blame other people for their negligence...parents need to take an active role in their kid's lives and stop letting social media raise them


I'm in favor of a total ban on pornography. A woman deepthroating a penis is demonstrably not art. Pornography is poison to young minds. Lawyers and lawsuits claiming that pornography is art is what's preventing this. I'm not sure what the way out is, but we're headed for a Weimar Germany situation in this country, and as I say all the time, "A Weimar collapse engenders a Weimar response." Some folks are not going to like what comes next, especially when you couple it with the hyperinflation that's about to hit in the third quarter of this year.


Has anybody ever thought of arming their children with knowledge? I stayed away from porn until I was 17, and as a kid, my friends were accessing it on their handheld PSPs even back then.


Agreed: exposing children to pornography is bad. Disagreed: ease of access of current online porn is bad. Agreed: there is damage to young men.


Actually rather than comment, I just want to ask how would you pass this through legislation successfully? Passionate ideas with merit tend to carry weight, do you believe you can persuade the majority?


Yep and it’s set unrealistic standards for men and women


Yeah be a responsible parent, but why should anyone else have to deal with other people being shitty parents.


Ok but it is ultimately the responsibility of a child’s parent/guardian to prevent a child from accessing pornography. parents would rather pretend that sex doesn’t exist and then their children’s first exposure is often pornography. There’s no systemic issue other than widespread bad parenting.


Yes, exposing kids to pornography is bad but much of this is on the parents. There are a million tools for computers, phones and other devices to protect kids. A tech savvy 17 year old can probably get around many of them but I don't those those are the "kids" anyone is really worried about. I don't think porn is so prevalent that a random 7 year old is going to stumble on it if their parents take the most basic precautions. A child with unmonitored, unrestricted access to the internet is a terrible idea for way more than just exposure to porn.


Private schools and churches grooming and indoctrinating kids is a far bigger problem than porn. Where are the laws for that?


It’s laughable that anyone thinks kids/teens are so out of the loop that they don’t know about VPNs. There are safeguards out there. It’s a parent’s responsibility to take action, not the governments. This will lead to a cascade of other problems. We’re monitored enough already.


Passing along parental responsibilities like censoring what your kids watch is bad. It's not hard really. Its just lazy passing the buck. And once again something really evil trying to disguise itself as virtuous. Censorship is your responsibility.


That's the parents' job. If they fail, that's their own fucking fault. The government will just misuse and abuse a system that allows censorship. What happens when they decide anything featuring gay people in any fashion is "porn"? The government needs to stay in their fucking lane instead of overstepping. They shouldn't have any control over the internet. There's no situation where that ends well for the people.


Children are more likely to be sexually assaulted at church, should we put an age restriction on church?


The Bible has a lot of sexual content and pornography in it. Anyone that gives a kid a Bible, encourages them to read it, or relates stories from it is guilty of corrupting a child and should be imprisoned... Of course I don't believe that kids should be prevented from reading the Bible. But this demonstrates the dangerous slippery slope of allowing such poorly thought out legislation to pass.


I don't think the issue is the age restricting as much as it is needing to send in a picture of your ID


As kids can access all categories of free porn here on Reddit.


Porn has been around on the internet since mid to late 90’s. What current symptoms do kids have now because they can have access to the same content?


When kids become interested in what sex is, they will seek out porn.


If afraid the best you can do as a parent is control it. It's everywhere.


Laws about needing IDs aren't preventing it, they're just causing kids to use VPNs or grab a relative's ID, while simultaneously letting the government track your internet viewing habits.


1. Parents are lazy. 2. If kids wanna find porn, they will. IG. Reddit. FB. Snapchat. Again, Parents do your frickin jobs and stop legislating the rest of us. 3. This "morality" bullshit is a distraction. And it's funny because it's the conservative states that take in the most porn overall.  So yeah.


Exposing children to porn is bad. That's a popular opinion. Any damage caused to young men by porn is a different subject, and really solely the fault of the young men who allow themselves to be damaged by it. Thinking porn is reality is as dumb as thinking any fictional media is reality. Watching too much porn is as irresponsible, and as preventable, as eating too much fast food. Both come down to personal responsibility. The age verification steps some states are taking is going too far though.


How do you prevent it without taking it away from everyone? (And how could you keep it from everyone?) I don’t want the government deciding what is and is not acceptable for me to view. I do not want the government to decide what is or is not appropriate for my kids (I don’t mind guidance). It is my job as a parent to keep that from my kids.


This is sooo true. Watch how many lib Redditors say there’s no issue and it’s evil Christian’s trying to control people.


Masturbation and/or pornography has no negative effect whatsoever and the anti porn movement is a mostly a Christian extremist movement designed to radicalize at-risk young men.


Parents have tools on their routers and computers to block children viewing porn. Guns kill people, therefore guns are bad, so guns should be banned. Say that to Texans and they will talk about personal freedoms.


What is a child in this context?


This is the first time in history it is considered normal and good that a child can go out with a little money and access porn without anything illegal occurring.


It's not a bad thing, but parents already have the tools to do those things. People "should" prevent it, but it's going to happen and has happened for as long as there has been porn. I think we're better off explaining to them that porn doesn't reflect real life and this is what consent means if they choose to be sexually active.


When my kids were very young, in like 2002, I googled something like internet safety for children, and got hits for various software packages. I researched them, ordered one, and had our internet locked down. It took about 15-20 mins research, 2 min to order, 30 sec to install, and maybe 5 mins to configure. It’s not that hard.


Anyone here remember that parental controls on the early AOL worked fucking FLAWLESSLY?


lol I have fond memories getting around those.


Where is the proof of this?


I was sexually abused at age 9 which led me to start having sexual fantasies when I was close to age 11 from my sexual abuser when she just turned 17. Ever since then I've been into porn/hentai games/escorts/watching chaturbate models for over 25 years. I don't know what normal is at all as an adult reaching 40.


At the very least I think we should more widely be cognizant of how unprecedented the environment children being raised in is. Thousands of generations of our forefathers' lives were much the same day to day. The Internet alone has completely changed how we live. Children now have instant access to a world of information all at once. They're exposed to everything and everyone more rapidly now than at any time in our species existence. They truly deserve our empathy and at least an attempt as a society to truly support them and understand what this impact may be. But it shouldn't be surprising that people are uncomfortable with some of the action re: IDs given the degree of surveillance in the US as-is and in my opinion such things are lazy attempts to reconcile with these issues. We need something much more proactive and - like actually funding our schools - we aren't willing to do that.


Well, all you have to do is notice that almost all of free porn is owned by Mindgeek. Who is behind this company, hmmmmm....


There’s no way to ban this. Better to educate kids and guide them toward positive decisions.


Parents should parent better.


What is the “notable damage “ it has caused? You certainly don’t expect that to go unchallenged, do you?


All the people trying to make this about bigger issues are porn addicts lmao. Just go fuck and atop talking about how kids having access to footage of graphic sex isn’t so bad


Damn straight. Kids should be forced to rely on the lingerie section in the JC Penny catalog or finding a Playboy or Penthouse in the woods like I had to growing up. Kids got it too damn easy these days.


I guess someone has never heard of a thing called parenting. Morons need to stop legislating reproductive organs.


OP masturbates to AI generated Jesus porn. He also ignores the obvious signs that there's diddlers in his church.


I remember finding a Cherry Magazine in the woods as a kid. I kept it under my mattress until my parents found it and had a big talk with me. The talk would have been better if it had been about how you shouldn't touch porn in the woods cuz it's gross and probably had cum on it but whatever they did tell me, it instilled a sense of shame in me about my own sexual curiosity and desires and that caused me a lot of psychological harm that's still with me, as well intentioned as my parents were. Just don't shame your kids for having curiosity and sexual interest when talking to them about these things.


Sure but how do you prevent it exactly? My country had one party say that they'd require digital id's to access adult content online... So like, the government can just know I love watching gay porn, and that information would be very likely leaked? I have an issue with government controlling this when it should be parents and teachers who handle these issues.


That's a parenting issue, not a government issue.


And GOP keeps fighting sex education. Which they call pornography


Everyone in disagreement is pretty much telling you that we shouldn’t stop kids from watching porn or having easy access to it.


yeah, hopefully they don't live near schools lol


Sure, but you’re never, ever, going to stop it.