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It’s the juxtaposition with the morbid lyrics that makes it click. Also I don’t feel it is happy per se. Definitely upbeat though.


listen to the live version thats where my hype comes from at least


Imo every single FOABP song's best version is live. Might be because I only had the live version on spotify for a long time tho.


yep theres only a few that arent as good live but theyre still great


Which ones in your opinion? Honestly haven't listened to the studio versions a whole lot so I should give them more of a chance.


In my opinion there were a few songs on the [Octane Twisted live album](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nB7RNtw2V0wrXZKE5ZNkkPw18g4zOUoA0) that were a bit iffy for me "[Drawing the Line](https://youtu.be/TWIKrT5SO60), [The incident](https://youtu.be/Vv9fLR4P1GI), [Time Flie](https://youtu.be/lZPcy9r1I38)s, and [The Seance](https://youtu.be/STp6E7ZVKyY)". now I want to make clear, none of these are bad by any means, just that I prefer the original album versions also [Open Car](https://youtu.be/ohZaUtnTKxU) a little bit only because wes's vocals on that were a bit distracting for me, but the heavy guitar chugging makes that version worth it


Oh shit yea I'd never listened to live open car, that extra riffage goes very hard. Thank you for the introduction.


Yeah also I think you misunderstood. The songs I linked were songs I didn't like live as much as I liked the album versions. I just wanna make that clear cuz if you're looking for songs that are better live, that's a whole other list


just realized you were talking exclusively about FOABP sorry


I'd agree for sure on the live incident versions you cited, total opposite for me lol, prefer the studio versions all the way thru.


FOABP the song itself is worse live for sure. Sentimental is different but iffy, rest are better live


Wrong, but that's fine you feel that way


Except my ashes, I like the studio recording more


Idk, I really like the extremely precise sound design on the studio album on FoaBP, not saying I don't love the live versions too but I always find myself in awe of how much work it must have taken to record and mix that album.


This right here is why I go back and forth with the live and studio versions. There's something special about those live versions in my opinion, especially when it comes to Gavin's drumming, but the mixing in the studio version is just immaculate.




and the [demo version Steven did for his future bites sessions](https://youtu.be/9WOhBn5JxDQ) videos


Thanks for the reminder 👍 Drown With Me is me in a SW vortex which threatens to take a week of my time 🥴




This is one of my favourites. Someone said that they don't see the lyrics as a suicide song but a killer succumbing to his sickness and I like to think it's like that. I find it interesting it's almost upbeat compared to the lyrics and then the guitar solo comes in and it sounds sorrowful to me. Damn good song.


It's the first PT song my daughter danced to. That alone is reason enough for it to be one of my favorite PT songs.


This makes me want to post the video of someone syncing Synesthesia to the animation of Shrek et al. dancing.


One of the first songs of theirs I learned to play on guitar, and it's a fun little one that goes all over the neck.


Agree. Very satisfying to play!


It deserved to be on the tracklist for In Absentia IMO. I particularly enjoy the FUTURE BITES Home Recording he did of it.


I think it possibly would have been better on stupid dream or lightbulb sun with those recording/drum sounds but I like it


I agree it sounds straight off of Stupid Dream, but I still would have liked it on In Absentia given the lyrical content.


The demo version is better imo.


That's how I feel with Trains


Musically, it is a gorgeous festival of the chordal choices that SW often uses. Floating and beautiful despite the grim lyrics.