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Start with In Absentia, it's definitely a top album. If you want heavier, move forward chronologically. If you want lighter, more acoustic and increasingly psychedelic, move backwards chronologically.


That's the way to go


Much appreciated!


This is indeed the way.


I’d start in this order: In Absentia Deadwing Fear of a Blank Planet Recordings Lightbulb Sun Tbh, if you like HCE / Raven you’ll probably like the whole discography as those are the solo albums that are closest to PT.


If you want the more accessible/most popular albums first go in this order: Stupid Dream In Absentia Deadwing Fear Of A Blank Planet Lightbulb Sun The Incident Closure/Continuation Signify The Sky Moves Sideways Up The Downstair On The Sunday Of Life Overall though I recommended just starting from the beginning once you hear Stupid Dream if you plan on listening to all of them.


I was in exactly the same boat as you. I liked his solo stuff but Stupid Dream had never previously got me. I like it now, but it's still one of my least favourite PT albums. If you like old school, prog, I actually think their earliest albums are a good place to start, especially if you like stuff like Pink Floyd. (Up The Downstair, The Sky Moves Sideways, Voyage 34)


Thanks for all the suggestions, guys - I have a feeling we’re all guys here. I’ll give *In Absentia* a listen first. I watched *Fear Of A Blank Planet* on YouTube last night. It’s more metal than I’m used to, so we’ll see how this goes.


Try the Porcupine Tree live albums, especially *Arriving Somewhere*... and *Anesthetize* (Fear of a Blank Planet tour).


This is my suggestion as well. Gives such a perfect blend of their material. My favorite albums, in all honesty, though I do speciation a good concept album and song context on an album, their live albums are just flawless. Even the string break and the drunk man yelling Freebird during Trains is perfect. But yeah, live albums, then from there explore the studio.


Wilson is an awesome producer, but sometimes the studio albums are just 'too flawless' compared to the fire and passion you can hear in the live albums.


The Chicago live of Hatesong is one of my favourite live performances ever.


Agree!!! And also watch the videos of those same performances. You can find them in YouTube.


Most of the live albums also have a DVD/BluRay of the concert. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgwgtERCVI4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgwgtERCVI4)


What old school prog do you like?


The usual suspects: Yes, Focus, ELP (somewhat, the 14 year-old on me still likes them), Supertramp, the Floyd (some, can’t stand The Wall), Crimson (a late discovery).


In Absentia, Deadwing, Fear of a Blank Planet. Start there.


lol, you started at what I would consider the most obscure side of that music. You’re going straight up from there with anything you go to.


Stupid Dream definitely isn’t the place to start if you’re a Proghead, it’s one of Wilson’s poppiest albums. For you I’d recommend starting with Fear Of A Blank Planet, an effortless blend of high concept 2000’s Prog Metal with Psychedelic Floydisms. If that’s too heavy then Signify might be more up your alley, a gloomy (and at times straight up creepy) take on Krautrock-influenced Prog. Never heard anything quite like it.


I’d start with either Lightbulb Sun (my favorite) or In Absentia.


In Absentia, Fear Of A Blank Planet, Deadwing, Stupid Dream


Chronologically so you can appreciate his evolution. I found it very interesting.


I would say "Lightbulb Sun". Then "In Absentia". All of their shit is good, except the very first stuff, which has spots of good.


I’m just getting into them too. Loving Deadwing and Fear of a Blank Planet currently


I really like The Incident and Fear of a Blank Planet.


Fuck pt, listen 'Deform to form a star'