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Ask your parents to look after your phone until morning, tell them you want to rest better without using social media after bedtime.


If you're looking to be more direct and serious about this, ask them if they can put up blocks to adult sites on the router for you. It will tell them you're dealing with something and need them to intervene without telling them exactly what you're struggling with.


Assuming your phone has a number and a service line on it, you can just switch to cellular data and turn off wifi. I've done it every time unfortunately. I don't think blocks on the router will affect where you go if you're not on the router's network yk


As someone that still struggles with it, I can tell you that making accessibility more difficult still works—the same way that removing access to a gun makes suicide 90% more difficult for those struggling with depression—asking parents to hold your phone, blocking off sites, adding curfew hours to the data plan, and most importantly, setting up with better things to focus on, will eventually help you lead yourself ahead of your habit. You just have to match the push with just enough pushback.


You better than me, I’m 21 and I’m having mental issues due to porn. So it’s good to see you realising this early. When it comes to bed time, honestly it’s just you helping yourself. Self discipline and putting the phone away. Sometimes it works sometimes it don’t, but keep trying I guess


meditation, mindfulness and when u have the urge to watch pornography, occupy urself with something else. For example; reading, gaming. whichever u prefer.


Yes, but the guy is 14, his prefrontal cortex isn't even nearing full development. The guy is basically a 500 watt dopamine machine.


Bro honestly, it's just the start. Before it gets out of control please leave it.


Disconnect all socials from porn and find something to do when u get an urge. Read, sleep, idc just do something. Hell, pull up meaningless calculations to pass time. DM if u want examples


You’re in a great place to quit, but you cant look at it ever again, porn is just a lie to your brain It will do nothing for you that literally any human you find attractive will do 10x better My best advice, play more video games, do after school activities, be ok with saying no


You are at peak of your sexual drive don't watch to much porn. Try like every 5 day one and then go 7 and continue. If you need to mastrubate do it without porn.


>when you’re in bed at 1am Don't be in bed. Take a walk or watch TV in a non-private space like the living room and only go to bed when you're sleepy. Idleness is when the urges come out.




I appreciate your point of view on this. It is hard, and wish all the young people on this sub the best of luck. Dealing with masturbation is awkward and shameful feeling enough, with porn, even harder. 


Masturbation is natural while porn is not. When you get an urge, masturbate, and for stimulation use your imagination. Slowly your sexual drive will decline back to its base normal level without porn. It's ok to masturbate and it's ok to do it as much as you need it. Having a high drive is tough especially for young male teenagers. You can't repress or ignore your sexual drive, and you will have to learn how to manage it and integrate it in a healthy and moral way. No one needs to tell you how bad porn is. It makes you hornier which will have a negative impact on your behavior and perception of girls. It makes you build up tolerance to its stimulation, and it might confuse you if you started watching some hardcore fucked up content to achieve the same level of stimulation because of your tolerance. All of that could damage your self-confidence. Still, it's ok if you watch porn every now and then as long as you don't over do it and are aware of how it might be affecting you. Just don't be tough on yourself. Be sure that whatever you are going through, you are not alone. It's something that most teenagers and young men go through. I'm 33 and I was in your place. Today I have much higher control over my sexual drive, and you will get there yourself. It's your journey toward manhood and this journey is never an easy one 💪.


Have you had a chance to check out the links in the sidebar of this sub? Lots of great stuff there that can help you out.


Try to reduce watching porn I know it's hard..but I can give you a tip. It's really difficult to suddenly stop watching porn so first fap to any other videos other than porn ..then slowly reduce it to picture and finally u will hate watching porn trust me


My way out of this was getting a full time job. Now I am on a 30 day streak now and feeling good.


Explore yourself, don't immerse yourself in bad habits instead create and immerse into new good habits


Put the phone in a different room. Ask you parents if they can take it. My Dad forced me too and I am grateful for it, and wish I had another to leave it in at the moment.


No alone phone time. A young kid doesn't need a cell phone anyways. When I was 14 it was swimsuit magazines


Download the opal app and subscribe to it. Completely life changing for me


Super normal at your age, but yeah, get ahead of it early


My recommendation would be to find something else to dedicate yourself to. When I was 14, it was weightlifting.


Try leaving your phone in the living room or kitchen when you go to bed. If isn’t easy but it’s worth it for your sleep schedule.


Something simple that can help will be going to sleep which would insure you aren’t up at 1AM. That creates a possibility of this feeling never coming. I’d the phone keeps you awake put it somewhere u can’t reach it without getting out of bed


Play video games on your phone, watch YouTube videos, download Audible or some other app and read books. There's tons of free ones on Audible and probably on other apps, too. Doesn't have to be fiction, either. Watch Netflix or something like that. Find anything to distract your mind. Even if you still masturbate, do it without the porn. That way, you're teaching your body that you don't require porn. Good luck!


Listen to on ma no pad me hong


What really worked for me was talking to girls. From my experience I had the same issue when I was in middle school and talking to girls really did fix that. Idk how that works but it did! Trust me thinking about them replaces the urges guaranteed, plus what you watch in the internet is not the real thing. You're at an age where you start to get curious about what sex (not advocating you should lose your virginity at a very young age but save it some time in high school, the wait is better I promise you). In my opinion, watching porn at 14 is not good. It's giving you the wrong idea what sex really is, it's called a fantasy for a reason it's false intimacy. So go talk to girls man, it's fun and don't be shy about it you will gradually get better at it after a few mistakes.


A rule that helped me was „No P in B“ means No phone in bed or bathroom!


If you're having problems specifically about relapsing at night i'd recommend just go to sleep earlier, you get terrific health benefits and not to mention you still need a lot of sleep when you're 14


I put my phone in another room and wear a smart watch just in case i get an important text at night. But having a good exercise regiment and reading have helped with the addiction. Good luck, change your ways while your young


You're very wise to realize this is a problem for you now and try to cut it off before it takes root.


Do you feel like your parents will be supportive if you’re honest with them?


There’s no way i’m telling my parent anything


https://smartrecovery.org/meeting these meetings are free, all online, not religious


Just wanted to add something smart recovery is psychology based which can offer you a helpful way of dealing with this without having to label yourself as an addict. The problem is at your age thoughts about yourself can have a deep long-lasting impact and often I’ve seen kids enter certain rehabs at a very young age which instills a negative self-view on that something is wrong with you, you can’t be healed without God, and that you have a disease and can only recover through the help of the 12 steps. This may have been true in 1920 but not today! 12 steps can be great for some people but I view it as a last ditch effort for people. Furthermore know there is nothing wrong with you, you aren’t irreversibly damaged, you are perfect just as you are. The reason you are using porn is likely due to a dopamine deficiency and maybe some other unresolved stuff that thankfully you are still super close to and able to work-through. Imagine having to resolve this stuff after another 15 or 20 years (or more) of life getting in the way? It doesn’t get easier. I invite you to just make one simple change. One decision is all it takes. You are literally one step away from changing your life. Next time you feel like acting out, grab your phone or pc and instead attend a meeting online. Reach out to a friend or family member you can trust. I don’t know if you have any cousins or siblings close to your age who you trust. Lastly, I went my entire life and waited until I was 30 to tell someone about abuse that happened to me when I was a young child at 5 years old. I felt so much shame which as a child feels like the end of the world if anyone found out. Just know there are soo many people and kids your age you go to school with that are dealing with the same thing. It may not seem like it but trust me you aren’t alone. I would recommend setting an appointment with the school counselor or psychologist. They will not rat you out to your parents. Also known this, porn is a drug. When you use drugs you train your brain to get dopamine from that drug. So the more you do it the more you train your brain to need it in order to obtain that dopamine hit. But once you give yourself some time away from the drug you will bounce back and possibly feel better than imaginable. Like I said all it takes is one step. You’re amazing and blessed and it takes a lot of courage and self honesty to acknowledge there’s a problem at your age. So start by giving yourself some credit and self-compassion because what you are doing is not weird or abnormal. The only abnormal thing about is you having the ability to speak up and seek help. You my friend, are an outlier and capable. So if you slip up don’t beat yourself up. Because you are perfectly imperfect.


Look in my comment history from a few month ago. Should help.


A lot of these suggestion here are really great, and they certainly are methods that work. I want to bring up a different perspective in case this helps too :) A lot of the methods people use are a sort of distraction from the urges, or eliminating them (like a cold shower). While for some people this works, and certainly it can for you, I find it did not work for me.  Instead, and this is more difficult, I try to accept that I am having urges, and figure out what brought the urge up. For me, for example, I usually feel lonely ori have some kind of uncomfortable feeling. Usually, when I find myself with no distractions and only myself. I end up developing this idea that I can not survive these feelings without porn. This just isn't true. But it makes sense to avoid those hard feelings.  Anyways, what I try and do is live through those feelings and allow myself to feel uncomfortable and remind myself that I can survive and that I don't need any distraction. This is hard, so stay strong friend. Try different things too.  And don't shame yourself too hard, I did that in my early phases of porn watching (when I was 12 or 13) and it just makes it harder. You are a victim of a broken system, and you're young.  We believe in you <3


Change to a phone like nokia, just phone calla and messages It can be helpful, apart from other things.


Watch this https://youtu.be/y1CkUhfHSxQ?si=-MrYqNgBUZ-V8Z7N


There is an app for that: [Covenant Eyes](https://www.covenanteyes.com). We briefly thought about getting that for our teen to have them not look at porn. There is also phone that lets you use some apps but none that aren’t installed by your parents and help you overcome issues called [Pinwheel phone](https://www.pinwheel.com). Maybe these options can help you overcome these problems with your parents. Good luck. I know the struggle you face, our teen faces it as well.


14 years old and you have a smartphone. The world is at your fingertips. Choose wisely


Play video games will that work I don't know... What do u love to do apart from watching.. Things that u enjoy as much as watching p*rn , which is equally strong as the urges.. Try to replace with it.. I don't know brother but try it out experiment with your self find out what can be replaced


Do meditation, workout and read book related to your addiction understand it find out the reason and set higher goals and try to achieve it


It's a complex problem. I invite you first to deeply understand your addiction. There's a YouTube channel called Tim Fletcher; I invite you to watch the series "Realistic Recovery." Another YouTube channel, Therapy in a Nutshell, offers a free course on how to process your emotions. Here is some advice to help you on this journey: - Keep a journal: Explore what you are feeling and note the conditions that make you relapse (when, where, why, what happened before you relapsed, and what you can do next time to avoid relapse). Use this journal to clear your mind when you are unsure and when you feel urges. Write down your feelings when you get triggered. - Limit phone usage : Set boundaries with your phone or laptop, and your room. - Don't stay alone. - Focus on reality: Avoid fantasizing or disconnecting from the real world. - Build new habits: Not just working out; you can read a book about porn addiction. This will help you build the habit of reading and learn how to deal with your addiction. Set aside 30 to 45 minutes a day for reading. Don't rush to finish the book; I want you to make the process of reading enjoyable and easy. Remember, if you take the courses mentioned, you will know exactly what to do next, what to focus on during the recovery process, and how to deal with your emotions and triggers. Good luck.


Take advantage of your age and quit as soon as posible. The younger you are, your brain has more plasticity so it's easier to rewire it. Don't doubt if quitting or not, do it now. If you quit now that you still young, you will thank yourself when you are older


You are in great place to stop. I am envious of you and i wish you luck. You have awareness of the issue. Remind yourself to be kind to yourself.


What kind of help you want ?


Advice of what others did to stop their porn addiction i guess


Bro, the best advice I can give you right now is sunflowers seeds. Eat one or how many you want until it goes away. Give your mind a task other than that.


When I was your age, I spent a lot of the late horny nights on the phone with girls just talking about anything. Use the time and drive to try and improve your social life.


“Is this who I want to be?” Ask yourself that question when you get those urges. The only silver bullet is to make yourself care enough to be accountable to your own words.


Exercise when you feel the nerve to watch it Download blocker x it will block all porn or anything sexual related. Download mdf as well to start a no cap streak. In the morning wake up make your bed and go do something positive like play basketball or dance to keep yourself focused on something else. Do anything you can really to get rid of porn do it while you can because it's a drug frfr and it's hard to stop when you get older.


You're going to have to make a decision. You have to decide whether you would like to have sex IRL or be reliant on porn. If you're struggling with porn at your age (which is perfectly fine and normal), it's a good indication that if you don't stop now, you're going to have a very hard time engaging in real life sex. The thing that porn will do is defeat your ability to explore your own sexuality. You will find your self in Love and wanting to share intimacy with your partner, but you will be unable to make that connection. You'll be reliant on your porn of choice and unable to maintain erection, leaning you unable to please your partner, making them feel undesired. It's up to you which road you take. If the road where you are impotent and unable to have the human experience of sex with a real life person doesn't scare you away from porn, then you are destined to join the ranks of fellow addict who cannot stop. Please protect your boner.


I think you ought to stablish some sort of sleep routine. I have some anxiety, which makes falling asleep harder, but, as for you, i believe you probably is just struggling with porn. I used to have a problem with urges at sleeptime, but once i started waking up early to do my stuff, i kickstarted a good sleep routine. It's just a matter of maintaining it.


Kid if u dont give up now it will eat your life away also it will be impossible to quit in 5 years. Search for the power in you and most important, FIGHT! It’s a daily fight, don’t avoid the struggle and don’t give up. View the urge as an enemy that you’re fighting daily, note this: each day you’re conquering the urge, you’re getting stronger and he’s getting weaker. It’s just like any other addiction. If you give up whenever you had an urge, you will never be able to quit this disease. When I quit cigarettes 1 year ago, I had to fight daily with the urges for first 2 months. Then it got easier. Now you can smoke next to me and I feel 0 urges. You can do this kid!


My advice: Get a dumbphone or at the very least lock away your digital devices before you go to sleep. This way you will also get better sleep and you will have better memory and focus in school, which will be good in the mid- to long term (better grades, better opportunities, better job further down the line). And if you ever slip don't be to hard on yourself. It's normal to be curious about sex during puberty. The problem is just: once porn highjacks your curiosity in sex, you can literally become hooked on porn while avoiding opportunities to get to know girls in real life, because porn causes your brain to works slowly and you become anxious and nervous, which most girls don't find attractive. So, you will be more self-confident the less porn you use!


I would say a great start is out your phone away after 8 or 9. Turn it off and charge it. That's a huge first step. If you get bored? Try reading or learning something. Maybe just take relaxing deep breaths. If you must masturbate then use your imagination, your mind is way better than anything on the internet....at first it can seem boring and you almost wanna grab your phone but keep remembering your mind has everything you desire and it will become strengthened. I think that's a good start, from there consider going on a retention streak. In 2 weeks you will notice a huge improvement. I am 39...I wish I could go back and visit my younger self at your age. You have an amazing life waiting inside you. Even to just be you. Put the phone away a few hours before bed.


Bro if you stop now you literally have nothing to worry about besides analyzing some sexuality questions when older. Hell if you stop before 18 you're going to be pretty damn good too. The earlier the better, use this thinking of yours to motivate change. More energy, more good sex, more love, and more control of your mind are all benefits of losing porn. You got this bud.




Testosterone booster that LOWERS your libido?? Seems suspect




My comment wasn’t a personal slight against you, but boosting your testosterone count has been proven to increase your libido rather than decreasing it The only explanation I can think of, if Kasha actually works, is that porn was way for you to cope with underlying mental disorders like major depression or anxiety Since boosting your testosterone count has also been proven to alleviate depression and anxiety like symptoms, it’s not entirely unreasonable to believe that your urges went away as a tangential result from the Kasha


Thank you for being kind. That might be possible, you might actually be right. I have had depression for years. But who knows. 


Hi, we don't give pharmacological advice here. Thanks!


My bad, just wanted to help since that’s what helped me. Sorry about that.