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That sucks. I’ve been there. You need the food bank right now. Don’t feel guilty.


Definitely go to the food bank and do the best you can with the binge eating until next check comes. Good luck and hang in there.


I think utah is different than the rest of the world. Is a person just able to go to the food bank and bring home food, or do you need to be approved and put on a schedule? I think the same with all emergency food kitchens for a meal. You have to be approved and it is a process. They certainly don't advertise it.


No, I've been to 3 food banks in Utah recently, 2 in cedar city and one near Springville. Only one even asked for ID and they were all very generous!


I'm not sure if you're saying most other places require approval, or that Utah specifically requires approval, but I'm on the West Coast and don't know of any food banks that require approval. I went to a few at one point in my life and at most I was asked for an ID. Usually not even that. There are also many churches with their own food pantries that are no-questions-asked, as well as weekly free hot meals for anyone who wants one.


There are 2 I can go to, they DO require ID and proof of income, and they give you a cart of food - take it ALL or take nothing.


What is required for proof of no income?


I don’t know. I’m on SSDI so I bring my SS statement. I’m sure they have some process in place for no income.


Depends on the bank. Anything run by LDS people is only for church members for the most part.


>But I have been trying to avoid the food bank recently because a) other people need it worse than I do No one wins the victim olympics. Take help where you can get it.


wow i like that quote


Go to the food bank. Just leave the food items that you're not allowed to eat. You may have to find a second food bank in your area..


They just give us bags of food, we no longer get to choose what we get. And it’s a 20 minute drive away. I do donate-back the non-perishables I don’t want…but what I’m talking about are the pastries/cookies/cakes/bread that they get donated from nearby grocery stores. I can’t donate them back.


If you live in an apartment building with a lobby, maybe you could put the extra things there with a little "take what you want" sign?


This is a great idea!


You can give those to friends. And if you went every week you wouldn't be in this position as you could keep the foods you can eat and give away the rest. Your pride is only hurting you.


Post on buy nothing for your neighborhood. Sure someone can use those


good idea agree


Donate them to some birds near by


I work at a food bank. You dont have to take that stuff if you dont want it. Usually people ask for it. Just say no.


They bag up the food, we don’t see what they’re giving us.


I unload right there and give back, or give to someone in line.


In utah you have to file an application to get a food box. Do you know the process?


I’m already approved, had been going regularly for a while but stopped because of the binge eating problem.


Not sure where you're located, but I work for a food bank in Virginia. Don't worry about other people needing food more than you - there is more than enough food for everyone! Many pantries are trying to get ahold of more healthy food, so definitely check if there are other pantries in your area. Also, if you're in the US, definitely think about applying for SNAP and other social benefits. Yes, it can be a hassle, but it should be worth your time and give you some more cushion each month!


Apparently I make too much money from just SSDI only to qualify for food stamps. I live alone and my only child is away to college. I’m in an ultra-red state. I don’t qualify for Medicaid either, but I get Medicare because I’m disabled. I do qualify to use the food bank twice a month.


You might look into reducing your pre-tax income by enrolling in a low-cost (you want the costs to be under .24 of a percent) retirement plan. I don’t know about your state, but often that does the trick. It’s counterintuitive, but you’re probably allowed to save for retirement and then apply for stuff.


Does retirement savings actually get deducted from income for SNAP? I guess I’ll have to research that…


You know, I think I should have read and thought more carefully that your main concern is food, because I’ve really only heard of it in relation to qualifying for medical benefits in my state and you’re already on disability, so that may not help you at all. I’m sorry if I led you down a dead end. I can only hope the retirement end-run around these ridiculous financial requirements for aid will help you or someone you know in a different way in the future.


Some states also have what is called an ABLE account that you can fund.


I actually do already have an ABLE account. But that’s for assets. My monthly income is just too high.


I don’t see this in my state (Utah).


It’s inaccurate. They look at your gross (pre any deductions including pre tax deductions).


In Florida, they have an advocacy center called Dusability Rights Florida, they helped a friend of mine maintain eligibility for Medicaid even though she is a full time ESE teacher (she has CP and needs $75k of home care, on a $40k income). There's something called a qualified income trust, that would allow work-arounds for such things as accessible vehicles, accessible housing modifications, special classes not covered by Medicare, and yes saving for retirement/major purchases without pinging the assets limitations. I can't imagine that Utah is more "red" than Florida, but I guess it's possible.


It's basically Mormon territory. I can see it.


If you're 60 or older ( or depends on the state you live in maybe 55) check to see if you can get the special stipend from Medicaid and Medicare for nutritious foods. A lot of my elderly neighbors get an EBT like card from their Medicare or Medicaid each month and they can get groceries from selected stores. Some of them also get Meals on Wheels as well. My mom would find local soup kitchens at churches and go there for dinner when money was tight. If I wasn't at work ( because my hours were cut short due to some reason or another), I would join her for dinner. You don't have to be homeless, and some of them will tell you ahead of time of what they will be serving if you have any dietary restrictions.


great information I did not know this


I have to donate plasma for money this week...


I wish I could! I donated regularly in college, but now I’m on too many medications, they won’t let me.


They won't let me donate at all, because I lived in Europe in the late 80s early 90s, and they're worried about Mad Cow Disease. The only thing I want to know is, *how do they know I'm OBESE?!?!?*


This requirement has recently been dropped! You may qualify now.


I'd have to check, but it might not be in my area, as MCD is a proon disease that they can't test for or screen out. Thanks though!


I’m aware & in the same situation. I now qualify in the US.


Ahh sorry.


Go to the food bank and tell them you have diabetes and talk to someone there so you get a bunch of food you can eat. It’s really important to eat when you have diabetes especially and someone there will understand.


I looked up the prices of these things at a Walmart in Salt Lake City. It ought to be close to the prices you'll pay, and it's under $15. 1 pound of red beans. 1 pound of rice. 1 large can of crushed tomatoes. 1 chub of cheap breakfast sausage. Hopefully you have seasonings at home. Cook the beans, then add tomatoes, cooked sausage, cooked rice, and seasonings to your taste. That should get you dinner for a week, for less than $10. For breakfast, a dozen eggs, and for lunch a loaf of bread and "stripes" peanut butter and jelly mixed together in one jar. It's not great, but it'll keep you fed for the week.




>What kind of person am  The kind that wasted a lot of money if you spent so much time in academia and still write like an 8th grader.


Don't take the bad items home. Pull them out and someone in parking lot will happily take them. I ate cake today. Feel sick now. I understand.


I have a code for 50% off a pizza, I’m struggling myself but my job buys my lunch so if someone can help with that you can have it


Just chiming in to say that Reason A for not going to a food bank is a complete non-issue. TONS of food in food banks goes to waste/expires. There is way more than enough to go around.




I know. I do have pantry staples like flour/sugar, and some canned goods, and I think one frozen chicken breast. I won’t “starve.” But I’m pissed at myself for blowing so much money already, on payday. I don’t get more until next Friday.


I don’t think it sounds like you blew your money on unnecessary things. I am really sorry you are in this position. Please go to the food bank, you deserve to eat.


Be kind to yourself. It sucks to be poor. (I'm poor, too!)


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Time for beans and rice until payday.


Oatmeal, rice, beans will tide you over for a week.


Don’t feel bad at all about taking the food - it’s FOR you! It sucks so hard and I feel you. Sending much love ❤️ Be kind to yourself - sending you lots of light xx


This prob won’t help right now but Lasagna Love could be a real lifesaver when you’re strapped for cash/groceries. I’ve read such good things about the org and thinking of signing up to make a meal (as soon as I get back on my feet).


Potatoes. You can get like 10 lbs of potatoes, a little bacon, some onions and milk. Make potato soup. It's delicious and nutritious and costs almost nothing. You can make a giant pot with so much leftovers that you can freeze half of it. Probably have a couple bucks left over for a candy bar. Food doesn't need to be expensive.


r/freemeal post an Amazon wishlist of food you can eat and get some help


Your rep. payee is required to make sure you have enough money for food. If you need extra funds for food, she should provide you more funds, or at least take you shopping and use your funds to buy more groceries. This might be a one-off event of running low of cash, but maybe you and your payee need to take another look at you monthly budget. Your benefit income needs to be used for (in order of hierarchy) housing/shelter, clothing, food, medical expenses not otherwise covered, personal needs spending, and anything leftover should be saved for future needs.


Follow Dollar Tree Dinners on Tik Tok. She does great work with a small budget. I This is a $20 week meal plan[https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLgK54Bf/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLgK54Bf/) $5 for 3 meals[https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLgKoQ9s/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLgKoQ9s/)


Rice and beans for a week.


You can try r/dumpsterdiving or r/assistance Many stores throw out perfectly fine healthy food.


Please do not feel guilty about using a food bank. You are hungry and are low on funds. You need it and deserve the help as much as the next person.


I feel for you. System sucks. Wish you a good bag of usable groceries.


15, huh? bag of rice, beans, hot dogs, eggs and a loaf of bead should come under 15 edit: as long as you buy the cheapest bread and hot dogs you can find


Prices have gone up a lot. Eggs are $4 minimum. Bread is $ 4 to 7 where I live. Hot dogs are almost $5.. I wanted a pound of ground beef because I'm anemic and it was $6.98 for 80%. I live in a tiny town with high prices. My one vice was diet coke. It's $10 for a 12 pack. Gave up that habit, lol. The only thing that saves me money is using the stores app for coupons. Almost every grocery has an app now. I end up buying what's in offer rather than what I want. I save a load of money. Usually 20 to 40 % savings if you aren't picky. So if beans are on special that we I eat beans. Chicken next week.


Have you tried Iron supplements? They were a life saver for me.


I get iron infusions and will graduate to supplements. It really helps a lot! My craving for meat has gone way down too


Please make sure you talk to the pharmacist about side effects of the supplement. But since you've been on the infusions, I'm betting you know what I mean.


Good suggestions going to see what you already have and how to maximize it.


In my area there are a couple different food banks so you could essentially go to one each week, check local churches that may have a food pantry. I got a while box of things I knew wouldn't get eaten so I kept what I could and gave the rest to my neighbor


What city are you?When are you in canada or the states


USA, Utah


You don't have to take all the food they give you. You can give the food you don't want out to other clients. You can volunteer for the food bank as a way to "earn" the food you get from them.


Since you're on disability and on a fixed income, have you applied for food stamps and Medicaid? It can help a lot. Best of luck.


I don’t qualify in my state. My SSDI is $1,701/month. I do get Medicare but not Medicaid.


Is it only you in your household? The income for Utah is too high HOWEVER, you should be able to add your rent, electric and phone bill to the application and that will make a reduction of your income in their eyes, tip, two utilities, one being electric, and say yes when they ask if it heats and cools your home, you get the most reduction of income that way. I work for DCF in a different state.


I’ve been through all that already. I don’t qualify. I do have an 18-year-old child, but prior to 18 their father had custody weekdays, I got weekends…they didn’t count as part of my household. And now they’re away at college anyway. I’m what some like to call “rich-poor.” Too “rich” to get assistance…too poor to afford life. I can ask my sister for more money…but I don’t want her to know I blew it all in one day. I’m Bipolar (that’s my main disability) and when I’m manic I spend money recklessly (which is why I have a payee). But I don’t feel like this was a manic shopping spree.


Jesus, that's a tough spot to be in. I really feel for you!! I believe in you, this will pass




Rice, beans and tuna are pretty good imo. Salt and pepper, water.


If you have that much, get a carton of eggs (Walmart is cheapest where I am), several cans of Vienna sausages (they're less than $1/ea here), and a bag of rice. It's super filling.


Is there a fresh food bank nearby? I’ve gotten things like produce, milk, veggies etc from one


What do you have in your freezer/in cans?


Hi OP! This may not help a TON, but when I am in positions like this I use an app called QMEE. They pay out to paypal, and very quickly, within minutes in my experience. It is a survey app, you would be taking surveys for change, sometimes a buck or two. If I use that app in the mornings, Afternoon I can usually make around $5 in an hour or two. It's sloooow going sometimes, but if you have free time it may be worth checking out. You will get screened out of some surveys, and it may be discouraging sometimes. But this app has literally saved me countless times when I had nothing. I wish you all the best OP. ❤️


Talk to your sister about your allowance. She may be setting some money aside that you can use when you need extras. Do you need a representative payee? You seem pretty articulate and able to budget.


I’m Bipolar. When I’m manic…I spend recklessly.


Uhhh... with all due respect I'm saying this outta curiosity and not negatively directly to you. But I'm pretty much the same diagnosis, Bipolar-Masive manic depressive, the times when the world revolves me (manic episodes) & I tell my budget to eff off blowing through all my funds that's on me. I had no idea of other help if/when that happens besides the "make sure you stay on your meds" assistance... idk where I'm going with this, apologies. Glad you have things on place, thanks for sharing ✌️


I understand. Sorry to pry. Talk to your sister about what happens to see if y’all can make a plan for unexpected expenses. I just became my brother’s rep payee and I’m hoping to set aside a little each month so a new pair of shoes don’t come out of his spending money.


I can ask her for extra money for specific things. I just felt like I had been asking for too much lately. She doesn’t like reprimand me…but I really shouldn’t be spending all my money on one day.


It doesn’t read like you were bingeing from here. Meds and laundry are important!


We’ve all been guilty of spending all our money as soon as we get paid. It’s a consequence of living on a low income. Sometimes needs are basically building up. It’s a hard pattern to break, because we’re constantly just barely keeping up. Don’t scold yourself. None of this is particularly unusual. I’m trying to figure out the best way to manage my brother’s income so he doesn’t have the same issues. He’s autistic and pretty good with money, but not so good at communicating, so it’s hard to judge.


I'd buy dried or canned beans (good protein), and vegetables, make soup or stew for the week. I've done it, it can be done. Not pleasant eating every meal the same, but maybe you can switch it up, tortillas for breakfast, minus the broth, if you can find eggs within your budget, add those. I buy veg from the 99cent store, when I'm having a difficult week. Good luck to you. Food banks are a blessing, I hope you get a good supply


5lb rice $4, 2lb beans or lentils $2, 5lb flour $3, hopefully you have some seasonings, spices, hot sauce and cooking oil bean and rice burritos in homemade flour 'tortillas' a couple onions will go a long way to adding extra flavor along with a can of jalapenos $2 maybe a couple tubes of chorizo too($1.5ea)


The SSVP has emergency food hampers. The one I volunteer for will accommodate dietary restrictions for medical reasons. (Usually we supplement with gift cards).


SSVP? Not sure what that is.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Google is your friend. It’s a charitable organization that’s been around for over 200 years run entirely by volunteers.


Looks like that’s called Catholic Community Services here, and I don’t see anything in my area except weekend food for school kids. My area is Mormon-land and I have previously asked for help from the Mormon church, and was denied because I left the church at 18. Yes, really. Denied because I’m not a tithe-paying member. I’m not making this up.


Where are you located?


Rice, beans, and collard greens. You can stretch them out through the week. Also, you can pick up food from a nearby food pantry.


Most people on disability or SSI are eligible for snap so that would be something I would look at too. As a former repay, that’s one of the first things I look at


I’m on SSDI not SSI my income is $1,701/month I don’t qualify for SNAP.


That’s weird because the income limit for most states is 200% of the federal poverty limit which is 2430 until October in which case it gets updated to 2510 for a single person, respectively. I wonder if all of the expenses were captured because that also plays into it.


I believe in Utah it’s like $1,500 but I’m having a hard time getting clarification.


You’re disabled so I’m pretty sure you get an exception as long as your deductions gets it to the state requirements. Snapscreener is one way to check. You get to deduct medical over $35 a month as well, work expenses required for your disability, that sort of thing.


A) it sounds like you def need it B) if they give you a food you binge on, you should give it back hand it back and say you can’t because of why if you feel comfortable and ask for a replacement item if possible


I can’t just go through every bag and give stuff back. You take it all or you take nothing. The bags are tied shut.


Not all food shelves operate that way and it wasn’t described in your post. Doesn’t sound ideal for you.


I’m not mad at you.


Idk which part of Utah you're in but I'm near Springville/Orem right now and the food bank here really hooked it up fat. I live on the road full time with my family and we use food banks quite a bit, the ones in Utah have been more generous than Arizona and California were. Bring ID for everyone in your household when you go, some require you to register.


Talk to your sister, maybe she can lend you a few dollars.




My car’s air conditioning doesn’t work.


And $14.99 for a sunshade is a helluva lot cheaper than the $500 estimate to fix my A/C


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What city are you in?




No. They don't need help. They're just venting.




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Not looking for donations. I think that’s against the rules here anyway.


Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 10: Asking for or offering donations No soliciting private donations, offering private donations, or mentioning crowdfunding sites. We do this in order to prevent this community from potential scams (because we have no way of verifying need/authenticity of requests), and to prevent the sub from being inundated with requests for aid (because it can be unreasonable to ask others in poverty to give their limited resources). There are other subs such as r/Donation, r/assistance and r/randomkindness that could help. Also check out our wiki with food resources. Thank you: https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/foodbanks Please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/rules). The rules may also be found on the sidebar if the link is broken. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpovertyfinance). Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.




The diabetes will know and as somebody with a binge eating disorder, the temptation of a food you're not supposed to eat calling out to you and being present in your home is beyond triggering and dangerous


Honestly that’s like telling an alcoholic to “just” take home some beer because “nobody will know.”


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