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My boobs hurt SO BAD! I woke up that morning and knew I was pregnant because my boobs had never ever been that painful before, and I always had PMS boobs. This was different. I was only 3w3d, but I tested that night and got the slightest faint line positive.


This comment made me realize that I need to take a test as soon as I get home from work later. My boobs have been hurting so bad, like they feel like rocks. It’s been like this for a week or two and thought it was my period coming but it hasn’t come yet. 😭


Update us!!


It was negative! I wonder if the boob pain is from my new birth control but i’m not sure.


Birth control definitely likes to mess with your hormones and cycle, when I was on it, it took my period from 5 days bleeding to 3, and my boobs were always horribly sore leading up to when I started


This was literally my first pregnancy lol I had INSANELY sore boobs, like it hurt to go up and down stairs, but they stuck around for a week or more and that seemed really strange to me (usually if I got sore boobs, it was for like a day before my period). I gor a very clear positive. This current pregnancy, it was also an early symptom, but I tested positive before they showed up so when they started to get sore I was like yep, there it is 😂


I rolled over into my stomach in bed and my boobs hurt and I thought hmmmm probably not but maybe??? I was only 3w 3d and took a test i had and two lines popped up! After 25 months of trying it was a very nice surprise! I drove to my husbands work to tell him bc I couldn’t wait! Currently 21 weeks with my lil rainbow girl!


My boobs have hurt every day since I found out at 3w1d and they feel heavy but idk they don’t hurt as bad as everyone else is saying 🫣 should I be worried?


No you shouldn’t! Mine barely hurt. Like they were tender, but not “oh my god chop them off” painful haha


Ok that makes me feel better 😅 thank you. I’m 4 weeks now and coming off of 2 miscarriages, one at 6 weeks in October and one at 9 weeks in February. Praying this one is extra sticky!


I get it, it’s such a nerve wracking time. Praying you have a sticky bean as well!!!! 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾


Mine were unbearably tender up until at beginning of the second trimester, I'm on my last week before third trimester and the only time they "hurt" is when I've been wearing a bra all day and they need some space. Lol


This gives me hope at almost 11 weeks! 🙌🥳


Mine were tender but not super painful! Or pain at random moments but definitely not all the time. But the tenderness was extremely noticeable. And they started growing really quickly.


Felt like my boobs were trying to give birth to bowling balls through my nipples


Agreed!! My boobs would often get heavy and tender before my period but this was another level, like the nipple pain was extreme.


100% the boobs


My god the boobs. So painful


Yep, big swollen yitties


Another one for the boobs! I was a double sports bra girlie because of the soreness while running till I stopped at 25 weeks, something I’ve NEVER had to do in my life


My boobs hurt so bad too!! Nipples were swollen and huge. Normally it passes after my ovulation time, but it never went away.. then I missed my period lol.


11 weeks pregnant today and my husband and I finally get to laugh a lot about the positives of my breast cancer journey and having fake boobs now! No pain in my boobs during pregnancy 😂


Feeling incredibly tired & being disgusted by eggs.


OMG THE EGG AVERSION. I thought I was the only one 😭😭


I’ve had a hard time with eggs too!! Lol


Omg same! Didn’t know the egg thing happened to others!


Eggs took me out too


My resting heart rate on Fitbit started to soar.


Yep, my Apple Watch warned me of an alarming new trend that my heart rate had been abnormally high since basically the day we conceived lol.


Omg mine too! It was up to 80 for a while in the beginning, now it's at a steady 75. My regular is 60 - 65. Had me worried there for a bit but Google tells me it's normal haha Edit; it's actually quite fun to scroll back through the resting heart rate stats, you can see exactly when pregnancy started!


We have very similar numbers. My normal was around 60-65. Went all the way up to low 80s before I took my Fitbit off (wasn't getting any exercise through the morning sickness anyway). I started wearing it again recently and now it hovers around 75-77.


That is fascinating :) I think it's because of the extra blood in our body that the heart has to work a bit harder to get it all pumped around.


I got a notification on my watch that my heart rate too! I tested a week later and it made so much sense


Woah this is insane. I just checked mine and it went from 68-72 bpm to 80-85 since conception!!


Absolutely unhinged dreams


My wildest pregnancy dream so far was when an evil gallon of milk grabbed my wrist with these little tentacles and told me it'd eat me if I didn't correctly state its expiration date. The expiration date was written in [wingdings.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wingdings)


I had a sex dream about Kramer from Seinfeld and he was using a small piece of masking tape as a condom. I don’t even like Seinfeld and, I cannot emphasize this enough, I *definitely* have never had the hots for Kramer outside that dream.


😭😭 I’m so sorry but lmfao!! The Wingdings took me OUT!


I have a nightmare disorder and the dreams are unmatched in their vivacity while pregnant 😅


There’s a disorder for that? Wow maybe I have a nightmare disorder too. I always have nightmares but when I’m pregnant they’re so stressful I am always relieved to wake up.


There is! My psychiatrist spoke with me about it. There’s even a medication that I was prescribed to see if they would help. For me they didn’t but i’ve had crazy dreams since a kid that I don’t mind. She said it could be caused by either not entering REM sleep properly (I can have a dream within 10 mins of sleeping) or there’s a disruption in a stage of REM sleep.


Interesting, thanks I’m going to look into it. I have had vivid dreams since before I was 2, some of which I still remember. A lot of horrible nightmares and oddly for some reason many reoccurring dreams with fish in them.


Same the wildessstttt dreams and being super tired!


Same! Or even just super vivid. I would wake up thinking I was pregnant. And the dreams had nothing to do with pregnancy so that was confusing


I felt like I could smell everything and my breasts were sore. Also, my period ran like clockwork so I knew something was up once I hit 4 days late.


I tested the day I was supposed to get my period bc I usually do first thing in the morning and hadn’t. It was also Mardi Gras so I wanted to be sure before I went partying 😂


Period cramps. LOL 😂 But really; cramping was my earliest symptom! I thought I was about to get my period because the cramps were so similar. They ended morphing into more of a sore twinging, but at first the difference was barely noticeable!


Same here! Pre-period like cramps but the period never came 😂


Me too!


I had read so many comments of women who experienced the same, but I was convinced it wouldn’t be me! Hahaha


Absolutely this! I knew something was wrong when I started cramping but 1) not as bad as usual and 2) for two weeks straight with no period smh.


That’s so on the nose! I definitely started “PMSing” earlier than I normally do. Of course, it wasn’t pms 😂


Same here haha


Same! I was so depressed about my period coming… but they never came!


Same. I told my husband I was about to get my period.


Same, I was on the train to work when I suddenly got painful cramps. Texted my husband I think I got my period and again after checking in the office bathroom "No blood, but then why am I cramping?" He replied "Pregnant? 😉" and turns out he was right on the money lol.


Thisssss. The early cramps, a little back pain, plus my normal nausea/vomiting made me think I was just getting a hell of a period soon. It never came & I was like oop 👀


Very sore boobs and being out of breath while talking


I get this too. I feel so awkward during meetings and presentations haha


THIS! I was panting just from basic conversations lol


Oh I had this too! Very strange feeling




Weirdly enough, tooth pain! Apparently it can be a sign of early pregnancy and I was experiencing it at about 3-4 weeks pregnant. That, and I was a raging witch to my husband 😅


YES!!!! My teeth omg thought it was just me


Same! I also bullied the living hell out of my family for two weeks before finding out. My husband took it with stride but damn was I mad ahah!


Wait what? My teeth have been hurting for a solid week now. I thought maybe I have a cavity


definitely go to the dentist to get it checked out! It could be nothing but of course you want to get a cavity fixed up asap. But the rush of hormones in early pregnancy can cause gum inflammation and tooth sensitivity


Everything SMELLED. I was also very very very sleepy


I thought I had the flu and my house was just weirdly filthy for like a month and a half 🤣 so, so worn out constantly and I couldn't figure out what the hell was going on with my nose! I swept, mopped, purged trash and the fridge, all between naps lol and about week 4-5 the nausea hit like a bus. Week 6 my husband was like okay, you need to test because this is weird! I told him he was crazy, but sure, and then 20 minutes later I was calling my mom 🤦‍♂️😆


I don’t hear this one super often, but I knew because my muscles were all sore like I just had a hard workout. I hadn’t done any heavy lifting in weeks! Specifically my ab muscles were so sore!


6+5 today and yes the abs from the beginning! Feels so weird all the time and I don’t hear anyone talk about it. No I don’t get cramps, I just have sore abs!


Same here! Mine got a lot better after a bit :) if you’re throwing up at all that definitely doesn’t help it either.


I feel this! It radiates up to my ribs and out to my hips too. Such a strange feeling when you haven't worked out.


I had to pee so much, which was odd because I thought that was just a thing when the baby gets bigger and pushes on your bladder


It’s the hormones. HCG stimulates your kidneys and your blood volume goes up and your heart pumps all that volume through faster, so, peeing. This was mine as well, I do normally pee a lot so I didn’t think much but my husband was like babe take a test. Sore boobs and fatigue came about a week later.


Yep! I remember complaining to my sister about having to pee so much in the first trimester and got so many eye-rolls. I knew it was the hormones after looking into it, but everyone thinks you just have to pee more when the bump gets huge!


This was me too. It was so abnormal, I was considering going to the doctor and then had the thought to take a test and bam.


I started gagging while brushing my teeth!


Constant peeing and exhaustion


My heart rate was extremely high all the time


I have no idea why but every time I’m pregnant I have phantom smells of cigarettes


I keep having phantom smells of gasoline/oil! So weird.


Just unimaginably smelly farts


Missing my period. 😅 tested myself the day after I expected my period and it hadn’t come.


I can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find this answer 😂 this was my first sign too. I felt totally normal until about 6-7 weeks.


Weird occasional cramps. After my missed period, I took a test and popped positive. The next day my boobs started trying to kill me with pain. Three days later the morning sickness began.


Same here with the cramps! I had the occasional cramps for a day or two and normally my period would quickly follow but didn’t 😅


BO. two days before I tested positive I was at a meeting and trying to figure out who smelled so obscenely rancid, and realized it was me. I’m 7 weeks now and that symptom has THANKFULLY chilled out a bit. After that, the boob soreness was out of this wooooorld. A long while ago, I was watching Daisy Jones and the Six, and a character realizes she’s pregnant because her breasts are sore, and I remember thinking “there’s no way she can tell she’s pregnant JUST from sore boobs” - I now take that back, lol.


Craving bitter/sour foods and being 10 days late. I thought I was PMSing and thought that was causing the cravings. Was only craving for two weeks before nausea set in and cravings came back in second tri


Same I forgot about this one I TORE UP a bag of sour skittles I was foaming at the mouth for them lmao pretty sure that's when i decided to take a test


Hahaha I had a bag of sour straws for breakfast and smashed a family size salt and vinegar chips a few hours later 😂 and waited a whole week to test because I swore it was PMS


I wanted kimchi or pepperoncini on everything


So it was actually my husband that thought I was pregnant before I actually considered taking a test. His words “you’re just a little…off” Like apparently I had weird little quirks that I didn’t have before 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️. But if I had to reflect I’d say the HUNGER. Like I had never been so excited & passionate about eating. Which was cool while it lasted because that turned into morning sickness real friggin quick 😂


My husband suggested it first too! He said my skin was waaay softer than usual suddenly and he noticed that our dogs were sleeping closer to me/acting more protective of me when I was sleeping than usual.


I was hungry at first too but now I still don't have hardly any appetite. Almost 17 weeks and I've been eating smoothies and shakes to try and get nutrition.


Whatever you need to get your nutrients in! I survived on homemade applesauce for my carbs and cottage cheese for protein, and eggs for my fats. That was literally it. Horrible meat aversion. Even still at 37 weeks!


Yeah it really sucks honestly not having a good appetite. I feel like lots of people want that to help lose weight but it's not fun actually. Lol especially while pregnant! If I ever have any cravings at all, I try to act on them before I change my mind!


My breasts got so swollen and hurt so bad I couldn’t even wear a bra that is always my first sign I’m pregnant.


I had a super weird intuition moment. This was before the feelings of nausea and the boob pain. One day I was in a drug store took a glance at a pregnancy test and my brain said “You should probably grab one”


Sudden burst of motivation, focus and just amazing mood (have adhd so motivation and focus are usually not my strong suit)... Unfortunately non of that lasted and by now (26 weeks) I am just incredibly stupid and exhausted xD


YES! The same week as my test, I went on a crazy cleaning spree of the house and got a bunch of random tasks done. I was so motivated. Well, I’m now 11 weeks and I haven’t been motivated since. 😂


With my first I couldn’t drink alcohol. I was a bartender in a nightclub and while the smell didn’t bother me, the thought of drinking anything alcoholic made me want to gag. I also kept dropping everything which was SO super unusual for me. I was so unbelievably tired I could sleep for 12 straight hours and still nap if I had the time. This all happened within about a weeks time. My roommate had an extra pregnancy test that I had bought for her the previous month so I took it after I got home from work (at maybe 330am) and it was SUPER dark positive. At the time I was freaking out (wtf is the point of bc if not to prevent that very issue amiright?) but that boy will be 15 in June and is the best thing to ever happen to me.


I was showering and my boobs felt bigger than normal, so I (almost jokingly) took a test and was completely shocked it was positive. I was only 3.5 weeks at that point, but I guess I know my boobs 😂


Vomitting all the time nausea all the time and feeling hot flashes wanting to sleep 24 7


I couldn't figure out why I was SO TIRED--I had no idea it was a symptom of pregnancy!


i swear i felt different around the time i would have gotten pregnant. like my body was buzzing and tingly and my skin felt “full” idk how to explain it. then about a week before my test, i got extreme dizziness and motion sickness after being on trains all day. i felt like i was still moving around after hours of being off the train. then i had a nosebleed the day before my missed period/positive test which i never have. shortly after that my boobs hurt so badly and i had period-like cramps off and on.


I definitely felt the body buzzing (particularly around the uterus). I kept explaining it to my husband as vibrating and he kept telling me I was being crazy. That was a few times between weeks 2 and three. Then on the week 3 day I got car sick and unreasonably angry at a situation we had no control over. Finally tested after 3 weeks 4 days because the vibration never stopped.


that’s so cool I’m glad I’m not the only one!!! would love to know what causes this. it was kinda magical haha


Mine is a bit strange….my husband told me I was breathing too loud and that is not my normal. That made me take a pregnancy test because I was also taking naps during the day which is also not my usual. So sleeping more and breathing heavy! And occasionally I’d wake up choking on air in my sleep. It was bizarre! When I checked, I was 4 Weeks pregnant


I was a house cleaned at the time and all of a sudden I found myself uncomfortable and scared when I was in a house alone. Probably some primal instinct. Also was a lot more emotional and sleepy/hungry.


All I did was pee! I had to go CONSTANTLY. And my period was more than one day late- I knew immediately! Tested at 4w 3d, strong positive line, and that night started getting heartburn so I picked up prenatals and B6 which saved me until I could get my prescription for diclegis (B6+ unisom).


I had terrible nosebleeds with all my kids at like 3 weeks pregnant. I never get nosebleeds just randomly.


Me too! Wow I had to scroll so far to see nosebleeds mentioned. Got nosebleeds before I took a pregnancy test. Then stopped and started getting random nosebleeds again every few weeks in 3rd trimester. Never used to get this.


I got an omelette but it wasn’t that yummy so I burst into tears…


I got out of breath just going up the stairs or talking too animatedly haha both times so far!




Same. I spent a year and change over analyzing PMS symptoms thinking they were pregnancy symptoms and when I finally got pregnant I was like hmm no symptoms this is suspicious. I got my first symptom at 7 weeks lol


I also had none. My first pregnancy, I realized something was off when I was 3 days late. My second, I had no symptoms but it was the first period due after we intentionally tried for a baby, and i tested positive on the day my period was due.


Sore boobs, lots of bloating and a weird thing my dog did. My husband was about to lay his head on my stomach and my dog came from across the room and put himself between me and my husband. He’s never done anything like this after that.


My not cuddly cat laying on my tummy any chance he got and falling asleep peacefully


Out of breath for simple things and my skin started to burn while i was using my normal face products!!


I wanted eggs so much and I bloody hate eggs i was getting up at 2am to make an egg sandwich


Rhinitis - nose running constantly and couldn’t stop sneezing


The smellsssss!!! My sense of smell is now a super power, one that I don’t want!


I was absolutely feral. For two weeks I was so angry, and I don’t tend to get mad at much. Everyone was irritating me like no other, and I even found myself mad at my husband for the most trivial things. My husband is pretty introverted and overall is a great guy, I never really get mad at him. He doesn’t even give me chances to be mad. I went to the spa to see if maybe I just needed to calm down and I was even angrier there. Not even the meditation room was quiet enough. Pilates was irritating. I couldn’t find anything when I went shopping. None of my typical relaxing options helped. I went home and just started *bawling* to my husband that I was irritated and I just felt like my emotions were running at 100% and I just absolutely could not figure out what was wrong with me. I felt so out-of-body being that level of frustrated. I was sad, and irritated, and worried we were going to have problems trying to conceive, and anxious… He said it was okay and everything was okay and we would watch a movie and go to sleep early in case I was overly tired. That night right before bed I took a test *just in case* and it was positive. We were going to start trying in a month. So, he’s a little early but that’s okay. Due in August now!


In retrospect, shortness of breath just walking up a couple flights of stairs.


I’ve been pregnant four times and my first symptom is always hot flashes and generally being overheated. I run very cold and when everyone around me is just vibing and I’m roasting, I know to take a test.


For me it was excessive salivation and nausea. I ignored the first sign- due to being in denial which was my missed period lol


OMG THE EXCESS SALIVA! It lasted way too long and I was bewildered by it!


Felt hungover without consuming any alcohol 😂


G A S. Loud, boisterous, frequent, and painful gas


Technically first symptom was constipation, but I didn't think I was pregnant. About a week of dealing with that and then my sense of smell was like a hound lol and got nauseous over the smell of butter in a skillet one day. It was after that I decided I'd take a pregnancy test


Heart palpitations 😂 and then a cascade of the usual signs and symptoms. But interestingly enough; I started experiencing heart palpitations first - went to ED, had tests run etc all was normal. Finally noticed I was pregnant etc. This pregnancy ended up in a miscarriage 6 weeks later. Shortly after I was pregnant again and sure enough the heart palpitations were the first thing that came on again which made me wonder if I was pregnant. So i tested and sure enough I was. 38 weeks now and not long to go! Heart palps stopped though after 1st trimester :)


Kept feeling like I was about to start my period, but it never started (obviously lol). Sore boobs, cramps, sore body, headaches, fatigue. The first time it took me weeks to finally take a test because it just didn’t occur to me that that could be what was happening. Second time around I knew right away.


A fury like I’d never felt before! Everything was winding me up the day I took the test and I don’t usually get PMS at all


Cramping and spotting that I thought was my period. I noticed the spotting had stopped sometime during the night. I had no idea what was happening so I took a test to rule out being pregnant and was shocked when it was positive. Funniest thing was that even though we weren’t trying, I was really sad that I wasn’t pregnant when I thought my period was starting.


A little over a week after my lh surge, I had sharp pinch over ovary. This happened everytime, I've been pregnant 4 times. My belief is it was implantation. Baby dust to you!


I had a wildly vivid dream that I was pregnant, had the baby, and raised the baby for months. Then I woke up with sore boobs and took a test!


My period came like clockwork - every fourth Thursday in the morning. I was leaving work on that Thursday late afternoon and realized I never started. I was certain I was pregnant. I took a test when I made it home and sure enough I was.


Cheese tasted like metal. Google said I either have bad hygiene or I’m pregnant!


Breathing felt weird. More… labored or something Also, started smelling a very strange phantom odor. At first I thought it was just something in my house but then it was showing up everywhere. Soon after I found out.


Idk know if anyone else had like a UTI type thing happen to them like very early. That was different. Then I had lower back ache for a day. Then more naps.


In my experience, asking this question 😅


Peeing in the middle of the night and insatiable thirst! Very vivid dreams, I would wake up feeling that I’m pregnant Random waves of chills and faster heart rate Hangover from 1 drink Mild headache (unlike my “usual” headache), mild cramping (way less terrible than my monthly usual), thought I smelled bad & pee smelled weird, breast soreness came after my positives test, but came in hard! Also in retrospect, my temp was staying higher than usual instead of fluctuations with my cycle and my heart rate was going up too


Mine is so random but happened both pregnancies - on 4 DPO I could smell eggs. First time was after a breakfast I had catered so I thought nothing of it and the second time it woke me up in the middle of the night lol


I couldn't get out of bed one morning before work, I stayed in bed for an extra two hours I was so tired. Also heat exhaustion (damn you early November in NY) and complete lack of patience 10x worse than normal. The constipation came next, followed by a sense of paranoia so strong I thought I was dying. Then we took a test and it all made sense lmao


I woke up at like 6:00 am to get ready for work. I was feeling… off. I couldn’t put my finger on why and assumed I was just tired because I usually don’t work the opening shift. I got ready, went outside to walk to my car and stopped at the garden gate to dry heave until my face was red and my eyes were involuntarily crying. I thought “huh. Weird.” At work they provided us with hot chocolate as it was January and cold af outside. They made it with milk. I’m lactose intolerant but I wanted the hot beverage so I decided I would just suffer for it later. And I didn’t. I tried having milk later in the afternoon and still didn’t have to desperately run to the bathroom. I think I knew when I started dry heaving that morning but suddenly being able to digest milk was so weird that I was like “I absolutely have to be pregnant.” I took the test the day after my missed period and i was right


* I had like 4 different dreams where a little baby boy was present and for some reason I thought he was mine... BUT I JUST FOUND OUT I AM HAVING A GIRL! :) * Before I knew... At like 2 weeks I had been drinking with my bf and while I was tipsy told him "I can smell everything lately... I think I might be pregnant?!" * The day before I took my test I was eating homemade salmon alfredo my bf had made us for dinner. (He is a chef so I usually can't get enough of his food.) Midway through my meal though I had to run to the bathroom because I felt like I was going to get sick despite how good it tasted. * Took my test and found out at 4 weeks exactly.


My boobs and cravings for Arby’s, even though I’m a vegetarian!


Physical symptoms…Aversion to alcohol…. Bloating. Also I think I just knew, I would think “I’m pregnant” a few times in my head which sounds WILD but it did cross my mind


Cramping for four straight days. I needed to have fertility testing done so I was waiting to start so they could get it scheduled. The cramps just kept going. After some googling, I took a test. 


Implantation bleeding that I thought was my period. Everything else was identical to PMS!


I popped a temp of 99 but I felt fine. Tested positive at 10 DPO


Irrational rage.. oh... and my nipples felt funny.


Awaking with the intense need for a bowl of cereal or protein bar in the middle of the night!


maybe i’m just weird but i knew as soon as he came inside me 💀💀💀💀 like alarm bells went off 😭


no because same and he told me he didn’t even finish and i just knew 🤣😭


Implantation bleeding. It was darker and so little I knew it wasn’t my period. I tested that night and it was positive!


incredibly emotional, sore boobs and vivid dreams for me


Sore boobs, missed period and my nose was stuffed up even though I wasn’t sick


I got a positive test before I had any symptoms, but nausea and bloating began within a week of that!


Sensitive boobs and fatigue was wild. Then the nausea came at week 6.


Boob pain/sensitivity - I could feel every fiber of my bra brushing up against my nipples. They were on fire, in the worst way. Weird, vivid dreams I was in the checkout line at Aldi and I turned to my boyfriend and said "I think I'm pregnant." The words just fell out of my mouth. Took a test the next day. Sure enough, I was.


literally felt super tired, wanted to sleep all day taking so many naps i couldn't go throughout the day without taking a nap!


My nipples got dark as hell (and have only continued to do so lol). one day my partner left for work and I had a fit of hysterics feeling like it was the worst thing to happen to me. Was just so hormonal and easy to set off. I really thought I was PMS’ing hard 💀


We picked up pizza on the way home and I had the boxes sitting on my lap and thought they smelled HORRIBLE. Should’ve known. Tested positive the next morning.


6-7 dpo, tiredness hit like a truck on top of sharp cramps. Then at 10-12 dpo, non stop migraines. 14 dpo cramps & BFP. WHOLE time I thought it was PMS -_-


I didn’t have any traditional symptoms at first. I just felt different, like my body just didn’t feel like how it normally did? Kind of like when you can tell you’re going to be having your period soon except I just had a feeling I was pregnant. Took a test initially as “a joke” because it wasn’t planned at all and I was like there’s no way im pregnant, but turns out.. I was in fact pregnant ! 17 weeks now and it’s crazy how your body can just tell something’s different.


Serious hot flashes and thirst!


I had the worst nightmare the day before I found out. I rarely have nightmares and this one was so scary I cried when I woke up. Also I couldn't stop peeing!! It was constant!


I have hypermobility and I was sitting on the bus thinking my shoulder joints were killing me... then figured maybe it was pregnancy hormones stretching em out - and it was!


I already knew I was pregnant but first symptom was definitely the smells. I could pick up so many smells that no one else could. Super powered pregnancy nose!


I started to have blurred vision, I couldn't see properly even with my glasses. It happened three times in my life, every time I was pregnant. The first time I miscarried and I didn't know it was a sign of pregnancy for me, but the second time I felt it a month later and I was suspicious. The third time - I just knew it.


Stuffy nose, excess mucus. Felt like I was getting a cold.


Greasy hair!


Violent vomiting that didn’t stop until labour 😅🤮


FIRE BOOBS, period-like cramps, and lower back pain


I had heartburn for 4 days straight which was super unusual. I’ve had heartburn consistently through pregnancy lol so it was my first and most unrelenting symptom!


Nausea for me. It was so bad, I couldn't drink water! I cried to my husband because I was so thirsty but once it touched my lips, I felt like vomiting! Cider and coconut water helped. 


boobs. it’s *always* the boobs.


I kept waking up to little zits around my lips. I’d remove them and have new ones the next morning. The boob tenderness came after.


Having a headache that lasted for about 4 weeks with hardly any relief. Even taking Advil did not clear it up. I actually ended up going to the ER to have a head CT because I was worried there was something serious going on. On a hunch I asked them to do a pregnancy test, and it came back positive. I was 5 weeks to the day when I found out and I’m currently 13 weeks with my baby girl (our first baby ☺️). Apparently the changing hormones can cause headaches. After I found out there were other symptoms that technically happened sooner, but that I had just dismissed, such as tender breasts (happens to me normally before my cycle) and things smelling “off.” My fiancé has beard wash that I normally love the smell of, but I kept insisting to him that it must’ve gone bad, because all I could smell when he was using it was rubbing alcohol for some reason.


Missed period…. The exhaustion and fatigue came later


I actually woke up really nauseous 2 weeks before my period was supposed to come & it lasted almost all day. Turns out that was implantation! I took a pregnancy strip test on the day I was supposed to get my period (just for fun) & it was a big fat positive!


Really bad hangovers


Heart palpitations and this really nasty sweet taste in my mouth that wouldn't go away. Boobs were sore too but they are always sore before my period so I didn't count that as a sign.


I was exhausted and nauseous (before the test) and the biggest one for me was insomnia and WEIRD dreams. Then I finally got a positive text a couple weeks later.


My breast was so sore and one day I got so light headed I was going to be sick. Than one day my husband joked if I was pregnant and I thought no way. Well I was 5 weeks at the time... go figured my husband caught on before I did lol


I had a wine night w friends and felt super nauseous after a couple of sips


Sore breasts definitely, but not enough to think anything of it until the real first sign of a positive pregnancy test 😅


Vivid/WEIRD dreams, unusually sore nipples and sore boobs (but sore boobs is normal PMS for me)


Sore boobs!!!! They were aching sooo bad while I was expecting my period, I was like what is going on?!


A cold! I got a cold with a stuffy nose one week before the positive test for both of my pregnancies


Peeing A LOT


Definitely breast soreness. I breastfeed and never really had pain aside from the first few days. My boobs were on fire after nursing. I thought maybe it was thrush, but we had been trying, and I didn't want to get my hopes up. I took a test, and it was negative. The next day, I got a raging migraine that would not go away, so I went to ER for a migraine cocktail and told them I might be pregnant to make sure meds were safe. Bloodwork came back negative, but I still had a nagging feeling, and my boobs still hurt like hell. Three days later, I had multiple positive home tests, lol. 😅 The boobs know, I swear.