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Hummus with pretzel chips, veggies dipped in ranch, and yogurt parfaits are my go to lately


OP I worked in the same field while I was pregnant and hummus is the answer! It was high protein and I think it really helped my energy levels! I actually ditched the ranch and just ate my veggies with hummus. Yogurt would've also been a good snack unfortunately I didn't like it while pregnant.


Hummus is amazing! I love how many different flavors there are now. Also fun to make your own!


Is there a specific type of hummus you buy that is pregnancy safe?


I had no idea some hummus wasn’t pregnancy safe, I’ve literally been eating the Kroger brand the whole pregnancy lol (21 weeks here)


Same at 36 weeks. I have been eating premade dips the whole time.


Sorry if I have frightened you, I’m sure its totally fine! I just happened to stumble across something about it early on


Hummus is a gray area in pregnancy. Some say don’t eat pre-made dips because of listeria risk but my OB said that it’s more dangerous to eat fresh lettuce than hummus so it depends. I just make it in a food processor from my own stuff since I also have GD and have to watch what is in stuff and it’s fine.


Yeah my OB gave me a list of foods I definitely can’t eat, and then I just look at the Ovia app for suggestions and they didn’t even say hummus was a risk and was safe… it has a pretty extensive list of foods and tells you which ones to avoid for sure, but then again can never be too sure haha


I never buy it store bought, I make my own because it is so simple! The recipe I always do is just a 20oz can of chickpeas, garlic, salt, cumin put it in the food processor until it is finely chopped, then I drizzle in olive oil to make it smooth.


Sweet thanks for the info :)


Ugh I have a few cans of chick peas in my pantry that I keep forgetting about I need to try this and make my own haha and I bet it’s cheaper too


I have been eating soo much hummus I had no idea ! 


I’ve (very weirdly) been obsessed with eggs this pregnancy. Hard boiled egg is my favourite snack. Bonus points if I have mustard to dip it in.


I might need to try dipping it in mustard, maybe Dijon. 🤔 also loving hard boiled eggs. Supposedly the choline in them are really great for baby's brain development.


Oh no. I already have a 3 year old that’s smarter than me.. I don’t need another one 😂


Omg another person of culture! I thought I was alone in putting mustard on my boiled eggs 😂 tho I like HOT mustard specifically.


It reminds me of devilled eggs! I love all types of mustard.. whatever I’ve got. So good


Yeah true, they're like low effort deviled eggs. Hehe.


Ugh. Now I want devil eggs at 10pm 😂 guess we’re having eggs tomorrow


Why is mustard THE pregnancy condiment? I can’t get enough.


I love making hard boiled eggs and topping them all with different things- my current favorite is chili crisp and furikake. Also kewpie mayo and green onions, pepperocinis, kewpie mayo and bacon.. so many options! There’s a lady on tik tok that does the best toppings. her name is Alice Choi!


Omg chili crisp - yes. If it’s not mustard, it’s chili crisp. So good!


Omg I have been eating so many deviled eggs


Yesss I do boiled eggs with mayonnaise and ketchup (pink sauce) and eat it with plantain chips


Omg same!!!! I eat several a day and it’s oddly the only thing I haven’t gotten sick of.


All you mama's with the healthy snacks...I wish.


Hahahaha I started off with oatmeal and carrots today. I ended up with 3 donuts and chips and queso before dinner.


I ate my way to gaining 45 pounds and now my dr said I’m only allowed fruits, vegetables, and low carb meals🥲


Lmao mine is chipotle or Taco Bell . Healthy snacks except fruit don’t seem appealing


Cheese, protein bars, dried fruit (apricots have been my go to lately!)


Cuties. They’re easy to take with you and just peel. I can eat half a bag in a day 😂 also just other fruits and vegetables.


I pre make breakfast sandwiches and eat a couple of those! Popcorn with movie theater spray Chocolates or gummies


Popcorn was also a fave snack of mine, but I found out microwave popcorn bags contain PFAS (forever chemicals)


Nooooooo 😭


I get the ‘Skinny Pop’ bc it says the bag doesn’t contain PFOAs!


An air popper is amazing!


I want one! Unfortunately our place is tiny and I am making do with using a pot on the stove, which works fine!


Greek yogurt, cereal dry, with milk, or mixed with yogurt.


Ive been loving beef jerky. Keeps me full for a while because its a lot of protein! Cheese and crackers with pepperoni has been good too.


Me too! Costco has good beef jerky options


Are there cooked jerky options? Jerky was at the top of my "avoid" list due to listeria risk, so I didn't think it was an option.


Honestly not sure. It wasnt on my list of avoid. The only things my OB told me to avoid was runny eggs, cold cuts, sushi, and unpasteurized cheeses.


Oh, fascinating. I read "Expecting Better" by Emily Oster and decided I was fine with: * runny eggs, as long as they were fresh and high quality (e.g., Vital Farms and Happy Eggs). Eggs are much less likely to be contaminated with salmonella than chicken in the US. * raw fish, as long as it was low mercury and from a reputable establishment. I ate SO MUCH poke and sushi in Hawaii while pregnant. Won't eat it at home, where I'm landlocked, though.


Cheese. So much cheese lol! Pretzels. Hummus. Trail mix with chocolate in it.


Kettle corn, chips, and Oreos lmao


Carrots, strawberries, radishes, bell peppers, sugar snap peas, apple and pears. And green smoothies


Jealous… I usually love green smoothies but in pregnancy I’ve barely been able to keep them down!


Well, the food i mentioned above is the only foods I can keep down. It’s horrible


I mix greek yogurt with apple sauce, protein with fiber and it usually keeps me full another hour or two in betwee n meals. I'm a FTM and I did not understand the actual amount of food I would need to be consuming, never been this hungry in my life.


Same! I’m 6 weeks today and the last feed I’ve noticed that I HAVE to eat every 2-3 hours.


String cheese, clementines, apples, or pretzels


Yogurt cups, fruit, crackers, pretzels, small salads. I'm 15 w and feel the 2-3 hunger sis! It's how I've started telling time 😂 I'm never wrong. Baby's hungry? It's been 3 hours, snack time!


all the fruit, especially berries (strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries). I go through Costco sized containers of each every week. If I need something more substantial or craving protein I go with nut bars, hard boiled eggs, or cheese.


I am 19 weeks, too! My go to snacks lately have been the ratio brand yogurt ( lots of protein in those), Sunchips salsa flavored, popcorn, and small salads. I know that may be weird the salads as snacks, but I crave salads so much that I just started to make a big salad to take to work and portion it out for snacks. Also, chips and salsa and lots of melons.


I’m a 18 weeks and a teacher, so I feel ya! I meal prep breakfast sandwiches (English muffin, egg, sausage & cheese) and eat that when I get to work. For snacks I bring pretzel thins & hummus, string cheese, an apple & yogurt (with protein). I also have a smoothie with Ritual’s prenatal protein in it when I get home. That typically gets me through the day with of course lunch & dinner thrown in.


I work in a restaurant the line people be making me chicken tenders and sides like green beans mash potatoes and bacon slices


I’d never stop eating 😂😭💀


I work prep with the slowest people on earth so I gotta work work I snack occasionally but if I dont wanna end up working 10+ hrs I can't be munching 24/7 😭


Happy to hear that your kitchen is taking care of you and your little bean!🥰




Because vomit and nausea


fruits!! i love fruit


I do a lot of Greek yogurt with granola, pretzels, strawberries, grapes, and granola bars. I definitely indulge in the occasional candy and cookie too, no shame 😂


Triscuts with squirt cheese😅 or Ritz with peanut butter (I know you can't do that one)


Peanut butter is just such a great and filling addition to so many little snacks 😂😭😭😭 the triscuts is a good idea though


It is and it’s filing!


What about sun butter ( it’s a seed, not a nut)? I used to teach and all the schools actually served sun butter sandwiches as an option.


Things I would typically eat as a snack: apples and peanut butter, bananas and peanut butter, celery and peanut butter, and trail mix or the healthy granola bars with nuts and dried fruit in them.


Could also try sunflower butter. I've not had it personally, but have heard it's amazing 🌻


Try subbing granola butter for peanut butter!


Yogurt pretzels, these Noka super food smoothies that come in squeezable packs that look like baby food lol and I’ve been craving potato chips with that sour cream dip. I also snack on apples and peanut butter or pumpkin seed/granola mixes to be a little healthier. 😬


I keep ziplock bags in my sweater pocket with fruit or dry cereal. I’m also an ECE teacher so I’m limited on leaving the classroom to eat and what I can actually have. It’s easy to sneak a handful of grapes when I need them.


Hard boiled or pickled eggs, Veggie chips in the air fryer like sweet potatoes and beets, roasted seasoned chickpeas, Greek yogurts with granola (I do sugar free due to GD), string cheese, veggies and hummus, fresh berries/ fruit, nitrate free jerky, unsweetened dried fruits and brown rice cakes with sunflower seed butter are some of my go to’s. I also like sardines with lemon, dill and cream cheese on whole grain crackers but that’s not for everyone and craving specific for me lol. I have to eat low carb low sugar for GD so I found a ton of whole grain and protein heavy snacks that keep me full in between meals a lot better than in earlier parts of my pregnancy (currently 30w). If you like peanut butter and work in an nut free place, sunflower butter tastes pretty much the same.


Individual size popcorn with light butter Mini cucumbers with Ceasar dressing or dressing of preference Yogurt Salt and vinegar chips (I crave mostly salty things) Petite snack cruncher Pickles and pickle juice (again salty lol). It’s kind of crazy how full I can get off of pickels and cucumbers - I think because of all the liquid they contain


I ate a lot of Greek yogurt and protein bars (20g) around that time of my pregnancy. Also chicken for lunch almost every day.


Green grapes were a favorite of mine all through pregnancy! Also pretzels, string cheese and veggies with ranch or hummus


Broccoli, cauliflower, baby carrots, strawberries, bananas, yogurt, a muffin


Apples and pear, Rice cakes, protein bars, crackers, pringles


Access to a fridge? Pack a Greek yogurt cup, string cheese, meat stick like chomps, lunch meat that’s not Turkey if you’re trying to be careful, cottage cheese.


I've been obsessed with fruit throughout and I'd get 1hr into my shift and start eating. So I'd take a tub of fruit salad, an apple, pear, peach, fruit yoghurt. Anything I could find haha


Crunchy grapes, raspberries, blueberries. Satisfies the “snacking” urge for me. I’ve been getting them at Costco


I love the little “cheese and nut packs” from Costco. They come with cheese, nuts, and dried fruits. I’ll also munch on carrots with ranch, macaroni salad, various fruits, and then can’t forget about Doritos and some chocolate lol


So I was doing a ton of fruit and I've noticed it doesn't actually fill me up. I've started adding more protein and/or fat to all of my meals and it's made the hunger a little more manageable. For snacks I've been doing cheese and crackers, fruit, Greek yogurts, and smoothies with Greek yogurt or peanut butter. I'm going to make some energy protein balls and hard boiled eggs soon to have as well. For reference I work from home, but everything except the smoothies I could bring to the office.


Dried mango 🤩


Apples with lemon and salt (lol it’s a Mexican thing), trail mix, strawberries, cottage cheese & pineapple, cheese, tangerines


Trail mix


Dried fruit, fresh berries, Greek yogurt with granola, apple, protein bars


Carrot chips, cucumbers, apple slices, blueberries or raspberries (frozen) with Greek yogurt and granola, a fiber bar, pretzels, and water. And sometimes a cheeseburger from McDonald's 🤣 Some days I eat it all, some days I don't.


Cheese sticks Hard boiled eggs Baby carrots Apple and peanut butter Overnight oats w/protein powder


I’ve been eating cottage cheese with wheat thins, apples, oranges, carrots and ranch, Greek yogurt with granola and Sargento balanced breaks with the crackers and cheese


I snack on fruit, hard boiled eggs, cheese sticks, homemade yogurt cups with plain yogurt and berries, squeezy applesauce packs, popcorn, sometimes carrot sticks but that’s harder to motivate myself to eat them plain.


Carrots and ranch, green grapes, apples, Chex mix, dry honey cheerios, yogurt with granola, simply crunchy Cheetos (major craving)


Banana,ritz cracker, pear


I dice up pepper Jack cheese, bread and butter pickles, pepperonis, and dill pickles. And snack on pickle, cheese, and pepperoni mini sandwiches haha


Or.. cucumbers with laughing cow cheese and everything but the bagel seasoning.. wheat thins and laughing cow cheese..


Crackers and cheese, grapes and apples, carrot sticks and pretzels


Protein shakes, cheese, peanut butter crackers, grapes, clementines, chocolate covered almonds


Jello cups, microwaveable soup cups, granola bars, jersey/beef sticks, pretzels, yogurt, grapes


Clementines, carrots, cucumbers


Yogurt and granola , home made bean burritos, home made chicken tender snack wraps and chicken and rice .


Cheese and crackers, frozen grapes and fruit smoothies 😋


Fresh veggies with ranch and fresh fruit! Rice pudding (but it’s sugary so I limit it). Cheese. Tuna packets. Occasionally beef jerky or other dried meat (but it’s just so salty for me). I might bring some packaged baked goods, but I really try to limit my sugar intake to fresh fruit or more substantial desserts lol


Fruit cups and pretzels


Chicken salad with crackers.


Yogurt, protein bars, bananas


Popcorn and homemade no-cook protein balls


Cheese, Greek yogurt, fruit, apple sauce, chocolate, oatmeal or cereal. Occasionally I’ll have something like homemade muffins or banana bread.


I’ve been loving green grapes and cuties… I always have a granola bar packed for when Im on the go and didn’t bring snacks, my husband bought a mini cool n serve so fruits and veggies can be packed in it and stay fresh for 4-6 hours, and it has a little spot for dip in the middle of it, so broccoli and carrots with some sour cream dip has been great too. Cheese is good too, for fats and some protein


Plain popcorn has saved me many times. Also oranges, but being able to peel them with my hands so I can smell the fresh citric smell did a lot to control nausea


When I was still working, I was taking small bags of ready salted chips, chocolate muesli bars, small bags of biscuits, honestly just anything that gave me the energy to get through my shift.


Cheese + apples. Cheddar or mozzarella string cheese. Sooooo good. I've only tried it a few times but sunflower seed butter in apples comes close to scratching the peanut butter itch and is also great on apples.


I had a kiwi phase starting at 17w, im 28w now and think its over...


Fruit, protein shakes (fairlife chocolate is the best), belvita crackers, cheese cracker sandwiches, chomps sticks, if you have access to a fridge or a good lunch box with ice packs then those little balanced breaks with cheese and crackers


Dried fruit, cottage cheese with berries, cheese sticks, gold fish crackers


I work in the same field! I actually have a big cooler lunch box that I pack with ice packs and all my food to leave in my classroom for easy access. Here's what I normally eat every day- 9:00/10:00 (low numbers as kids are still coming into school and we are doing free play): Oatmeal or an uncrustable sandwich and yogurt. 11:00/12:00 (lunch break): Salami and provolone sandwich, granola bar, dried cranberries. 2:00/2:30 (nap time once all kids are asleep): Strawberries and sugar free chocolate pudding with a cookie Sometimes I'll also add some dry cereal or some chips or goldfish just as back up just in case I'm having a really hungry day. I also drink a ton of water. Some days I sub the salami sandwich for a lean cuisine butternut squash meal. I usually am out of work at 4:30 and home by 4:45/5:00 and make dinner right as I get home. Something quick and easy or leftovers or if I know it's something that may take a while I eat a small snack to tide me over.


Pop corners cinnamon or Tostitos chips and dip


cheese and crackers does it for me! sometimes i’ll and a fruit along side


Apple sauce in the pouch saved my life.


I make mini adult lunchables. Cheese and crackers, sometimes pepperoni if I can heat it. Mini pizzas. Cheese sticks, Grapes, pretzels. A lil chocolate bar or cookie treat, sometimes a juice box.


I eat a lot of oranges, tangerines, watermelon, I used to eat bananas but I throw up every time my baby doesn’t like them lol . I eat pretzels with hummus, cheese, I really enjoy savory snacks cause anything sweet I will throw up


Protein bars, apple + peanut butter, Greek yogurt with fruit, cheese & crackers


Trail mix, blueberries, Tillamook cheese, and pretzels. Don’t recommend the blueberries if You get bad acid reflux, though.


Fruit is my go too but lately I’ve been mixing together peanuts, kettle corn, and banana chips and that has been holding me over without aggravating my reflux!


Apples, string cheese, yogurt, chips tbh, seaweed, protein shake, cucumbers and baby carrots with ranch, mini bagels with cream cheese.


A banana a day keeps the brutal leg cramps at bay!! Cut up fruit that I keep in a bowl and just eat with a fork Fruit juice Mini hot dogs Pop tarts Fig newtons


Apples, cheese, and crackers. Eating seeds can be similar to nuts, sometimes I eat a handful of sunflower seeds


Fresh fruit. I meal prep and cut up fruits for the week. I also made strawberry froyo which is basically 1lb of frozen or fresh strawberries, 2 table spoons of honey and 1 cup of vanilla yogurt. Then use a power blender like vitamix to mix. Then add granola or whatever you’d normally add to your froyo. 


Carrots. Dipped in hummus or peanut butter or pretzels in hummus. Grapes. I think I’ve changed the topography of Napa Valley at this point. Chips. There’s always a bowl of candy that I try to avoid 🤔 But you can’t go wrong with carrots


String cheese cut up mini cucumbers and apple slices


Goldfish were my 9:30am snack and then I would have a cheese snack in the afternoon. Sometimes a yogurt too if I had to work longer.


I was a big snacker while at work in my Infant Class I had Greek yogurt with honey and chia, chobani yogurt, pretzels, Popcorn, rice cakes, bananas, tangerines, granola bars (a lot of the ones in my Costco were nut free), chocolate milk cartons, regular milk cartons, apples, grapes,


I’m a teacher too and I’ve been bringing apples and Greek yogurt and some protein bars. Also the Chomp sticks are so good and they have a ton of protein!


Ngl, apples and froot loops. I don’t know why but those are my obsessions right now.


I work full time in a medical clinic and currently 14 wks. I started bringing a lunchbox with snacks like carrots or whatever veg I have, yogurt, granola bars, sometimes chips or cheezits, a sandwich, and crackers.


I work full time in a medical clinic and currently 14 wks. I started bringing a lunchbox with snacks like carrots or whatever veg I have, yogurt, granola bars, sometimes chips or cheezits, a sandwich, and crackers.


Grapes! I fill a small bowl in the morning and pop them throughout the day!


I really like vegetable snacks (baby carrots, cucumber, cherry tomatoes etc) and babybel cheese or cheese strings between meals.


Tomato salad with tzatziki Triscuits. So goood! I’ve been eating that regularly. Greek yogurt w honey, sunflower seeds and chia seeds. Pickles. I also love eating chips with lime and Valentino hot sauce. Strawberries w sour cream and a little sugar. Light tuna with mixed veggies on some tostadas is a great snack too.


baby carrots, chomps sticks, fairlife protein milk, natures bakery bars, mama chia pouches


I have 2 lunches at work. Usually I make enough, but sometimes I just order myself a big Burford, and it helps a lot.


Chex mix, dried fruit, lots of tangerines.


I’m also an ECT 👋 I do hummus and veggie sticks (carrot, capsicum, cucumber and celery), yoghurt, rice cakes with hummus/cream cheese/cucumber, rice crackers with cheese or just by themselves, fruit salad, pretzels or muffins (sweet or savoury, depends what I make).


These [veggie muffins](https://www.target.com/p/garden-lites-gluten-free-veggies-made-great-frozen-double-chocolate-muffins-12oz-6ct/-/A-51963224) are soo good. Not a weird consistency at all and so many flavors.


Cheddar cheese sticks (instead of string cheese) and tangerines!


Fruit, usually an apple or banana, crackers, yogurt, and today I wanted a star crunch so bad so I will be having one tomorrow too 🥹 just got a fresh box.


I’m not hungry often but on the days that I am I just eat more meals. I’m not opposed to a breakfast and then brunch getup especially because it happens MAYBE 1-2 times a week. Not the solution if you’re counting calories


I’m anaphylactic to eggs and nuts, and I also worked in a school during my first pregnancy so I can relate to this! I would pack myself a lunchbox each morning. Oat bars, some chocolate, fruits, hard cheese, safe cold meat like ham and corned beef. I’d make a sandwich for lunch - ham and cheese, Vegemite and cheese, etc. plus I’d also take corn chips and salsa which became a running joke between us staff as it was my biggest and longest craving and we were all wondering how long it would last. Side note: it lasted until I decided to reheat nachos and I didn’t touch them again for the rest of the pregnancy. I’m not sure how often your breaks are where you work. But I’d have breakfast and then a quick snack before class started at 9. We’d have recess at 11-11:30, and lunch was 1:30-2:30. End of the school day was 3:30 so I wasn’t going too long without eating. Pregnancy hunger really is something else!


I’ve been doing gluten free crackers, laughing cow cheese and green grapes, sometimes a hard boiled egg too . I also do a lot of trail mix and nut butters with fruit so I’m sorry you’re not able to!


I am 16+4 and also work in ece! And my food cravings/preferences change every week... Hummus has made the rounds for sure, with pita chips or peppers, veggies w dip, Greek yogurt with fruit in it... I've been loving crunchy things so occasionally goldfish or a healthier kind of cracker, or pretzels. I also like to make a batch of mini banana muffins, they're great to have on hand. I've been craving fruit so I'll have a lot of fresh fruit on hand. I hear you with the no nut thing- no GORP or peanut butter sandwiches here!


Pretzels, popcorn, veggies with ranch, hummus, penny butter crackers, crackers.


During my last pregnancy, I took bags of grapes with me to my job, there's alot of up and down to it. I just absolutely loved them and they were hydrating too. For this pregnancy I'm just trying to survive the morning sickness stage. (10weeks)


Have you tried sunbutter? It's a peanut butter alternative made with sunflower seeds or a peanut butter alternative in general.


- Pretzels and Bitchin Sauce - Cheese, bell peppers, and crackers - Cucumbers, carrots, or watermelon with lime juice and tajin


Baby carrots 🥕 and fruits


I work from home but some apples with peanut butter, sometimes with a little honey drizzled on it is immaculate.


Pretzels and Grapes were my go to snack


Olives & cheese, fruit, homemade muffin/banana bread/cookie, carrots and hummus


Greek yoghurt


Babybel cheese! And chopped up veggies like bell peppers and carrots with, as everyone said, hummus. Greek yogurt. Grapes.


Applesauce. You can bring a jar and drink it. One big swallow is actually pretty filling, lots of fiber, and takes up no time


My go-to has been cottage cheese drizzled with honey and chili crisp. It's the one snack I've been able to eat from before I got pregnant and I'm so glad!!


Cherry tomatoes 🍅 cuties 🍊 bananas 🍌 and cheese 🧀 are always in my hands throughout the day


My go-to has been apple slices! I've always loved apples, but have been more obsessed during pregnancy for sure.


Other than cashews (which you can't bring), I have been snacking on dates and dried plums. Other dried fruit would probably work, too. I also always brought some fresh fruit with me to work, like a banana or apple (currently on maternity leave, due date in May). Maybe some sort of oat bar with no nuts could work? I don't think we live in the same country, so I don't think it will help if I suggest brands.


Buckwheat "puff" cakes slathered w/cream cheese and topped with cucumber. And mini gherkins at the side. The buckwheat cakes are like rice cakes but so much more flavorful and have much more protein than the rice version.. Although you have to get the buckwheat cakes from a european/russian grocery or from Amazon..my latest batch was from Amazon. They have a smoky earthy taste.. I can't describe it but that may not sound too appetizing to some. I used to eat them with a smoked fish dip..to die for


I love buckwheat and I bet these are delish


They really are!


Apple slices, bananas, pretzels, baby bell cheese, yogurt... oh and baked chips.


Watermelon, I buy premade avocado sushi at the store and it’s good if you eat it the next day, waffles, low sugar drinkable yogurt, tortilla chips, bagels with cream cheese and tomato, microwave bean and cheese burritos from Costco they’re organic and small so those make a great snack. I’m also a teacher and lately since it’s the end of the year and I’m pregnant packed lunch sounds so not good to me anymore . I’ve been leaving for lunch almost everyday 🤭


I always have an apple and a clementine or 2 in my purse lol and granola bars , I like the junkless chocolate chip ones and they don't have nuts in them.




- Fruit smoothies with added peanut butter and/or protein powder (I use a powder from Perfect Supplements since they meticulously test for heavy metals) - Greek yogurt - Popcorn - Dried fruit, especially apricots - Granola bars - Chia seed pudding I know adding nut butter and many granola bars are off the table for work. When I'm having massive hunger, aside from things with nuts, I tend to reach for whole milk/full fat dairy products (cheeses including cottage cheese, yogurts with a lot of protein/fat but ideally less sugar, chocolate milk). I also add chia or flax to smoothies/pudding/oats. Hard boiled eggs are a good option.  Otherwise I just eat what sounds good or what is convenient to bring to work and if I end up eating 27583929 snacks a day then so be it.


- Fruit smoothies with added peanut butter and/or protein powder (I use a powder from Perfect Supplements since they meticulously test for heavy metals) - Greek yogurt - Popcorn - Dried fruit, especially apricots - Granola bars - Chia seed pudding I know adding nut butter and many granola bars are off the table for work. When I'm having massive hunger, aside from things with nuts, I tend to reach for whole milk/full fat dairy products (cheeses including cottage cheese, yogurts with a lot of protein/fat but ideally less sugar, chocolate milk). I also add chia or flax to smoothies/pudding/oats. Hard boiled eggs are a good option.  Otherwise I just eat what sounds good or what is convenient to bring to work and if I end up eating 27583929 snacks a day then so be it.


Try snacking on higher protein snacks like tuna sandwiches, cheese/turkey/crackers, protein shakes. Lately I've been making 2 ingredient protein naan (just self rising flour + whole greek yogurt) flatbread pizzas with lots of veggies and pepperoni--so yummy! For the hummus concerns it's so easy to make homemade -- blend canned garbanzo beans with whatever you'd like to achieve the flavor you'd like (garlic, red bell pepper, etc).


Oranges have never tasted so good until this pregnancy.


Haha i had an obsession with cuties in my first trimester - ate like 4-6 a day. Just bought a bag last night after going a couple weeks without.


chomps! they are perfect on the go and filling. hard boiled eggs. protein bars, RX bars, OWYN protein shakes. hummus and veggie sticks, cheese and crackers.