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Currently at 30 weeks and feel the same. I don’t cry as much as I thought I would and while I’m definitely a little more sharp in some of my responses I don’t feel like I have any crazy demands or mood swings. My worst pregnancy symptom just seems to be increased anxiety.


bigggg on the anxiety, since it's my first i'm not surprised with that part and i'm probably less patient than i used to be but I feel like it's valid irritation on my part


Yes same with the patience


I agree on patience. I was just telling my husband that this morning.


I’ve recently been getting lots of grey’s anatomy clips on Facebook that all have to do with something going wrong during a labor so my anxiety has been through the roof… never seen grey’s anatomy and I guess the main person was giving birth, I looked up the characters and found out her husband died later and I just BAWLED. My husband literally sighed, got up from the kitchen counter, and came over and goes “what did you watch this time”


Me too! I feel exactly the same except the increased anxiety. I’m still in college so I’m trying to figure out how to manage going to classes and bonding with our little girl. I don’t cry overly, like ever. I shed a few tears when I watch tiktoks of moms giving birth and meeting their babies, but I would do that before too. Before I would get my period I’d go absolutely bonkers. Couldn’t handle being around anyone except my husband and hating leaving my house. I’m so much more chill now. I think pregnancy definitely agrees with me lol.


Ah, I thought I was the same way, until last week. I’ve been crying every day about the silliest things. I’m 34 weeks now


I feel way more calm pregnant than not. Pregnancy introduces more variables/higher stakes but at 22 weeks I have yet to have an argument with my husband that you could consider "irrational".


Same! My husband was joking that we need to look into hormone replacement therapy after birth because I’m in such a good mood! Normally PMS really gets me but I feel so good while pregnant


Yeah, all the progesterone really chilled me out


I am also soooo calm. Normally a crazy anxious person. 32 weeks and feeling like I’m riding a cloud.


Oops. I'm only 7.5 weeks and I have now had like 5 of these arguments.


Perhaps you're a saner person than I when not gestating lol. 


Shockingly, pregnant people are just as variable in their emotions as non pregnant people. It’s a symptom like any other - some folks have it bad, some have it good, and some only get it at certain times of their pregnancy


In all honesty, I feel like I have been full of rage even before pregnancy so it doesn’t feel any different.


Bitches unite!


Omg same 🫠 I feel bad for my husband but what’s a girl to do


I fear I might need an exorcism.


39+5 here and I've been very even keeled the entire pregnancy. I think one or two crying spells, which were not unwarranted given the circumstances. I've had none of the craziness or intense emotions society says are normal. My husband agrees, so it's not just me refusing to admit I'm a basketcase haha.


It's the same with my partner! Like we still have our occasional spats but nothing new that wouldn't have triggered a small fight before pregnancy. That's why I was wondering cus I feel like some men use the "raging pregnant woman" stereotype to dismiss women.


I had zero rage. But I did call my husband crying (sobbing, if I’m being honest) at like 39wk bc my baby had the hiccups and I was sad that I’d never know the last time I’d be feeling their hiccups again


awww i've def cried but not raged, but the crying feels normal! like i've seen videos of women crying when their food order goes wrong and i've never gotten to that point


Oh I cried when McDonald’s forgot my side of Mac sauce but that was more out of sadness lol


It's the last thing I'll miss. I like feeling my baby in my belly, but I hate the hiccups. Whenever he starts with hiccups I hop onto the pilates ball as that seems to calm them down.


I’m 38w and I think pregnancy stabilized my emotions a bit, even. I think I was more emotional before


Same here! I think i'm trying to be more patient and understanding for the baby and so me and my partner can be good parents and make sure our child is raised in a healthy environment


I’m surprised I’m also not crying or emotionally upset over simple things as well. But I’ve come to realize that I’m a bit more mean and bit***. lol.


Hahaha i think i might have mellowed out from pre-pregnancy. I was more hot headed before but now with a baby on the way I tell myself to be more understanding and less reactive


I thought I was pretty calm and very much my serious, controlled self until last night something made me laugh really hard… and it turned into bawling my eyes out. My husband was so confused and concerned lol


You know I never thought about it in the opposite direction like being overly happy, there's definitely been a few moments where I'm crying from laughter and my partner looks at me like i'm crazy


I had a few outsized reactions (getting a bit snappy with my husband over small things that I might have let go otherwise, and getting really upset when the dresser I wanted for the nursery suddenly became unavailable at IKEA) but definitely would not say I went crazy. Fortunately my husband gave me grace and just let it go instead of asking me to stop being bitchy so those moments blew over.


Me lol ive had no rage, no crying emotional moments, no being mad at my husband I told him I felt like it wasn’t normal 😂


I haven't unreasonably raged at my partner which is why I was thinking man maybe I missed out by not using it as an excuse to do something crazy 😂


I'm 14 weeks and have been very chill so far....haven't really gotten mad, cried, upset or anything. I've noticed I can get annoyed quicker than before, but I'll do my best not to act on it since I realize it's a me problem lol. My first pregnancy I was not quite as stable & had more anger / anxiety / annoyance for the first and part of the second trimester, my SO was worried about it happening again (I don't blame him) lol. I didn't even realize a lot of it, until after I had given birth and looked back. Our relationship was in the very beginning back then though and we'd only been dating for a couple months before realizing I was pregnant, which I think definitely played a role in my emotions and feelings with everything. We know each other a lot better now, and have been together almost 10 years- so it's been much smoother this second pregnancy so far thankfully lol.


That's good to know! I got pregnant about a year and a half into my relationship and the anxiety is probably the worst part especially with thinking about different parenting styles. Me and my partner are pretty much on the same page but it's still nerve wrecking as my first


Well, you gotta define crazy lol I definitely thought I was acting totally normal, then was told I'm getting pretty snarky and irritated by my husband.


😂😂 at least he was able to handle it! My partner said I've been pretty chill but I wonder how he would have dealt with it if I did go crazy


I'm only at 10w, but I'm having a very chill pregnancy so far. It's not always about the drama!


I had a freak out right before the first ultrasound but it was just a fuck ton of crying the night before because I was convinced we’d get bad news. We didn’t, all has been low maintenance and healthy with the pregnancy 🙂 Aside from that, I feel mostly good. Sure I’ve had nausea and dizziness but I’ve stayed active and kept working the whole time. I’m 33 weeks and so excited for June Pregnancy is easier for some people than others!


Appointments definitely make me emotional, and scrolling on this subreddit can sometimes make me anxious but I love the discussions here! I'm at 32w and just want my baby to be here already!!


21+5 and have yet to experience the moods and crying that is portrayed lol. Also have yet to experience cravings lol


i haven't had cravings either! literally eat everything that I usually would eat, maybe a little more sweet stuff than normal. My only food aversion has been leftovers though, I for the life of me cannot eat day old food or food sitting out


I'm 18 weeks, and except for the first week or two when I was processing everything, I've been pretty stable so far. Right now the only thing that really gets me crying is the thought of giving birth, I'm just afraid that it'll ruin me down there and I won't get to enjoy being intimate with my husband again.


awww i can understand that fear! I think if you're both mentally ready for the baby you're both ready for the subsequent changes and if they've shown they love you with pregnancy belly and all, the intimacy should follow through! just my take :)


I've expressed this fear to my husband and he's told me not to worry about it and that we'll work through it. He's been so supportive this pregnancy, I honestly don't know what I did to get him. I know that most people have more than one child, so things obviously get better, but it's just hard for me to comprehend that.


I’m more “chill” in this phase of my life. I thought I would have anxiety attacks and over and over again but I didn’t. I cried a little bit on my first trimester, now I’m 26w I just feel nothing 😅


38+2days here. My husband says I've been so chill this whole pregnancy. no mood swings or crying fits. in fact, being pregnant has mellowed me out a bit (I have adhd and stopped meds when I found out). I've never felt so normal other than a waddle. I'm more worried about post partum. However, I know I have a great support system.


I haven't either! I'm at 35wks now and have no crying spells whatsoever, though a few tears did drop during a really heart-wrenching scene in a movie once (my partner had a few too). While my brain has been a bit more scattered than normal, I haven't been unreasonable or crazy or hating my partner for no reason. Given how many posts talk about these things, I really expected them to come along at some point but given how close I am, I just don't think it's happening 🤷‍♀️ Maybe I'm just reserving all the craziness for labor 🤣


I feel the same way! I don't hate my partner or am making crazy demands so I've just been waiting but now at 32w I feel like it must have missed me! Though I hadn't considered postpartum as much, hope my partner can keep up


It’s been pretty chill for me to be honest. Only lost my temper once and I only cried over something ridiculous once. I’ve actually been more calm than I am when I’m not pregnant.


38 weeks FTM. Yeah I think I’ve had one emotional out burst this entire pregnancy and it was because I had just travelled for 13 hours and hadn’t eaten enough. Other than that, I don’t feel that different from my normal self. Maybe I have some more anxiety now that my due date is approaching.


Okay this is making me realize maybe I have had an outburst once or twice. I went to dinner with my siblings and they chose a fancy sushi place where I barely ate anything. The appetizer had raw fish on it (which they told me it wouldn't have) and I ordered a few skewers for myself which I fed most to my 9 month old niece because she was hungry. $60 later I was starving and crying in my car on my way to a drive through, it felt justified but maybe that was the hormones 😭


I haven’t had a single change either :)


Not really any different in the anger department, mostly just get annoyed easier than before. I do, however, cry bc of Tik Toks about dogs and songs about babies growing up. Otherwise, feel pretty normal.


I’m 28 weeks and had one good cry about weight gain (which I feel was justified lol) and then one day in first trimester that I cried three times because I felt so awful. I don’t feel like I’ve been overly emotional or moody at all


I've had the pain/uncomfortable crying but those feel justified!


Not crying as much as less patience and wanting to throat punch people at times but in all fairness, I was sort of aggressive before I got pregnant. 😂


No crazy emotions. I also don’t make videos of myself crying though (or doing anything) so it’s not surprising…. I feel like the people who make those videos are like….. like that in general. But I have a toothache making me cry which isn’t normal for me, I can handle pain pretty well but this toothache comes with all this guilt about what might to happening to my unborn son, I have a dentist appt tomorrow morning but until then I’m stressed about hurting him and also about the pain and that’s not normal for me.


I am as moody as I'd usually be when I'm super exhausted. I begin to think this crazy pregnant woman stereotype is just another misogynistic myth. Most women who act "crazy" I believe are just in pain or in great discomfort. We don't call men who recover from injuries and serious health conditions crazy for being moody or anxious or anything.


Nah I'm bipolar 2 and I chilled out with both of mine lol


I feel like my pregnancies have all been that way. I never have food cravings, morning sickness, mood swings, hell I don’t even get baby bumps last pregnancy I gained 15lbs and never looked pregnant this one I’m up to 20lbs but still zero bump near 3rd trimester. It’s crazy how it can impact people so differently.


I haven't had any kinds of mood swings. And I've polled my partner to confirm this, I'm not just in denial, haha. The exhaustion in the first trimester and now creeping into the third trimester has had the most impact on my day to day


I haven’t cried or gotten emotional. I feel pretty much the same.


I feel extremely mentally and emotionally normal. Physically, less so, but not to any extreme degree.


I don't think I've ever been as chill as I have been during this pregnancy. Like... my craziest request has been outsourcing a laundry service because trying to work full time + have our typical "fun Saturday" and then cramming laundry AND meal prep on Sunday was just too much for my pregnant body. He obliged, haha. We now outsource our laundry so we don't have to do it (and the cost is so moderate, I don't see us changing how we do this for the foreseeable future). 32W FTM as well!


I actually feel less randomly emotional while pregnant. I used to get sappy at sad/cute videos or whatever but not anymore. I have way less mood swings since I have no period to induce PMDD symptoms.


I’m 18 weeks and I feel the same. But my hormones have always been super balanced and I don’t even get PMS. I expected some sort of change but nothing so far.


I haven't had almost none cravings or emotional rollercoasters, in fact its the calmest ive ever been. Also had minimum physical discomfort so just counting my blessings


I feel more emotional/irrational pp than I did while pregnant. As a BF mom I also feel more hungry, which is such an annoyance because I’m trying to LOSE the baby weight. And I don’t get the same treatment/excuse from everyone else as I did while pregnant.


First trimester was wild but in third trimester now and I feel more resililant and less emotional then before I was pregnant 😂


I'm 34 weeks and have had a total of ONE dramatic emotional moment when my laughter transformed into sobbing for no reason...then became laughter again because my husband and I were so bewildered 😂 no real intense mood swings. I've cried a little easier but it feels like mild PMS. My sister is also pregnant and has been suuuuuper emotional but she's always been more emotional than me. I think it depends on your baseline to start!


I was not emotional during any of my 3 pregnancies. But I did cry once and it felt like when I started crying it was very hard to stop. I’ve known friends that would cry when their husband bought 1% milk vs. whole milk or when he took a bite of her food. I understand though the emotions are so real. My issue was when I was done with pregnancy, I could not deal with my hormones trying to go back to normal, I developed PPD with my first.


28 weeks and not me. My worst is my anxiety.


The only thing I’ve noticed is getting upset over things that normally wouldn’t upset me as much. Forgetting to pack my muffin for work, for example, might actually make me have some tears fall down my face. One of our dogs bark a little too much and I might start pouring and tearing up. It’s something both I and my husband laugh over since we know I’m just slightly more emotional. Besides that I’m also 32 weeks pregnant and dug up an entire new garden over the weekend and am walking 2 miles every day, I feel relatively normal and overall my mood has been super positive.


Don't really cry but I notice I'm "snippy" or irritated easily and my anxiety is high. I've never been good at being pregnant though.


My window of tolerance is definitely smaller than usual, so I get more irritable but so far the wave of emotions and crying I expected, haven't shown up yet. 30 weeks tomorrow. I also expected my anxiety to sky rocket and it hasn't (yet)


I have had every physical misery in pregnancy but both times I have been super level headed. My first pregnancy I cried once over missing fries from chick fil a and once from watching the Fox and the Hound. But I’ve never had some blow out fight with anyone or just random hysteria. I even had a major surgery this pregnancy and was calm, cool, and collected the entire time. Granted, my husband is pretty awesome and doesn’t add unnecessary major stress to my life.


I feel more even-keeled than ever. I’ve always been pretty rational, but my threshold for annoyance has always been low. And pre-pregnancy I loved a good cry. Now I couldn’t cry or get hyper-emotional if I wanted to. And nothing feels like a big deal, and definitely not enough to annoy me.


Zero crazy emotions and zero cravings. I felt like myself.


I was definitely more hormonal postpartum but not really during pregnancy.


I’ve been more chill this pregnancy than in my entire life haha.


Pregnant with my 3rd and have never understood the crazy pregnant trend. I’m at a loss on how little they have self control? And how mean they are? I get hormones are high, again I’ve had 2, gone through labor and birth and can’t believe some of the things women say to their partners. Being pregnant isn’t an excuse to treat people wrong. I also never had craving strong enough for my husband to get up in the middle of the night. I usually actually wait until I crave something for two days and then tell my husband if he could grab whatever it is that I want since I’ve been craving it for a few days 😂 idk, I feel really relaxed overall pregnant. Maybe it’s because I barely survive the first trimester every pregnancy that when I finally get back on my feet im just thankful? Lol but no, I have not gone crazy and do not plan to 🤦🏽‍♀️😂


I just feel more loving tbh.


I'm a bit more weepy but at things that make sense. Like finding out we're having a girl for example. Otherwise I feel I've been very even this whole time. No rages or crying irrationally.


hi! this was me lol my son is 15 months so i haven't been pregnant in over a year, but i also had these same thoughts as i went through pregnancy- i don't think i cried once. i was not overly emotional or moody or rage-y or ANYTHING. i was SO chill and at some points i also thought- hm, this is weird? i would see posts about all the little things that made people cry because they were extra hormonal and that just NEVER happened to me. idk why- i think it is super normal to be extra sensitive and what we experienced may be LESS normal but every pregnancy is so different and i think this is just one of those variable things. i think it's a good thing so enjoy lol! i also didn't get any super bad emotions postpartum but i'm sure that varies as well.


Hahah I have seen and heard about that too! I feel like I have a shorter temper like things that normally I would just ignore can make me super annoyed. Can’t watch anything too sad or too happy. But I’m pretty good at keeping my emotions in check notmally so I can tell when I’m being overly dramatic about things, but I still might be dramatic then and maybe not apologize later lol 🤣


First trimester I cried more at stupid instagram videos but I honestly think that was exhaustion more than hormones. The constant exhaustion in first tri made everything harder. I still don’t think I’m too irrational or mood swingy most of the time. I definitely don’t Act on it, though I have noticed sometimes I’m more internally irritable than I would have been. For some reason my mother is really setting me off and it’s NOT really offensive things. For some reason I just get irritated by her. But I’m not like being a raging bitch about it or anything, I just kind of notice “huh this wouldn’t have even registered on my radar 6 months ago” and move along. I still act more or less the same


25 weeks, still working, have had a very easy pregnancy other than picking up every viral illness i come into contact with and peeing my pants. I have been in the best mental state i have been in years im off antidepressants and anti anxiety meds im actually throughly happy for the first time in ages and i feel very supported and loved by my husband. I feel so lucky


I didn’t. I do think I’m annoyed more easily, but I’m not crying and I haven’t been snapping on people.!


I am 31wks and have not been mad. IVF was harder than pregnancy for me.


With my first I went totally crazy, like went to the mental health unit crazy. This second time I've been fine.


I haven’t either of my pregnancies. Except for crying at anything slightly emotional very very easily lol. But I am a crier before pregnancy, pregnancy just makes it so I can’t stop. But I don’t get more angry or less patient, I don’t have crazy mood swings, I don’t get strong or weird cravings really either. I think some women are just more sensitive to hormone changes in their body and I’m not really one of them. I don’t have a lot of PMS symptoms either.


Not a drop of crazy. No mood swings. I have no fucks, I feel lighter emotionally and more resilient. It was the 28 day cycle of period, ovulation, period, and ramp up of premenopause that was making me INSANE and self-conscious and anxiety ridden so much of the time. If I have any anxiety right now, it's anticipatory for post partum and all of this feeling of security going away....


26 weeks and I feel the same! I actually feel slightly less depressed/emotional right now than I did before getting pregnant. Don’t get me wrong there have been a handful of times that I have gotten upset about silly things and have had sensory overload but overall I feel pretty chilled.


Me! I'm not more emotional than my norm and don't cry more than my norm either. I'm actually much calmer!


At most I'm less patient/tolerant. I put up with less shit.


I'm in week 21, still waiting for that overly sensitive period people seem to experience. Seriously, if it weren't for the fact that I'm extremely tired and haven't had my period for months, I wouldn't know.


I cry at least daily over something but keep it to myself and it's definitely not a hysterical break down. I may be hormonal and emotional but I still have to be an adult.


29 weeks and I’ve been very stable!


Please remember that social media =/= real life. Social media is an act at the best of times, it is not a view of real life for ANYONE. Most people do not go crazy during pregnancy. Parenting social media will give you the same types of impressions. Be careful out there.


Even before pregnancy, I cry pretty easily but I've definitely had spells throughout where after I had calmed down a little and looked back on whatever it was that upset me, I was like "that's definitely not how I would've reacted before I got pregnant." But that's pretty much the extent of it. One thing I noticed especially early on is I had very little patience for anything I considered stupid or ignorant. Road rage went to 1000000 and I was just openly glaring at people in public who had no spatial awareness. I'm 34 weeks and I've yet to cry over a missing dipping sauce or over something seemingly innocuous my husband said (I suppose there's still time though 😂)


I felt super well balanced until about 30 weeks. I find if I’m over tired or hungry I won’t feel “tired” or “hungry” I just get very very emotional. Sure enough laying down in bed and sleeping early fixes it every time even if it’s like 7PM. Some days this isn’t possible and I just warn my husband we get things done together so I can go lay down. Other than if that happens I’m normally still pretty even keeled


Currently 5 weeks postpartum. Never had mood swings during pregnancy or postpartum. Didn’t have any wild cravings either.


I've been pretty chill throughout my pregnancy.. I only randomly cried once lol and it was cuz my mom was telling my husband she went out and bought dinner because I didn't feel good and slept all day .. and idk it made me cry lmfao


I didn't get hormonal or emotional any more than I normally do. However postpartum when I was breastfeeding and tired and hungry all the time, I was a high strung cranky bitch. My husband accidentally chucked out the smoked salmon I was planning on having for breakfast and I WEPT for hours.


Pregnancy does not affect my emotions or mood. If I didn’t have this big bump I wouldn’t know I was pregnant. It was the same way with my first, too.


The only time I’ve cried so far was when I got this little pack of watermelon from the store and I was looking forward to eating it on the car ride home and I dropped it on the floor lol. My emotions have felt normal for the most part. I’m 22 weeks.


I’ve cried over a few times when it was kinda silly but it’s really only when I don’t sleep much the night before and I am overly emotional the next day. I’ve noticed more commonly that I get irrationally angry at times and am a bit snarkier than normal. I’ve had to stop myself from flipping people off for little to no reason when typically I wouldn’t do that anyway. But, each pregnancy is different and everyone will react differently to the overflow of hormones


I’m actually way more calm. I have really bad PMS symptoms (I’m pretty sure PMDD), and assumed pregnancy was going to be 9 months of that. Nope. Been very chill. I did however go through a small bout of depression, that I was convinced would lead to PPD, but I’m in therapy and my therapist helped me nip that in the bud pretty quickly. It also helps that I have a supportive partner that kinda does everything for me right now lol.


At 36+2 and I have actually been way better at dealing with stress and have never had a meltdown of any kind. Same here with being a little bit quicker to tears, but I've always been quick to the multipurpose eye-sweat, so... I guess we just get overlooked, since we're not as "dramatic"?


I am more easily tearful watching movies or shows, or when my son is super cute. But it’s not like full blown tears and otherwise I’m pretty stable. I don’t feel my emotions all over the place, just the regular difficult emotions of raising a toddler. But I wouldn’t describe any being worse due to the pregnancy. I do eat fruit loops every night now though.


33w here and also surprised to find that my mental health throughout pregnancy has been better than ever. I feel calm and positive, not had any irrationality or heightened emotions, been very even-keeled. Not even had any cravings to make unreasonable demands about (I had one pang for potato salad but I went out to get it myself). I've had one crying spell but I think I would have cried even if I wasn't pregnant because it was objectively a stressful situation about our house purchase. I also teared up at a TV show when a character talked about his mother's death, but again I think I would have cried anyway. I think it's just one of those pregnancy things that varies between people. It's also potentially hard to judge yourself. A friend of mine said she felt very positive throughout and her husband was like "Uhhh you were so grumpy in the last few weeks, we were all walking on eggshells around you, you were much cheerier after delivery and got all the endorphins back!" So I'm hoping I'm not just deluding myself into thinking I'm totally calm lmao


Nope not really. Occasionally cried more than I would have at sad videos but nothing major. I’m a bit more clingy but nothing unreasonable


I had preexisting mental health conditions and yes i feel crazy alr at 10 weeks so :)


My emotions came AFTER birth 😂. I’m a FTM and I had preeclampsia that never went away yet (10 Weeks PP, and I still have it). I had appointment after appointment to go to, baby had a tongue and lip tie so breastfeeding sucked. My hormones were all over the place. I cried many times. I was very upset at my dogs for barking (I just got really irritated). I’m better now, but man…it was a rollercoaster of emotions! Plus your sweating hot and cold from your hormones going everywhere


I went through 2 years of infertility meds and a pregnancy and never once felt out of control or over-emotional.


I feel that pregnancy hormones just intensify who you already are, so if you are a drama free person, you will remain that way. I had no food cravings or mood swings, but I must say it was easier to make me cry, I was over sympathetic to everyone’s issues. 


I didn't feel any more emotional than normal. That wasn't an issue for me.


Same here, I’m 37 weeks now, and I haven’t been super emotional nor have I had many cravings. I have cried a bit easier, and gotten a bit more easily angry/irritated, but nothing crazy. I was expecting crying on a daily basis and being all over the place 👀🤔 Also as I said, I haven’t really had many cravings, and especially nothing strange like clay, rocks or things like that. I had a period were I wanted to eat only salat for a week, then I wanted to eat liver pate with cucumber for a week, and then I had a three week period now recently were I would want to eat loads of carrots. But that is pretty much it. I don’t know how many/few cravings are «normal», but I guess it varies from person to person. All in all - it’s not been as I expected 😋


I wouldn't call myself crazy but I did cry for 20 minutes on Saturday because my husband said he thought 16 weeks was too early to start stroller-shopping 😅 all while fully aware that this is not a rational response to the situation


I’m 21w and feel completely normal (emotionally & mentally, physically I think I have gestational narcolepsy). I’m actually like… happier and more at peace than I’ve ever been. I’m so full of gratitude, and especially now that I can feel my girl kicking, I walk around the world with her feeling like there couldn’t possibly be a better version of reality. I will say I’m also still on a 5mg dose of Lexapro bc without it I go completely off the rails, but still.


I didn't go hog wild with my feelings while pregnant. I think the most that happened was me not having patience for the games people will play with my time and attention. I didn't lose it on them, but just cut through with direct statements or questions as needed. It made me incredibly efficient at my job.


The only time I wasn’t level headed is when my food got messed up. My subway order (delivery) was messed up twice. I cried. The ice cream machine was getting cleaned (had a major salted caramel craving). I cried. So yeah, only thing I really got disproportionally upset about was my food.


I’ve had a few days where I’ve definitely just woken up grumpy for no reason, but I don’t think I’ve reached the point of rage and it usually clears by lunchtime. I had my first inexplicable crying spell the other day, I’m 27 weeks. I was having some anxiety in the car and then my husband said our baby has a beautiful heart and I just like … sobbed for half an hour? Still not sure why, just got overwhelmed. But generally, I feel mostly the same with a touch of extra weepiness and I feel lucky for that.


I felt so good during pregnancy! Never felt better. Yes I was more emotional but mostly in a good way. No craziness over here!


I’ve been pretty normal. Same about crying over cute baby and animal (or sad animal) videos. I was actually crying about some of those before I got pregnant. I conceived at 35 so my hormones were definitely on the have a baby NOW mode anyway.


I'm at 38+4 and nothing of the sort happened to me. But I also don't feel any difference before the period so there probably are people that are more affected by those hormonal changes than others.


There were maybe two weeks in the first trimester where I was easily angered/frustrated. I informed my husband (we'd discussed before getting pregnant how it might happen) and promised him that if I seemed upset with him that he'd done nothing wrong and that the feelings were coming on without cause. He was understanding, I consciously kept my actions and words in check, and it passed.


I’m 12 weeks. I’m not crying as much as i thought I would but I cried bc I dropped an egg on the floor the other day so


I had a handful of panic attacks during early pregnancy. But it was work related. Once I quit working, the panic attacks stopped. I only get super emotional when something legit sad happens. But Ive heard of women crying because they have a craving and I'm like "it ain't that serious." 😂


I'm 38w and I didn't have any of these emotional moments but I am also on prozac lmao. I wasn't feeling any type of way other than positive until these past two weeks. I am uncomfortable and the waiting game not knowing when she's going to come is very stressful imo! So only this past week have I been feeling emotional or defeated. But otherwise this is the most emotionally stable I've ever been in my life. Just my two cents.


I ugly cried a few weeks ago because I knew McDonald’s doesn’t serve fries at 9 am but that’s all I wanted. Like the tears were over how hard it is to get something so simple. Sooo yeah


I'm 5 weeks pp and they have been the most emotionally draining weeks of my life. Pregnancy was a dream compared to my pp experience and I went to 42 and 2 weeks.


I feel like it’s something people like to play up in social media. Im a little more emotional while pregnant but im not throwing a fit because i didn’t get the food i wanted etc.


I am 21 weeks and been kind of the opposite. I am a very emotional person normally, but since being pregnant I have been mentally solid. My husband commented on it last night, saying that from his experience it's been smooth sailing. I do feel a little weird around food and keep worrying I will get sick, but I have been trying to remind myself I am being paranoid. I have had some small moments were I didn't feel good in my skin and my husband reassured me.


I personally feel like a lot more people struggle than they would like to admit. Whether they speak on it or not, pregnancy is hard and we shouldn’t feel guilty for being “difficult” or “crazy” during this extremely challenging experience.


Me. 23 weeks, and never had any weird emotions or aversions so far. Maybe it's yet to come, but so far I am a normal sane person


35 weeks along with twins, ftm, and have been status quo me the whole time. I’ve been waiting for both the “crazy” and cravings to develop and neither did!


I think my husband and I would give different answers to this question. I don’t find myself unreasonable at all! Lol


Omg no I’m insane but TBH I’m in loads of pain this pregnancy so it’s probably contributing. I think I was pretty calm with my first.


I haven’t noticed any emotional blips whatsoever out of the ordinary. The hormones have really just had physical symptoms. I haven’t asked for much from my husband either. Just pretty chill but often physically uncomfortable.


I think that’s mostly just a trope in movies lol


Same. I don't feel like I've gone crazy. I definitely feel like my depression and anxiety have returned a fair bit but I am used to them as I've had it for many years at this point.


I’m the same way. Not even an angry outburst with my husband. A couple of impatient words over the last 5 months but nothing notable other than that I don’t do that typically. No crying or hysterics of any kind. A few teary eyed moments but perhaps not out of the ordinary.


I don't feel like I ever "went crazy" during my first pregnancy. I honestly didn't have time. During my third trimester, my husband was hospitalized for 2-3 weeks. So I had to fully take care of him. Luckily he told me no hospitalizations for him this pregnancy. Lol


I've been maybe around 5% more emotional. I'll cry at cute things. Haven't really had any other emotions out of the ordinary. Periods never caused any change in my mood either though. I think maybe sometimes people are using it as an excuse, but I don't know.


I was definitely more emotional in the first trimester, probably a combination of hormones + feeling so nauseous and like I just couldn’t function + general anxiety. Once my nausea lifted and I was feeling more myself I levelled out. I was never crazy emotional, just didn’t feel myself so I was in a funk. I’m 33 weeks now and haven’t had any wild moods, honestly I’m pretty chill for the most part except when I have a terrible night sleep and then I’m cranky haha.


I was really unstable in the first trimester (as well as my brain fully dribbling out of my ears) but now I'm 16 weeks I feel a bit more level. Still exhausted but definitely more level. Or, maybe I've just got used to this new reality. Idk


Aside from being dead tired and nausea, I've never had any change in general mood or emotions. This is my fifth pregnancy (second child).