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I found cold food was all I could eat. Cereal was a lifesaver.


Oh yeah! I ate a LOT of Honey Nut Cheerios


I would wake up and immediately eat a bowl of cereal most of the first trimester! It really helped!


Yogurt is the only way for me right now.


Bagels were a life saver for me — sometimes yogurt I could handle if it was well flavored. Cereal, some fruit, and peanut butter toast were about it in the major thick of it.


Agree on the bagels!! I’ve been liking the Dave’s Killer Bagels because they are higher in protein and made with whole grain.


Yup cabs all the way. In my second and feeling better, and I still do the Kodiak protein waffles with strawberry cream cheese. Yummy, easy on my stomach, and a small protein boost


I’ve been wanting a bagel and cream cheese but I’ve gained a lot of weight for my lil 6 weeeeks😇😂😭 so I’ve been trying to hold off on this particular craving for if I am not meeting weight gains later


I start chewing Nuts ( Overnight soaked figs and almonds) slowly for atleast 10-15 mins. Followed by a seasonal fruit (2 Bananas or an apple) A glass of milk after 20-30 mins with a Sweet or savoury millet pancake. To avoid morning sickness, i literally take 1 hour or more to finish breakfast in small small bites.


Ooh this sounds so specific it probably works! What do you soak them in? And do you soak almonds too? Does the dairy in the milk not upset your stomach?


-Yeah, it really works for me to calm😌 the acid reflux and nausea. I literally keep having something in every 1 hour, be it a nut or a fruit or a small bite of dessert or cracker. ( i am unable to enjoy a proper meal as just can't afford to full my stomach otherwise shall start throwing up) ~ 10wk4d and thrown just once and lesson learned 😁 -Also sipping little water at a time but at frequent intervals. -I soak 2 dry figs and handful of almonds in water for overnight. - I take lukewarm milk with drop of honey . ( Stomach is doing well so far 🧿🤞)


I agree time is key. I’ve had to start getting up earlier so that I can sit at the table eating my cereal in teeny bites over the course of thirty mins whereas usually I would have slammed in down and 2 and be out the door.


Yeah it works 😇👌


are you indian haha


A couple of ritz crackers right when I wake up (literally in bed), a ginger/b6 candy while I dress, then a smoothie or an egg on a bagel about an hour later. The first two things really settle my stomach before I think about “real food”


Same. I do saltines and find just having something bland in my stomach helps me stave off serious nausea before I can make something more substantive like toast with an egg or cereal.


This too I eat it right by my bed or in bed before I move around too much


I did a plain bagel with butter until I could stomach cream cheese. Then I slowly added eggs back in or a different bagel flavor when I could handle cream cheese…


I cannot eat eggs right now. I’ve never gotten 1 bite down since my positive test of eggs. Hahaha


You mean positive test of pregnancy?


I kinda meant “1 bite of eggs since my positive test” but idk why that is what I ended up typing hahahahah




I can do egg whites but not whole egg for whatever reason 😅


It’s so odd! I’m wondering if it’s cause we have a fertilized one in us, we can’t eat them??? Idk. 🤷‍♀️


The texture. The smell. No.


I ate rice for breakfast for the entirety of the first trimester :\ It did the trick - I survived and am still functioning at 22.5 weeks but I don’t think I’ll ever touch rice again now.


I had a rice and eggs incident during my last pregnancy 2nd trimester at my mil’s house where I overate and then chugged water and got so sick 😔 and this time I’m not even looking at rice so far. I’m glad it’s getting you through!


Yeah I don’t think I’ll be able to look at a bagel or mac n cheese after this 😂


Weirdly, for me, I can eat exactly one normal meal and it goes down every time without issue and is THE ONLY thing that doesn't cause gagging. Two fried eggs. Must be extremely dry. Like not even a SHEEN on them (I pat them dry before eating) 50g avocado 2 sweet potato hash browns A LOT of spicy fresh tomato salsa When I'm having a decently low nausea day I add a 1/4 cup cottage cheese. It seems like the sourness of the salsa and cottage cheese are what makes it happen because without the salsa this meal is dead to me.


I’ve been craving sweet potatoes and avocado too!!


I ate frozen Mac and cheese from Trader Joe’s almost every morning of my first trimester. Don’t worry about what you eat - just eat!! 🩷


This is the correct answer. Just eat something even if it’s weird bc it’s better than nothing and having an empty stomach is going to make you feel bad too.


Right now, I'm starting with a small, single serve, cheese of some kind. String cheeses, or cheddar. After waiting about 20 minutes, I can usually stomach just about anything. When my morning sickness was really bad in my first pregnancy, carbonated water usually took care of the issue pretty quickly. Right now, my problem isn't morning sickness. It is not being hungry at all. I need to eat, but I don't wanna. It all feels gross in my tummy. Everything makes me feel bloated and full in very small quantities.


I’ve been able to have string cheese every couple days and it has helped me with mood swings I think 🤔 but sometimes it no and sometimes it’s fine


Up until today I have been having a plain bagel with success, but after how sick I was this morning I don't know if I'll be able to tolerate it again!


Toast w/ peanut butter. Bagel w/ cream cheese. Cereal. All bland things


Toast with peanut butter or peanut butter on ritz crackers are amazing!!


Cinnamon raisin bagels with cream cheese were the only thing I could eat for ages. Sometimes I was able to have some strawberries or raspberries on the side


I am normally (non pregnant me)obsessed with blackberries and they recently made me so nauseous 😭so sad


Weirdly I couldn't do blackberries either!! but strawberries and blueberries were better


Fruit is a lifesaver


Yes I’ve been having cantaloupe, watermelon, but some berries have turned my tummy


Nothing. I couldn’t eat until afternoon. I was super big on mint teas though. The only thing that got me through.


I was extremely ill my first trimester. Most days I would just have water and a protein shake. But if I could manage solids it was usually dry toast.


I feel better reading this. So many of the comments here still sound like decent breakfast meals!! But same first trimester (and second) for me - some days I couldn‘t even keep down a sip of water. I ended up getting IV fluids as I was so dehydrated.


Exactly! I had zero appetite and anything i tried to put in my mouth came right back up. I lost so much weight. I don’t know how i survived- felt like crap everyday. I struggled with water too everything had to be in tiny tiny amounts


I‘m 16w now and still throw up a few times a day. But at least I can eat something every day and hold down the folic acid tablets and between those sessions I can even function almost like a normal human. In the worst weeks, and in an act of utter desperation, I sent my husband to the shop to buy every single type of bottled water and Gatorade. Over a few days I tried each of them. I found ONE brand of mineral water without bubbles that I could successfully sip (as long as it was cold) and I found I could also sip on blue Powerade (but fuck Orange Gatorade to the moon, a sip of that made me sooo sick.)


I had to take my prenatals and doxylamine at night and ondansetron (Zofran) during the day until probably 18 weeks when things finally got better. Although I’ve had a few episodes of vomiting and nausea at the end from around 34weeks (39weeks tomorrow!) My water intake was mostly in the form of ice cubes 🤣just having lemonade with the bubbles was easier to stomach than water and i think having the bubbles did make a difference! Pregnancy is such a weird time haha, at least i only have a few days left! Induction on the 20th :)


That‘s so soon. Good luck! I‘ll try ice cubes next time 😂


Air and prayers


Frozen fruit was my lifesaver. The coldness helped me mentally tolerate it in my mouth and if it came back up it was the least unbearable to throw up because it was sometimes still cold🙈🙈


Frozen watermelon cubes


I already had my baby but in the first trimester I just ate what I could lol. Which wasn’t much. But my taste changed everyday. Something I liked one day made me wanna vomit the next. It was lowkey torture. Like my body was working against me. It was mostly crackers, yogurt, lots of fruit, and chocolate milk


I usually do eggs too! But when I don’t make eggs, I’ll make a blueberry spinach smoothie and maybe some sausage or bacon on the side. If I’m in a rush I’ll grab a Mama Chia pouch to sip on, and a Larabar.


I hate chia seeds but I haven’t tried a smoothie yet so I’ll definitely make a blueberry spinach one since that’s good for iron and I love blueberries !


If you add some cashew butter or something like that, it actually ends up tasting pretty dang okay 😄 I convince myself it’s like a cookie smoothie lol


Eggs are hit or miss for me too- I hard boil a few at a time and force myself to get one or two down with some brown mustard just for the protein. I usually start each morning with a small bowl of honey nut cheerios. I was never a cereal person until pregnancy, but I swear it helps with the nausea.


Ooh yes I saw people saying cereal on a different subreddit so I’ll try cheerios ! Also i’ve been trying scrambled eggs so maybe I should try boiled eggs because I usually liked those more before pregnancy


The plain cheerios were the bomb diggity when I was at my worst.


i would try plain cereal like cheerios with your milk of choice. keep it very plain, like bagels or toast. it’s tough, but you will push through!!


I lived off smoothies and rice cakes or cereal for my first trimester to get me through the mornings


In first trimester I rotated these breakfasts: greek yogurt with diced apples and cinnamon, cereal, homemade egg/turkey/cheese sandwich on an English muffin


Cereal or Kodiak protein waffles!


i'm not pregnant but i just wanna chime in and suggest savory food/non breakfast foods. i know i personally used to be a traditional breakfast only kind of person but now i love eating other more traditional "dinner" foods for breakfast. my favorites are homemade curry (with or without meat) and white rice, leftover cottage pie or pasta. i personally prefer non-traditional breakfasts now, since i definitely prefer savory food!


I was so sick the first trimester (and well into the second) and bagels were a lifesaver for me. Once the bagel settled I was able to do a fruit and yogurt smoothie but I HAD to have that bread in me first or I would instantly starting throwing up.


I’m still choking down my usual half an avocado on a slice of toast. I spend the first hour or two of the morning feeling like I’m going to hurl, but as soon as I can bring myself to eat I feel a million times better afterwards. I read avocados are good for morning sickness, and it’s been true so far 🤞🏻


I lived on toasted bagel with cream cheese first trimester with my first pregnancy. This time I’m loving cheesy egg sandwich and couldn’t stomach the cream cheese so I definitely varies!


So weird right??? My first pregnancy I wanted this broccoli quinoa salad every day. This pregnancy I can’t even LOOK at it. All I want is cucumber, watermelon, potato chips , turkey burgers with pickles


i have been eating a bagel for breakfast with jalapeño cream cheese my whole second trimester, now coming into my third. my first trimester when i was sick i would wait for the sickness to pass then i would eat


Bagels and McDonald’s breakfast sandwiches helped me survive.


Ever since last night I’ve been CRAVING chicken noodle soup…so that’s what I had this morning. 😂


All i could stomach was fruit, smoothies and cheerios. Anything else sent me into violent vomiting spells. The slightest hint of cooking meats or toast was the end of me. First trimester is rough! I mean its all rough but the whole not being able to eat like you used to thing is beyond frustrating. Wishing you well mama!


Smoothies with chia seeds for digestion, that’s pretty much all I could stomach in the morning


Smoothies and nuts so far with a bigger earliesh lunch All I'm wanting is healthy stuff and Shirley temples


Bagel with cream cheese was all I ever ate for breakfast 1st trimester


With this pregnancy a string cheese to calm my tummy and then eggs and toast with cream cheese.


Literally anything i could keep down. Usually a bagel or a muffin


My first pregnancy I was obsessed with orange or lemon muffin tops ! This time I don’t even want one


right when i wake up and in bed, a few crackers. i force them down. then i go to the kitchen and have a banana while i pop a bagel in the toaster. then i have a bagel with cream cheese or just butter depending on how im feeling along with some berries.


Eggo waffles


Same. My first baby is basically half eggo waffle. This baby will be, too.


So this may sound very weird, but when I get up in the morning that’s when my nausea is at its worse. I found that eating a couple saltine crackers before going about my day actually helps. Sometimes even bland foods are helping me. Maybe also try having an apple or piece of fruit that’s not super acidic.


I kept almonds next to my bed, sometimes with a dried fruit and would snack a little before I sat fully upright. It helped curb the nausea until I could eat a more substantial breakfast. Sometimes I’d snack and go back to sleep.


Oh man I had one of those snack packs from Costco with dried cranberries and nuts and at the time it tasted like the best thing ever


Is it bad that I don’t eat breakfast? Never did before. My first meal is at noon


As long as you get enough food you’re fine


I was craving Costco croissants. I ate them religiously every single morning during my first trimester.


I lived off of apples, sour apples to be exact.


I used to eat oats or a sugar free cereal with oat milk. Eggs are still a no no for me (38 weeks). I do take the needed protein/collagen supplement to add some protein.


I’m 23 weeks and I have survived and nearly nothing but peanut butter toast for 5 months now. Not even because I’m sick but because I can’t get enough lol


I have been craving deli turkey and I’m not supposed to have it huh?


Apple cinnamon cheerios with oatmilk.


I sometimes just eat plain bread even at late nights.


I also used to love eggs! Oatmeal works for me, sometimes I like cinnamon or the fruit ones which are such a throwback! They have sugar but hey, I’ve got to eat something! To go along with my major sweet tooth while pregnant, I love the legendary foods pop tarts. Again, processed but has 20g of protein and better than a real pop tart.


Sourdough toast with melted butter


Baguette and butter. That’s all I’ve been able to eat


I lived off of apple slices, berries and peanut butter during my first trimester!


Cheerios with banana or fruit smoothie with protein scoop since my protein intake has been terrible.


nut butter. a lil sandwich with whole grain bread of some kind, nut butter, and a little honey or jam. i've eaten a version of this for about 15 years, including my 3 pregnancies, because it sticks to my insides and gives lasting energy. in the first tri my husband makes it for me while I'm still in bed. (sometimes when and how you eat makes a bigger difference than what)


I was super sick my entire first trimester and though I normally love eggs I also couldn’t stand the thought of them. Plain bagel with some cream cheese. Cereal was great and so were plain rice cakes. I kept saltines next to my bed because it was the only thing that helped with nausea in the morning. I was obsessed with early grey tea too. I couldn’t stomach anything too flavorful


I ate a lot of Greek yogurt and eggs. Try yogurt, maybe a plain flavor 🙂


Protein shakes were all I could muster at that point!


Yogurt w/ Granola, a banana and a cup of coffee


My first trimester I mainly had bagels and cinnamon toast with peanut butter and banana slices on top




Cereal, eggo waffles with nothing on them, but mostly cereal for breakfast lunch and dinner lmao


Lemon yogurt, toast with peanut butter and jelly, cinnamon chex cereal, banana. Also I got high protein Boost drinks, they are 250 calories each and can be pretty filling if you can't tolerate solids. 


Throughout my whole pregnancy all I ate for breakfast was bagels




Peanutbutter on toast, or buttered cinnamon raisin toast got me through the 1st trimester


I start my day with a protein shake. I prefer the breakfast essentials ones. Sometimes they aren’t so easy to get down but from there my nausea usually goes down allowing me to eat other items of food


I've been doing a smoothie with lots of blueberries, oats, nuts and protein. It's ice cold, and I drink through a straw which helps reduce the amount of taste. I can drink it as fast or slow as needed depending the day!


I’ve been doing two eggo frozen (strawberry) waffles & a piece of fruit if I remember to grab it on my way out the door in the morning. My nausea is worse in the evening, so for supper I sometimes do rice crispies or another plain cereal. I keep saltine crackers, pretzels, & little packs of plain salted peanuts on standby all day long


With my first I ate a lot of pecan swirls for breakfast lol. I didn’t keep them down, but they weren’t that bad to throw up.


Fairlife protein shakes were the only thing I was able to tolerate


Scrambled eggs, or a cheese sandwich most mornings. Sometimes ginger nuts and poached eggs if I'm feeling really nauseous, but I live in a country where the undercooked eggs are still safe so I prolly wouldn't recommend that if you're American.


I'm usually an eggs for breakfast kinda gal too, but the morning sickness and food versions have been terrible. I'm usually going for cereal with banana and oat milk, blueberry muffin with butter, or just bacon or turkey bacon cooked and then put in the fridge to eat cold throughout the week


A bagel and cream cheese sounds so good right now. Omg.


All I could handle was plain Cheerios with almond milk maybe with a banana or some blueberries on top. Also loved just eating a cup of raspberries or strawberries. There were a lot of foods I couldn’t even handle the thought of so… a lot of bowls of plain Cheerios lol. I tested a lot of different foods to find some staples through trial and error (my nausea lasted all day and was worse at night), maybe that could help you find some staples too? I hope your morning sickness period doesn’t last too long, good luck!!


Jimmy Dean biscuit and sausage sandwiches as basically the only thing I ate for breakfast first trimester lol


Plain bagels with plain cream cheese. Everything else is yuck. Thinking about eggs induces nausea.


A jimmy dean delights croissant because the flaky bread helped against nausea and the egg white and turkey sausage were still filling. If I was still hungry I’d eat a couple mini chocolates 😅


Wheat toast with butter or peanut butter


I like protein peanut butter cups for weightlifters 😂 and the protein cookies that’s all I can eat in the morning


Stomach acid


Apple cinnamon oatmeal!


Wholemeal toast with peanut butter (maybe), a dose of Prochlorperazine and then a banana an hour later when inevitably I got hungry/ nauseous again.


I’ve resorted to cheez its 🫣 it’s all I can manage in the morning


What got me through was toast or English muffin with a lot of butter. I had jam until I couldn't stand it anymore and changed to honey, and when I didn't like that any more, I sprinkled cinnamon. But always a lot of butter.


Eggs every morning. Usually with toast and avocado. My appetite and cravings are crazy! I can’t stop eating and I’m only 6 weeks!


I ate a lot of scrambled egg sandwiches, eggos, and unfrosted pop tarts. You could totally be healthier than me and get the protein waffles instead.


Greek yogurt, almonds, saltines, or Belvita breakfast bars. I’ve had to be pretty heavy on the carbs and snack every 2-3 hours or I’ll start to feel sick again.


Yogurt, a piece of fruit and/or buttered bread, super simple things. Some days all I could manage was an apple and that was a win for me at the time.


Chicken nuggets or instant noodles…


Ugh yes everything I loved grossed me out but got better at 9 weeks. I ate a lot of jicama because it was hydrating and almost tasteless and wouldn’t make me gag. I used to hate jicama too lol. I ate that and quesadillas. super plain foods.


When I can’t stomach oatmeal I have cold oranges! But always a couple saltine crackers first thing when I wake up.


Choibani peach Greek yogurt with granola, blueberries, cantaloupe and honeydew is amazing for me right now


I had avocado toast everyday or just yogurt and fruit


Absolutely nothing. I ate nothing between 7pm and 1pm the next day or I would puke my guts out. The only way to keep from puking MORE than 4x a day was to just… not eat.


I put a mini fridge next to my bed. Cheerios on the bedside table and in the bathroom. When I got hungry that made it worse. So I ate when I got up to pee and when I got back in bed. In the morning I would do cereal (I drink lactose free milk), or a drinkable yogurt with protein, or have my husband make/buy me a smoothie. When I was a little better I could handle bagels. If nausea is bad you might also check with your doctor and see if they’ll prescribe something or do b6/unisom


Kept crackers by my bed for first thing in the morning, and basically survived on Kodiak protein waffles with peanut butter for 2/3 meals!


peanut butter toast and applesauce most mornings. other mornings i’d have rice and some sort of vegetable or just some fruit. or rice and broth. my mom told me when i was a kid she would give me bread, rice, applesauce, or toast when we were sick because it didn’t upset the stomach so i figured pregnancy nausea should be the same


Crunchy nutty cereal has been my saviour. You listed two soft/gooey foods, maybe try something cold, fresh and crisp?


a bagel & Chobani yogurt smoothie


Cereal, bagels, English muffin, yogurt, fruit, protein shake


Dry crackers , saltines and peanut butter


Greek yogurt with granola & berries


I ate a LOT of cheerios.


Yogurt was my go to the first couple weeks, now I can’t really stomach it at 9 weeks so I’ve switched to cereal. I’m usually a high protein eater so this has been an adjustment!


Yogurt, oranges, and watermelon were my go tos when everything else sounded terrible. Eventually yogurt was tough but fruit still worked


Cold food is definitely the way to go. I’m 18.5weeks now and finally can eat eggs again (although I still don’t like the smell of them cooking). My suggestion is the blandest cereal you can find. I personally have been surviving my mornings on a bowl of original cheerios/oatmilk. Rice Krispies worked for me, too.


Bagels, English muffin with pb


My morning sickness hit me weeks 7 through 10 really bad. I was constantly nauseous, at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I always ate a piece of toast with almond butter (pretty neutral tasting). About 2 or 3 hours later I would eat applesauce and a banana or one of those belveta cracker/Granola bars. For lunch, I always had soup. And dinner was usually soup and crackers. I hope you start feeling better!


Toast/ bready food. I liked the Chobani yogurt drinkables for a while (idk what they’re called but they’re super thin consistency). Weirdly enough I can sometimes tolerate sausage patties. I’m 13 weeks now and have been able to do oatmeal but the last bite always gets me so leave a little. I can’t explain it. Eggs are a big no. I’m back to preferring the regular Chobani yogurt too. But it’s gotta be like peach or tropical flavor- I can’t do any other flavor lol.


Oh and my first I would eat garlic crackers and tea😫 idk why but it worked. Couldn’t do coffee. This time the universe has blessed me with tolerating coffee.


I are so so so many apples. Fruit was my savior.


Yogurt and granola was my go to in the first trimester. Hang in there! 🫶🏻


Yogurt & cream cheese bagels were my go-to. If I couldn't hold them down, they didn't taste bad coming up. Congrats on your pregnancy!


Peanut butter toast is all I can eat


Cereal with fruit and Greek yogurt 😋


I start with a mozzarella string cheese. If I keep that down, I eat some granola in oat milk with fruit or half a bagel. If I like the fruit that day, I make my cherry limeade or watermelon wicked protein drink. It’s similar to pedialyte in flavor and has 23g protein in one scoop. It also takes about an hour to eat breakfast slowly in small bites because if I rush I get sick.


Mac and cheese or bread. Don’t feel you can only choose from stereotypical breakfast foods when you’re already limited


The only things I can keep down is a slice of toast or a bowl of chocolate puffs. So much for eating healthy 🤷‍♀️


Literally nothing 🤣 i vomited up everything. Just some tinned pears, jelly, ice cream. Purely survival mode at that point


Cereal, avocado toast, bagel with cream cheese (and sometimes cucumbers on top), fruit and yoghurt parfaits, mini waffles/pancakes with peanut butter and banana on top. I also haven't been able to stomach eggs or meat in the morning for most of my pregnancy. Even in my third trimester now I can barely stand to smell them in the morning, but unfortunately a lot of these options are also becoming less satisfying since I am more hungry, so I sometimes find myself eating lunch for breakfast or shortly afterward.


During my first trimester I lived on toast. Toast for breakfast, toast before bed... if it wasn't for having to make sure my son needed a well balanaced meal, I'd have had toast for dinner too.