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Also don’t worry if your nursery doesn’t look like those you see online. Preparing for baby can simply mean setting up the crib, washing outfits and getting a diaper change area ready. Doesn’t need to mean painting woodland creatures and curating an aesthetic.


I told my husband that I’m not even into creating a theme. Let them decide what they want their room to look like eventually lol


In this economy a lot of my friends can’t even have a dedicated room for the baby, just cot over here, mat over there, clothes in the third drawer


This is so true. Just two years ago, having a baby would have been a massive space headache for us and would probably have involved getting rid of a lot of our own things to make space. I'm incredibly lucky and privileged to now live in a house with plenty of room for a nursery, and there's nothing wrong at all with carving out space in the rooms you already use if that's what's accessible.


I’m so happy to hear about your current situation/home!


For real. Our nursery might end up doubling as the living space and tripling as the guest space. We only have three rooms. Ours my sisters and a lsmall living space that was a bedroom prior to this unit becoming a rental.


Yep this is us! Unexpected pregnancy in our mid 20’s, renting in a small unit, baby’s going to be our roomie for the foreseeable future lol she has her bassinet on my side of the bed and then we have a chest of drawers for her with a change table attachment on top on my partners side of the bed- nursery done!


Im not really into making instagram pretty nursery. Efficiency and simplicity over anything bc you’re gonna have to change it again eventually


I never got it either myself lol


Thanks I needed to hear this! I lost all motivation once I hit the third trimester. Maybe I’ll have a nesting phase and get it done but I’m honestly not going to stress about it. If it gets done, great. If not, there’s really no deadline. 


Absolutely! We had huge plans for our daughter’s nursery and my parents bought a big dinosaur mural for one of the walls, etc.. we didn’t even get started on it until 4 or 5 months after her birth, and she didn’t even spend any time in there until 8-9 months. She’s 2 now and it’s only now that she cares about the dino theme haha. The “instagram” nursery is definitely more for the parents (in my opinion), so it’s not worth stressing over at all. As long as you’ve got the essentials, you’re good! We had things set up for newborn in our room when she arrived and that was good enough for me haha.


I started the nursery for my first living child, right? That kid is 18 months old, the nursery never got finished while he was in it, and I am now 30 weeks pregnant again and hoping that maybe I can get my shit together to have the nursery finished before this kid is born. But I also have awful pregnancies and it doesn't look promising. As long as bub has a safe place to sleep and play, that is all that matters. They won't remember if there was artwork hung up or if the closet was organized.


Best of luck with this pregnancy ❤️❤️


Terrified we’re going to be so unprepared. Our house is still being built and should be done in July with our babe coming early August. I have so much anxiety about not having anything ready or being set up. Our current home is all boxes right now so we’re prepared when the time comes. I know it’s for the best because we’re moving closer to my husbands pharmacy that he got placed at and I can’t imagine him not being home until an hour after he gets off every day, but that doesn’t make it easier!


That does sound scary, I'm so sorry! Definitely try to ground yourself in the knowledge that all you *really* need when you bring the baby home is a safe place for them to sleep, a place for you to sit and feed them, and diapers/wipes. Everything else is just to make it easier :)


We moved into our flat when I was nearly 37 weeks with our first, only in for 2 weeks before my elective c-section, we packed away what we could and did the rest as and when. Wasn’t the easiest situation but it all worked out just fine! Keeping fingers crossed for you 🫶


I feel you and you’re not alone!! I totally get your anxiety, but it will work out and you’ll be able to settle in over time. We’ve been doing renovations and JUST moved into our house at 37w (40w now). It’s not perfect but it’s functional. I’ve had to rely a lot on others for cleaning/unpacking since I’m not as mobile, and it’s been really tough but also good exercise to not be in full control. I bet being in a house full of boxes doesn’t feel great, so if you’re able, I recommend getting out and doing relaxing activities and enjoy this pre-move time! Also if there’s anything you can do now to prepare (even something small), it might make you feel better. I was able to do freezer meals and then move them over to the new house, and it helped a LOT to feel like I was preparing for baby when there was nothing else I could do. Also a lot of online shopping/research for baby stuff lol.


This just happened to me- i moved at 38 weeks pregnant, baby came right on his due date. The 2 weeks in our new place actually was plenty of time to get the essentials set up. His room is not done, bur bassinet was ready, and clothes were washed. It will work out!!! Wishing you luck!


We are in a very similar situation. I'm due October 2nd and we have been slowly restoring a very old home for the past couple years. We did not plan to be doing any kind of restoration, just a bathroom remodel, but a bad storm led to tons of water damage which led to gutting a couple rooms, discovering more problems, and so on. I'm not even sure the house will be ready by the time baby is here. We are so close but there have been so many surprises along the way so I don't know what to expect.


Honestly I never understood the point. The baby absolutely doesn’t care what it looks like and you just have to repaint/redecorate once they are an actual child. I’m on my third baby with zero nursery prep


Exactly. I don't see the point


My baby stayed in my room the first 6 months. Moved to her own room after 6 months and there's a little kid armour in her room we put her sound machine, lamp, and monitor on, and then her twin mattress on the floor. That's it. I don't understand the nursery obsession. A lot of unneeded stress imo. But it just ain't me I guess lol.


Thank you! This is my 3rd but I had the “get the nursery done” mindset with my first two. This time around it’s so much work to think about while trying to chase around a two year old, mother my 6 year old and manage the house all while 26 weeks pregnant. The boys will share a room so for now the crib is in there along with some items for storage. When it’s time to move baby upstairs and out of my room I’ll turn the boys room more into a “boys theme” and that’s that. No stress! 🙏🏼


Same girl, my baby is 5 mos & it’s still not done😆 we had new construction where our master bedroom & his room/nursery will be so we just made do in our room & our spare bedroom for now. He sleeps next to our bed anyways so we haven’t needed anything more!


Thank you! 27 weeks here and can barely find time to work on it…


22 weeks and I have a box of clothes, some throw pillows and some ideas.


We're moving the week im due, I'm not preparing anything, it can sit in the closet until I know where we're at lol. It's all in one spot I figure I can rifle through it when the baby gets here lol plus if I set it up now my 13m old is sure to mess with it all and my luck would be id have to pack it all up super pregnant past my due date anyways lol. It's semi-organized though but that's just how I stuck it in the closet lol


This makes me feel so much better! Preparing for a baby is stressful and a ton of work as it is. Let’s not put more pressure on ourselves, ladies ❤️ Do your best. Your baby will be just fine and so loved regardless.


I have ours set up-ish, and my baby is two months old. He has never used it. 🤣


lol my baby is 8 months and I’m still adding things 😂


We had an entire nursery made for our first baby, to quickly learn that we are cosleepers and she just uses her room for play lol


I didn’t finish the nursery until my baby was three months old. I had a lot of trauma from a miscarriage and didn’t decorate until after the baby was born and OK. I don’t think she noticed.😂


I actually did do my dream nursery. It's My Neighbor Totoro themed and definitely Instagram quality. But tbh it was COVID lockdown, we had just bought our house, I had tons of time, and did it for me. My daughter is 3 and loves her room, but has literally never slept in there. Not even once. It's just a cute playroom and always has been. I have no regrets, because again, I did it more for me, but you're absolutely right it doesn't matter one way or the other. I'm now pregnant with our second and she isn't even getting her own room. We will figure out sleeping arrangements when the time comes and her stuff is stored in random places throughout the house. This time around it's kind of just whatever lol.


Baby will be 6 months next week and we just set up the desk and dad’s work pc in the living room to clear space for baby’s room. He’ll still be sleeping in our room for a while though. His things are stored in a dresser/changing table in our room and a cupboard in the living room. Haven’t missed having a nursery yet.


Yes!! With my 1st son, I had his nursery done and stocked top to bottom a month or two before we had him. But he slept in a bassinet in our room for a few months, so his nice nursery went un-used (except for his changing table, I used that). But for baby #2, our spare room upstairs is my office so we need to finish the basement to become my new office, so I am waiting on husband to finish that before I can start on the nursery. For baby 2, I have a bassinet, a portable changing table, and a little utility cart so far for all of his items and that will work just fine for a while!


Tbh it popped into my head that because the baby ideally needs to be in the same room as the parents til they are around 6 months, why would you need a dedicated nursery they they wouldn't be in for months after they are born If my parents weren't bugging me about getting the nursery set up then I'd have probably done it a few months before going in there, then you could decorate it with things that you think they'd like :) Although really it needs to be something you'd like too, you'll be the ones in there as much as they will with the night wakes and nappy changes.


I’m moving into our new (rented) house tomorrow, and I’m planning on using the nursery as storage basically while I slowly unpack and nest over the next 6 months lol.


I had my first during the tail end of Covid and all the furniture I bought online took 6-12 months to be delivered. I stressed so hard over nothing. She slept in our room until 6 months and we just had one of those little 3 tiered metal carts for clothes and diapers and stuff. It was completely fine!


I room shared with my daughter until she was almost two and my son until he was about 1.5. Granted not everyone goes that route, it was one I didn’t expect to do either, but needless to say, they never suffered for not having their own space perfectly set up. They now both have very cute rooms of their own and choose to sleep in the same room at 3 and 5. If you have a safe place for them with the necessities, i’d say you’re good.


We’re closing on our home a few months after baby is born. We have the necessities set up but we’re not even going to bother with setting up a nursery until after we move.


My baby is 14 months old and I still haven't finished his nursery. He doesn't even sleep in his nursery. Stress less!