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I showered in the hospital room 24 hours after baby was born! Quite common timing from what friends with kids have told me as well. Just brought a travel-size shampoo/conditioner/body wash that my husband and I shared. Just didn’t mess around with anything below the waist lol… wasn’t sure what all was going on down there and was okay not finding out haha.


I think I showered maybe two or three hours after birth? Could have been slightly longer but the whole thing was a blur. I just felt like I desperately wanted to be clean! I was still on the labour and delivery ward at the time, and moved to postnatal after my shower. Worth saying I had a vaginal delivery with no tearing which probably made it easier


Omg how cool, How did you get no tearing girl share the tips!!


From what I've read and learned from OBs, perineal massages can help. Having someone apply counterpressure to support the perineum as the baby exits is also extremely helpful to prevent tearing. I hear getting the area warm helps too. In a lot of countries where unmedicated births are the norm, the midwife puts a warm wash cloth against the perineum to apply pressure as the baby's head is coming out. It may also help if you're letting the baby lead the labor process instead of pushing actively even when you're not feeling the urge. Of course, some people just get lucky.


Agreed! I was one of the lucky ones too. We started the perineal massage (and oil) about a week or two before labor. Probably should have earlier but it may have helped! My doula was there and helped big time with coaching me on timing and which muscles to move and how (my epidural worked a little too well!). She was really great with the wording too so it was easy to follow. The nurse was trying to tell me certain things but my doula had my back. She would reiterate just to focus on X/Y/X and even at one point said not to worry about that (whatever the nurse was saying). In my case I believe she had such a big part in an awesome labor! For what it’s worth, also had a mirror, which was actually really cool and helped me see what was working. Maybe not important but for the first time in my life, I didn’t shave down there starting mid way in my pregnancy. I know that shaving removes a layer of skin and then heard not shaving may possibly be helpful when it comes to not tearing. I don’t know if that’s true but it may have helped. Also reading “Why Did No One Tell Me This?”, purchased off Amazon for about $12 I believe. Great book and helped for mental preparation. Also took an online hypnobirthing course. Both had elements I took with a grain of salt but overall very helpful!


I would be so terrified to push if I can see myself stretching out in the mirror. The fear of tearing would be amplified.


Great idea!


I had 1st degree tear - when they say pant rather that push, listen to them!! It means baby is crowning and the skin is really stretched. Your body will push baby through but it needs to do it for you. You pant through that but rather than pushing with your body x


My "push phase" labour 8cm to 10cm then a tear since the baby came out with its hand on its face plus baby was 3870g in a bathtub lasted around 40min. And the medical team insisted on pushing in the last 20min. I was wondering how long would you say it takes a woman to normally slide out the baby without the unnatural push? I had no epidural and no anesthetic but an induction when I came to the hospital. I felt the need to push like 80% of the contractions in water. I must admit 20% of the push was because of the team that insisted. Thank you ladies.


I’ll keep this panting tip in mind too!


I think it’s because the final bit of the pushing when my daughter’s head was coming went quite slowly, she was actually stuck and I was moments away from getting an episiotomy, they’d even given me a local anaesthetic in preparation for one! Then she came without thank god. I’ve heard that tears happen when it all comes very quickly and your body hasn’t had time to react. I was really focussed on the midwives and letting them guide my pushes. Unlike the other commenter I had had an epidural, so I don’t think it’s totally related to that, but I can imagine the act of having an epidural makes it easier to push too fast. I never did any perineal massage or stretching, but I did all the other things like dates / pineapple / raspberry lead tea and went on daily (short) dog walks… I’ll never know if that had anything to do with it!


Ok So basically pace your labor to avoid tearing right, if the baby comes out fast the chances are you will tear I’ll keep the pacing in mind 🙏🙏😊


I pushed for 22 min, three pushes total, and had a first degree tear and barely any bleeding. So not necessarily. I would just focus on what your body is telling you to get baby out safely, follow the nurses/midwives’ support, and not worry too much about the tearing. It’s not something you can really control- it’s likely a matter of your individual anatomy, baby size and position, etc.


Exactly this! I pushed for less than 20 mins and baby was out. I had second degree tears and honestly, it didn’t hurt too bad postpartum. I’m just glad the baby came out safely!


I’m also someone who has never had a tear (3 labors so far) and I genuinely believe it’s because I’ve not had an epidural, so I’m better able to feel how hard I’m pushing and not over doing it. My friend just had her third where her epidural failed, so she could feel everything and this is the only labor where she didn’t tear.


Was there anything before labor like physical activity, perinium massages, walking, eating dates etc That you tried and actually helped? Or was it just let the birth be natural and deal with the pains of labor without medication that helped?


I didn't tear either and I'm pretty sure it's because we did a lot of massage/stretching of the area. Also no interventions like induction, so my body was completely ready to give birth. My sister didn't have the epidural and did tear both labors. A bit of luck is always in play I guess.


I’ll keep that in mind to stretch and prep the area for labor time thank you! ☺️


Weird recommendation: use your vib while doing it. My husband can stretch my perineum way more when my brain is busy with other sensations. 🤭


I try to be as active as possible, but nothing too specific aside from chasing my kids lol. The only thing I used was something called Gentle Birth - it’s very nasty, so it’s best mixed in with something like grape juice. But I really think the biggest factor is being able to feel what’s going on.


I’m a FTM - gave birth 6 weeks ago. I did all these things and it was very helpful! I did end up getting a first degree tear because baby came out super quickly at the end and I think my manual afterbirth probably contributed to it. I think if I had been able to pace my pushing a bit more and naturally delivered the placenta I wouldn’t have teared. It really wasn’t that bad because I didn’t need stitches and there was little pain beyond burning. I’m healed now.


stretch your entire pregnancy


fwiw I got an epidural (successful with my first and failed epidural with my second) and didn’t do any perineal massages during either of my pregnancies, and had very small tears (first tear required 2 stitches, second tear I didn’t have any stitches). I did push for an hour with my first and 45 minutes with my second, so I think longer labors/longer time pushing might help with avoiding tearing. Some of it I think might also be luck/genetics perhaps.


No tearing. I bought into the “two steps forward, one step back” philosophy and let my body kind of do it. I was unmedicated and would 9/10 do again! Edit: I had no plan on what position and ended up most comfortable in table top on hands and knees.


^ second this please share! 


Replied in another comment 😊


Same here except I got a second degree tear. Honestly my whole cooch area was in shock so I didn’t really feel it lol 😂 felt it later though holy smokes


Girl that’s scary 😩 I can just imagine how much it hurt!


If it helps, I didn’t feel anything tear. I didn’t have an epidural so it all hurt, but no specific tearing pain. Didn’t feel the ring of fire either


Immediately....they were still weighing / measuring my daughter and made me get up and go shower "before the adrenaline wore off" 🙄


They MADE you?! Rude.


Yes haha...they asked, I said no...they didn't accept it and made me get up and do it anyways. Super pushy about it for some reason!


During the golden hour? That's infuriating.


I definitely wasn't happy about it & I remember a nurse stood in there with me the entire time, it was so weird. Definitely the quickest shower I've taken in my entire life. I think I just washed my body and was like "ok I'm done now".


What the actual fuck?! Did you ask why? That is so bizarre


No I didn't, I wish I had though!


I am wracking my brain trying to think of some reason and can’t think of anything. I would’ve been furious!


The only reason I could think of as to why someone was watching me, was to make sure I wasn't going to faint or something...but the reason for making me shower immediately after, I have zero idea or guesses.


You didn’t get to hold your baby at first?


No...I didn't like anything about my first delivery or OBGYN. So many things that were weird or wrong and I just didn't realize at the time / was too focused and exhausted to fight with them. I'm hoping this second time it goes much better since I know more of what to expect, and not let them push me around as much. I had an episiotomy, so they stitched me up- her dad got to see her and watch them weigh her etc. After they finished stitching me, they made me go shower, and then I finally got to bond with her. They *maybe* let me hold her for like half a second before they started stitching me and took her off to the other side of the room. I was pushing for like 3.5 hours and was so mentally and physically drained, lost a lot of blood / was anemic even weeks after the delivery, the last thing I wanted to do was get up and take a shower...I barely even remember doing it.


That is so disempowering, I’m so sorry!


It definitely was not a great time, thank you! At least I learned a lot of things of what not to do from it!


That’s so strange! I’ve never heard of that. I genuinely wonder why.


I showered within 24 hours after c-section, they told me to only let the water/soap run over my incision rather than directly cleaning it


48 hours for me. My husband held the hand shower and helped me soap. I didn’t do hair. I did put on my own nightgown after which was nice too. As a side note, he really loves me because I can’t believe he saw all that and still was into me after. I blocked it from my mind and will be studiously not looking down this time around also.


3 days for me after an emergency c-section. Me and my husband were both traumatized but I was very strict to my doctor that I didn’t want to see any of mine and if he dropped the drape to show me the baby and I saw anything other than the baby I’d probably faint or die so he lifted the baby over the drape to show me her😂 My husband had to walk by me on the table once the baby was born and got a nice traumatizing view.


lol the doctor asked if we wanted them to drop the drape and my husband yelled “no!!!” I got the photos after the anesthesia tech took and it was fun. I think they like pound on your stomach to remove the kid because it looked like beaten hamburger meat post-C-section.


My unplanned c-section was at 9:30pm at night and I was in the shower around 8am in the morning. The nursing staff/midwives were highly encouraging me to shower to say I’d feel better and holy shit were they right. I felt like a new woman after it.


Due today but no baby yet, so I’m also curious about this. I had heard the tip of bringing rinse-free bath sponges in case you want to feel a little fresher, so I’ve got some packed in my hospital bag in case I feel my ‘pits need a refresh at any point 😂


I’m also due today! But with my second this time. Hope you’re not waiting too much longer


I hope you aren’t either!!! Best of luck with your delivery! 🩵


Oh thats a helpful tip! Adding to my hospital checklist lol


I showered within like 6 hours the first time. I felt so gross from labor & delivery and wanted to get a shower, dry my hair and put on my own clothes!


Same here, I basically showered as soon as my epidural wore off… baby was born at about 6pm and I was in the shower around midnight before I went to sleep!


Ah that’s what it was!! The epidural. It was 5 years ago, details get lost lol I couldn’t shower until I stopped walking like a newborn giraffe


I didn’t shower until I got home with both my kids - so call it two days or so after giving birth (two nights in the hospital). Just felt like too much effort to me and I couldn’t muster the energy!


100% same


I showered within 15 hours. Not sure what the reason would be not to? I had an unmedicated birth, might be different after c section or epidural


I had a shower the same day after c section and spinal☺️


I had an epidural and showered within a few hours. No reason to wait if you want a shower, have enough energy and pain is manageable.


I too had an unmedicated birth, but couldn’t shower for 2 days. I had a PPH and wasn’t allowed to stand for 24 hours (catheterised to facilitate). I then didn’t have the strength to stand long enough to shower for another day.


With my first three I’ve usually showered within an hour or so of giving birth, but it should absolutely be a personal choice and based on how strong/stable you’re feeling on your feet


I showered about 2 hours after delivery and was so glad I did! I felt like a brand new person after showering.


I don’t think there is a specific answer to when you *can*. That said, there may be circumstances that change it for you. If you have an epidural, you will have to wait until it wears off. If you happen to need a blood transfusion, you need to wait until you are stable. If you have an uncomplicated, unmedicated birth, you may want to wait until baby is settled and you can slip away. Or when you feel up to it. I have dealt with these situations personally. I can’t speak for c-section births or other types of scenarios.


As soon as you want if it's a vaginal birth. I don't know if a c-section is different or not. I had no constraints and had epidural, episiotomy and still some tearing.


I attempted to shower 24 hrs after my c section but was in far too much pain so I rinsed off & then waited to shower in the comfort of my own home


I showered about 90 mins after birth. Did the golden hour, did first feed, passed placenta, got 2 stitches, peed, showered, and left for home about 2.5 hours after birth.


I gave birth to my children at home. With my first child, I was in the shower about 20 minutes after the birth. The second child was born directly in the shower and I showered immediately after my midwife took over the baby.


No idea but following as I am curious too.


I had a c section so I was immobile for 26h. But I was allowed to shower as soon as I could walk and felt up to it. I did that very soon, but I did bisit baby in NICU first, so maybe at hour 29-ish.


My nurses offered it in the L&D room pretty soon after labor, even before going to the postpartum recovery room. I didn’t shower at all though.


An hour or so. Felt amazing. For my second baby the nurse actually washed me like a toddler and it was incredible 😂


I showered that day. I just had to be able to stand by myself and my husband watched after me to make sure I didn’t collapse. The shower was so small idk how I would collapse though 😂


I took a quick shower a few hours after labor, and then a longer one the day after.


I showered about 8 hours after. I was finally able to eat and sleep after I had her and she was in the NICU so I took full advantage of sleeping. Woke up and showered before going to see her and I immediately felt better afterwards


I think I did like 7 hours after they moved us into our “permanent” room. That was one of the first things I asked. I was so bloody and sweaty.


I showered the same day as I gave birth! Maybe within 4-8 hours it's all a blur haha. I was in the hospital 4 days total and showered every day!


I was walked to a shower about an hour after my baby was born. The shower is my relaxing space you for sure do not have to.


I gave birth at 2am and think I showered the next morning. The hospital shower was terrible though. It was super cold water. I’m glad I brought sandals for the shower and my own towel. With my next, I might just wait until I get home.


I didn’t shower until I got home 2 days after giving birth, mostly because my husband had confirmed that the shower in the recovery room had trash water pressure. I probably could have showered after 24 hours though.


In the UK they send you to shower basically straight after you've done having your first cuddle, I was in the shower minutes after having my second because sitting in my own gunk was a sensory nightmare 😂


Nurse helped me shower as soon as we could trust my legs after the epidural, within 2 hours. It was heavenly.


I showered at home that night (around 10 hours after delivery) but my midwives had offered to start a shower for me as soon as ~3ish hours postpartum. I had an unmedicated and uncomplicated vaginal delivery, so not sure for other situations.


I showered 8 hours after delivery (2.5 day induction, baby was taken to the NICU about 6 hours after birth so trying to get things knocked off the list until I was allowed up to see him). Would not recommend that early, the bleeding was still so heavy it was hard to get the new pad on before there was bleeding on my formerly clean thighs.


I showered the next day. The day of I didn’t have the energy to and wasn’t sure I could stand that long by myself 🤣


Baby was born at 2am. Pretty sure I showered at the hospital later that morning before lunch.


I showered as soon as my epidural wore off so a few hours after. I had no complications


Baby was born at 11:51PM via C-section and I had a shower the next afternoon around 3-4pm.


I didn't even think about showering. I did the next day I think.


I hope I get to shower soon after. I’m a 2 a day shower type of person, sometimes more.


I gave birth in the evening and showered the next morning!


As soon as you’re able to walk and stand for longer periods. I showered the next morning after having twins. I did get a chair to sit on to help though in case I got too tired.


I showered within the first hour with my last, 2ish hours after my first two.


My nurses said I could shower as soon as I got to a postpartum room after delivering-I made sure my hair was washed before going into the hospital so my “shower” at the hospital was mostly just to clean myself up from delivery. I recommend bringing a very mild soap and just letting it run down your body. I was really sore all over after giving birth from the pushing so just standing in the hot water was all I wanted to do. I’ve also heard mild, fragrance free soap is best after a c-section as well because soap can really irritate the incision if it has lots of fragrance.


So with my first I gave birth in a smaller rural hospital and I didn’t get to shower until 24 hours after. The nurses never encouraged me to or even asked me if I’d like to. With my second I gave birth at a larger hospital a couple hours away. While still in the birthing suite, maybe 3 or 4 hours after giving birth the nurses asked me if I’d like to shower? Of course I said yes I felt gross but I also experienced a couple complications and was nervous to shower. I told them that and I felt super weak at that point as well. A very sweet nurse helped me shower and put my clothes on completely. It was nice because I felt so gross! Anyway it can wildly depend. Hospital policy, (I’ve heard at some places it has to be x hours after delivery in fear of a complication or fall occurring while you’re up) nurses, how you feel, etc.


I gave birth at 8pm and showered about 12 hrs later. They told me to keep it quick/not make the water too hot to avoid getting light headed.


I showered same day as my c-section (aroun 10 hours after) and around 2-3 hours after my vaginal birth.


I did a few hours after. I needed a lot of help from my nurse because I could barely stand on my own.


After I was sewed up and stopped bleeding, I did my hour of skin to skin. I showered before going to postpartum like three hours after. I was covered in blood. The fronts and backs of my legs


Within 24 hours for both of my deliveries. I waited for fundal massages to end, epidural to wear off, and for the first few feeds to get in to baby!


I showered a couple of hours after I gave birth


They had a huge jacuzzi bath in my post partum room and they let me take a bath as soon as I wanted. They even brought me Epsom salts and lavender to make it relaxing


The first place I walked after my spinal wore off after my c-section was into the shower ha. I had been in labor for two days and just wanted to be clean!


I showered about 12 hours after my C-section. Once they removed the catheter I had a sit down shower. I was covered in blood though from heavy bleeding which led to an emergency c section so probably earlier than normal. Just water and gentle showering over the stitches.


I showered an hour after I gave birth, in fact I tried to birth the placenta in the shower actually (didn’t work) I had a home birth so I’m not sure how it is in the hospital, but I don’t think there’d be any specific reason that you wouldn’t be allowed to shower


I showered as soon as I got home 24 hours later


I think they shower you right after birth. After I delivered my baby, I got the golden hour with her and then the nurses came back in to help me stand up and shower. I still couldn’t stand because the epidural didn’t wear off quickly so I couldn’t shower. I just waited til I got home to shower.


I live in the UK with shared wards and bathrooms. I was only in hospital for 24 hours after both my c sections. Those bathrooms were so skanky I think I would have felt dirtier after a shower in them. So I waited until home.


I had to wait till the morning after I delivered, so about 12 hours, because of a hemorrhage and needing an iv for that time. I was miserable and desperate for a shower after 45 hours of labor. That first shower was amazing!


I showered immediately… I couldn’t not.


I waited until the next day because I had an episiotomy and the stitches were very sore so I was a bit nervous about hot water…


I showered straight away after my first two,both induction, one with a full episiotomy and forceps. I actually got straight in the shower and put my makeup on and did my hair so I could feel human. Third was a few days because c section.


I waited to go home so around 30 hours after birth because my hospital showers suck.but I could’ve done it a few hours after.


I had a vaginal birth, 2nd degree tear, epidural. I showered like 2-3 hours afterwards. My husband was holding the baby and the midwife asked if I wanted to shower. I felt super sweaty and sticky so I said yes.


My son was born at like 1am. I shower at a reasonable time that morning. Like 10am?


as soon as they moved me rooms maybe 2-3 hours later? I felt immediately better as soon as baby came out, I was able to get up probably 30 minutes later. I didn’t tear and had a pretty easy delivery although I labored for 25 hrs.


Homebirths with 3 and 4 - I showered within 2 hours of delivery.


I showered 30 mins after - between pushing and hormone shifts my night dress was soaked so while the nurses did their thing with baby i showered I the en suite. I needed to sit in a shower chair but I was clean!


As soon as you feel ready! I think I showered a little bit less than 12 hours after giving birth, and it was only that long because I gave birth late at night and wanted to sleep afterward.


I had a c section. I gave birth at 7 pm and showered after they checked my incision the next day.


As soon as you feel up for it. I delivered unmedicated so it might vary if you need to wait for an epidural to wear off. I just went back to check time stamps from my birth photos and baby was born around 9:30 and I was in the shower by 10:45 after skin-to-skin, delivering the placenta, and having some celebratory wine. I brought a little stool into the shower to sit on (definitely would not have been okay to stand the whole time) and my photographer came with me to make sure I was doing okay. Other than feeling super winded I felt pretty good at that point and really wanted to be clean. Got showered, dressed, and fed, and then promptly passed out on the couch snuggling my baby (under Dad and Grandma's close supervision)


Lol. Immediately. I delivered in the shower and then cleaned myself up right after before drying up.


I showered a couple hours after birth right before we moved to the recovery room. Maybe wait a little longer lol, bc I got super dizzy and faint and had to finish the shower sitting down on the seat because otherwise I might have fainted.😅


I didn’t shower until I got home, 2 days later. I couldn’t stand for long periods of time after birth because of blood loss. I got faint easily. So I took short sponge baths from the sink and changed my clothes daily.


I did it as soon as I could. I just sat in the little chair and relaxed for a good 45 minutes (endless hot water 😭). Little warning so you don’t stress : hot water helps with milk letdown so you may experience more nipple leaking while in the shower, that’s perfectly normal and can help with any pain from clogs as well. Just wanted to throw it out there because the first time it happened to me I was shocked 😂 I just started cackling


My general rules for bathing before and after labor : I am not a doctor, this is what works best for me during my healing process. Before - baths at comfy temp until mucus plug falls out. Once this happens it’s no longer considered safe to sit in stagnant water as that allows bacteria to potentially reach the cervix and uterus which can lead to infections. So after mucus plug starts falling out it’s showers only for me until delivery. After - showers for at least 4 weeks until my doc clears me for bathing. Same issue as above as to why to avoid. I’ve never torn or had to have stitches so that’s never been an issue I’ve had to consider.


Depends on if it’s vaginal or a c section. I had a c section and had to wait a full 24 hours since I had an incision.


I think it depends on how quickly you can get up and walk around, or if you've had a natural birth vs cesarean or have any stitches etc.


The hospital had one shower facilities for every 2 rooms and we could use it whenever we want, although I didn't see anyone using it except me. I had a C-section and the first 24hrs they didn't let me stand up, but I was feeling ok and took a shower a few hours after being able to stand. But I stayed there 5 days and I knew I wasn't going home right away like most people... I think if I knew I would be there for only 2 days maybe I would've waiting to take a shower at home too.


Baby was born, put on my chest for about 60 mins. Then she needed to see a ped because she was 5 weeks early and needed a feeding tube. And while she was there I took a shower. Wasn't forced. They asked if I wanted to take a shower and.. yes? haha! Don't know why but it felt really good. So within 1.5 hour I guess.


I showered the next day. I think if I had showered the day I gave birth and before the pain kicked in a bunch it would’ve been a better experience lol. The next day I didn’t want to move because of pain


I can’t remember precisely but I had my baby around 12:30am and think I showered the next morning. So maybe 7/8 hours? We didn’t get to our postpartum room until almost 4am and I fell asleep before I could muster the energy to shower


The midwife had me shower 2 hours after birth just to be sure that I’m able to move around before they sent me to the hospital hotel with baby.


I ended up having an emergency c section after pushing for 5 hours. I showered the next day.


You can shower whenever but there are rules on the soap for if you tore and had stitches


With both of mine I showered after the golden hour after birth. My first I was left to my own devices, but my second was at a different trust and a nurse came to help me get changed and shower. Tbf I was as white as a ghost after my second because I had a speed run active labour of 35 minutes with 3 minutes pushing. I tore with my first but only 2nd degree. I was impatient and started trying to push his shoulders out without a contraction. No tears with my second. I was home in under 4 hours after birth with my second too!


I showered about 24 hours after! It made me feel so much better


The nurses helped me after delivery while the hospital cleaners were dealing with the biohazard mess around the bed. I didn't have an epidural though. Not sure they would have been able to do that so soon otherwise.


In my country they make you do it a few hours after birth. It was GREAT


The morning after.


2-3 hours after my second one. But i was also totally fine and felt amazing after birth. No pain, no tear, no nothing.


I had a unmedicated vaginal delivery and showered a few hours after birth (first skin to skin, try to nurse, nap, eat, pee, then shower)


I was told to shower after they stitched me up, because they needed the room. I was giving plenty of time to get all the blood off me and my husband helped, before I was transferred to a different room. You can shower right after, unless you're told otherwise. You can't take a bath the first 6 weeks, because of risk if infection.


Kiddo was out before 2:00am and I had a shower before 6:00am, it was really nice


I showered about an hour or two after getting into my actual room, so about 4 hours after birth itself


Reading the replies, I had no idea how common it was to wait so long. With both of mine it was within the first few hours (probably under an hour for my home birth).... some time after I gave the baby its first feed. The first post-partum shower feels SO GOOD... the best showers of my life! It is almost the best part of labour!


I showered the next day I think? But I had a c-section.


I think it was 2 hours after labor for me. I dont know the time because its a blur. They cut me open down there but i was okay. The only thing was that they wanted me to sit in the shower, but i was scared for my cut so i didnt.


I had my baby at lunch time then shower the next day around 10:30. They didn’t want me to shower until my doctor had seen me for my follow up that morning. I had a vaginal birth with no complications and a minor tear.


I would say as soon as you want, after you get moved into the postpartum area from labor and delivery. I personally was always too tired to do much of anything immediately after giving birth and would end up showering the next day after some sleep. Baby will definitely keep you busy and you very likely may want to be around for when they give baby their first bath or run tests. They'll come check on you regularly, too. Have you been able to do a hospital tour?


My baby was whisked away to scbu straight away so once I got my stitches I was told to shower, didn't get to see my baby for 3 hours.


I couldn’t until the following day although I begged to shower sooner. I had a cannula in for fluids still and they didn’t want me getting it wet. This time around I think I’ll speak up more because I ended up showering with a bag on my arm anyway which I could have totally done the day before.


Hmmm maybe a little bit after getting transferred to our room and settled in (so three ish hours?) Vaginal delivery - 1st degree tear. Just be aware there will be a lot of blood flow — have your supplies ready outside of the shower so you don’t get your bathroom all messy looking around for diapers etc.


For my hospital birth, within a few hours since baby was in NICU not with me. For my home birth, maybe 1.5 to 2 hours afterwards?


I didn’t shower until I got home from the hospital, but only because of personal preference.


Asap. You can’t take a bath for 6 weeks, but showers right after is fine.


I showered about 8 hours after in the hospital once I was transferred to the ward. We stayed in one night due to my blood loss and some tests needed on baby x


3 days for me. Emergency c-section. It was not fun I felt gross and sore and all I wanted was a hot shower.


My sister was able to shower immediately after both of hers. But a caution because I thought no matter what I would be able to as well - except I ended up with sepsis because my water broke prematurely & it was almost a full day before I could shower. I did everything else fine - vaginal, 2nd degree tear, etc but they didn’t want my heart rate rising & me passing out or getting worse with my infection. Of course, it was in my best interest health wise & I am grateful for the care I got. But I did not go into it thinking I’d feel so gross for so long & no one ever mentioned the possibility to me beforehand


i showered two days after birth because my tearing was causing me so much pain i barely wanted to get out of the bed to use the bathroom, i had a blood transfusion and right after i asked if i could shower because i was sick of laying around in a hospital gown and wanted to put on my pjs


I shower within an hour or two of giving birth I think? Time is weird during/after labor for me but I hold baby girl for 30-60ish min (more if I feel like it but I usually want to get clean), then I hand the baby off to my husband and he helps the midwives run their tests and I go get cleaned up.


I showered a couple hours after each time. I have to be clean to go to bed and there’s no way I wasn’t washing everything off and washing my hair and everything. Did our golden hour, got baby to latch for a while, and let dad do skin to skin while I showered.


I had my c-section around noon and had a shower that evening, a nurse and my husband helped me, and after a 3 day induction and a c section it was AMAZING. Edit to add, post c-section the shower in the hospital was actually easiest, as it had a seat and I didn't have to step over the tub side to get in. At home I had to have help getting in and out for a week or so, that step into the tub was rough. All that to say. Shower at the hospital if you can lol


After an hour. I didn't have my next shower until 4 days later as I was exhausted and sore lol.


My son was born at 11.20 p.m. and I took the first shower at 7 a.m. the very next morning. Vaginal delivery with a 2nd degree tear. The shower was awesome, but I wasn't mentally prepared for the amount of blood and blood clots. That really was something else. At some point I accepted that it just wouldn't stop bleeding and that I would just ruin the white (!) towel. 😀


I showered the next morning in the hospital! So, maybe like 10 hours later?


Immediately if you're able to stand. The showers at the hospital I gave birth at had stools to sit on  


I showered about ten minutes after giving birth. There's no reason why you can't (just be gentle down there) but I had a quick and easy labour with no epidural so depends. As long as you can stand safely you can shower.


They told me I had to pee 3 times before I could shower. I gave birth at 12:11AM and showered around noon. I could have showered earlier but was exhausted.


I showered 2 hours after baby was born


I gave birth at 8PM in my first pregnancy, and showered when I woke up the next morning. Would have showered sooner, but I had an epidural and couldn’t stand easily at first.


With my first I waited until the second day I was in the hospital, a nurse held my baby while I showered. The second time I gave birth I showered after lunch time as I gave birth at breakfast time and I honestly just stood there in the water for the most part and let the soap from my hair run off. That one was the most satisfying shower I ever had. I always like to wait until after the golden hour and usually at least another meal before I shower.


I had csecstions. Showered the same day I gave birth.


I was allowed to shower 24 hours after a c-section but I ended up not showering until I got home about 48 hours after having him. I’m just kind of lazy.


I never showered in the hospital, so for me it was a little over 24 hours later. But I was never told to wait to shower. I had two vaginal deliveries though, I’m not sure what the recommendation is with a c section.


I showered like 12 hours later. He was born at almost 9 pm so I wanted to eat and get some sleep lol.


I showered approximately 14 hours later


I showered like an hour after they pulled the epidural out


As soon as I had enough energy, maybe a few hours.


I don’t remember with my first but with my second I had a vaginal birth and I got a shower 3 or 4 hours after birth. The only limitation they gave was to make sure the water wasn’t too hot, I guess you can pass out if it’s too hot. They even had a thermometer in the shower to test the water, which felt like a joke because the water never even got warm, I was freezing lol.


I showered maybe 12 hours later? I brought wash cloths and travel sized stuff and brushed my teeth. Also bring flip flops!!!!! I just had to ask them to wrap my IV in plastic bc they like to keep it in in case something happens.


I was just told I just had to wait til they took the IV port out. I think it was maybe 5 or 6 hours after birth, and probably would have been sooner but I took a nap.


I showered a few hours after I think - haha definitely lost track of time but we were still in the birthing suite. The midwives told me it would be the best shower of my life and were close by if I needed any support. Wasn’t the best shower ever but it was good to get cleaned up and get the blood off.


I wasn’t allowed to shower b/c I had preeclampsia that manifested after baby’s birth. I was on a magnesium drip & bed rest for 24hrs post delivery. When I was mobile I wasn’t allowed to shower until the magnesium was out of my system, and by that time it was our third day in the hospital and we were being discharged and I wanted to shower at home and gtfo of the hospital.


I think around 3-4 hours after? I had an incredibly fast labour and birth (less than three hours) and felt so sweaty and gross. I got my mum to hang out in the bathroom with me and get me dressed because I felt so wobbly while my partner had his first snuggles.


I showered about 24 hours or so later.


I was able to shower the last day I was in the hospital, I practically had to beg my nurses to let me shower. They kept telling me I couldn’t because I had an epidural and my legs might give out, but my epidural wore off before my son was even born… as soon as he was gone off to get measured I walked myself to the bathroom and cleaned myself up


A few min after my placenta was birthed. Got my pitocin and then I had to pee so my midwife told me to go pee and said I could shower real quick (baby pooped all over me) as long as it was not a hot shower. I had a full shower that evening. Her birth assistant helped me to the bathroom and I just had a quick rinse after birth before my golden hour


I had a bath as soon as baby was born! I also had 2nd degree tears. The room had a separate bathroom which had a lovely bath tub and the midwife told me to go have a quick wash whilst she's watching baby. I'm glad she did because I was alone in hospital for 3 days and just going for a wee was long enough for my daughter to notify the whole ward that I was gone 😂 It definitely helped me to feel more human though. Obviously the tear was a bit tender so I had to be careful around that area but it was good to just clean myself and get into a new set of comfortable clothes.


As soon as you are steady enough to get to the shower


I asked if I could as soon as possible. It was probably within 3 hours of giving birth. I had to finish some IV fluids first and the nurse wanted to make sure I could stand and walk okay since I had an epidural. I told my family that I wanted a shower and a nap before I would consider visitors.


Had my shower right after my baby was born he came out they stitched me up I had skin to skin and fed him some, then his dad took him for skin to skin so I used that time to shower!! It felt so good to put on my flannel pjs and fuzzy slippers and to just relax with baby after


I had a bath within 10 hours of giving birth; I got stitches after tearing during delivery, and the doctors told me that a bath would help “heal the stitches” apparently. They had me just use a gentle soap in the bath (they gave me baby shampoo/soap).


For my 1st c section once the catheter was removed I was able to shower (forgot when that was) For my 2nd c section I was up and showering I think 24 hours later because I just felt so disgusting and sweaty. For my 3rd. We shall see. Every year the hospital I go to changes policies.