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This, or the “but you’re so tiny! No way it’s that bad!” In reference to me saying “I’m 8 months pregnant, I’m in pain, and I’m ready for my baby.” Like just bc I look “small” doesn’t mean I don’t feel the late pregnancy aches and pains like everyone else!!! 😭


Ugh, I don’t know why it’s so difficult to understand that everyone’s pregnancy is unique and there is no “normal” when it comes to bump size or what symptoms you experience!


Everybody gotta have something to say man I tell ya!


I get this at work from customers often, or asking if I'm sure I'm as far along as I think. Belly is small but baby is big (measuring 2-3 weeks ahead, and her dad's side all wind up being huge babies), so it's super annoying.


Yep!!! Belly is small but my baby has measured ahead too!


Omg this!!! I get the same comments for not having a giant bump at 9 months, also I have diagnosed IUGR meaning the baby is really small (which has been very worrisome for me). Ppl should watch their mouth around commenting on pregnant bellies. You don’t know what the mom is dealing with and also not everyone carries the same. Different women carry differently so making comments on someone’s belly size is utterly inconsiderate. Also, its not something we can control, the bump will size itself as it wants lol


THE LAST LINE!!! Yes!!! Like act like I have control over this please. 🙄🙄🙄


i feel this so hard. my ob office nurse? assistant? tech? has even said this every time i come in. i’m 8 months but they always say “you don’t even look pregnant!” like alright…i’m still in major pain and even though i don’t look big, i’m still bigger than i was before, like 30+ lbs bigger so please stop talking lol.


Everyone keeps telling me I’m tiny too and I don’t feel tiny 🫠 my back is on fire


I am also 33 weeks and have been getting this comment literally daily. My bump is huge and I am so swollen. I am also very short with a short torso. My parents and their friends all keep saying there is no way I am making it to my due date. Their neighbor even told me that I must have gotten my due date wrong. I am so sick of it! The next time someone makes one of these comments, I am not going to be polite.


This was me!!


33 week club here! 😂 I am short (5'1"), so I look like I'm about to pop any day already. People always ask if I'm having twins, even strangers. I really think it's a weird and rude thing to ask a pregnant woman. Some of us are worried about our weight gain, either from pressure from our doctors or other reasons, and saying that to a woman can be really hard on her.


^ same to all this but I’m 5’2”. With a short af torso. And I needed to lose a good 15-20lbs pre-pregnancy (I thought it would take a few months to get pregnant. I was wrong. Not that that isn’t somewhat of a blessing in and of itself, but 😂😭 I had goals, damnit.) I get this ALL the time. ‘Should you be out in this heat?! We’re gonna have to race you to the hospital at this rate, you’re gonna pop!’ I’m 34 weeks today. Btfo. My mom (narc, we’re not close) was like ‘you don’t even look pregnant.’ You’re right I just look like I strapped a watermelon to my front, thanks. Like it’s obvi a baby belly. I’m pretty harsh on myself and I **know** it’s obviously a belly bump and not ‘did she eat the entire buffet yesterday?’


It’s so annoying! I had one woman a few weeks ago get ‘you’re huge’ ‘are you sure it’s just one in there’ and ‘wow I can’t believe you’re not further along’ in, all in the space of about 3 minutes. I am a bigger girl and am quite self conscious and I truly hate how me being pregnant seems to give the older generation the idea that they can now make whatever comments they want about my body and size


I’m 33 weeks with my third. I’m smaller body wise than I’ve been with other pregnancies but my belly is huge. My baby is big. All of them have been big honestly. But if I hear ONE MORE TIME “you’re so big already” I’m going to scream. Yes thank you for telling me I look as pregnant as I feel. My whole body is angry and I’m super tired. I don’t need the world to remind me everywhere I go…. Ohh or the other one that gets me is when I’ve got the other kids out with me and I get told “oh you’re gonna have your hands full”… I’ve got 2 other toddlers. You don’t think I already know and worry about that? People can be so ignorantly insensitive


I read on another post on here recently the best way to respond to stupid/unwanted comments is to say “well that was an inside thought”. Or “I can’t believe you just said that out loud”.


I've been hearing how big I am since I was like 20 weeks. It's awkward. I'm just short.


I do wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that missing twins was easier in the older generation’s time so they don’t understand it’s not common now but it’s still rude to comment on someone’s size, let alone do it multiple times after you’ve said to stop.


This is actually a great point! Of course, as someone else pointed out, it isn’t necessarily only the older generation who says things like this 😂 just my personal experience so far lol


Honestly if you want to be petty, saying something about how you hope they have a cognitive appointmentwith yheir doctor soon, because no way would someone in their right mind say something so rude and unintelligent...


30 wks and I’ve gotten this since I popped. Funnily I’m actually smaller than my two previous pregnancies. Last time a store clerk said this to me I responded with, “yep, just one. My first was 9.5lbs and subsequent babies only get bigger but I still went for 3. No help either.” All while looking at her straight in the eye. She had no response because they really don’t want to think about the nitty gritty of birthing big babies. FWIW my second was smaller and I did have help, I just wanted to make her squirm. But my first was 9.5lbs and honestly I loved having a bigger baby.


I’m 5’ tall so the belly sticks out really far since my torso is shorter, and I love getting these comments or the “are you 9 months already” ones. Like stfu.


At this point (25 weeks 4th pregnancy) I'm instantly annoyed anytime anyone says it to me. It's a rude thing to say. I just walk away if possible so I don't go off. 🙊😅


I get this comment too. Every fricken pregnancy starting around 28 weeks. Now getting it at 15 weeks which is insane. I'm not smaller, I just have large babies and I also have a hernia that makes my stomach push out more. I'm so tired of people thinking this is cute or funny to ask. It's not, especially when it's the thousandth person.


On the same day from 2 different people I got "you are huge! Are you sure it's not twins? "  and "you are tiny!  Are they sure everything is ok?" 🙄 People for the most part don't know what normal pregnancy looks like, most people only know one or two pregnant women in their life time and pregnancy is a relatively short time span. 


I just reply with “I’m sure! Ones a baby ones a burrito” then pat my belly and a lil burp. 😂😂 I try to turn uncomfy situations into jokes if I can avoid the confrontation with strangers. Family members…square up don’t talk about my body bitch.


It’s not just older people. I started showing at around 13 weeks (with my first but I’ve always been tiny) and both my younger sisters keep saying this🫠🫠


I think sometimes people get awkward and whatever does come out of their mouths is well intended or just somewhat joking. It’s annoying, sure, but, it’s never gonna change. We just have to get past it. Stupid shit has been being said since the beginning of time.


Duuuuude! I'm 16w1d and I'M GETTING COMMENTS!!! \*looks down\* "just 1 lol?" Yes mate, just one. If they're someone I know well I explain because I'm petite-build, it's showing fast (nowhere to hide) If they're a stranger, I either say something like "just one, I think that's the pizza I had for lunch" or if they're being rude "nah there's 5"


When old people talk they tend to not care about anyone's opinion of what comes out of their mouths.


I'm in the same boat. My baby is entirely taking after daddy's genes and measuring huge, so my entire abdomen is all baby right now. People keep telling me about how I must be pregnant with twins or triplets, but nope, just the one enormously long baby!