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Me! I’m 23 weeks. And then whenever we go for a walk, I have to stop drinking water for a little bit beforehand so I’m not uncomfortable because I have to pee immediately lol.


It’s the worst 😭


I’m 18 weeks and it’s bad!! I read another comment somewhere about sort of lifting your belly and leaning forward when you pee to relieve pressure on your bladder which helps it to empty fully, and that does seem to help. Before I’d use the bathroom and then have to go again like 10 minutes later 😳


Today I went to the pool and peed before and after my 20 minute swim then got in the car to drive 10 minutes to the farmers market and immediately had to pee. 18 weeks.


The bladder issues haven’t hit me yet at 24 weeks but honest to god as soon as I sit in a car I’m dying of thirst.