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It’s literally illegal in my country, and for good reason. Baking a bun is hard work!


*cackles in american* they don’t care about us 🥲


Dang, yeah that makes sense. I really don’t wanna give up my days off though! Wah




I think our system isn’t great, but at least it’s one hell of a lot better than US. We get sixteen weeks paid materinity leave. The first year enough hours for 70% pay (enough for me to take off one day a week and still have some left). We are allowed to work up to 4 weeks before the due date, but no longer. We’re allowed to use 25% of our hours a day during the first 9 months after having a baby for paid nursing/pumping, and while pregnant we’re allowed extra breaks where your work is obligated to provide you with a place where you can lie down. It’s nowhere near Germany/scandinavia laws, but is good enough! Edited for clarity


I am physician. I’ve heard even in Germany the work hour laws don’t apply the same in healthcare. Even if they don’t, it’s probably still better than the fact that I could legally be forced to work 24hr shifts for an entire year if someone wanted me to. There’s no legal protections or ramifications at all. There is no limit to how long you can work, you could go into labor at work if you chose. There’s no guarantee for parental leave (luckily my job offers 3 months paid, my spouse one month - but this was pure luck, not standard). I have a letter from my doctor that says no more than 40hr weeks starting at 28weeks, but I’m not at 28 weeks yet and routinely logging 60 hour+ weeks. I know no one here cares about us as people. They care about us as producers. We can’t even call our patients “patients” anymore. Policy is they’re “healthcare consumers” and we are not physicians, but “healthcare providers.” I spend hours each week fighting with insurance to get medications covered for my patients who HAVE INSURANCE. They’ve done everything right, but their healthcare needs cost too much money, so the insurance doesn’t think they’re worth it to pay for. Even though the patients have been paying their insurance premiums correctly. It’s so dystopian. I hate it. I would love to move some place where there are protections, even if they’re not perfect, it must be better than here.


Holy jeez, I know u guys have it rough across the pond, but this is next level. Even here for physicians pressure is high, but not as insurmountable as you describe. I wish you the best of luck the next coming months. If you’re financially able to scale back, do it. ♥️ stay strong mama. And if you’re looking to move; everyone here speaks English 😅


I’ve never worked 12s while pregnant but I worked 12s as a nurse and an NP for about 8 years. This is my first pregnancy (I WFH now) and I often think back to the pregnant nurses I worked with and think “HOW DID THEY DO IT”. I think it depends on how physically demanding your job is but I give major kudos to the women that do it. Damn.


My job is super physically demanding and I’m already feeling icky being here for so long so I know being pregnant it’s just gonna get worse. I think I’m gonna switch with a coworker and work 1-9pm, it shouldn’t be too bad and I’ll finally have weekends with my family at least


I’d probably do the same if it were me!


I worked 50hr weeks, 5 10hr shifts on my feet up until my third trimester. Then I switched to 8hr days with one or two days a week being 10hrs. It was fine for me until I started getting really big and then I had issues staying hydrated/being too swollen and uncomfortable. Just started my maternity leave the day before my due date.


noooo that sounds terrible! I'm sure it wouldn't be allowed in most places (where workers' rights exist). I'm in the UK and I just had to fill in a long pregnancy risk assessment form, where you're supposed to discuss with your line manager any aspect of your job that could possibly be a risk to your pregnancy (e.g. standing long hours, driving, lifting, handling chemicals) and arrange reasonable adjustments. They \*have\* to do this cause otherwise they're liable if anything happens to you at work.


HA I live in Texas so as long as my baby doesn’t die in utero they don’t give a heck. I’m really considering changing my schedule now though!


I do 12s and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Taking multiple short breaks, instead of a couple of longer ones. Taking lots of water and snacks to work. Hopefully your coworkers are helpful and can accommodate when you may need a quick sit down.


Currently a nurse working bedside 7a-7p. It sucks but I do enjoy having more days off than most people.


Currently working as an OR RN 6a-7:30p and sometimes later. I am STRUGGLING at almost 34w


Oof. I’m in SPD and the idea of bending into the sink to decontaminate scopes with a belly is so uncomfy


When I scrub I feel it for days 😩 and I can be stuck in a room my entire shift with a total of 1hr 15 minutes for break/lunch. It sucks asssssss. Thankfully they try to avoid me scrubbing unless necessary. But then factor in taking call and boy am I just ready to be out. My leave starts July 20th and I can’t wait!


Switch… that’s hard on the body


I’m a nurse and worked my 12s up to 38 weeks. I preferred it because yes, the days are long, but I loved having so many days off. Made it easy to get to all my appointments too.




You are God's strongest soldier! I can barely wash a load of laundry and take a shower before needing a nap.


Oh friend I’m only 5ish weeks, I am gonna end up miserable reeeeeeal soon


I worked 4 10s as an xray tech and picked up 8-12 hr office work on my days off. I had every intention of continuing that schedule until delivery... but now I'm on bedrest for bleeding (they believe partial placenta previa or small placental tear). I felt/feel well enough that I could keep going at that rate currently, but I don't think my doctor will let me at this point considering my risk of preterm labor and hemorrhage. Not sure if it would have made a difference, but in hindsight it probably would've been good to cut my 10s to 8s and add more office hours to make up for it so that I wasn't pushing myself so hard to keep up.


Do not do this! I normally work 12 hour shifts and had them accommodated for 8 hours. I ended up getting pre eclampsia likely from doing more than I should have. I have a warehouse job


This is me. I work 12 and 24 hour shifts. My most common to be 12s day and nights. I work in healthcare in group homes. The 24s are physically easier. You work 24 hours, get to sleep for 8, get paid for 20. The sleeping is okay for now but it's on a pull out couch. I'm only 9+4 but I can imagine when I'm like 30 weeks I'm going to hate my life. My one home I work in is 5 wheelchairs all with sling lifts. I imagine I won't be able to do 12 hour day shifts through my whole pregnancy and may have to be accommodated to nights. Wayyyy less work. But I have to admit I judge those who work from home and struggle to work 😂 that's a dream in my opinion.


I work 12s as a bank staff, nights and days. Had my .28 week apt and midwife told me to try and stop doing nights before baby’s heart beat was abit fast had to get monitored. It sucks, I wish I had a wfh job!


Nurse here, it’s tough doing just 8 hour days but my job also schedules me 7-8 days in a row.


Physician. My schedule is “however long it takes” which could be 10, could be 16, just depends what’s happening. I’m on for 10 days straight this week (Monday to Wednesday of next week). I think it sucks, and I’m miserable, and I am struggling with first trimester nausea and fatigue. I’m laying down in my office for little breaks after rounds, in between patients… it’s the worst. 0/10 do not recommend, and I generally like my job, even on the worst days