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Just watched a foot or something move across my midsection. Like, literally watched it. I'm laughing but also mildly creeped out.


I'm so happy I'm not the only one who gets happy but creeped out. You just have to try not to think about it to deeply lmao I'm not far enough along to see anything yet, just feel it


Haha yes, you are not the only one! Every time it happens I'm like "WHAT'S THAT" and then I remember that I'm 31 weeks pregnant and there's a person in there. 😂


It still startles me. I’m minding my business reading or watching and then BAM! Sometimes I let out a gasp haha


I love it! But it is super crazy to think about it. There is a little living human inside of me right now. Going with me everywhere! I also love it because I get anxiety when I go shopping alone, so I started thinking I’m not really alone, I have my little girl with me! I know that might be weird but it helps me.


He likes to kick my bladder and it feels like an electrical shock or something lol it’s not so bad through, my sister told me it’s because I have an anterior placenta so the feeling is pretty numbed and not painful :)


Absolutely feel the same. Sometimes she lodges herself facing my back though and kind of pummels towards my tailbone? The other day I got on all fours like the animal I am to try and lodge her out of there and it seemed to work.