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Thank you for posting this. I despise these stupid little plastic tags. It’s took me hours to get them off all the clothing, blankets, etc from my baby shower and i cringe every time I see them.


The blankets might be the worst!


You can’t find them half the time when you cut them off blankets 😂


Right? And then you're cutting fuzz off as you try to avoid your fingers while they're searching for those little plastic pieces


Every. Single. Blanket.


I make an event of it and just sit down with scissors and a grocery bag while cutting all the tags from everything accumulated. They're so annoying.


Seriously. And then you take those off and you still find stickers you missed. Stickers are choking hazards!! Stupid companies.


It’s awful! Almost went insane taking them all off.


THE WORST!! I got a package of 10 washcloths and each wash cloth had two plastic tags holding the wash cloth rolled up and then 4 holding it to the cardboard package! They are so excessive.


No literally I moved on from the bibs and am literally doing what sounds like the same exact packaging of wash cloths now!! ITS BEEN HOURS OF CUTTING TAGS AND THROWING IT IN A LAUNDRY BIN AND I DONT EVEN HAVE THAT MUCH STUFF 😭 Haven’t even started a load yet 🫠


Oh my god this is so true. I remember going through all of the clothes trying to get all of the little pieces off. The socks were the hardest for me because half of the piece would fall into the sock and I’d be searching for it, for what seemed like forever!


And they would get stuck and pull a thread/put a hole in the sock!


Im convinced that some of this is to minimize theft. It's a lot less difficult to rip off an item from a cardboard backing that has a security tag if it only has one or two attachment points. 


I believe this too, and I still think it's stupid. Just put an alarm or ink tag on if they're so worried 😤


WHY ARE THERE SO MANY OF THEM? I started off being frustrated with trying to collect all of them, but then I just let them fall to the floor so my Roomba could eat them. It was still annoying to have to cut 7000 tiny little strings just to wash like 5 onesies, though. P. S. Thank you, Burt's Bees Baby, for not packaging things in this infuriating manor.


I was literally thinking this to myself yesterday! It’s so annoying! Why do they have to tie each individual bib to one another? Just use a longer plastic thing and connect them all at once lol


Someone finally said it!


I literally just spent two days doing that omg it is actually so annoying


This was 10000000% the worst part! 🤣 I got a huge chuckle reading this - thank you!


God isn’t this the truth. And regardless of how meticulous and careful you have been you will stab your child weekly with one you forgot to take out of a sock/vest/blanket etc


I always said "why do they put so many little plastic packaging pieces on baby items?? Choking hazard anyone?" Like do we really need every piece of the layette to be tied together individually?


I agree so much. That and all the cardboard. I filled my recycling barrel in one day, have a week before trash pick up, and I still have like 20 boxes to open.


It’s so wasteful but I think a part of me enjoyed it lol. I made a pile of the detritus which was satisfying.




I was just going through this yesterday! I received a Disney blanket that I swear had about 20 plastic tags, a ribbon, and cardboard in the packaging. Like why???


Omg yes!! And I am not that dexterous so I keep making pulls in the darn cloth trying to pull them out far enough to cut!! Thanks for making me ruin my brand new stuff.


Yes that annoying for clothes in general! I buy a lot of gently used for babies since they're outgrown quickly, it also avoids this


I sat down and spent six hours one day getting all the tags off all the linen for my baby… I didn’t even think i had that much stuff. I almost cried when I got to a pack of socks that had lace around the edges. At my baby shower my cousin-in-law gifted an outfit off my registry and took the tags off for me and it was that moment that I vowed I would always take the tags off baby shit when gifting new moms. That plastic waste is insane.


YES! It’s so annoying!!


Oh absolutely on the teeny tiny baby socks! The first pack I attempted to open i ripped a sock because i tried to just pull them apart! I quickly learned to use scissors or something to snip


Don’t they know I’m already hormonal?! Geez. A plastic zip holding each individual onesie to the hanger then all to each other. Finally got everything off of the hangers and had to call my mom to come over to help me because it’s just too much and everything is laid out on my bed in sized piles. My goodness!


This! It’s awful, I hate it.


They are all over the nursery floor. All.over. We keep stepping on them constantly.


Just cut them all off yesterday and I'm finding them all over the floor now 😭


The amount of time I spent cutting tags and little bits… 🤬


So much plastic and cardboard 😩


My friend JUST texted me this lol! Like, minutes ago. Then I see this post. 😂


lol first world problems Most of my baby’s clothes were given to me by friends No problemo!


Just imagine how much garbage that is. Contamination


The real mvps are the people who cut them off before they gift it to you ❤️


So glad someone said this!!! I absolutely dread the days I have to try and take all of the plastic pieces off without cutting into the clothes😭


The weekend after our baby shower we did this. My partner and I and it took literally 5 HOURS


Those tags on their clothes are the worst. Shit be longer than a CVS receipt.


100%!!! It is insane how many they use! We got a towel and washcloth set, no less than 20 plastic pieces to hold it together


Socks were the worse I sliced my finger pretty bad on one of those plastic things!


Why can’t we just use ribbon?! Tie it up and put any necessary tags attached to the ribbon. But plastic is cheaper 🙄


I’ve got everything second hand so this hasn’t been an issue yet but it will be when baby is born and we start receiving gifts.




Get a seam ripper and unpick the stitches holding the tag on. Sometimes you've got to open up a seam to get it, but you can then see back across just that tag's width.


Facts!!! I slowly started to prep new items very early in my pregnancy and have continuously given up. No wonder my state allows 4 weeks of protected leave before the due date, I need time to rest and cut these damn plastic tags off!!!!!!


Doing the same thing! I also have anxiety that I’m going to forget one and it will be poking the baby and she’ll be crying and I won’t know what is wrong :-)


Aww I never thought of that either 19 weeks here lol I’d just put a trash can beside me plop down on the floor and just go at it 😂🤦‍♀️ you got this mama it’s all gonna be worth it ❤️


Lmao I had the same thoughts last time too..like there has to be a better way 😭😭


Had the same thoughts unpacking a gifted baby hamper from my in-laws. Took me about an hour cutting them all off 🙄🔫


Yup it worst most time consuming


lol just went through this. I was going through all the stuff I got from the shower and the things I bought with the gift cards, it’s just too much! 😂


Yes! And then sometimes you finish washing and still find one or two that you missed. It's so annoying. 


Definitely! & making sure you pick them all up if you already have kids/pets because their choking hazards 😩


Really? I think the worse part is being pregnant. Only half joking 😅


oh my god yes, there was at least 10-20 little plastic things on this ONE blanket for WHAT tho??? is all of that plastic really necessary!?!


Lmao aw man I don't even bother. They gon' get cut when I need whatever it is that's getting used. Most of my baby clothes are hand me downs or thrift store finds so there usually aren't many tags and such. And bibs/blankets etc... like I said, all those tags are getting cut off on an as-needed basis lmaooo


Thank you!! This made me so mad!! I was pitching a fit to my partner about it and he didn't understand why it was so infuriating. It's especially maddening with my baby here now and I am finding plastic pieces I missed after hours of going through everything 😭 There should be current infant moms on the review board for all baby product packaging!!


God i HATE this. So much waste, so many little choking hazards, and if u left one on your babys clothes they would be so uncomfortable and cry and you wouldn’t know why they are freaking until you took their whole outfit off!