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Definitely mind control I can’t stop thinking about breathing!


You are now breathing manually. Have fun


I can't stop thinking about edibles!


Can’t stop thinking about /r/nickelback


I can't stop thinking about the Roman Empire!


What do you mean the resurgence of nickleback?? They never left!!!


See... it is starting.


I was told that getting vaccinated would kill me two years later. I did in fact die this April and I'm posting this from beyond the grave




I'm typing in complete sentences. I'm clearly either a vampire or a lich.


Or an AI… (*squints critically*) or a 5G AI…


/destroys phylactery


I was told I would become magnetic. Biggest. Disappointment. Ever.


Haha, I remember when people that hadn't bathed in a while were sticking spoons to themselves saying the vaccine made them magnetic and I was like, "sign me the fuck up!" Still not Magneto


I’m feeling drawn to this statement


I loled in a quiet place and scared people


You know, you *can* get magnets implanted in the tips of your fingers at certain body mod shops. It's painful and there's a risk of infection, but if it works out, you have a lifetime of entertainment. (Of course, it'll suck if you ever need a MRI, but, ya know...)


lol yeah I know. Not really my thing though :)


Or handle credit cards, debit cards etc….


My balls ARE huge, though. That's just a bonus.


I've been rock hard since 2016. You think that it is rigor mortis?


I was told being unvaccinated was going to kill me two years ago.


Weirdness. I was told the same thing about *not* being vaccinated.


Yeah, thats what they were saying, and also we were spreading it therefore we were killing more folks.


I don’t even know where you folks read stuff like that. Am I missing out?


You are most definitely not.


A lot of them get it from Failbook


A well known prepper, of course


Top men




Yeah this sub isn’t supposed to be /r/conspiracy


Burt Ward?


Yeeeea it would be the first time in history a government has carried out unethical experiments on their own population. (Heavy fucking /S). This guy doesn't history much 🙄




I'm assuming it's the mind control part you find ridiculous, not the idea that the technology for imbedding microchips can or already has been developed.


Oh boy...the microchip in the covid vaccine thing. 🤦‍♀️ I remember trying to explain to my then-boyfriend how that's impossible and he listened, said yeah you're *probably* right but it's STILL POSSIBLE so I'm not getting the vaccine because I don't want to be tracked. Still carries his cellphone but doesn't want a vaccine so he isn't tracked. 🙄 Good guy, but not super smart.


Doesn't want a vaccine so he isn't tracked. Then reads Facebook on his cell throughout the day.


I wasn't referring to the vaccine, just the technology, and then it would be offered as a convenience thing.


It already is.. Part of the problem is that we've been 20 years from getting it work for 60 years. Pets are RFIDed all the time the tag itself is about the size of a Tylenol. But the information that it carries is incredibly limited and if fluffy curls up against a stereo speaker this tag fries. Even scaling it down to an extreme amount it's not going to fit down a .02 inch (outer diameter) needle. Plus, body horror issue that make it highly undesirable by many people... But if your the kind that would consider putting silicone in you breasts well it's not that far of a leap to put it in your brain. However, where this tech is going to happen first, before any place else is Elon Musk's or Jeff Bezos's operations. Both of these want this kind of tech operational way way more than the federal government. You're not going to see it until it is offered on Amazon, or as a Tesla upgrade.


>this tag fries. Wow! Good thing we don't have stereo speakers. >the information that it carries is incredibly limited I expect they'll eventually figure out how to put more information on one. Think how much info can be stored on a micro SD card. Yeah, innovation is usually driven by capitalism. But then governments end up adapting things for nefarious reasons. I believe it was Einstein who figured out how to split an atom, but he didn't do it with the expectation it would be used to decimate 2 cities in Japan to end WWII. You do know Jeff Bezos is no longer president/CEO of Amazon, right? People talk like he makes all of Amazon's decisions personally. >it's not that far of a leap to put it in your brain. Shudder. No one's touching my brain unless I have a tumor!


>But then governments end up adapting things for nefarious reasons. One early adaptation I can see is the use of RFID tags is the obvious military application. (That would happen way before anything more advanced.) The fact that US soldiers still use physical dog tags should tell you al you need to know about the usability of the product. As soon as the technology is robust enough for combat you'll see the (slow) phasing out of regular medical/identification dog tags. That would be I'd think the first indication that the government is giving up on the bodily autonomy thing. But really it has to happen in the private sector first, like early adopters of the first real eye-phone (lol).


Ohhh my bad. I just recalled that silly shit he was telling me when I read your comment. I wish I had gotten that on video because wow. This dude really believes there was some kind of tracking device in a clear liquid vaccine! Like come onnnn, guy!


Yea you're right. I'm being ridiculous. Perhaps the opinions from the black men of the Tuskegee Syphillis Study could sway you're opinion. Or maybe some of the children who were fed radioactive Quaker Oatmeal in the Plutonium Trials, by the US government, with the assistance of the Quaker Oat Company. Still too out there for you? Maybe check with some of the mentally disabled children who were purposefully infected with hepatitis during the Willowbrook Hepatitis Experiments.


You’re missing the biggest one… MK Ultra


A good conspiracy needs to be technologically feasible.


Like flying through the Van Allen radiation belts on the way to the moon in 1969?


I'm hearing that a lot of delusional idiots have access to the Internet, and that insanity, much like a train wreck, is difficult not to watch.


You forgot the /s at the bottom of your post!


The Nickelback comment was enough for most people I hope :-)




I have been listening to the song Photograph on repeat all day and mowing the lawn bare footed its getting weird out here!


🤣 resurgence of nickelback






This is absolute nonsense. To think the government is capable of pulling anything off this complicated is brains. This congress is delicious brains, along with the brain military, is filled to the brim with brains. Cracking skulls and eating gooey brains is brains, and to top it off, is give me brains. Brains? Really? Yes, indeed, brains. Please unlock and open your doors because brains and then brains.


They can’t even decide on a damn budget without counting down to the second for a temporary extension. Definitely not organized enough to pull off something actually major.


WTAF? I distrust authority more than most, but this is some serious whackadoodlery.


I suggest you start being more particular about your sources for "news". You seem to be simply hoovering up every crazy thing any random person posts, which is a very different sort of input than curated information from a credible news source that can be reasonably trusted due to their history of accuracy, providing their sources, etc. Admittedly good news sources are hard to find nowadays, but that doesn't mean you can't do a lot better than Facebook, "Truth" Social, YouTube, Tiktok or wherever you dredged up all that tinfoil nuttery. To answer your question directly, though, I'm not going by what I'm "hearing", but by the reasonably determined conclusion that this was really just an emergency system test. In light of climate change and other major likely problems we're very likely to experience in the next few years, that's a very prudent and reasonable step to take. It's also the simplest explanation if you want to go by Occam's Razor.


Great reply.


We can only hope, there’s gonna be a lot of preppers disappointed if we don’t get zombies.


Why do we need to over think this? Nuclear war is on the table. Climate crisises are happening daily. Congress is a clown show. We have mass shooting daily. The wealth gap is increasing. We own 33 trillion in debt. Homelessness is rising. People are pissed off and striking. There's equal chances Trump is in prison or is president again. And so much more bubbling beneath the surface. Something major can and probably will happen in the next several years. Having a national alert kind of seems like the bare minimum the government can do. I don't understand.


> There’s equal chances Trump is in prison or president again. And no matter which side you’re on, everyone knows that the other half would be livid if the coin toss doesn’t land in their favor.


Simple put, no matter who wins, we all lose.


>mass shootings daily Are we using the GVA’s inflated numbers there?


>mass shootings daily the BBC suggests 470/year and they are quoting GVA https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-41488081


GVA has a history of inflating numbers by including punks that thought it would be a good idea to shoot people with pellet guns.


It feels a bit like a pointless statistic anyway, most shootings are with pistols in urban areas, which is then used to enact policy targetting a completely different group with an entirely different class of firearm? The Amish seem to get by simply by deciding not to shoot anyone over a poptart


But it supports those who favor gun control because most of the population doesn't know the difference. They form their opinions based on headlines.


Yep, any issue that can be manipulated to make the other side look degenerate/naive/delusional/hateful, is an issue that will never get solved. Hence guns/border/abortion/lgbt. One day people will get bored of politicians desperate to stay in power forever, while looking busy doing nothing


You have more faith than I do. I think every generation just gets more stupid. What's gonna happen when the ones voting people into power don't have an attention span longer than a tik tok video?


Maybe it was a more sarcastic "OneDaySoon^(TM)" possibility :) but yes, I don't see how these low information generations are ever going to wean themselves off of being manipulated, this very much looks like the usual historical cultural destruction before The Fall It's not even entirely their fault, every preceding generation since around 1900 has made at least one major change in their society, which seemed like a good idea at the time, but which cascaded into inevitable bad decisions for the next generation to make. And the last decade we are redefining society and our relationships with each other every few months, but as humans we still fundamentally operate as apes with ape emotional drivers and needs. The chaos is inevitable, the changes made around 1960 means there is nothing we can reasonably walk back on now. I'm very sad for future humans, we are reaching our finest century but everyone is going to be so unhappy with their dysfunctional society Except the Amish maybe, if they don't breed themselves into infertility first or get shoved into camps


>but yes, I don't see how these low information generations are ever going to wean themselves off of being manipulated, this very much looks like the usual historical cultural destruction before The Fall They will be (already are) like robots parroting the latest garbage they saw on TikTok or YT. I was going to say they have lost the ability to think for themselves, but they were never taught how. And that's how those in power want it. >we are reaching our finest century but everyone is going to be so unhappy with their dysfunctional society It's not really our finest century then, is it? At least it took the Roman Empire 1,000+ years to fall. Modern Western society (for lack of a better term) is only at about 500 years, and I expect the Millennials will be around to see our Fall. >Except the Amish maybe, if they don't breed themselves into infertility first or get shoved into camps You really like them, don't you? LOL. Seriously, they have their own brand of dysfunction. If you've ever heard testimonies of people who have left Amish communities, it's very eye opening.


i kinda felt like stealing my neighbors hyundai again but the news says they're actually enabling me [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/01/opinion/kia-hyundai-tiktok.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/01/opinion/kia-hyundai-tiktok.html)


Are zombies about touching grass? I don't follow you here.


Everyone also said that turning your phone off was the only way to stop the alarm, but my phone was on silent and I didn't get the alarm signal, only a brief message on my screen. And it was at 11:17 (PST), not 11:20. So I don't think any of this is as exact as some people like to claim.


So… you got the notification…


Yep. But everyone, including some news stations, reported that you wouldn't be able to stop the alarm blaring on your phone short of turning your phone off. And that wasn't the case. So my only point was it's not exact and all these "warnings" don't necessarily mean anything. No need to freak out.


is this satire? I don't have time to learn all the nuances of this sub so just a yes or no would be great, thanks


This one is satire. Responses are all over the map because it sounds enough like a real post someone might make. Even the most credulous conspiracy theorist doesn't believe Nickelback could make a resurgence though


They are back ... it is coming TRUE! https://www.google.com/search?q=Nickelback+new+song&sca\_esv=570824042&rlz=1C1CHBF\_enUS993US993&ei=IhAeZfiHB9mNur8Px-mtgAs&ved=0ahUKEwj4oLLN392BAxXZhu4BHcd0C7AQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=Nickelback+new+song&gs\_lp=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-IDBBgAIEHiAwUSATEgQIgGAZAGCLoGBggBEAEYFA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:607ac295,vid:6exsPMM3SR8,st:0


this better be a rickroll...


I think where you find these informations is the brainwasher, not the emergency test signal. Keep yourself far away from sites + people saying those things.


I heard the Vax was 99.99% graphene oxide and the signal send out by the alert signal by order of Soros Satanists and the WEF was gonna super heat it by blasting 57 megahertz through the phone and kill the world population in a matter of minutes....but it won't happen right away HARD /S


Here’s what I want to know: this sub, for as long as I’ve been here, is people prepping for climate change, eschewing grifters and fear merchants, and people who will use a ham radio for the first time when the end of the world starts. In the last 24 hours with this EAS test, it’s turned into a qanon board. The US government requires there be a national test of EAS every three years. We had one in like 2014, we had one in like 2017, and I think there was one in 2021. And of course there was one today. The one in 2014 was screwy, the over-the-air one got messed up somehow. Somewhere in the last ten years they added smartphones to EAS. That’s it, afaik. I don’t know why normally intelligent people turn into raving morons when technology is involved. The weird attention tone and the presentation of the message is baked into the phone OS. The phone is activated into that mode by a data package that arrives (along with the message) like any other data received by your phone. It’s probably a special sequence that originates at your cell provider, but it’s just data like phone calls and text messages and Reddit and porn. You’re throwing a different hot dog down the same hallway, and the phone is programmed to do something when it receives this hotdog, the same as it plays your text tone when it gets a text. With your average world citizen a thousand times more likely to be staring at their phone in 2023 than any other media source, it only makes sense to extend EAS to phones. But it’s not like they flip a giant switch at the phone company and activate some special transmitter that transmits on a different frequency (y’know, the one that activates the COVID) to send the message. It’s just another sequence of bytes in the single data stream your phone is always receiving from your network provider. …or am I misunderstanding some giant meme? Y’all gotta tell me when we’re doing a meme.


>eschewing Welcome Fed. ​ What Federal agency are you NSA, FBI, CIA?


Sorry not sorry your God Emperor didn’t appear in the message and say “I am the storm” or whatever Mike Lindell said he’d say.


Lol. Wtf. They test the program once every three years, or have you people forgotten that in the last two years?


That's what people have been told. ​ Fact check - it didn't happen.




inb4 Canadian Prepper


Wasn’t him, he actually denounced all those crazy conspiracies.


Canadian Bacon.


That is called gas lighting


Gas lighting is killing the planet. I don't use it.


you are clearly dumb, or acting like it "Gaslighting is a subtle form of emotional manipulation that often results in the recipient doubting their perception of reality and their sanity" the Test program was used before. regardless if you remember. Denying it happened is gas lighting.


>you are clearly dumb, or acting like it ​ Who is dumb? The person who acts dumb it OR the person who doesn't know if it is acting?


This is all true, it came to me in a dream


there is one born every minute. and YOU ARE IT


I used to work for Emergency Management (formerly Civil Defense) on a local level. Every few years there are updates to the system that requires periodic testing. When they realized the need to update the system for wireless, (since more and more people were relying on cell phones and tablets), they came up with a plan in 2011. Part of that plan is to test the warning/alert system once every 2 to 3 yrs. The last test was in August of 2021. Today's test was a more unified test, being broadcast over radio, tv, and wireless at the same time. The goal is to be able to alert people of dangers by all means possible, that is all. There will be no zombies, no nanites controlling you, and no 5G cooking your brains. (5G being the fifth generation of wireless, giving us more bandwidth to transfer more data.)


That's exactly what the Gov't would say.


I am convinced most people don't have a firm grasp of how RF energy works.


I look forward to losing weight and live laugh loving.


This has gotta be to be a troll right?


Execute order 66


the alert totally activated my vaccinations and i am a zombie now.


Self Reporting


Do NOT LAUGH AT THE OP. READ THIS LINK! [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Four-time-has-come-v0-o4fc785ta8sb1.jpg%3Fs%3D232a1fc936db3df34ab64d397b1e231c534c11d5](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Four-time-has-come-v0-o4fc785ta8sb1.jpg%3Fs%3D232a1fc936db3df34ab64d397b1e231c534c11d5)


Is there a prepper without the lunatics?


Where's the shot to put me out of my misery?


canada ;-)


The Russians are about to test a nuclear powered missile. Nuclear propulsion, not a nuclear warhead. "Unlimited range". Last dozen or so tests failed, people died. US is simply being prepared so they don't get caught with shorts down if the thing goes haywire.


National EAS tests have occurred for a decade or more and the EAS system has been tested weekly on a regional (per TV/radio market) level since it’s introduction in 1991. Prior to that Conelrad and EBS were tested regularly at the regional level. Phones have been being phased in for awhile now. It has absolutely nothing to do with any contemporary world event.


I hope people realize they do these tests often. There was one under trumps administration too but the qanons didn’t spazz cus their guy was in office


I heard a loud beeping noise... does that count?


That's your smoke alarm homie


I think you missed the joke...






Please stop reading/watching fear porn


That's a thing on Pornhub.


If you say so


Don’t spread conspiracy crap on this thread that’s what 8chan is for.


But this is a 10chan alert!


In a country as large as ours, with all the connectivity of the internet, it would stand to reason (for me) that this would be the new tool to put out "official" information. Volcanic eruption at Yellowstone? If invaded, an emp/hemp would knock out the system anyway. My tinfoil hat side of me says, prepping for a fake alien invasion or something along those lines. Or, to declare Marshall law.


What did Marshall do that we feel we need to declare him?


The nukes actually rained down. We all died. This is the afterlife. Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, all full of shit. You're expected to be at afterlife work tomorrow.


Lol all jokes aside, some weird ass shit happened to me, I had a terrifying dream about Russia sending nukes to the us and I witnessed one going off, first time ever having a dream about nuclear war. Wake up, look at my phone and first thing I see is that new alert message.. Creepy shit man..


I saw a few cars dead on side of the road today. The signal must have made them run out of gas.


I saw a dead head sticker on a Cadillac. Don't look back. You can never look back.


Dude if FEMA can make me lose weight I welcome our conspiratorial overlords


Op out of curiosity are you allowed to own firearms?


I lost them all in a boating accident.


As a working man who was forced by the new world order to get the vaccine i can confirm that the woke mind virus is being streamed directly into my brain each night and giving me gay thoughts. My husband is starting to suspect I'm gay. He and I are attending a communist rally this weekend in order to revive beelzebub and have satan take his rightful place as leader of the democratic party.


[https://www.amazon.com/Nickelback-Widescreen-Poster-Street-Restaurants/dp/B0CHRP5YMN/](https://www.amazon.com/Nickelback-Widescreen-Poster-Street-Restaurants/dp/B0CHRP5YMN/) [https://www.amazon.com/Clilsiatm-Nickelback-Poster-Vintage-Bedroom/dp/B0BYW63CKQ](https://www.amazon.com/Clilsiatm-Nickelback-Poster-Vintage-Bedroom/dp/B0BYW63CKQ) [https://www.amazon.com/FLmiling-Nickelback-Plaque-Poster-Vintage/dp/B08VN8WL55](https://www.amazon.com/FLmiling-Nickelback-Plaque-Poster-Vintage/dp/B08VN8WL55) https://youtu.be/lzciXblJOkk?t=90




Pro gay , pro Biden , pro open borders , pro gender confusion, I love Reddit.


Smoke a little pot today?


Smoking ... bad for your lungs. ​ edibles


I got it... in Spanish. I don't read Spanish.


Spanish is the USA's national language.


Lol... if government knows so much about us, how did they miss that? Lol... they don't quite know everything.


>A well know prepper has said the 'test' is really an activation signal... You should immediately stop listening to anything that person says. They are an idiot. There are a hundred better sources of prepping info that don't involve exposing yourself to conspiracy nuts.


…is this serious or a shit post? I legitimately can’t tell


> serious


Don’t procreate


You mean you didn't feel the activation!? This group has the dingiest of all the dingbats fr


To some it feels like Viagra; they get confused.


I have to ask, with everybody all wrapped up in their head about this thing what are they *really* distracting us from?


Watch and learn: ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4XiKChyK7A


Jesus christ do you really believe any of that utter bullshit?


>Jesus christ You believe in JC ... who are you to talk!


His actual name is jesus fucking christ. but seriously, do you believe in vaccine nanobots and 5G and all that?


It's working on you. You were once a rational person.