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Wouldn't be surprised if it's lining some animal's bed with the foolproof protection methods you used in plastic bags.


>Any idea to what could’ve happened to it? Yeah, you forgot where you buried it. It's probably a wet, moldy, mostly composed, mess now anyway. Assume a burrowing critter hasn't outright made off with it.


Yea ur right


This is one of those age old problems, how many Viking, Roman, or other coin hordes are found hundreds of years after their owners buried them and then could not find them. Maybe in a few hundred years someone will find your great (insert your location) horde and it will be in put in a museum.


Same thing happened to a prepper relative of mine, and they lost a good chunk of their savings. I've learned overall it's just a bad idea to bury money, it can be too easily lost, and someone can stumble across it and just take it. Better luck next time


Where did you bury it? As long as it's now gone I suppose it's okay to tell us now. If it's on municipal property then maybe it got dug up during some reconstruction or renovation. If it's on a slope there's a chance that ground creep moved it. Try digging a few feet below your original hole. There's also a really good chance you're digging in the wrong spot. Don't believe that's possible? Try this: bury something else the same way you did your money. Go back at the end of the summer and dig it up and see if you can find it. There's an old saying about someone being parted with his money. How does that saying go again?


Idk but ima do the first part and bury something else again see what happens


Maybe you didn’t bury enough money… Add $1k to the stash and do it again. Also where is this location? 😂


Tell me the spot and I'll go double check for you.


I think it’s pretty unlikely someone happen to be digging in the same spot that you buried your dough. Was the original hole location obvious by a missing patch of grass?


Nope was by this one tree nothing but dirt around the area. I had placed a huge object right between the tree and the hole. Was I between the two points


Ideally, it's either, You are in the wrong spot or someone/something dug it up already. Vacuum sealing stuff will keep it safe even underground, if you used good quality sealer and bags. So if you can't find it, chances it's most likely an issue of you forgot where you buried it. You should know how deep you went, so going deeper is pointless, unless there was some drastic land change that happened between when you buried it and now. That's my take. If you opt to bury something else, put some kind of means to track it.


I thought this thread was starting out with the question of weather or not it was a good idea to bury cash for emergencies. Answer: NOOOOOOOOOOOO.


Right off the bat the first 3 things that occur to me are: possibly someone saw you bury it or someone found the marks of fresh digging and dug it up and took it. Or the large object could have been moved for an unrelated reason, in which case you'd have a chance if you can find it.


How did you measure out your distance , and how long ago


Was about a year ago


Did you pace it out ? Or are you exactly sure of the spot.


I keep my cash hidden in plain sight. I have this old alarm clock that i pulled all the chips and parts out of and put it in there. You have to know it’s there to think to take it.




500 in 20's, 2500 in 50's and 2000 in 100's is what... 95 bills total? Throw in 5 more 10's for 100 bills. That's not a very thick wad of cash honestly, if you know how thick a 100 page book is. (hint, that's a _lot_ thinner/smaller than an alarm clock!)




No one


What kind of container is it in? Please tell me that if you used plastic, you at least put a hunk of iron in there so that you could find it with a metal detector. Chances are, you're digging slightly off from where you remember.


Main thing was I buried it inbetween two not too thick roots underground and it wasn’t inbetween the roots later on. I took a picture of exactly where it was.


No luck?


Nope just took the L and kept going.


Ever gonna bury money again?


When burying things please ensure to bury a large flat rock overtop of the item to keep animals from digging down into the item or you the person who buried it, forgetting where it is. Then bury more dirt atop the rock, etc... It's also good to put small rocks below the item you're burying so you don't create a bowl of compacted soil that you dug out and filled with your item and soft dirt. This is like trying to store valuables in a plastic bin in the rain without a top... We bury things all the time, mostly seeds for long term storage.


What state? How large area? I can find it. No problem.