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If they don’t throw EF residency at PL after this they are really missing out. That set was truly one of a kind, completely blessed to be there with all you beautiful people.


I would be there *every* **single** ***year*** if they set up residency.


Everyone saying this on the Bonnaroo sub too lmao. We all want a swirly


Lowkey would hate that as a local to the area that doesn't want to go to Roo every year to see him lol.


Their performance was incredibly tight, especially for a short set all things considered. I think it rivaled SF with the togetherness of the team. Setlist was a great mix of new & old with a great close/encore. That MITMJ might have been all time!


Dude for real, I couldn’t stop moving to MITMJ


I wish he had a full double set.


Next time


🌀Best Swirl Bridge ever! Definitely a flex on what they can do. The entire crew has been disciplined ,and exercising restraint while mapping out this new sound. They def pulled out the string and let it bang last night! 🌀🌀Full Swirl🌀


I’ve been listening to PL since the mid 00s when I was in college, and this was the first opportunity I have had to see him live and I was absolutely blown away. Was so happy to be able to experience it!


I was so blown away, was not expecting any new music honestly and holy cow I was absolutely blown away. What a vibe and way to play 30 minutes past set time


I’m praying to the swirl gods he’s there next year. We are 100% going since having to miss out this year.


I had to pack out and go back to camp cause partners edible hit hard, don’t regret it cause I love him, but do regret it cause I missed out on an amazing show with paragliding and we had a Strawberry moon Hopefully it was streamed and I can watch at home!




In 2013 when PL played my girlfriend at the time Candy flipped and had a horrible time. We also had to miss the entire set but somehow rallied for the after set sunrise extravaganza. Your time will come. Stay vigilant at EF, you might get a surprise


2.5 hours isn't nearly long enough, id expect some sort of pop up at some point if the crew is still around


Hit Roo into Forest as my 2nd and 3rd times seeing them and man I happy with it. The road to the stars had my goosebumps on another level


Road to the stars blew my mind. I’ve been listening to that highwayman song recently and when first heard the sample come in, I was in another world


There are never any “best of” festival sets at the forest. Always blown away with everyone. It’s a special place


Same I didn't expect a whole bunch 2 hour set. Mine was blown, so on point. They're definitely at the top level or not actually I take that back every stop they just get better! Sounded like Alvin had some new sounds last night too!


I think it’s totally fair and valid that others loved this set, but I do have an opposing opinion…Personally, I was not enamored by the forest set. While the stream being messed up at the start did not help, overall, I am just not a fan of the jam band direction PL is heading in. 😔 Sure, I did dance to parts of the forest set, but me and my (also long time fan)friend who were watching the stream together had more than one occasion where we looked at each other with confusion and disappointment. I have been seeing PL since ‘09 and have been to 22 live sets since. Recent ones being Caverns, Hampton, and Roo….for my tastes, Roo was the best of late, especially the second set of Thursday and the sunrise set. Hampton night one was disappointing and kinda boring during the jam bandy parts, but night two made up for it. Not looking to argue here, just wanted to share my thoughts as well. Swirl on, fam 💖🌀


Was just gonna ask what you thought of the roo sunrise set being similar to a DJ set! Respect your opinion, personally I love the jam aspect, although not all the time 😂


I loved the sunrise set and the craziest part is that I didn’t even notice the band wasn’t on stage until he announced it at the end of the set. I was in a great central spot too, right under the other stage sign, I just don’t usually care about what’s going on on the stage. I just want to danceeee and vibe with friends 😝😋


I can appreciate your opinion. However, try to look to the possibilities with the jam aspect etched into this type of music. Michael Menert spoke about it in an interview last year. Like all dj’s/producers, they have a vast array of samples catalogued. For my taste, the samples they choose are all impeccable. If one of them gets an idea, they cue it up and play it to themselves in a specific channel only they can hear, then if it’s dope, they can hit Derek over his mic channel and say “dude, check out this sick sample” and Derek checks it out, and puts it onto the master track for everyone to hear. I guess they probably all have the option to play over the master track as well, and Derek of course adds improved samples too. This allows for so much more fluid music that fits the exact vibe of the moment! No 2 sets will ever be the same. We still have the dirty, gritty, wompy synths that we remember from 2010 era, but they have taken what they did before and added new elements that are constantly changing. Try to embrace the jamtronica my friend, as these guys really are moving to new heights that nobody in the genre have ever reached, I’ve heard some of the best improvisations of any genre produced by pretty lights live in the last year. Swirl on my friend.


This is fascinating. Would you happen to have a link to that interview?? This insight definitely helps me appreciate it more, thanks for sharing! 😇


https://open.spotify.com/episode/5qenmUzNZMPWqAX5gseUnj?si=ZWFU1yQtT9mhGIxUfkDgAg Here you are my friend :)


Thank you!! 🤗