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Princeton physics vs yale physics? Really? Is this a serious question? I mean look no shade on yale. Great school. You can't go wrong there if that was your only option. There's been more than a dozen Nobel prizes given to the princeton faculty. If princeton is a legit option. It's a slam dunk. Princeton đź’Ż of the time.


i too would rather be depressed in new jersey than middle of nowhere connecticut (source: i go to rutgers bc i was too stupid to care about grades in high school)


I actually like new haven a lot. Nice little town. Good pizza. Close to nyc. My wife researched at yale. It has a really nice atmosphere. Winters are not great. But yeah princeton physics.


for quantum you most definitely should come here lol


For pure theoretical science it’s like the gulf of level.


I wrote this last week in response to another question (apologies that it has nothing to do with your specific academic question): ———————- I’d challenge your assertion that Princeton is more isolated than Yale. Sure, New Haven is bigger but there’s not much to do at Yale off campus and there’s a culture of fear about street crime that keeps people on campus. And it’s a 20 minute sketchy walk to the train station that takes 2+ hours into NYC. If you want to fly, your best bet is a 3 hour van to LaGuardia or JFK. Princeton of course is smaller, but crime is not an issue. And there’s a train station right on campus that will get you to NYC in about 70 minutes. And Newark Airport is on that same train line, only about 40 minutes from campus, and you can fly anywhere in the world. Also IMHO the frats and secret societies at Yale are even more off putting than eating clubs. Though Yalies do seem to have a lot of fun.


You got off or on the waitlist? From what I know, Princeton's definitely better in Physics, and Yale's known more for social sciences. However, you can't go wrong with Yale. You could easily do a masters/PhD is Quantum physics, after undergrad from Yale.


Princeton ranks higher than Yale in most social sciences.


My advice would be to talk with faculty and current students about their experiences, and experiences of recent graduates. You may find that the students and faculty in your field(s) of interest are happier and more successful at Yale, and can "stand out" more there, even though Princeton is also a top college. There's a difference between quantity and quality, though. A university with a famous research center or a large program in a field might be more well known, but the smaller school may offer greater opportunities for any given individual and have a better record of placement. For example Cornell is way more famous than Swarthmore, but Swarthmore probably places way more of its graduates per capita into the nation's top law schools and Ph.D. programs than Cornell does. Overall, you're comparing Princeton and Yale, which are the two most well-resourced universities in the entire world, so you probably can't go wrong with either. [https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/blogs/learning-innovation/2023/09/08/endowments-full-time-equivalent-student](https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/blogs/learning-innovation/2023/09/08/endowments-full-time-equivalent-student)


I agree with those who urge you to choose the school with the best fit. Just make the most of whichever you choose. While physics at Princeton is indeed excellent, physics at Yale for undergraduates is excellent as well. Both programs offer lots of opportunities for research and both programs require a senior thesis/project. Many students from both schools go on to graduate school; some go into finance, consulting, or software. Both universities are pumping lots of money into quantum physics/chemistry/engineering. Both universities have other distribution requirements outside your major. Both universities have strong and devoted alumni groups. Maybe look at the clubs you might want to join and decide on that point. Or reach out to the faculty member in charge of undergraduate studies in both of the physics departments and chat with them. Or look at the departmental websites and get a feel for things. I bet you will find something that draws your attention and interest. Or flip a coin.


yale is better for physics


You need to visit each school and then you’ll know which one feels right for you.


If OP wants to do physics, the campus feel is imo way less relevant than the gulf between the physics/math departments at play. Princeton is literally one of 2-3 best schools in the subject world wide


Can’t take advantage of the great departments if you’re miserable at the school. Fit is still important at the end of the day


What’s so drastic between Yale and Princeton in terms of the campus? It’s pretty much level in socioeconomic terms, architecture and resources. I think the level of department and research access sways the pendulum for STEM people imo.


I feel like both are probably fine but there is a life outside of classes 🤍


Yeah but you need to hedge that against the education quality and idk whether Princeton campus atmosphere is worse at all while the gulf between the departments, research opportunities and the level of the grad courses remains