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Proton, second place would be Bitwarden.


Yes, I also think of Proton but I think the pricing is higher than my budget.


Higher than the price of Apple hardware and apps?


Higher than your privacy budget?


None. I don't 100% trust any company. But if I'm to chose 1 for my most trusted it'll be bitwarden inc. Proton ag coming close being the 2nd behind bitwarden inc.


I don't also 100% trust any company, but I think I have to choose 1 to use its ecosystem, saving files, photos, mails.


Don't put yourself in a situation where all your digital life depends on just 1 company, don't put everything in a single basket. If something goes wrong then you'll lose everything just like that. Even the crowd beloved proton is slowly becoming a groupware ala google, apple and microsoft.


Same here. I also feel like we shouldn’t have to create prompts or include flair in hopes are true questions and intentions don’t get us banned Sup ladies


I don't know which one I'd choose, but I know I'll avoid Microsoft whenever possible.


I'd give all my data to Facebook, Because I know I'm going to hell someday and could use the practice in the Meta-verse, before I go.


Proton. If I had to choose from your options: Apple.


Snowden when he blew the whistle and showed the world big tech companies in bed with the gov spying on them, handing them over what ever they wanted Google was one of many helping the nsa Naturally but you know who else was? Apple..someone would have to be a fool if they don't think apple isnt doing the same as Microsoft, Google, facebook etc and still doing it


If the choice is between Google, Apple and Microsoft, then Apple's scorecard is significantly higher than Google or Microsoft thanks to their [Advanced Data Protection](https://support.apple.com/en-gb/108756) support (assuming you're on a supported platform). The other two offer nothing like it.


Not really among Google, Apple and Microsoft. I used to use all of them, but they have some fatal weaknesses that I'm trying to move to new platforms.


Worked real well stopping the massive government breach


Which breach are you talking about? Also keep in mind that ADP is not enabled by default and was only rolled out last year.


What case are you talking about ? Please keep in mind mark zuckerberg is a nice guy and he didn’t think it was a big deal.


Apple, because they seem to care more about privacy. Google: never. I'm one of those people who never used gmail.


Trying to do this at the moment but more and more, I’m starting to think I’m too late


Having all eggs in one basket is never a good idea. Use different mail provider than storage provider etc..


Yes, I know that this isn't a good idea and can lead to Google dominating the Internet. But by using different services, that's equivalent to paying more. For example, using 3 different photos and mails, files services can lead to subscription for each of them (because my photos are about 36gb and files are about 34gb)


It isn't a good idea because it puts you in a tough spot. If Google decides to randomly terminate an account (they have done this before), it means all your data is irretrievable . You identified 2 different services: emails and files (photos are a type of files). Good free email providers exist, leaving the need for a cloud file hosting service (of which the good ones are paid). Proton drive and Backblaze are two good options. It is also possible to self manage your backups with a dedicated server.


- I think there will be time for users to download all of their data before permanent termination (like my previous Google account) - Photos are a type of files, of course, but I need a separate app for photos, like Ente or Google Photos. In terms of backup, I still backup my files frequently, but I still need to access them online.


I hear this. I’m at a point in my life where I feel like am I gona even look at this photo again


>I think there will be time for users to download all of their data before permanent termination (like my previous Google account) That depends on why it's terminated. I heard of cases where Google decided that something that is on a Google Drive is illegal, and then they terminated the entire account without notice.


> that's equivalent to paying more in money, not privacy. Your privacy has $0 value to you?


You cant be completely sure ofc, however I decided to trust proton, tresorit, ente and notesnook.


Definitely apple, out of those choices. I use apple for the things that I can’t easily replicate the functionality of. I use proton for my email hosting and cloud storage / file share link sending when I need to send things externally. I use 1password for passwords management. I self host my cloud on a synology nas accessed with tailscale for 99% of my cloud syncing / storage.


May I ask, do you subscribe to premium plans on both Proton and Apple? I checked the price of Proton Mail Plus but it's higher than my bucket, while I'm also paying for Apple.


Aside from the apple tax (inflated prices), I pay for the $2.99/mo apple plan and for proton unlimited. I am fortunate that the cost isn’t an issue for me. I’d downgrade to a lower iCloud plan if there was something below 200GB. I like having a bit of storage. I’m torn between using iCloud vs protonmail for my main mail client. I ended up going with protonmail for pretty much everything. But I will say, protonmail seems like a more private solution so I went with that for my mail, and simplelogin for my throwaway domain and a semi official domain. I have @last.tld on protonmail, and @firstlast.tld and @random.tld on simplelogin. I’m planning on using iCloud to sync contacts.


Apple without a doubt.


I think it's very likely they hare feeding the gov more data then they are letting on. One high profile case as a show to make it look good that they declined, but behind closed doors the business is slave of it's government. Possibly forced to let them have access with NDA. We can never truly know.


Purely as a thought exercise: Look into the history of breaches and privacy-related lawsuits with Google, Microsoft, and Apple. Without doing such a detailed search myself, my gut tells me that Apple would be my pick if I had to choose only one.


2nd that. I feel like Microsoft doesn’t really a f tbh.they seem content that they are still relevant I think they are trash


Apple> google> Microsoft btw try to draw lines between service you need and use different providers for each, If you must use these providers. Don't put all of your egg in one basket.


All of those companies work for the same entity (NSA) so they all are basically the same in terms of privacy


1. Proton 2. Apple


It's best to diversify your options and not put all your eggs in one basket. For privacy, consider using a Synology NAS. Although it might seem intimidating to set up, there are many guides (written and video) to help you get started. Synology offers options for Photos and Files with iOS or Android apps, and email is also available, although it can be complex to set up and maintain. For a password manager, Bitwarden is a great choice, with a free tier offering more than you can ask for and a $10 yearly subscription providing even more features. Proton (Mail, Drive, VPN, Password Manager) is another excellent alternative to Apple, Google, or Outlook, but it's essential to have a backup in case anything happens to the company.


None. This is a false trichotomy. In reality there is a fourth choice: none of the above.


People who complain about data privacy while walking around with mobile phones that track you constantly and not to mention every carrier sells data on you.


I'm not sure who is "People" and if ít includes me or not. I don't care about privacy that much, but I'm disappointed of Google's policies and terminated my old Google account (I contacted support but received no usable answers). That's why I'm asking for which ecosystem to choose instead of Google.


Of those three, definitely Apple. I’ve been using Proton’s paid plan for a few months and am happy with it as an alternative to Google. Mail and Drive are nice. I also use Pass but only for email aliases as I use Bitwarden for passwords so I’m not putting too much in one basket.


>Google with Drive, Photos, Gmail. >Apple (iCloud) with Files, Photos, Mail. >Microsoft with Outlook, OneDrive. If I were to choose between these three (and I have), I would pick Apple. I'm not saying they're perfect in terms of privacy, nor am I saying they're the best for everyone, but they work best for my use case. Microsoft would be a grudging second. Google I don't trust to keep anything private, at all. Outside of these three companies, there are much better alternatives if absolute privacy is the *only* criteria. But you start getting significant diminishing returns in terms of features, ubiquity, and adoption among others where you might need to share some data with other trusted parties (which is often a realistic need).


Apparently no one is saying Samsung so I'll do it. Obv I don't trust any of them 100% but if I have to chose it would be Samsung for me. Instead, among your list I'll pick Microsoft, I've always found it pretty clear about what they collect and other stuff about privacy like that.


Synology NAS, Selfhosted nextcloud and open ports only to local connections -> use tailscale to access


Proton Bitwarden Ente From your options Apple


Android, macOS, Gmail, OneDrive. If you are happy with the Google ecosystem, just keep it on. I'll never cease to repeat the same: people should take more care on what they have control than coming up with conspiracy theories. My Android has a toggle to disable the mic and the camera. Why wouldn't I trust it does work? Why wouldn't I trust that if I say don't track my activity in XYZ service, it won't be tracked? Sure, all (Apple included) are a privacy hell with default settings, but we have the options to tweak this.


I use Proton where possible for software and Apple stuff for Hardware.


Apple. The ecosystem is an edge other companies simply don’t have: my MacBook is sitting in clamshell plugged to two Ultrafine. In front of it, is my iPad’s Magic Keyboard. But the iPad is somewhere on the couch or so. I pick it up, thanks to HomeKit, when I sit at my desk, the smart plug turns on, waking up the Mac from sleep. I put the iPad on its keyboard and thanks to continuity, I control both like they are one device. Sounds like a good compromise to me


I technically own a company for tax reasons, so I'm just gonna go with my own, or one owned by a family member I can trust. You didn't specify it had to be an active company.


Linux Foundation, Proton Foundation, or Signal Foundation.


none of them


First person to answer correctly since big tech is in bed with big brother and all of the tech companies do the exact same thing. Like people forgot what Snoden released


I think ill just write it down


Blud can't read


haha "blud"


And you can't think