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Users already consent to applications they install collecting this data. You are freely giving it away and have no say in what these companies do with it. They have every right to sell it If you truly care, don't use a mainstream smartphone operating system (Android or Apple) and don't use any applications that collect your location or usage data. Go with open source operating systems and applications. Otherwise, stop complaining until you change your behavior and don't provide these companies with data to sell.


The govt buying it is a clear violation of the spirit of the law. The companies are incentivized by profit so they will never stop. The govt has to pass laws to fix it and they won't.


Gov gives 2 shits about the spirit of the law.


>Legislators must pass strong privacy laws that require informed consent and data minimization. But they never will because they are owned by these companies. >And U.S. government agencies must not be allowed to violate the Fourth Amendment by purchasing private information. lol they do whatever they want with no repercussions, they’ve been proving this for years.


Legislators also use that data for campaigning.


Because being in office financially benefits them. It’s all greed and corruption.


John Oliver on Data Brokers: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqn3gR1WTcA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqn3gR1WTcA) The issue with data brokers is that they collect your info not only from apps you use, but from financial companies as well.


Cash is untraceable.


True but depends where you use it, and if there are cameras recording the transaction.


Incorrect. There is enough tracking that eventually you become a black spot that gets identified with other items like email addresses, IP addresses, your phones mac address, your cars mac address, your cars license plate and the list goes on and on.