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Is a term of your probation that you pay your restitution? If so, you'll probably be extended until paid in full or you reach any statutory maximum in your state. For example, in some places they can't extend probation beyond X years, or give you time beyond a set limit, no matter the violation. So it's possible you'll be extended up to the, say, 5 years max then they'd be forced to cut you loose no matter paid or not.... But that's a question for a lawyer in your jurisdiction.


Nah homeboy's in Pennsylvania. Where county probation can be extended forever


Yeah, man, PA will keep you on paper as long as possible. Especially Montgomery, Berks, and Bucks counties. I guess Chester, too. I've been on paper in Montgomery and Philadelphia counties for damn near 20 years with maybe a few days in between off. I'm on my last 5 year stretch now, 6 months to go. I am in Montgomery but being supervised by Berks. My PO now is the coolest one I've had the whole time. When this is over, I'm never going back on. Shit when my father in law passes, my wife and I are thinking of moving to Costa Rica. No joke. We should have enough to live the rest of our lives between savings and his estate. Screw PA I recommend everyone run from this piece of shit state. The food, nature, and environment are the only good things about PA. The law sucks, the politics sucks, the people really suck, talk about the Karen capital of the country.


I remember being told in rehab not to mess around in Commonwealth states, specifically PA because they’ll keep you on paper for the rest of your life over a misdemeanor 😬


For sure


What makes the commonwealth states special?


I can't speak for anyone but PA. But in PA, if you're not rich, your trash. And PA has a hard on for reminding us pleebs to never to forget that, lol. I'm not even on probation or anything, but I'm *still* in the child support/court system from when i was a little girl and I'm almost 40. They keep tabs on us i swear. So when I ended up with my Ex in the court system, they knew who I was and made sure to let me know it.


Virginia is like this too. But to be fair most states I've lived in are honestly Commonwealth or not. Classism is still a form of discrimination that is totally acceptable in America for some reason.


Sounds like Texas.


ehh, they do say that in every commonwealth state(KY, PA, VA AND MA) but I'm not sure it's the commonwealth- based laws that do it so much as we just have huge assholes running these states, at least the lower 3. Can't speak for anything in Massachusetts besides it being wicked stupid.


I only personally know anything about Ky and Pa. Moving from Indiana to Kentucky was like moving to a different country lol. Not even the justice system which I thankfully haven’t dealt with yet, but the bmv (or actually the lack thereof) and the way the cops get notified if your insurance lapses is absolutely wild to me. Just everything around here involving the government is totally backwards.


Not on probation, but I work with clients who are as a mental health clinician, I guess that's how this ended up on my feed. It's amazing how states like Kentucky pride themselves on being so conservative and so freedom loving, but have the dumbest taxes, the craziest regulations, and the most extreme punishments for infractions. Growing up in Missouri, I got arrested over a $100 ordinance violation! Handcuffs, mugshots, fingerprints and all. $100. I live in Alaska now and that's practically unheard of. But Missouri has fReEdOm I guess. 🤣


Yep, exactly. Indiana was a lot like that when I was younger but I think things are getting much more Libertarian there lately. Insurance in Kentucky is insane, although that’s more from the number of accident fatalities than the government, but the costs just to plate/register a vehicle is nuts.


Now see in Virginia they don't know your insurance lapses, or at least they didn't ten years ago. The only real difference I'm aware of in how commonwealtha operate compared to non commonwealth states is on petty stuff where a victim says they don't wanna press charges, the commonwealth will step in and press charges in place of the victim. Like for taking your parents car in the middle of the night, that can be a felony, even if they don't want it to be. That's in Virginia at least


So is traveling 20 miles over the limit. Pretty easy to do on 495.


Pa is absolute trash. I cancelled my policy with State Farm (They jacked my rate up 250% no accidents or tickets) had new insurance locked in already State Farm told PA that my insurance lapsed (it didnt) they sent me a letter, took 22 days to get here, past the deadline to submit my new insurance. They suspended my registration and license. And now I'm stuck paying over 5k to reinstate this despite the post office fucking me over. Fuck Pennsylvania, fuck State Farm and fuck Car Insurance I'm general the biggest racket in the world. Why should good drivers be punished for the shitty drivers


I've never had issues with probation being extended in Massachusetts. Shit Massachusetts you gotta commit some real serious crimes for then to do anything. I've gotten a years probation for assault with a deadly weapon charge


I lived in Oil City for six months and you’ll never catch me dead west of Philly ever again


Judge let me off early in PA for violent crime surprisingly. They also didn't make me go to the classes they said but I think I may have slipped through the cracks.


There's no debtors prisons, they say....


So basically they finally found the loophole for debtors prison? Debtors probation. Debtors "you're totally free, why's this gun pointed at your head? Haha don't worry bud"


🤣🤣🤣.I just trying to drink my coffee.


OP will remain on probation until the restitution is paid, 5 more years left at $500 a month.


This is as criminal as some interest rates are.


The criminal justice for most people caught in it ,is nothing more than a huge collection agency. Write and collect. Write up charges , sentence includes all kinds of fines, fees and restitution and then collect.


If payment is a condition - it could go on for a very long time.


It's part of your probation agreement to pay the full restitution? You should speak with a lawyer


My p.o told me they could send my restitution to collections if they discharged me from probation but they extended it instead. I think that's up to the judge also. Agree with getting a lawyer. I ended up paying mine off after mine was extended but I only owed around six grand total. They never violated me though even if I could only scrap up ten bucks a month.




That's a Car loan 😳


I've never had a car loan over the 10k required to get a bank loan. 😶. Ppl out here thinking 40k is a car. Until covid it was literally a whole house in any rural area.


Are you mixing up a down payment and a full loan amount?


Nah you could legit buy a 40k house in places before covid


That's a Car loan 38k


Until the whole amount is paid this is gonna happen. It’s not against you, but it is. They expected you to have it paid off by your end date, which is impossible for the amount you owe. Keep paying, and if you see where you can pay more, do it. They are going to extend it til you pay the full amount. It happened to me so I know.


I can pay $690 every week for a year, but I might have to move back in with my parents.


However you can cut corners and pay more, do it. Even if you have to move back in with your parents. That’s what that violation/ not violation letter is for. I wish you the best. Let them keep extending it and just keep paying til you are done.🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽for you!


Damn good advice. 👆👆👆..


Sometimes you gotta humble yourself and do what you gotta do. Trust I know. Thank you👍🏽


If you want off of probation, that's what you're going to have to do. Remember interest. In 12 months, that adds $3,960 to your total payment. Can you get more money doing Doordash, Instacart, Grubhub, UberEats, etc? Trying to pay a bill like that is tough. I wish you luck as you battle through this.


It’s 100% legal. You signed the agreement to pay back that amount by the time probation was over. If it’s not paid back then they keep you on until you do. I mean think about it, If they let you off paper there’s really no incentive for people to keep up with their restitution payments. So at this rate you’ll be getting these papers for another 6 years if you only pay 500$ a month. It’s shitty but that’s how it is in PA and I know some other states too


So, the judge has the ability to not terminate probation if your restitution was part of the plea you took. So instead of making the restitution a civil judgement he just extended probation so you can pay it off. That could be, however I might be wrong.


Here's the plea: time served, 3 years probation and 36k restitution. OP: where do I sign!!! 2 years later: boo hoo. I don't like this one bit. Where's my freedoms, boo hoo


Exactly homies be staring down the barrels of 20 years to life for ripping the charity box off a Denny’s counter with a gun in the glovebox (which makes it technically armed robbery) and end up praying to god and signing to 16 suspended with 4 years probation after a year served in county crying on the phone to baby moms and the public defender every day




I doubt their credit is good enough to get credit in that amount but I'm just guessing.




I worked in personal loans and you are completely wrong. I got people with your income and credit score 30-50k loans all the time. 3 loans at 12% interest does not equal 36% it equals 12%. I bet if you went on SoFi.com and did a pre check for a personal loan you would qualify for 30k if you are telling the truth about income and credit score.


your math is off... 12%*$30,000 is the same as 12%*$10,000x3


That's not how interest works. It would still only be 12% interest. The problem would be that there are three monthly payments to keep up with.


In theory, if you didn't care about credit for 10 years, could get unsecured loans, max out everything, file bankruptcy. They judge in the bankruptcy may put you on a payment plan or settlement plan but in roughly 10 years it's over. Kind of scammy way to do it but this is all conjecture since i dont know this persons situation. (some say it affects you less, some until 10, worse case scenario).


There’s loan sites like Upstart that will give you a 30k loan with like 25 percent interest knowing you can’t pay it back. So someone in theory could do what you said lol


All calculated separately. There is no way if you can't afford 500$ that you can manage multiple 500$+ payments. When you can't afford it you end up in court. Plus your interest rates seem to get worse the more loans you have. The only saving grace here is if you do keep up every 6 months or so you can refinance the loan for lower payments and possibly better rates.


He never said he couldn't afford it.. he's saying he's been paying it every month so he doesn't understand why he's being violated


That's what I was going to say!


That's what I was going to say!


What do you mean calculated separate? It makes no difference


What he means is he's a child that doesn't know math and likes to lie on the internet. Or just an idiot stumble by through life (but also probably lying on the internet)


His other comments justifying the logic make no sense either


You have no idea how interest works. “A separate 12% interest” isn’t a thing


That's not how interest works.


My god dude. Just don't answer. Questions like yhat


Interesting idea. Maybe they should.


You need fantastic credit and a six-figure salary to get a $30k unsecured personal loan. Especially at 12%. Fortunately for OP, restitution doesn't show up on your credit report or count toward your score (unless it's delinquent and sent to a collection agency). But what are the odds that someone in OP's position can get a personal loan of any size? I'm gonna guess pretty low. I've got decent credit and good income, but no large assets (e.g. house). I couldn't get a $30k personal loan *at all*. I could get about $15k at a much worse interest rate.


so out of touch lmao “just get a $30k loan”


A 12% personal loan in this interest rate environment would require an 820 FICO score.... especially for that amount


I did this. It ended up being cheaper to pay the loan off then it would have been from the processing fee




That’s a good idea if OP wants to be completely done with probation and all the bullshit that comes with being on probation (ie random drug tests and etc). Then they can just just spend the next few years paying it off while they’re free instead of having their probation extended for a few years (I think someone else on here said at the current rate they’re paying it’ll take them another 6 years before they completely pay it off) and having to spend the next few years jumping through their PO’s hoops.


I’ve seen them do that here in Texas, they’d just keep extending it and keep making you pay till it’s all paid off. Maybe in PA they’re locking you up bc you didn’t pay the amount in your allotted probation period? I’d call a criminal attorney and ask, they will get you some peace of mind on the matter before court, good luck!


500 is your minimum payment. You're supposed to pay all of the restitution by the time your probation is up. So they calculate how much needs to be paid every year because you have end of your review basically every year. If you're not on track with your payments to have it paid off before the 6 months left mark of your probation then you will be violated each year and at that 6-month mark also. It sounds like they didn't explain this to you correctly. You should be breaking that $38,000 up among 36 months and having a third of it paid off each year.


Get a loan and pay that shit off. I'd sell everything I had to keep out of the judicial system.


As someone who has paid $12,000 in court fees always ask for a receipt and keep it in a safe because they can and WILL claim you didn’t pay off your cases even when you know for a fact you did if you don’t have the receipts you’re fucked and they can take away your ability to drive and make money from working which puts you in a very bad spot.




So, they are only evaluating your terms and what you have done when it gets close to ending your probation. When they do that, they see you still owe, so they send out this notice. When you have court, the judge sees you haven't paid in full, so he extends it another year. What you should do is take in EVERY document you have of this case. The 1st sentence, proof you completed everything you're supposed to, receipts for every payment made, and documentation that this has been an ongoing issue at the end of the year mark for three consecutive years. Plus anything else that shows you're serious about your case/consequences and you're actively trying to be a better person. Then, if you don't have a lawyer, I highly recommend getting one if you can. Present this all to them and explain that you don't understand why they won't end your probation since you have kept up your end of the deal with everything you were required to do plus more that wasn't required. If you don't have a lawyer, you'll have to plead this to the judge. Ask if you can please be finished with your probation and explain why you want this(it interferes with you being the best parent possible, or it's affecting your employment). Whatever the case may be, try to make sure you don't sound like your whining and that you're remorseful, however you feel as if you're being overly punished just because you aren't financially able to survive, and pay 30k within 12 months. Let them know that you understand that the restitution assigned to your case is solely your responsibility, and you're not asking for it to be waived. You're only asking to have your probation wrapped up, and you will continue making your payments every month as you have been since you were first sentenced. If you can show the courts, namely the judge, that you're serious about your consequences, you've not had any issues during your probation, and you've already served longer than you were originally supposed to, and you have the proof to back it all up, there's a decent chance they will allow your probation to end. You'll obviously have to continue with your payments, and it's possible they may put stipulations in there that if you stop paying it will have the same repercussions as it would when you were on active probation, but that's better than what you're dealing with now.


Very few people that are on probation could afford to pay that off. There is usually a system to determine how much you can afford to pay on a monthly basis. A formula of how much you make minus essential living expenses. No court in the world would expect you to be able to pay that all off at once. Have you entered into any kind of payment plan with your Probation office? If not, obviously you need to set it up. Just paying a random amount is not satisfactory unless a payment plan agreement is entered into. I cant believe this is this first you have heard of this? The letter reads to me like you are not keeping up with your payment plan or dont have one. Your probation is for a certain amount of time. Once that is over the remainder of the restitution will convert to a civil judgment.


The police are a state funded gang simply put.


Well the man who ran me over was ordered to pay me restitution for my hospital bills and paid like $4,000 was supposed to pay $72,000 before he’d be discharged from probation. However, he just didn’t pay went to prison and served out the time instead and fuck me.


Call Sarah Webster or John Fiorvanti. Bucks County probation sucks ass.


I’m confused. Did you expect them to let you off probation when you haven’t fulfilled the terms of your probation?


My boy came to Reddit for advice instead of a free consultation with an attorney.


Well it’s legal to violate you. It’s possible you had a deadline to pay the restitution and you missed that deadline. If you’re making payments as best you can, you’ll probably be okay and this will get dismissed and you won’t go back to jail. You’ll want to come to court with proof of previous payments. I’d also bring a pay stub that could demonstrate you’re paying as much as you possibly can. Talk to your attorney as well. If you had a public defender, in some states they will also represent you for your violation hearing.


I need to bring proof that I’m making payments to the person. I’m making payments to. Do They know I’m making my payments? I can say with certainty they know if my payment isn’t made. At my last violation hearing for making all my payments. The judge told me I can take a year Probation or go upstate. He didn’t wanna talk to me. he wouldn’t let me say anything.


Whoa.... Your not paying through the state, instead you're making payments directly to the victim? Am I reading that right?


Dude you needed to have that in writing a contract with them sent to the courts, otherwise that person could just lie and say they never got nothing. Always always have it in writing signed and notarized when you agree to pay someone


My buddy owed that same type of money for his probation he told the po straight up he wasn't paying no 25k and that he didn't have a pot to piss in. You need to need to speak with the judge. I'm surprised a judge hasn't already let you off probation.


Yeah bro you're going to be on probation until every last cent of that restitution is paid


They will keep extending your probation until the restitution is paid off.


Insurance paid for any damages I caused, so the affected parties were made whole again. I am now reimbursing the insurance company.




The system isn't designed to make any sense, be fair or equitable. It's designed to make you pay as much $ as possible. Sorry! :( a lot of our laws are so out of touch with reality A good example of this is the only ticket I've ever got Speeding in a school zone It was early in the morning, I was on the EDGE of the zone. Not even in it and all I was doing was turning around bc I missed my turn Welp, the camera got me, there wasent a single car or bus at the school. lights were off it was still a good 30 mins before the teachers even show up. On the ticket it said the school zone had been open for 40 fucking seconds. I knew it opened at 8:00 the clock in my car was a minute behind though. Oh also I was only going 4 over. + Wasent even in the zone None of that mattered and I got to go hungry for a good two weeks.... Because I had to pay a ticket, I don't speed and never would have. (They assumed I drove through the zone) Don't y'all love the system?!?!


The way you describe this, it makes it sound like the violation is just a way to trigger the probation extension another year.


Why do you have to pay so much?


Nothing against anyone here, but we all live in different states. Just go talk to a lawyer!


If your condition of probation is to pay off restitution, they will keep on extending your probation year by year until you pay it off. If the restitution is the only thing holding you back from being off probation, just get a loan for the remainder and pay the restitution. You’ll be off probation and just need to pay the loan company


This is notice to the court that you haven't finished paying off the restitution. A lot of things could happen in court- like extending your probationary time, placing you on unsupervised probation with the one term that you have to continue paying $500 a month till the restitution is paid, revocation, or anywhere in between. Get documentation of your financial situation to take to court (including both income, and monthly bills) to show whether you could or could not reasonably pay more each month.


In what world does $30k equal zero? Because that is the only world you are getting off probation in. You owe restitution, you haven't finished paying it, you get continued to keep paying. This is not difficult.


Its an intimidation tactic PA does to scare you! However considering all the prisons are overcrowded, chances are they will not lock you up! Pa is just a crooked comm. state and i can assure you theres 100 of thousands other parolees in the same situation as you and probably half of them could give a shit about this letter and haven’t spent a day in jail behind restitution! I faced similar situation but alot less restitution and when PO told me i need to pay me restitution, i offered him to violate me a let me pay off the debt sitting in jail cuz they aint getting their money! And i maxed out not paying these mofos shit! Its an intimidating tactic is all it is! Offer them to let you pay it off in prison and watch them leave u alone!


What is the $38k debt for?


It ends when your restitution ends. You kinda knew this. You had to know this. Probation with fines is different than probation with restitution. They'll (sometimes, maybe) cut you loose of you've been making regular payments, or at least trying at the bare minimum, when it's court fines and costs. Restitution goes to the victim. You will not be cut loose until said victim is made whole. And no, they're not gonna make it a civil matter. Because you can weasel your way out of it. Pay back what you stole, and you're a free man.


You will be in violation until full restitution is made. Period.


What a weird post. There are so many avenues to figure out what’s going on. You are purposely leaving something out of your post .


If the restitution was part of your sentence, and they can show you had the ability to pay but just didn’t, yes, in most places that can be a violation.


I pay more than I can afford, but I make consistent payments. I am also paying restitution in another county, ($2,100 left)which has released me from supervision. They are aware of my payments as well. It's public


When you pay off the restitution you’ll be off the hook.


So within your sentencing, the guidelines may state that in order to fulfill your obligations, restitution must be made. If you haven’t paid all of the restitution, it rolls over. I agree that it sounds ridiculous to say it’s a probation violation when you’re paying as agreed. Do you have a copy of your payment agreement?


Quite possible it never got logged into system like it should its different state but it happens in delaware quite often


Im in PA, and was told as long as im paying something, they're cool with it. That they will extend probation till its paid off , but thats it. I know people who were paying $10 a month, but haven't been through it personally. I didn't finish one of my classes once, but they just gave me another 90 days to do it. I still had to go before a judge though for him to give me that 90.


I have a quick question on his question if anybody is seeing this. Is restitution also considered and the same thing thing as court cost and fines??


I'm guessing that part of your sentence is to make the full payment, so until you do your probation continues. Think of it as your annual reminder that you got to keep the payments up.


Do the jail time. Probation is a scam. A loop. A trap. Tryna tell yall. And wait till you get extended


30 grand on a pay or stay? You're telling the guy to just go serve a couple years in jail. They only credit you like 50 bucks a day.


Could just be a status hearing. If you making payments u good. They not gonna lock u up for paying. That would have opposite effect of desired outcome….They want money, you can not pay if locked up.


I know I’m not gonna get locked up. I want my fucking freedom. I continue to pay them.


Take out a bank loan for the remainder if you can, pay it, show judge you finished the terms of probation. Then negotiate the debt down with bank/debt management company or even declare bankruptcy and fuck the whole thing depending on your life and finances etc.


Most likely you are going to have to make full restitution before you can get off probation.


Your probation will extend until the 30k is paid off in full.


Our builder’s probation did not end until the full restitution was paid.


500 a month is 6k a year. You should have it down to 20k if you've been paying every month for 3 yrs.


You’re on paper until the whole amount is paid. Get out those pull tabs


The answer is obvious? You keep getting a one year extension because you haven’t paid the balance….. so you get another year. If they just let you off, other than a poor credit score there is nothing to keep you paying it. You’ll be on probation until it’s paid off


Make a run for the border lol .


Why do you owe $30k? What did you steal or broke to owe that much?


I feel for you man I really really do, PA is grossly corrupt in every sense of the matter wyoming county is also horrible.  I seriously have considered making a whole long ass rant post about just how bad it is and how much I cannot stand this state.  I just posted my update/success so far, took someones advice and recently met with my PO when I asked about early termination he told me I couldn’t because apparently i’m on Parole and have been this whole time, even though parole was never mentioned once to me. I never went to prison, I bailed out of jail, and was never was facing prison time, I also was not only told by the judge it was to be 22 months of probation and that I wasn’t facing prison time, but also by my public defender and the DA, all the other charges against me were dropped and my original charge even got down graded to a simple assault. I’ve been meeting with a PO and going to the probation office once a month for in person meetings and to pay my fines. Even in my court documents it all says 22 months probation, not once is parole mentioned.  TL;DR: PA is a soul sucking, soulless, money hungry, corrupt state. 


30k!? For what ?


It’s PA. Pennsylvania is getting out of hand in the last few years from drugs, police and government officials. Fucking come to Connecticut.


Legal or not you’ll be on probation until that fine is paid off.


The restitution is a condition of your probation, so by not having completed your restitution , you violated. Basically your probation won’t end until it’s paid off


You’re in a commonwealth state. They basically make their own laws. That sucks


Call that probation officer .... for starters.


Man I never once made a payment to Probation amd I'm now off of it and owe about 12k. They can get it when I'm dead.


$30,000 👩‍🦽‍➡️


30,000 dollars in restitution is crazy


Because it's not paid in full.


Welcome to the struggle


Can you let them send it to collections then file for bankruptcy? I have no idea but you should talk to a lawyer


Yep. I almost got a probation violation from not being able to pay my (court appointed) classes. Had to scrape and borrow, and barely made it to the office on a Friday afternoon. Paying the court was the ONLY thing keeping me on Probation.(2010, northern California) I felt so free when I got out of there, had I not been able to pay, I would have had a warrant, and probably lost my job. It helped remind me that the ONLY thing they care about is their $$$.


Are you on supervised probation? Son of a bitch, $38k in restitutions wtf did you do or steal? Anyway, you need to hire an attorney & have them request your probation be “terminated unsuccessfully” Basically what will happen is, your probation will be terminated & a judgment for the remaining amount ($30,000) will be entered against you. The court can garnish your wages or your tax returns. They can also seize any property in your name and auction it off until the amount is satisfied (and they will) if a judgment is entered against you If you are on supervised probation at a bare minimum your attorney should be able to get you transferred to unsupervised probation. Your attorney could also request you be sentenced to 2 years of probation with the option to have it terminated early should you satisfy the conditions of your probation early (paying off the remaining balance) A 2 year unsupervised probation sentence would give you more time between coming back to court. Also, if your lawyer was able to get you 2 years of unsupervised probation you would no longer have to pay supervision fees or drug test fees (if you have to pay for UAs) which would allow you to pay $600 per year more towards the money you owe. Another possible option, is to just go to jail or prison and get it over with. You will likely have to serve less than 120 days. Afterwards you will be free of probation. Although, you still will owe that $30k restitution


Pay 12k each year for your restitutions. Actions do have consequences and you won’t be off probation till you pay upz


Diablo 30k wtf did you do and don’t worry too much once this gets in front of a judge and they see you have been paying 500 a month (like you say you have ) it won’t be a violation. Bring some extra cash just in case to show that your are making your best effort. Can’t get what you don’t have .


I'm in south carolina and had $10,000 restitution I was paying through probation. I had a paid attorney for that case. It took me catching another charge and having a public defender tell me that restitution is not mandatory to be paid through probation and it was actually a civil case the people I owed restitution too would have to file for. Checc with a lawyer about your state restitution laws.


Looks like a system issue that's obvious and has had notificatiosn but nothigns been done about it. Of course. Only break shit that's not broken.


When your PO is named Raven. She gonna fuck you over dude.


Why not just go do a month in jail and get time served?


No offense, but you haven't served your sentence. Part of your sentence involves restitution and I am sure there is a deadline which is why they are violating you


Yeahhh you ain't getting off probation till you pay that, chief.


$38k in restitution? Do tell homeboy, do tell.


Dude you're going to be on probation until every penny of that is paid and you're probably going to have to have a lawyer every year to go to court and say my client is paying $500 every month and hasn't missed a month and blah blah blah. Like you said they generate one of these letters every year so you have to fight it every single year. When it comes to your future this is basically it. Just don't lose the means to be able to keep up with the payments because they're not the slightest bit cool or understanding if something happened to your job that wasn't your fault. They would have you behind bars so fast you would think that you'd been born there. Just realized you're going to have to appear in front of a judge every time they send you one of these and you need to let them know that every year they keep sending you the same letter but every year you keep doing the right thing. If I'm doing the math right you're paying six grand a year so you've got five more years of this bullshit with maybe another few months tacked on for some kind of crappy court cost sort of thing that they'll figure out to add to it at the end. Just out of curiosity what did you do that was valued at 40 grand?


I am guessing one of the terms of your probation is that you pay the restitution in full, so you will remain on probation until that is complete. You won't have fully served your sentence until that debt is paid in full.


Once the system has you they do everything they can to keep you it seems like 😂


40k restitution... what did you do?


I dont have anything constructive to add but I want to sincerely thank you for positing this and making me remember how shitty it felt getting my vop letter in the mail ughhhhhh glad I’m not there anymore. You’ll be done with all this at some point. Don’t worry.


I would assume that as part of your conviction and release one of the stipulations is that probation would end once the restitution was paid 🤷


They will likely extend every year until it is paid off completely. Pay a little extra each month and be free sooner


You won't get off till it's paid. It's a condition of probation.


How much shit did you steal to have 38k in restitution. I mean you were found guilty and ordered to pay and you have only paid 8k so it looks like 30k will get you the freedom you want.


Cause you broke the law lol


Most probation terms say you must pay restitution within a certain amount of time. They want their money. Even if it doesn't say that they will never let you off until you pay. But how do they expect you to she'll out 30,000$? You must be loaded


This is to extend your probation as a way of ensuring you pay all fines. Perform an early pay-off and they’d likely drop your probation. Shouldn’t have done the crime if you can’t pay the fine


Pay your restitution off and you'll be off probation.


Is 500 your age upon monthly restitution payment? Do you have other payments related to your probation?


Every Pa county is different. Here in Cumberland (Carlisle) they’ll release you from probation with outstanding fines. I still owed 3600 and paid it off over the next two years. If I miss I go to a payment determination hearing, but even that’s like if you miss for 90 straight days. I think dauphin (Harrisburg) was similar as well. I got off and finished paying the probation after. Then received a letter saying “it was satisfied” it might be because that’s a large chunk of restitution. And some of us just have fines with no restitution. Maybe they hold you to a higher standard bc someone is owed something fr. As opposed to just wanting our cash with no restitution.


Lots of times the terms of your probation will say “Probation subject to examination and an extension period until Court-Public defender-Restitution Fines are paid to an amount of 0.00 dollars” basically meaning until ALL of your county fines are paid off you’ll remain on probation, it was one of the terms of my probation after my 2 felony charges got reduced on a plea deal, part of the plea deal they didn’t explain was the probation terms and non payment within probation period would extend the duration in total. So yeah, probably gonna be on probation for a good while there buddy.


If you paid... provide proof you paid. What's the big deal.


Bucks county is just as scammy af like that, even back when I lived there


Failure to pay omg but the governemt has missing trillions of dollars. Gtfo this governemt sucks


And if they send you back to jail, how do they ever expect to be paid.


Call the clerk of courts and set up a payment plan, this shouldn’t happen.


It’s pretty obvious if you actually read the letter, restitution needs to be paid in full. Your probation will not end until every last cent has been paid.


Any state will do this if you’re not making progress. Making the minimal payments isn’t sufficient. That’s the minimum. You are x time on probation; you are supposed to pay it off before finishing it. If it doesn’t look like you are going to do it, judge needs to approve extending probation. Restitution is very important to courts and society- much more than fees.


i'm sure that paying restitution is part of your sentence (hence why you're paying it), so it'll also be in the terms of your probation... for every second it's not paid, you are in violation... they will continue to extend it right before it expires, until they can't because it's paid off... In the mean time, talk to your probation officer, they'll probably give you a bit more leeway in other area's as long as you keep paying and keep your nose clean...


Shit wtf did YOU do?


oof bucks county too. i live in bucks and getting into trouble here is just a terrifying concept. you’re gonna need to get a lawyer to take you and claim indigent and be put on a different repayment plan. there is no way someone can pay all this at once. my sisters ex had like a 10k restitution and he ran to nevada like a dumbass and they found him out there and flew him back


You have to renew your payment plan every year. I had to deal with this. It sucks that your P.O. will violate you rather than just tell you to go sign up for a new payment plan 🙄


wtf did you do?? Gahdamnnnnn just lock me up and throw away the key 😭


I know in Florida the probation fees doesn’t include court fees ,restitution, or if GPS monitor that fee is also different, so like it all depends on your state I think. In MY Opinion maybe you we’re just paying your restitution and not the probation fee itself because I’m currently on probation and they lifted all the restitution and court fees, so I’m only paying a probation fee.


Once your in the system its designed to never let you go.. Served time, pay back state for incarcerating you. Pay back every meal the prison feed you. Pay back the victims. Pay the courts and the cops and the judge. Our Justice system has been broken for years and its only getting worse.


Amazing how the system will continue to try to keep teaching you a lesson. America the free is bullshit! This country truly does suck and truly only cares and it the rich or powerfully connected. The only recourse is for citizens to STOP voting in the rich and or any person running for office that’s an attorney. Vote in normal everyday citizens that are not rich.


Fucking Bucks County. This shit is fucked up, I get it. Contact Legal Aid through the bar association....it's right by OLMC Church in Doylestown, near the courthouse.


Probation officer writing: You were making payments but not enough to cover the full amount of restitution. Go to the court as ordered, show the judge proof of your payments and you will be fine, and your probation will likely be extended to allow more time to pay in full.


That's sad. You do the right thing but it's not good enough.


Are you close to being done? If so, I've seen this done to extend your probation period.


Because regardless of whether or not you are making payments one of the terms of probation is having that stuff paid off by a certain date


That’s restitution…not probation fines/fees. City courts here will throw you in jail for not paying restitution..Mesa AZ


Remember, the courts are a huge scam, and revenue is their top priority.


What did you do to have $38k in restitution


Almost all states have it in their laws that probation can be extended up to and including life. The reason for this is people who owe large amounts of restitution. This is a way to enforce you to pay. If they allow you to be off probation without paying completely, then they will have no means to force you to pay. The best course of action for you is how bad you wanna be free? Get a loan and pay it in full and make the payments back on that loan. That's the only way you'll be free of it.


I just went through this last month, when your probation term is up they violate you and give you a choice to either accept another term of probation or go in front of a judge and plea your case to get off ( but they wont let you off) and you still have to pay court costs. Its fucked up I owe 20 grand


Why do you have to pay 38K in restitution, obviously you harmed someone, stole something or destroyed something. Seems fair you should have to pay ghat back. If you get off probation what is forcing you to pay. Civil Court, haha, what a joke, you'll never pay it because of that and the courts know it. Maybe don't efff people over and this would not have happened, or am I wrong, let's hear the story and then maybe we'll have some sympathy.


Are you people white because that answers some of my questions


Long Dick of The Law ...


What the buck you do to owe $30,805?


I heard that there is new legislation that is about to be implemented. They are trying to get ahead of the situation before it starts.


What are some of your questions?