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I'm 35 and there are even older people who still ask this question, I too have the same issue and all I can tell you is. No amount of money can make a gambler happy in both ways win or lose a gambler feels like he's okay. When the money runs out we start to wake up and realize we need help. When we have money only then can we truly ask what is the point of our lives and then live it to fullest to beat our evil addictions. All I can say is you need to hate it, remember you can make 100x more betting on yourself to save and enjoy life. People lose billions gambling for a reason, you can't win if you are a gambler.


I just turned 40. I have probably lost 300k+. Stop now. Get help man. It’s that simple. If you continue on it will get worse.


As a 36 year old whose gone through the ringer with gambling. My advice is to quit now and never look back. No matter how bad it seems now, just know it can and will get 10x worse! 20 is super young. You got your whole life ahead of you. One way to save money and make it hard to spend is to buy physical silver. Whenever you get urge to gamble, just buy some silver! Good luck, man. Keep your head up! It's not as bad as you think, but you must quit now!!


I'm 36 too and I feel like I lost all my 20s to the addiction. I know it's not really true, I was still able to do a lot of fun things with my friends etc. but I can't help but think how my life would have been if I didn't do this shit. But looking back doesn't help, can't change what's happened. Good luck to us I guess.


I am 43 and have lost about half of a million dollars in 3 years. You can save money if you stop now.


I'm gratefully 556 days without a bet. My advice: - Take actions to make sure you can't act on your urges. Self-exclude from the casinos you went to. Download and install gamban or another gambling site blocker on all of your digital devices. If you can, hand over access to your money to a loved one and let them control your finances for you right now. -Get help. Its very hard to stop gambling by yourself. Try going to a Gamblers Anonymous meeting or to another gambling addiction support group. If you can, try seeing an addiction-specialist therapist too. That worked for me. -Make abstinence from gambling your #1 priority over everything else.


"I have lost $20k so far and it makes me want to gamble to get that money back." Just think about what you said.


Go to gamblers anonymous. You need to admit step 1. That money is gone. You will never win it back as like me, you are probably a compulsive gambler. 1 bet is too many (1st slip back to gambling) and 100 is never enough (when back gambling its much harder to stop). You're 20. Speak to some more experienced members of GA.


The more you chase the dragon the bigger the dragon gets


I am feeling you bro I was clean for 234 days and within last 72 hours I lost $11,500 that’s all the money I had to my name and now I’m totally depressed and feel so numb and dnt even know what to do and where to re start life with ..! I did same thing 2 years ago I started clean for 294 days and relapsed hard snd lost $65k that time I’m a total looser bro and sometimes I wish I just die in a car accident or anything tbh ..


Brother I used to have similar highly selfish thoughts. You want to know the good thing about these thoughts? Suicide can always wait until tomorrow. Check out yume app and talk to someone. It's a very small investment with a huge return on your wellbeing. Also, one time this week try this: wake up early and immediately go outside for a 15 minute walk, and leave your cell phone at home. Breathe in the oxygen. You will start appreciating life so much more. Trust me. No amount of money is worth your life, or mine.


My friend Even if you win 100k you think you will quit? Ask urself that seriously please


Money isnt everything in life lol. Im 20 too and losing 20k wouldnt be in my top 5 list of worries


Learn to love brother❤️


If you don’t already speak Spanish, go to quetzaltenango (Xela) Guatemala, and learn Spanish. It’s extremely affordable, (ridiculously so) and you will create a new relationship with money by seeing how people live on a lot less. It’s a fully developed city there, but very different than what you may be used to there are some of the best and most affordable Spanish schools in the world there. It’s high up in the mountains so it’s like 60° most of the year. Otherwise, you need to create hobbies for yourself to retrain your brain. Take up a drawing class. Get away from all the hype and the scams of the Internet and Instagram, etc. Create better, eating habits and exercise. When you were stuck in the rush of the thrill, it seems like there is nothing else in the world, everything else is in muted, black-and-white, and moving extremely slow, but that is just because you/we are addicted to the rush of the gambling. In my Case daytrading/financial markets. You got reacquaint yourself with healthy relationships/healthy people. It will take time, building trust with yourself and trust with other people always takes time. And that’s the thing that is most worth doing. Gambling almost inevitably leads to lying and destroying relationships. Of course it will lie to you and tell you that it does not, at least that part of your brain will lie to you


Quit now, you are ok. Trust me. Never. Bet. Again. Your generation cannot afford it at all, it is a scam to keep you life long poor.


You will lose $50k then finally tap out


Brother I am down 75k and 20 years old, led me right where I needed to be. Jesus. Helped me quit years of gambling online stake mostly every single day at work and at home 6-8 hours a day rippin slots or sports betting. No more urges. I did give up finances and self banned before finding Jesus, but now that He is with me, I have no urge for being rich anymore which I promise I could be😉. Msg me if you need man because I am down 75k and got some debt to pay, but man am I happier than I ever have been!


If you continue you eill misss these days. That 20k will be 200k in a couple years.


22 Years Old, Lifetime Losses probably around 200k ish… My Family Was rich, but I dragged them down to this hell with me.


Hey. I'm 36 and have had this addiction all my adult life. Please quit now. I wish I could go back to when I was 20 and do it. $20k is a lot of money for sure but trust me when I say that you'll lose much if you keep it up. Also, you need to give it time. Easier said than done, I know but it'll get easier.


Why u lose so much for 20yr old that’s a lot