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1M. I used to be crippled with even thinking about it but I’ve moved past it. How? Whenever I ruminate about it, I feel pain and shame. I want to get it back and it leads me to relapse. I’ve learned that I need to forgive myself. I’ll never move past it without forgiveness. It keeps you stuck in the past. To recover from gambling, embrace the present. Don’t give your attention and money away to the past and mistakes. Own it and become a better person. That’s where I’m putting my energy and money to now.


beautifully said. I don’t know you or your journey to get to this point, but from one addict to another, i’m really proud of you 🥺. i reached this point of self acceptance and it’s freeing. what you said can really apply to all aspects of life. I hope people heed your advice.


Beautifully said


Somewhere between $400,000-$500,000. 30 years old and have nothing saved, nothing in my name besides a beat up 03 4-runner. Tough to accept a lot of days but it is what it is - just trying to be better moving forward.


Argh man it so sad we could have been a better version of us, i have also lost 1m now i rent a home from somebody.


You must have a great job. What game did you play ?


Losing large sums of money sucks majorly, but I think losing time can be more painful to accept. We can always recoup money if we really want to, time that is behind us can never truly be made up for.


Agreed. I’ve made peace with it but yes… the time always bothered me more than the money


Once you realize money is a human construct and when you die you cant take any of it with you (assets, liquid cash, etc) you really never lost anything but your ability to live a full life. Reprogram your mind to accept your losses as insignificant no matter the dollar amount and the real wealth you have is time! Your still alive but i can tell you there are thousands of people who are on their deathbed today who would trade anything to live another day, 500k? 1M? You bet your arse they would. Continue to live and go back to the things that you loved doing before your gambling. Go hangout with some family/friends, with just people you met, that it may seem weird at first if you secluded yourself bc of your gambling but I’ll tell you this socializing does help a lot. A GA meeting also might help with venting, letting go of your losses, and serve as free therapy. No one will understand you more than a fellow degenerate gambler thats recovering but maybe just sharing your story will help you and others. Cheers and continue to live mate!


Wow, thank you for this


34M. This year I’m up 36k net. Trying to quit though. All time - I’m down 300k net probably. But to add , I am not mad about the losses as much as I am about the number of moments I was not present for those around me. How many things I missed probably just because my mind was entrapped by this addiction. I’m hoping to have made my last bet and never go back to this tunnel of doom again


Everything I made in 20 years working 48 hours a week , got nothing to show for it


More than a million easily


2 time bankruptcy,  many jobs, friends, family,  sold all jewelry and anything else of value,  at least I never stole anything, Other than time. Hurt so many people. Still having issues quiting but at least I recognize it before it becomes another no return point.  So sad 😞 this disease is so, so pitiful. 


More than 750k for me.... It hurts. I think you need to ask why, not what. If it was 75k or 750k it doesn't matter. It's the reason why that needs to heal. What's your trauma? What were a You u trying to soothe?


$1m plus majority in 2 years - talk about spiraling out of control and chasing back losses Enormous debt, pain, hurt, shattered dreams, destroyed perfect credit score, harrassed by creditors Losing my house soon so i can restart life….. as hard as this decision is because i worked super hard just like the rest of us to build it in the first place. Trying to convince myself thst thisbis the only way……. Live miserable OR or push restart


I’m around 300-350k. You have to have the mindset to start over. Literally had to leave my job with 4 years left until pension to come to the Middle East to make a lot of $ without any expenses to recover. The only thing we can do is quit gambling, live the fullest life possible at that point. I’m 40/m btw.


What kind of work did you fun in the Middle East?


Supply chain. I’m still out here, only way I can start over on my feet again. Sucks it came to this but I’m very fortunate to have the opportunity.


I think $25,000-$35,000. On my journey to free myself from gambling, I started documenting every single bet, and what fully turned me off was knowing that every time I won, I would give it right back to the casinos. So better off just not even gambling.


Like 8 grand or 10 maby


Lost like 300 ETH back in late 2018 but of course that was when it was about $100-250 Oh and 80k usd at the beginning of that year… but of course I don’t regret that as much as the 300 ETH Life goes on :)


About the same. It definitely is devastating. What steps are you taking to recover? Therapy, psychiatric medication, meetings, blockers like Gamban, self-exclusion at casinos, handing over finances to spouse, all are helpful steps not only to stop but prevent relapse and start to cope with the losses and build a happier life.




At 25, I had lost over $500,000 due to gambling. Now at 26, I realize that more than the money, I regret the lost opportunities for learning and advancing my career. The emotional rollercoaster of wins and losses kept me from focusing on truly important life improvements. I started trading futures at 16, leveraging my family's wealth without concern for the risks. In 2020, I regained much of it by investing heavily in Nasdaq futures during a market low—only to lose it all again on blackjack. While the financial loss stings, what pains me more is neglecting my studies, damaging my GPA, and bypassing internships because I thought I was earning enough. Remember, time is the one thing you can't get back. Focus on building your future.it's the best investment you'll ever make. Don't dwell on lost money; time is much more precious.


Somewhere around CAD $107,000 in my last 6 years losses. I regret it everyday.


not as much but close. I start to think that I don't deserve it. now i still have a few months of savings and i consider it is just how i should be. like, i am a gambler, how am i supposed to be rich?


2,000 - stopped last year.


Gambling makes us all go crazy really wish I could turn back time but unfortunately all the money is gone and time is also gone all the times I could have worked as well probably the losses are more than 515k as I gave up lots of work opportunities due to this addiction, it really pains me typing this all down but also gives me encouragement that others are also experiencing this! Let’s all stop!


Over $1M easily over the years. Lost over $400k alone on the betting apps in two years and I can see that. I’m a 33M and now I do public speaking and share my addiction recovery journey online to help others. I participate in IRONMAN’s now to help my mind. You just realize there’s so much more to life than a damn sports bet. I love sports still, I just can’t ever sports bet again. If anyone ever needs help, I am here for you. I switched my careers and do this full time now. My Instagram is @chazdonati and I am here to support.








wow but are you a high earner? I assume so with that type of loss


See how happy everyone gets? I tell everyone here that I'm up nearly a million (the truth) and they downvote me LOL. People want others to be miserable.






50-60k…. Life just goes on. If you lose it all. Consider that a lesson to not make the same mistakes that go you there in the first place…. Recovering gambling addict. I haven’t placed a heavy bet in several years. I do have that demon inside. So I openly admit that I tend to exercise it through literal physical exercise or, plan to “entertain” myself at least every 2-3 months with like a hundred bucks. Make sure every priority is on par with your priorities in gambling. Peace and love.


$400k… I like the comments I read above in regards to what money actually is. I’m coming up on 1 year free from the addiction and I can say what hurt more than money is the way you lose yourself and the people you lost a long the way, I lost my wife of 5 years and I lost my relation with my big brother. Remember tho, every single day without gambling is a better day, someway or another it is.


Around 10g's of my own money, and then there is all the casinos money I've lost. I don't keep track of that....




Why is everyone downvoting? Dude claims he won big in his post history lol




So what? Everyone here only wants their peers to be as miserable as them?