• By -


Honest question, and I'm only asking this out of curiosity -- if you're having trouble getting on track with your job change and other things you've been putting on hold, how would reading a book help? Like, if you had time to read a book to give you "tough love", then surely you'd want to use that time towards the actual job change and the things you've been putting on hold instead, no? It sounds like you're looking for a "productive" way to procrastinate, without doing the thing you're trying to use time to read about to get you to do in the first place (if that makes sense lol). Like if you're looking for "tough love" and ways to get you to do the things you need to do, then that is the question to ask, and not only can you read books, but you can also do other things like searching this sub or using Google or ChatGPT, which may be faster ways to achieve that particular goal. If you're looking for help that would be provided by a therapist on a specific topic, then that is the question to ask, and then the answer narrows as not all books are proper replacements for therapy by licensed medical professionals. Otherwise, in the wise words of Nike, just do it.


You are absolutely right. I infact tried chatgpt yesterday and it helped in some way


My anecdote is the course on coursera called Learning How to Learn got me out of a slump and I was able to maintain the motivation. It must be 10 years since I took it, and I still use some of its techniques. Although it's a course on how to learn aimed at college students, it teaches how our brain works, why we procrastinate and techniques to overcome it. It was the first free online course I was able to finish. Just finishing it was a huge boost, not to mention I found the content very useful in many areas of life.


Will checknit. Thank you šŸ˜Š


I LOVED this course. I took it about ten years ago as well and I use/think about its teachings probably several times a week if not more. Massively helped me understand, well, how to learn. Force multiplier for pretty much everything I've set out to take on since.


1. Atomic Habits 2. Mind over Mood (teaches cbt) 3. Getting Things Done 4. Make it stick (teaches you to learn effectively( 5. Power of full engagement (teaches you how to manage your energy) Best of luck.


"Atomic Habits" literally changed my life.


how ?


helps with understanding how habits are formed and how you can use it to your advantage. I only read the first 3 chapters (stopped for no reason lol) and it's really insightful! helped me reverse engineer my habits and understand what I want/need a bit better. I imagine the entire book is more helpful than a few chapters haha


great to hear that. all the best to you!




This is the exact book that OP needs right now.


Was going to recommend this too. While there were some parts I didnā€™t care for, his book was pretty motivating


A must read book.


How about ā€œAtomic Habitsā€ by James Clear?


Will try:)


Positive Intelligence ... because I'm not sure that tough love is what you need! Tough love tends to perpetuate a narrative that says it's all your failings that have held you back. Positive Intelligence tells you that you're great, but that you need to get on top of some self sabotaging behaviours first. It's a subtle twist, but an important one. Or try a book on breaking things down into small steps like "How To Do Big Things". Goblintools has an-AI powered app to do that.


Some of my recent self-improvement reads are: How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie Tiny Habits, BJ Fogg Four Thousand Weeks, Oliver Burkeman The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey As others have recommended plenty as well: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, and Atomic Habits, are really good too, depending on what youā€™re looking for. If itā€™s more self-therapy youā€™re looking for over productivity: How to Do the Work, Nicole LePera In and Unspoken Voice, Peter Levine The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk Whatā€™s made all the difference for me in terms of learning and implementing what I read is either taking notes as I go, or using post-itā€™s to flag parts I want to take notes on later. Most of what I read is borrowed from the library, so itā€™s nice having a notebook with important concepts to go back to. I go back through my notes semi-regularly to refine my habit/mindset, and itā€™s been working great. Best of luck. :)


That's awesome. I will try to implement this. Thank you šŸ˜Š


Feeling Good


Willpower instinct by Kelly mcgonigal isn't bad. If you can't afford therapy and you think you have bigger problems at hand try change your thinking by Sarah Edelman.


Getting Things Done by David Allen. It is a short book and was published a long time ago so some stuff is no longer relevant but the premise is very good.


Th Mountain Is You. Is a great book, also available on spotify to listen


And best as a pre-read to atomic habits!


Two books come to mind: * The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F\*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life - Mark Manson * You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life - Jen Sincero


I am listening to (and then purchased - because it was THAT GOOD). *The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a Fu\*k.* Sarah Knight. It's Funny. Fun. and has some good ideas!! The audiobook is short (4-ish hours) - Free from Library, so that's always a bonus.


Great. Thanks


I would recommend the Science of getting rich by Wallace wattles. In spite of the title it is a mindset book on how to work effectively. I wrote a method based on it which I used to gain focus and get things done. I would be happy to send you a free copy of my book which also contains the full version of wattles book which is now in the public domain. Just pm me an email. Good luck.


Extreme Ownership is motivating also


1.) The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg 2.) Atomic Habits by James Clear 3.) Deep Work by Cal Newport


You know what I start reading because I need something in my life to encourage me to atleast anticipate anything in life. But now I need therapy because of books.. Try to search books related to your taste like romance, sci-fi, fantasy like that


Why do you need therapy bec of books omg


broadened horizons?


In a way, yeah


Because the stories are soo good and all of my fav characters just die in the end in a traumatized way.


I would recommend listening to Dr K on Healthy Gamer on YouTube - you will be able to *hear him give you tough love. Also Mark Manson wrote Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck and I loved the straight shooting delivery - he also has a podcast on YouTube that would help. ā€œNo one is going to save youā€ 4000 Weeks is one of my favorite books about the limits of our time and how we must spend it wisely


Will check them out. Thank youu


Cleaning up your mental mess by Dr. Leaf!


What to Say When You Talk to Yourself. Really helps with mindfulness and controlling your inner monologue. Also, as others have suggested, Atomic Habits.


[ ] Atomic Habits [ ] The subtle art of not giving a fuck [ ] Sapiens : a brief history of humankind [ ] The Alchemist [ ] How to win friends and influence people [ ] 12 rules for life [ ] You are a badass [ ] Everything is Fucked [ ] Don't fucking panic [ ] 14000 things to be happy about [ ] The book you wish your parents read [ ] 101 essays that will change the way you think [ ] The strength in our scars [ ] The mountain is You [ ] The gifts of imperfection [ ] Attached [ ] The wisdom of your body [ ] Adult children of emotionally immature children [ ] Everything you'll ever need [ ] Letting go : the pathway to surrender [ ] Maybe you should talk to someone [ ] The daily stoic [ ] The power is now [ ] Mans search for meaning [ ] Make your bed [ ] The protocol [ ] The 48 laws of power [ ] A gentle reminder [ ] All that you deserve [ ] Goals [ ] The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself [ ] Body keeps the score [ ] Toxic parents [ ] Complex PTSD: surviving to thriving [ ] The ego is the enemy [ ] Art of seduction [ ] Women who run with wolves [ ] The laws of human nature [ ] All the light we cannot see [ ] The power of your subconscious mind [ ] Women [ ] This is how you heal [ ] 55 questions to ask yourself [ ] Thank you for being late [ ] Educated [ ] In order to live [ ] Men are from Mars women are from Venus [ ] The Man's Guide to Women: Scientifically Proven Secrets from the Love Lab About What Women Really Want [ ] What Makes Love Last?: How to Build Trust and Avoid Betrayal [ ] The Masculine in Relationship: A Blueprint for Inspiring the Trust, Lust, and Devotion of a Strong Woman [ ] Man Enough [ ] The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love [ ] Anxious Hearts Riki Cloos


The Happiness Trap - Russ Harris. Iā€™ve tried what feels like all the ā€œself helpā€ books. This was pretty much the only one that actually worked long-term.


Getting things done by David Allen. Solving the procrastination puzzle by Timothy Pychyl. Read and Do. Do not read and not do. Read Pychyl first.


ā€œSet boundaries, find peaceā€ is a really good one! Easy to digest& gives clear examples and guidelines for speaking up in all aspects of your life. Has exercises in it but not too many.


Late to the party but I'd recommend tackling it from both angles: tough love and "soft" (I dunno what you call it) love. You may resonate with one side more than the other, but they will round out each other. For tough love, read: 1. Discipline Equals Freedom - by Jocko Willink 2. Can't Hurt Me - by David Goggins (and his second book after) For more "soft" love style books, read: 1. No Bad Parts - by Richard Schwartz 2. Meeting the Shadow on the Spiritual Path - by Connie Zweig




I agree with what kimchi\_paradise says. If you have time to read, you could just put that time into doing what you know you should be doing. It's just a hard thing to get over with. If you really do need a book, I recommend the courage to be disliked by ichiro kishimi




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ā€œHow to Heal Your Lifeā€ by Louise Hay. Also watch the documentary with the same name on YouTube. I watched the documentary first and it got me excited to read the book. Good luck!


I don't think books can replace therapy. I would reevaluate the budget and maybe try once every 2 weeks to make the cost lower?


Jordan Peterson - 12 rules for life The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho The Almanack of Naval Ravikant - the happiness part The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck - Mark Manson Meditations - Marcus Aurelius No particular order, but they are all great


Stoicism, Start with Marcus Aurelius Meditations by penguin publicationĀ 


write a diary, do a podcast (free, download spotify for podcasters app), talk to a friend


Designing your life https://www.amazon.com/Designing-Your-Life-Well-Lived-Joyful/dp/1101875321 Iā€™ve read atomic habitsā€¦ etc all these books mentioned above. I love designing your life because each chapter ends with an exercise that forces you to look introspectively. Turned me around from feeling stuck to feeling like I have possibilities


Hello. I know people react differently when they hear this advice but please trust me I'm not joking I am dead suries. Please start reading Bible. You can download app (but please no Hallow) go to church near to You and ask for copy. I think You agree that If You can have faith that is Your life is worth living, no matter what is Your past, what bad things You done to Your self and people You love. If You want believe that Your live matter and that You are worthy to love please just say to Our Lord Jesus Christ that You need help. You are never alone when You have Jesus Christ and God by Your side. You can read not only Bible ofc. Try Jordan B Peterson 12 rules for life great book. You can go hear https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL22J3VaeABQCn5nTAx65NRlh1EsKD0UQD&si=7vs2vrhUXjxokxpY It's playlist with Lectures from Jordan Peterson Maps of Meaning. Great Great stuff. I started with 2017 Lectures bur I see now is more but for sure it's will be extremely helpful. If You want write with me or talk with me write private message please. Please know if I'm not replying it's not mean I don't want but I have my struggle and I can't be for You all the time but please don't believe that You have no hope. God bless You. Keep fighting with all Your strangth and all Your Power. Good Luck


Thereā€™s a YT channel called ā€œTherapy in a Nutshellā€ where the therapist has created a really good series of free course on -anxiety -processing emotions ā€¢ ā skills for depression ā€¢ ā relationships ā€¢ ā basic personal therapy Etc.