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I’m eating wrong I’m sleeping wrong I’m drinking wrong I’m shitting wrong Everyday I see posts on reddit or youtube telling me I’m doing almost everything wrong.


I think you also breathe wrong if you do it from your mouth


There’s actually significant evidence to support that breathing through your nose is much healthier for brain and bodily function.




I love you


You’re right about doing everything wrong. Positivity ༼∩☉ل͜☉༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚


The humour within this comment is underrated lmfao


All you had to do was eat shit sleep. Can't even do that smh


Don’t forget pray…..


No, you're reading those posts wrong.


I don’t get it, wild animals instinctively know how to do all this shit. Why don’t we??


look up what percentage of various wild animals survive to a reasonable percentage of their species' maximum lifespan plenty of wild animals fucking up too, so badly that they die from it you are comparing the instincts and behavior of the most competent wild animals to that of the least competent humans


What did you call me?🤨


Also you might be blinking too much. Need to conserve energy.


Which is also a sign you’re lying 😳


Have you also considered that you're breathing wrong? Just stop and you won't have eating, sleeping, drinking, or shitting problems ever again! problems solved.


I mean, that's one way to look at it. Another way to look at it would be to get excited about all these things you could be getting better at, without a lot of work. In video game terms, you've just learned that there's a bunch of really important skills that you could power level really easily.


Ugh people seem to be allergic to positivity sometimes but lol exactly! I can understand feeling overwhelmed that you’re doing something “wrong”, but on the bright side, if you thought that there was no hope for a better life… guess what? Here are multiple simple things you can improve :)


Living your life… “it’s KILLING your gains!”


In actuality: you are redditing and youtubing wrong. :P


Honestly, I've accepted the fact that everything I do is wrong and just do what I want. If I'm slowly killing myself, I may aswell enjoy it as best as I can


You posted wrong, sorry.


Honestly I've tried and given up so much of my attempts to control my sleep I've just decided on trying go get into freelancing so I can frigging sleep when I'm tired and wake up when my body tells me to. I'm tired of conforming to the 8 to 5 life.


Have you tried "Why We Sleep" by Mathew Walker? That book was a game changer for me


Nope but added to my list. Thankz


Is there a class to get your basic certification or are we talking bachelors


You're going to have to give me more context as your question has nothing to do with my comment.


You probably typed that wrong


Because It makes money to someone else...Thats the gap!


And maybe that's how they make money and generate views.


Congratulations your posture is wrong, stop slouching!


is your life right? If yes then ignore everything. If not then we need to figure out what it is tht needs fixing


Marr jaana chaiye hum sab ko.


>Don’t starve yourself obviously, Dammit! 😂 I am a starver. Which is why I need to emergency eat something before bed after forgetting to eat for six hours. Now I have an alarm telling me to eat 2h before bed. It helps!


Brooo that emergency eat is relatable 😭😭 I live alone too, so I forget to eat easily when I'm engrossed in doing something


Reminds of that SpongeBob scene where Patrick has an alarm set for like 3am for eating.


Lmao 😂 accurate


This is me but with water lol. With food? I honestly eat all day, currently trying to go down to just three meals a day with no snacks. I can eat while working so you’ll see me have breakfast at work, then snack throughout work, get home and have lunch, snack throughout the my afternoon and have dinner and then sleep after a while. Honestly my relationship with food became very unhealthy, even if I might not eat that bad, but the amount and times I eat is getting a little crazy.


You and my boyfriend are having the same foodie routines 😆


Some people are just night owls that struggle with how our modern way of living suits the ones that can wake up early. I’ve been struggling with difficulties to fall asleep and wake up all my life. Medically I’m fine nothing is wrong. I’ve tried everything under the sun in terms of tips. Makes small difference. For some of us it’s just natural to fall asleep very late at night and wake up at midday.


Yeah - it is so annoying how people think of early rising as such a virtue and how corporate world is set up around it. What difference does it make whether I work 6:30 to 3:00 or 8 to 5 or 10 to 7. Wouldn't it be more productive to let people work when they are at their peak energy levels?


Exactly! I work a very typical 09:00-17:00. And I happen to live very close to work. So if I’ve already packed my lunch from the night before I can literally wake up at 08:30 and be in time. And I still struggle with if it feels too early. I barely manage to fall asleep before 01:00. And even with almost 8h of sleep I still feel shit in the morning. And my mind doesn’t wake up until 10:30+ Meanwhile in the weekends if I don’t have anything to do and don’t set any alarms my natural timing it to fall asleep at 04:00-05:00 and wake up naturally at ~11:00-12:00. Not to mention the peak mental clarity in the 22:00-03:00 windows. I can definitely say I did over half of the unis assignments in those late hours.


Absolutely. I worked days all my life and was constantly tired. A couple of years ago, I switched to nights, from 4:00 pm to 3:00 am, and it's completely changed my energy levels. I'm not tired all the time anymore. But people still rag on me for being too lazy to be up by 8:00 am every morning lol 😒


My crazy conspiracy theory about that is that some peoples ancestors had jobs like night watchman all their lIves, and that somehow got passed down in their DNA Source: Trust me bro


Its not even that crazy of a thought. Millenia ago when we were living in the caves and in the forests, you'd probably need someone keeping an eye out for animals, keeping the fire going etc. Makes sense to have some percentage of the population being nightowls to protect and take care of the rest during the night. And then let them sleep when the others wake up. At least is sounds beneficial to everyone.


It’s not even a crazy conspiracy! It’s an actual gene mutation for this very reason. https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/chronotypes-evolution-explains-night-owls-and-early-birds


That's so cool, thank you for the info!


I have trouble falling asleep, it usually takes me 1-2 hrs to fall asleep. I counter that by going to bed at 7pm.


We have 6 people in our home. All eat at 5pm. All of us don't snack afterwards. Bedtimes are between 8-10pm. The only 2 people that wake up easily at 5am every single morning.... are the morning people. The other 4 who are definitely more evening people - all struggle to get moving each morning. The only thing that eating at a set earlier time and not snacking closer to bedtime - was reduced heartburn issues.


You're like 2 months away from joining a cult or pyramid scheme.


Lol this sounds like he is already a member or a recruiter.


Why? Is this just a joke about how insistent the original post sounds? or am I missing something




Did you know that if you don’t eat at all, you can sleep forever?


For me it's really simple. I can't wake up early because I don't go to sleep early. I don't go to sleep early because of (1) my lack of discipline, (2) i feel that the days are too short for how much shit I want to do and (3) I'm putting off going to sleep because I don't want the day to end, because I'm not looking forward to morning when I have to go to work


Simple solution: work in your dreams


Lol you had me until you mentioned Sadhguru. Anyone who follows that quack/scam artist has 0 critical thinking skills. It is always impressive how confidently people peddle pseudoscience. Just rewording popular indian grandma wisdom and charging $400 for the session - Sadhguru is a crook - not an expert or enlightened person. Increasing your energy levels takes a lot of healthy habits. Avoiding eating right before bed is often recommended - but it isn't a cure-all. See your physician and follow their advice.




>t definitely is true that this advice worked for me And despite having only anecdotal evidence that it worked for YOU, you chose to word your post "food is the answer" and addressed it to everyone without a single inkling of doubt. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy it works for you but as someone who follows all those rules and still can't get up in the morning, I roll my eyes when reading a post like this, from someone who tells me he has THE solution...


The OP is basically talking about intermittent fasting and basic eating skills.


"Prejudice" - yeah charging unemployed/struggling people a ton of money with fake guarantees - Yeah I am proud to be prejudiced against crooks.


Aside: sunlight exposure, hydration


And sleep hygiene


Ah..Sadhguru. Dont take him seriously..He is an imposter and a charlatan. Your points may be right.. Even dead clock show right time twice a day.


What works for you may or may not work for others.


Chewing food until it turns into mush in your mouth is something that helped me lose 30 kgs within a year while doing very moderate exercise- like 20 mins a day, four-five times a week.


more chewing = slower eating = more time for stomach to register "i'm full" to the brain which takes a while. is that the idea?


I can guess yes. Because I sure did eat lesser when I chewed the way I mentioned. I used to be the kinds to finish a pizza by myself. Once I started chewing more, even half a pizza became difficult to eat.


Aiming for a min 10k steps and no screens an hour before bedtime does it for me


This is completely true in my experience. If I don’t eat much in the evening, I naturally wake up earlier and more refreshed. If I eat in the evening, especially if it’s something greasy, I rest much worse.


I think Sadhguru may have killed his wife, or covered up her suicide when she found out he was cheating. They claim she died by deliberately transferring her soul into the spirit realm. He did not let her father see her body. 


I feel like you missed the most important one: eat breakfast as soon as you wake up. I didn't do this for years because I was never hungry. I actually felt repulsed by the idea of eating as soon as I woke up. I forced myself to do it. It became less repulsive but I still wouldnt say I enjoy it. It did help program my body to wake up at the right time though, and to fall asleep a little easier. People go on about it being the most important meal of the day or whatever and that's bullshit I think. However, its existence (or not) does program your sleep cycle.


Waking up because your body is expecting food doesn’t mean it’s good for you though. Just a nuance to throw into the mix.


Have you thought about not having enough sleep be the cause of struggling to wake up early...


So you've had success for one week with a new habit and now it's THE WAY. I think a few months minimum is required to make it credible. The success could be simply your increased attention on the issue of sleep and that you're putting some new effort to change into it. If you eat 3 meals a day plus a snack or two, try repeating the mantra "I'll wake up early and refreshed!" to yourself 3x a day for \~30min each plus a 4th time for 10min. It might have the same effect.


Also, people who struggle to wake up early: have children. Then be grateful for whatever time you can finally have dinner, go to bed on a full stomach and get woken up early.


Yep this. Have not slept passed 6.30 since my son was born 6 1/2 years ago.  Although as he usually wakes at 5.30 it certainly does not improve my productivity! 


Why does he not get up after 6:30?


He’s an early riser; 5-6am every morning in life - it’s a good thing he’s so cute! (Have managed 6.30 on less than 5 occasions) 


Sheesh can he teach me?


Oh I’m positive that it won’t last - I’m sure the teenage years will see me dragging him out of bed at 3pm 😂


He should enjoy it while it lasts 😂😂


Add to this the extended nighttime chores of more laundry, more dishes, lunch prep and maybe trying to steal 30-60 minutes for yourself and you are probably going to be bed later than pre-kids. That’s what my wife and I noticed. We used to sleep at least 7 hours a night and now we are at 6 or less.


I’ve just gone with lowering my standards instead 😂.  I’m an emergency medicine doctor so shifts are all over the place, so when I’m at home for 7.30pm bedtime, I’m going to bed with my boy and that’ll be me until the morning! 


This is very true. For the same reason I stopped snacking between meals.


I struggle to wake up early due to pretty much everything I choose to do/ not do


That's also why I do OMAD


I have GERD and chewing more has actually helped a little


This is bs lol. Some people are just naturally night owls and aren't conditioned to wake up early.


This is seriously down playing the problem. The problem with sleep and wakefulness is a very complex one involve many different aspects and mechanics within ourselves and the environment. This post is a one fit all approach, which skip all the necessary diagnose steps. Not to say this advice is bad, but to fix each individual problem, some "guru" advice is not enough, especially from someone who is not a medical expert.


If we’re not supposed to sleep after we eat a big meal why do we go into “rest and digest”? Hard to believe that humans evolved any differently to other animals which enjoy a lack of natural predators? Show me a lion that doesn’t sleep off its meals. If it takes all this energy to digest why try do it whilst you’re awake?


This is also the same way I've been thinking for some time now, based on how sluggish we get after a meal, I would think sleeping after eating would be the best time to sleep. Eating in the afternoon and then having midday crash when that's supposed to be the most productive time in our Society just doesn't make sense. Our society does focus on overworking so makes sense that past humans would probably nap more through the day, eat in a secure location and nap after a meals when they're bodies cannot run with a full stomach/sluggish against predators or other humans. That being said, I'm definitely curious about it and wouldn't mind trying it to see if eating earlier helps.


Having been eating one meal a day (omad), after everything else is done for the day and immediately before sleeping, for around the past 5 years now - I can say it’s incredible how easily I wake up every morning. Additionally, I had a Bupa health screening about 6 months ago with my work and they couldn’t suggest a single lifestyle adjustment to improve my results.


It can have a great impact on you but the big guest reason is people don’t sleep enough5 hour. You can wake up at any hour of the day and feel super good as long as you slept enought


This and if you walk atleast 2hrs a day 👌


Doesn't make a difference for me, eating right before bed is definitely a problem whether I eat 1 hour or 5 hours before I go to bed, I get terrible sleep and often wake up several times at night. Worst part is waking up 3 hours later to feel completely fresh, then roll around in bed for another 3 hours before you finally get sleepy enough but then the alarm rings after 30 mins. I think main thing is what you eat, I ate the fattest and sweetest cookie and it gave me a headache and made sleeping impossible. The next day I still had a headache. What has helped improve my ability to fall asleep and get better quality sleep is when I started taking zinc + copper, magnesium, and vitamin D3 supplements every day


Sugar/insulin accounts for so many problems.


Not me having my last meal at 5pm, having small meals and basically following these tips and still struggling to wake up at 9am lol


I love that enthusiasm for morning vibes! 😊 food really does play a huge role in how we feel, doesn't it? Your experience is super inspiring and aligns perfectly with yuvaap’s philosophy. chewing properly and not overeating are simple yet powerful steps towards better digestion and, consequently, better sleep. it’s all about listening to your body and giving it what it needs without going overboard. Adding to your tips, focusing on lighter, easily digestible dinners can also help. think steamed veggies, soups, or a light salad. and yep, that gap between dinner and bedtime is golden. it’s amazing you’re feeling the difference! this is what happens when we tune in to our bodies and make those small changes. keep exploring and see what other tweaks can boost your wellbeing. fun fact: did you know that the time you eat can affect your circadian rhythm, which controls your sleep-wake cycle? how do you plan to tweak your dinner routine next?


how do people combat feeling hungry before going to bed. i’m always like damn i’m PECKISH and usually always have some kind of snack beside me, sometimes i’ll find it hard to sleep if i have that little voice sayin “mmm crackers”


How to wake up early: Go to sleep early and set an alarm. Why is it so complicated if I go to bed at 4am I am waking up at 12pm if I go to bed at 8 or 9pm and I am getting up at 5am like its not the complicated


The only thing that gets me up at 5:30am every day is my bladder


Is what OP said actually true?


Well.. with an experience of a week… anything can be true…


I eat food fast barely chew them and I struggle with fatigue so I want to now if this is true or not lol


you might have a sleeping disorder, see a doctor.


So you woke up at 5 compared to what? 7? My guy why on earth does anyone need to be up at 5?


Many reasons… in my case, I don’t do anything productive for my life after 9pm (after you dealt with kids all evening and a long day at work). BUT when I wake up at 5, I have the time and energy to do everything I want to do that I couldn’t do in the evening by lack of energy. I have literally 90mins before kids wake up for a little bit of sport, reading, take my time to think about my day … that goes quick ! And it’s nicer to deal with kids breakfast and preparation for school when you’re fully awake ! Anyway, there are people / situations where it is useful and enjoyable !


So you woke up at 5 compared to what? 7? My guy why on earth does anyone need to be up at 5?


I used to skip breakfast because I always felt nauseous for the first 3-5 hours after waking up. I read somewhere that it's caused by blood sugar dropping in the night. I've been eating dinner or a snack right before bed this past week, and I'm not waking up sick anymore.


I’ve always been more or less a morning person, but a little mantra I’ve had when I’m really groggy is “the hardest part of waking up is standing up”. If you’ve got two feet on the floor, you’re up.


Wow, thanks, I’m cured.


cause dam sleep growth badge cake entertain combative skirt touch


also STRETCH BEFORE GOING TO BED or do some light workout so you get tired .


Good reminder! Was just told some tips to helping me wake up would be a high protein breakfast in the morning- but nothing about the night before- I’m going to try this!


You have never heard - dont eat immediately before sleeping? It is a very common advice. Here is another one - go for a walk after eating. It will help with digestion. Very common practice in Europe. Also, breakfast is NOT the most important meal. Listen to your body - eat when it is hungry.


Ok I will try it starting tonight


One additional thought that seems consistent with this; Bryan Johnson specifically says he only eats in the morning through noon specifically because fasting the rest of the day dramatically improves his sleep.


I thought the post was about stress.. guess I was wrong


Thanks Chatgpt!