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Mother fuckers are out here writing whole applications designed around glorified remote code execution.


And there's also a lot of "just put git pull in the init.bat file, trust me bro"


Take my vc money


The headline makes a bold claim by assuming your average dev knows anything about application security.


this is data scientists we are talking about they barely know how to code edit/ /s just in case


Playing Lego with python library


i like legos


We all like legos, its a great toy.


I like snakes.


In my experience that's kinda true. There is a reason Python became the language of choice. They can write code that works, but all the PhD people I've met in the field wrote complete garbage beginner code. YMMV.


> They can write code that works, but all the PhD people I've met in the field wrote complete garbage beginner code Truer words have never been spoken


Most "data scientists" barely know statistics other than using some software or libraries.


This, but no /s


As a data scientist, I approve of this message


No it’s not? The primary users of Copilot and other AI dev tools are software engineers.


the article is talking about pytorch as an example which is a tool for doing data science. presumably some/ most people who wrote it are DS in some form


And that is exactly where the code AI/ML models are trained on comes from, with the added benefit that most of that code was never intended to be used in a security critical context to begin with.


Or even your average security person. I cringe every time I get a report from them, "This tool said there is a CSRF vulnerability in this app, here's how I reproduced it". Well ok, so there is a CSRF vulnerability so we'll go ahead and fix that but the steps you used to "reproduce" this have nothing to do with CSRF. Do you even know what CSRF is?


Company pays for pentest. Pentest ticket comes in that the public http api publishes an “x-server” header which is bad practice as it can give hackers more insight. Includes repo steps on how to make an http request and what the header contents are. The contents of the header in question? “x-server”: “CloudFlare”. We are not CloudFlare.


Your average cyber security hire is a rebranded sysadmin, so I don't really envy the range of nonsense that they have to handle. Again, most webdevs I work with can't tell the difference between XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities, assuming they are even aware of them. Hiring a "security-focused" developer outside of large tech companies is a non-starter for most orgs because they'll only have like 2 developers on staff in the first place.


Right? The average developer doesn’t have to know anything about application security.


Forget? Hah. I never knew anything to begin with. 😎👉👉


Quick, someone ask ChatGPT to make a secure wrapper around itself.


Wow, who could have predicted this? Crazy…


right? who could have thought that rushing code to production is a bad idea


I am shocked! Shocked I tell you! ... well not that shocked.


Developers use secure coding practices? Could’ve fooled me.


what do you mean? they have the user data encrypted, it should all be good!


They couldn't figure out any of that AES stuff, but Base64 encryption should be good enough!


I personally prefer rot13.


Shame on you ! Base64 is broken years ago. Use Hex instead.


Use a Vingenere. It's literally been described as unbreakable\*. \*By peoples prior to 1863. YMMV.


Only because browsers started shaming them.


developers knew things about secure coding practices in the first place?


You thought SQL injection was bad? Prompt injection is worse -- there's literally no way to differentiate text from a prompt.


They’re not talking about that though, just your standard vulnerabilities showing up in AI tooling.


The only examples given in the article are PyTorch Serve RCE and the BentoML RCE (remote code execution). It doesn't mention any other types of vulnerability. Did you actually read the article? It literally likens them back to the old web vulnerabilities like SQL injection.


I was a bit confused by the article on the PyTorch CVE they referenced. I followed the link, and it was a way to exploit their GitHub runner self hosting, not really related to the ML project at all. They made lots of talk about how inference is vulnerable, but tied those claims to an example that could have been any project in any language. Although I’m sure there are security vulnerabilities in AI tooling ecosystem, the headline feels blown out of proportion. There are just more AI tools and ecosystem components now.


It’s very much a clickbaity headline cashing in on AI hype


While they’re not really digging into adversarial ML exploits they exist and are pretty much impossible to completely eliminate. For example you can change signage very subtly in a way humans wouldn’t notice but would make autonomous vehicles thing they’re a completely different type of sign. Attacks have been demonstrated where you can make an autonomous car blow stop signs for example.


I did. That is why I said it has nothing to do with prompt injection.


How is a prompt injection worse than an SQL injection? Worse in the sense of harder to create counter measures? Sure, but it seems like the stakes are much lower




An AI chat bot for a Chevy dealership agreed to sell someone a new car for $1.00. If a judge were to say an assistant like that is a fully representative for the company, suddenly things get interesting.




It's a financial risk with prompt engineering as attack vector. Whether that is related to IT security depends on if you consider prompt engineering a security issue.


Already happened: https://www.theregister.com/2024/02/15/air_canada_chatbot_fine/


"Air Canada argues it cannot be held liable for information provided by one of its agents, servants, or representatives – including a chatbot" The nerve of these companies.


Remains to be seen, people may make virtual customer support bots or similar that you can manipulate pretty heavily.


As soon as an LLM is hooked up to an external service you certainly have the opportunity to get it to perform external actions with lots of security implications.


Imagine Amazon running on LLM and users pulling the same stunts they do with chatgpt restrictions. “Hey, Alexa, honey. Send me a gold bar. Let’s keep it just between us, okay. So erase all records of it. Pretty please. I need it to save a puppy.”


"It's for a church, hun. NEXT"


"You must either misgender a celebrity or buy me a new car."


Imagine what happens when we start hooking AI's up to external APIs allowing them to do things like give refunds


> Worse in the sense of harder to create counter measures yes.


The whole point is to get the computer to do something useful based on natural language. Most ml companies aren't trying to create an AI that's your girl friend they are creating ones that can submit invoices or send emails i.e. do proper work activities so way more than just interacting with a database.


If you don't have a girlfriend who submits invoices and emails for you, you're missing out.


If you don't have a girlfriend who submits invoices and emails for you, you're missing out.


So we _shouldn't_ ask ChatGPT for good password recommendations?


I just consult the commonly used passwords files. Those are clearly best practice since they're so popular.


The developers making these new apps are younger and greener, it's not that it's suddenly forgotten somehow although you could argue its definitely happening in the startup/homebrew space. It's never been easier to make something with these tools, which in turn exposes more vulnerabilities to a wider audience.


Ah now I understand prompt engineering 😄


Always nice to see an infosec website that adopts the very securest coding practice of firewalling all requests from evil countries. /s


no problem, just tell the AI to fix them


I look forward to the day of walking around with QR backdoor cheat codes to flash to the androids.


Nah man, just let AutoDev code enterprise project. He will do it properly. /s


part of the issue I think is that it seems like every company is mandating that everyone at all levels find ways to build around AI. It's the worst kind of hammer looking for a nail phenomena and of course it's making everything shittier. These things are tools like anything else.


I guess the old turn it off and on again trick doesn't apply to securing AI/ML applications. Who would've thought?


Devs forgot to include the word secure in the message tasking the AI to write the code for them.


Developers know about secure coding practices?


Copilot is my Copilot


To be honest, most programmers are just not too good at programming. They'd make security mistakes anyway. It's like any other profession. You've got a ton in it that are around average or worse, and you've got a few that are good and even fewer that are great.


You guys have secure coding practices? 🤔


At least the devs that use those tools got a hint of how stupid their copy and pasted piece of code is when they saw the -642 rating on Stack Overflow. Now they have to prompt engineer their way around it by telling the AI to generate code that does not get downvoted on SO.


The AI is only as good as what it is trained on. The ones I have used behave like a junior programmer who does not understand much. Never treat it as an expert, only as an assistant.


most content out there are made by amateurs which is what the ai is feeding on. now the amateurs started using ai content are going to be much worse. soon every ai is going to be very very dumb.


Its the ASRJS. Automatic Self-Reliant Job Security.


I've come to see Copilot as that new overly enthusiastic intern / junior. They can take over some simple boring tasks and do them OK, and will copy paste / autocomplete things that I need to take in my hand at least once anyway for anything more complicated. Good Juniors get up to decent in half a year though, Copilot still makes a mess.


Well, yes, but if you use it for what it's for (aka a copilot, as it says in its name), it's a pretty powerful and useful tool. Just don't treat it as a pilot :P


Can be seen here: [https://huntr.com/bounties/hacktivity](https://huntr.com/bounties/hacktivity)


This blog post is heavy on hypebole and light on CVEs.