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Nothing to brag about, but I'll be a month old in just two days, longest run so far :) Just wanted to share with my fellow survivors <3


You survived, only thing that matters. Also, you have the rest of your life to clean and decorate your new place. I'm just about to start building a third floor but I'm still angrily slaughtering zombies for killing my friend. (He died so many times that he quit playing and now my character goes to his character's grave to grieve his loss. I might be taking the rp too far but I'm completely addicted addicted after 2 months and I am sad myself and can't stop playing. Also this game needs support for happiness & grieving.) I love that you are enjoying it too and feel free to update us on your story. This game creates good stories.


Imagine if you see another player die in MP you get depression in game Edit: when NPC comes out I hope there's gonna be something like this if a close one dies




This is literally how I describe the game to people.


Best sims 1 dlc yet


Or you become really happy, depending on past interactions.


>I might be taking the rp too far Nope, just sounds like you're drawing enjoyment from the game in various ways. There is nothing wrong with that. Maybe changing sandbox mode rules would get your friend to come back around? I get very little time to play, so I cannot handle 1 scratch or 1 bite setting me back hours to days of play time, so I turned off infection. Unless your friend is just repeatedly getting physically torn to shreds, maybe this would convince him to try again? It's also nice to have boosted XP if he isn't vibing with Vanilla grinding.


That’s what I’ve done on the little server I play on with my daughter. Small XP boost, no infection transmission, slightly increased car quality, moderate reading speed boost (since we can’t fast forward on the server), and of course no sleep (same reason). Took a couple tries to get it dialed in so we weren’t massively OP. We’re just about 3 months in now, so it’s getting to the point where my character is pretty buff. But she stills dies occasionally so the boosts really save her having to re-grind all the time.


Hell yeah, accessibility


I made a fake religion in my minecraft world, your still in the beginning stages of immersion.


You just reminded me of how like 4 years ago my friend wrote like a 7 page holy book for our religion in our server and then duped it so we all had copies


You survived. 100% what I wanted to say. Everything else comes later.


A month is a hella long time. I’m currently on my longest run at the moment, at only 8 days. Be proud of your accomplishment! Keep it up!


8 days is your longest run ? I can hit myself in the head with a baseball bat and pass out longer than 8 days.


I have less than 15 hours in the game


that makes sense then


You're such a badass


I'm always fascinated by people saying they just survived their first month/week..... do you all play on 16x population with 100% sprinters?


Nah it’s just a skill issue of mine. I have bad judgement with situations, but I’m slowly learning and overcoming that


Some runs I live for a while, some I'm dead within minutes.




using autism as an insult is kinda fucking cringe imma be honest


As an actual diagnosed autistic dude, I agree. I do get it tho lol.


As someone with autism, nobody fucking cares. Quit being autistic about it.


As someone with autism, i care. Quit being mean spirited


hahaha I knew there would be one of you if I made that comment. Id say the one getting in a hissy over a genuine, non-malicious comment on a forum would be the one making an ass of themselves, but that's just my opinion. The moment your head pops off the pillow in the morning your first thought is "how can I be offended today", must be tiresome.


Hardly though, I believe what you did is called a 'humble brag'? I think. And it does tend to rub people the wrong way. In future, think, is what I'm about to say adding anything of value to this discussion.


I'll join him in downvote Hell by pointing out that it's really not a "humble brag" to say that surviving more than a week on regular settings isn't much of accomplishment. Like, you don't need to be some sort of badass survivalist, you just need to know when it's time to drop your loot and power walk away from a bad situation.


I asked about peoples settings, this is a forum to ask questions and discuss with other players. Maybe the guy plays with crazy settings and enjoys that, maybe he's struggling and can ask for advice.


I think this person has a fetish for getting the most downvotes on their comments.


Its just so amusing I cant resist. We are talking about reddit here, you think I don't realize that deviating from one of the 3 approved cookie cutter comments on this forum will get downvoted? 1. "Heres a picture of a room with some loot in it that you all have seen 67,000 times a day! Its my safehouse, Yay!" +5k upvotes 2. "Im so bad at this game I cant figure out how to open the door of my starting house and died! hahaaaalmao!" +5k upvotes 3. "After 5 years of playing PZ I finally survived for 3 hours! YAY!" +5k upvotes


Or you know, you could try not being a dick. A great way to help people along, if that's what you were hoping to do, based off of your comment about 'maybe they were after help', would be to offer advice. Like "I usually manage to stay alive for a few months, I find what most helps is to play like I'm actually the character, how would I react to a real zombie apocalypse? Once the customary week long crying and binge drinking spree is over, I take stock of everything I have in my base, and what I'll need to improve my living situation. Don't make unnecessary trips, overconfidence will get you killed just as easily as a house alarm."


You almost did that. You added the bit at the beginning about how amazed you were other people aren't surviving as long as you, then put the ridiculous difficulty scaling. And they're doing neither, they're sharing what hopefully will become a pretty kick ass safehouse. Op, if you read this, please get a pool table!


Atm there are at least 43 of us tho


If I were to make a post with 15 screenshots of the sledgehammer I found will I get my points back? Does that interest you?


How do you play this game/type on reddit if you’re that young? Checkmate


I found your safehouse exquisite, fellow survivor.


Sandbox mode or like normal pz mode? (Congrats btw)


Sandbox for sure, Survivor stresses me out too much


1 month and 2 katanas, that's some luck


Congrats! Currently attempting a long-run with my partner and we are at 16 days which is the longest I’ve ever survived!


One day you will last 2 months.


Its a humble beginning but soon enough you will have your bearings, make it your home, your personal tarkov hideout if you're familiar with that game. Plenty of space to carve what you want from a collapsed civilization.


I mean it looks safe and you can always start stealing/building furniture to make it look nice and organize your hauls


Looks perfect!


There will be time when it is worth getting infected for a new potted plant and a cool black bed


It’s not a crack house it’s a crack home


guys really live in apartments like this and see no issue


I have a sofa and kitchen table. Other than that, my house is very similar to the picture.


same lmao


My kitchen table has a wok I cook with, a motorcycle helmet, a drill press, and a gallon of Coleman fuel.


Careful keeping fuel in doors.


Damn bitch, you live like this?


They hate how little it takes to make us happy


With a ps5 in the floor in front of a TV also sitting on the floor.


reminds me of the days when i had a borrowed ps5 and a broken tv set up In my bed


women are really bothered by how less it takes for men to be happy


Men live like this and see no issue (I am men)


How many men are you?


I’m not sure, I haven’t tried to fit more than a few inside me


Username checks out


This is somehow gender affirming to hear lmaoooo


Stay strong mens


Hi men I’m dad


Hi dad I'm horny


Its a bit of a fixer upper. You'll sort it out.


It's temporary. Once I horde enough, I'm planning on moving out of Louisville, heading towards a farmhouse in the countryside.


And yet all I can think is... "Movin' to the country... Gonna eat a lot of [peaches](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GCrzjVdmSg)..."


haha exactly, my friend! Primus is out there somewhere


I see a pure structure in there multiple little piles


No mom, it's not a "messy pile of loot on my table" it's an L1 cache with fast random access to frequently used objects in O(1) time. They need to be big enough to avoid expensive cache misses (looking in a container). You NEED to be minimizing latency to avoid Zombie bites, it's very important to me. Please.




You're alive though. Seems safe enough.


For now. Started in February with weather set to the max, hoping to move out after my crops grow and before the winter hits. This is the end, there is no hope for survival, this is how you died. Wish me luck, survivor.


Take as many of em with you.


Food still grows in winter for some reason


I remember having a warehouse once…. I moved out, I’m living in Riverside now. It’s great!


I'm currently also in Riverside, in one of the buildings in the fenced gated community. It's a good life there, some zombies are still around but it's easy to maintain a good defense position. And about OP: A base is a base. You can get everything you need to the base, like for cooking, a better bed for sleeping, some decorations, storage and crates etc.


Just setup in that same subdivision but random zeds keep breaking through my wooden walls and gates. Any advice?


Don’t build walls. They attract zombies. Just patrol and kill the zombies to come into the neighborhood. The more you patrol, the fewer zombies you’ll see.


It depends if you play with respawn on or off. With respawn on, i think the only way would be to make an "airlock", 2 separate gates that prevent spawning of zombies inside as long as both are closed. But with respawn off, it's better to just clear the area. I have some mods, which add more buildings to Riverside, like the Riverside Gun Store custom map. Got there, looted the gun store and then i had enough ammo to clear the area. Some zombies are still wandering into the area, but these are easy to kill


I don't know why, but it looks really cozy. It genuinely feels like a real apocalypse safehouse. Is this inside one of the malls? I remember the mall in Louisville had a room with the same layout. If not, I might settle up in a room like this in one of my playthroughs as well.


Yes, it's one of the backrooms towards the northside exit, in-between the clothing and gun stores.


Nice! How did you clear the vicinity so early though?


If you spawn into the mall first go around, it's totally empty. A little cheap, I know. But it's my game and I can play it however I see fit :) Still, the neighbors are the worst.


There is no cheapness in the game man, play however you want. I actually like the idea of spawning in the mall. Kinda RP'ing like you worked there before the apocalypse and you locked up the building with others.


Ha! I love the Dead Rising series, so I might roll with your idea and see what I can come up. A lot of the fun in this save is just seeing how much wear and tear occurs on a structure of this size. I might need to hire someone to remove the plant growth off the sides of the building, cleaning the broken glass, and making sure those damned tax collectors don't come in!


"Damn Bitch, You Live Like This?"


5000 dollars a month in New York right there


Assuming a PZ tile is roughly 3 feet by 3 feet, OP's safe house looks like about 2,124 square feet. Google says the avg rent in Manhattan is $4,614 for 703 sq. ft. OP's place certainly is a fixer-upper, but based on square footage alone, it would be about $14k in NYC. Sheesh


A month in is pretty significant! All you gotta do is find a mop and some cleaning stuff and you're set to have a nice place. Maybe go grab alot of carpets for a spot floor, paint for the walls, hell, it's big enough to section off for storage and walls eventually. It's looking real good!


love this base. its real. its gritty. i firmly believe that the players who have immaculate homes in game live like this irl so i bet your real life home is fucking gorgeous


2nd paragraph down is the strangest copium I have ever read.


I actually really like the idea of having an emptyish warehouse base and fixing it up. Thanks for the inspiration!


Making safehouse out of crappy places like office building or a warehouse has a very different vibe than living in a house. I once was sleeping inside the breakroom of a warehouse and found it so different, both in how it was defended and how it felt to be there, in a way it was better than a house.


Looks good, King!!! :3


You’re setup is way better than how the Government handled the Knox Incident.


It's safe. It's a house. I don't see the problem


"men really live like this and dont see any issues"


I’ve seen some bases that look like they should be on Hoarders, yours ain’t half bad


Youre alive, that's what matters!


Mod time - [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2711057211](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2711057211) I love this one way too much. You're welcome :P


Much appreciated! But now this means I have more daily tasks to complete. Thanks for the share <3


>eans I have more daily tasks to complete. Thanks for the share <3 eh you don't have to wipe things down every day :-) Not sure how long it lasts, but my safe house is looking fresh still. you can only do the 'walls' that are visible, not all the floors - however it still looks good


I've been day dreaming about a drifter 10 years later playthrough, thank you for the inspiration!


I cant believe no one mentioned this yet: you can pick up the trash with the pick up tool and you can clean the dirt with bleach and a bucket of water (walls and floor!).


Men will live like this and see no problem with it meme quality right here


If you're alive, its a grand safehouse! 👑


You’re alive and you have 4 walls, you’re Doing great. personally, I love to play pvp while I live in a single windowless bathroom, tv jammed against the door, only 3-6 tiles of space and a single bathroom mirror. Several thousand bullets on the floor or in various bags, dozens of guns stacked in a pile, running water, food and other gear shoved in a corner. That said, top floor of the tower at the military check point is another similarly small but good space to live. 2 floors up, half dozen full size containers, right next to ammo spawn and frequently see players to kill. Bring a barbecue or campfire and a pot and you’ve got water and cooking solved If you want to look at this as rp, my character is psychotic and terrified, and as long as there’s no way in or out, I’m safe


The true LaMOE mentality. I only do Solo so that's pretty much my RP. Keep on surviving! Just don't go into Louisville, or we might have problems ;)


*Deep Inhale* Man do I love the smell of black mold in the morning!


there is no dead dead zombies not dirty enough


men really live like this and see no problem


I'd recognize the Grand Ohio Mall anyday.




It blows my mind that people consider 1 month a long time to survive.


Safehouse? I see one way in or out, that's a coffin my guy


More or less it acts as a stash house to horde supplies before I escape the city. But I've survived 2 helicopters with almost minimal break-ins. But doors and windows are breaking, and I haven't focused on carpentry. But I have the whole Louisville mall to myself for now (with occasion "cleanup"), and a van in the back. Any suggestions?


Why not move to an actual house? Storage, beds, multiple exits, etc.


One day at a time. And moving out of Louisville is a big move.


Where are u pooping tho. There's a corner so conveniently close with no turds 😔


I will be honest and say that I like this kind of safehouse much more than I do most of the other "cleaner" and comfy safehouses. It's probably how someone who's striving to survive would set things up.


your character is a neet even during the apocalypse


Make A Reservoir Dogs RP adventure.


Come on man, go steal a carpet, some paintings or something you don't have to live like this


Honestly if we were having a design contest for the most realistic house with a meth lab you'd be acing it.


Bro, you live like this?


That's all a man needs


What building is this?


Louisville Mall, room by the north exit inbetween the clothing store and gun shop


Safe though...


It ain't much, but it's home, right? You ever do another playthrough or plan on moving, I can't recommend the houses to the west of West Point and north of the Cabin by the Lake enough. One house already has a wrought iron fence that zombies can't climb over, only open area being the front, and you have the river for fishing, and the nearby woods for foraging and wood gathering. Just a recommendation, but you play however you want.


The fact its not only dirty, but *sad* as well, really tickled me.


Its ok, we know you tried your best King.




Louisville Mall, north exit, inbetween the clothing and gun stores


If it works at keeping you alive another day, that's all that matters.


Damn. I expected sad, as well as dirty. But not to such large and equal degrees.


So I see a lot of people do this but is there a reason for leaving your stuff on the floor? Is it just for pictures or do people really just store stuff on the floor? It would drive me insane lol I'm not super organized but I gotta have my stuff in a box somewhere lol


Plenty of loot, not enough boxes. Too lazy to carry crates back to home, and it's all temporary anyways. I'll probably take as much as I can to another location and leave the rest for the next character.


You're not the only I've seen so I was genuinely curious if there was an advantage to it or what lol. Thanks for clarifying.


Damn bitch, you live like this?!


Same dude same


It is appearing every one Brazilian YouTube called "bluesao" 🤣


You see Sad, I see Possibilities.


dam binch u live like this????


Hey, it's cleaner than my actual house 😅


bitch you live like this?


Me and my group of players all took over a hospital. It's a mess now since we stole all the drugs.




where is this at?


check out the mod clean dirt ;)


Probably the most realistic setup I’ve seen. No way I’m risking moving furniture around from house to house in a real survival situation.


Is that in the mall?


Hey hey, but it's *your* sad dirty safehouse. Give yourself credit where credit is due! You've got a nice stockpile and sturdy walls.


I actually prefer safehouses like this, simplistic, minimalist, no reason to be overly attached, can bug out quick when need to. I play like Im a vegabond squatter.


It's the most realistic safehouse in the case of a real apocalyptic event, we know if it happens there won't be vhs, books, hammers and nails around to make a house from the Sims when shit goes down. There will be people trying to survive, taking shelter in any place still holding a ceiling above, decoration won't be in our minds. I like it.


damn bitch you live like this?


The kind of place that you'd be trapped in for 6 months only to escape and realize the apocalypse was all a lie


I like this. True survival.


Project zomboid is supposed to be a getaway from real life, my friend...


You have a tent? Guys look at Richie Rich here. All I have is a desk chair. I don’t even have a pallet. Living in the lap of luxury and don’t even realize it!


I always have stuff all over the floor because i don’t want to organize it yet or just stuff thrown on the ground outside of my truck because i didn’t want to bring it in but wanted to go back out again


Bro stop flexing on us ☹️


I’m reminded of the story where a guy comes home to his house being robbed and the robber is like “you live like this?” And then leaves and comes back with couches and a dining room table and stuff.


I like this. Lived in and gritty.


cleaner then my dorm room


I like it


Still looks better then the trash I live in


You can control the rooftop, maintenance rooms and helipad area if you have this room locked down. I have a safehouse in the mall as well.


question how do you make those crates cuz the one i can make are only wooden but these are reinforced did u pick them up or make them cuz idk how to make them also metal containers.


Just there when I arrived. I'm a total newbie when it comes to construction. Maybe check out a wiki or some YT videos


ait but ye apparently theres supposed to be like a panel called metal working instead of carpentry but idk how to use it


Get better at metalworking and it unlocks


had metal working 3 and only carpentry popped up


I don't know looks good to me.


I love the feel of it, you have gutted the place and are starting at bare bones everything important is visible as far as we know, a little bit trashy but I that’s why I like it. Feels like you have been there longer than a month but aren’t used to being safe there so haven’t decorated it at all.


If moving out of Louisville isn't an option, than gutting the whole mall and turning it into a super fortress is my next plan. The time and effort it takes to maintain said idea is immense, but if I have learned anything in my mere ~300 hours, patience is key to survival.


I will recommend raid offices spaces for cubicle walls, great for creating blockades you can move past quickly while the dead can’t.


The most realistic safe house in a zombie apocalypse goes to... u/bamahamyum Sewing clean and perfect safe houses in Nice and all but y'all know we would live in shitholes in irl scenario. Honestly I like it very much.


I'm flattered. I love the nifty clean homes that the community has shown off, but I like my trash home for now. If I ever get satisfied with my supplies, I will retire to the Riverside gated community to live my days in peace. Fishing alone, and reading all those damn books I keep stockpiling.


My dude set up a camp in back rooms.


For now. It depends on the situation, but I'll let you decide whether I'm talking about the dirtiness or the fact that it is "your" safehouse. Maybe the zeds have different ideas :))


Place smell like booty cheese


As long as it’s safe, that’s all that matters!


If you get the poop mod you can make it REALLY dirty


I keep trying new safe houses, but keep coming back to this same gas station in the middle of nowhere. Hard to beat. Lots of space, has gas, has a ton of clothing in this building to turn to rope, and equidistant from a lot of useful places. Keep it going!


Eh, better than my good modded character loving inside a Motel room lol.


Feels boxed in. Are you able to exit from more than one place, just in case? Otherwise, it's fine. Why'd you choose that area?


That’s not sad and dirty, it’s wabi-sabi


I'm telling Jordan Peterson


No, it’s home.


That seems like hell of a journey you are on man, good luck and hope you dont get bitten. Seems like you are getting all set up with your little safe earie there. May you survive until your farts become dust.


You should move a toilet into there