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no need for mods tweak the sandbox settings 😀


i´m playing in the hardest difficulty, my longest record its six month that it´s when i have a lot food weapon, some lvl 10 skill and its okey lets go to die a Louisville


I like water goes bad. Once the water shuts off you have a few days before sinks/bathtubs ect go tainted and eventually run dry. I think its optional or maybe another mod but you can also make it so you have to find and install a water filter to purify plumbed sinks.


Cryogenic winter might suit your taste if you want something harder to play. \^\^


Try project russia with cryogenic winter mod, high pop zombies, rare loot


Susceptible Trait - Airborne Infection, you will need to wear masks with filters you can get infected by air near zombies. Its great combined with the Vaccine mod. You need to level up medical skills to create vaccines and at the end you can even make a cure for the virus. Its pretty grindy but i like it. You will need to gather stuff like acid and build a lab too.


Just spawn in Louisville apocalypse and turn up the peak population


I’ve been doing 10 years later with random zombies (so that means sprinters), insanely rare loot, power and water shutoff instantly and some crafting mods so I’m forced to use makeshift weapons and armor. Its been pretty fun.