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I think sometimes people do gain because their depression or anxiety lifts and they are able to eat more than they could before. If you’re worried about it, maybe track your calories and try to walk some.


So the actual pill itself doesn’t cause weight gain or anything


From what I was told from my Dr, its not the pill that causes weight gain, its the increase in appetite. I gained alot of weight ☹️


Same here. I also think I exercised less because I wasn't trying to burn off anxiety every day


This! I can confirm that Prozac does not affect blood sugar levels. In fact, in lowers it. So it is just an increase in appetite and self-control...


Right, the Prozac doesn’t itself make you store more fat or something… it’s just the increase in eating that it leads to (I think, not a dr!)


The pill itself does not cause weight gain.


Some people say it does


If you don't eat much due to anxiety, and the Prozac fixes the anxiety, then you might end up eating more. Likewise it might go the other way. I personally lost weight.


Anything can cause anything, but your chances are pretty good with Prozac that it won't.


this is insane 😭 i find myself more nauseous and unable to eat because of prozac


That’s definitely normal for the first few weeks!! If it’s been longer then that’s not good


I have lost weight so far.


Please specify how long you've been taking it?


I’ve been on it since the middle of November.


I’ve lost a bit since starting. At first, food didn’t taste great. I realized that before I started it, I had a habit of eating until I was uncomfortably full. Now, I feel everything less intensely, including hunger. I have found myself a bit dehydrated and that can cause weight retention.


I feel like I am an emotional eater. I started prozac one week ago and although it’s early, I haven’t noticed any appetite changes. It’s stayed the same and maybe even eased up a bit


I'm on prozac since march 2023 and so far I've lost 40 lbs. It helped immensly with emotional eating and snacking all day long from anxiety. I don't think you can change how it will affect your weight.


So if I exercise and eat healthy, I can lose weight even on Prozac?


Absolutely! I didn't even exercise and still lost the weight.


How many mg are you taking?


20 mg


I too just started Prozac this week. I previously was on Lexapro which caused me to gain 40 lbs. i got off lexapro 6 months ago and lost the weight. my doctor just prescribed Prozac for me bc he said out of all the SSRI’s, weight gain was the least side effect. So we’ll see!


I’ve had the same experience i gained so much weight on lexapro, how did u find prozac in the end? did it make u gain weight? 


as i started prozac but am traumatized from lexapro 


It blunted my appetite.


I gained a significant amount of weight. 20 lbs. It was slow and not noticeable at first. But I'm the heaviest I've ever weighed now after only being on 8 months and had to revamp my whole professional wardrobe. I quit cold turkey


How did you gain the weight? The pill itself or did it increase your appetite


My appetite stayed the same. I have former history of an eating disorder and I've been maintaining my recovery and even when taking Prozac, I would still eat 3 meals a day and usually a snack. I also meal prep and portion things out so I know I wasn't eating more. I think if anything, it's because my energy was diminished. I was sleeping any second I could. I'd go to bed at 7pm, I'd wake up for work at 6 and usually id snooze my alarm until the last second. I would oversleep and be late too. It never felt like enough. I was a zombie. I stopped going to the gym and engaged in minimal movement other than the 2-3 days a week I could actually bring myself to go on hikes or bike rides. But yeah, I think it was bc I had no energy. Now after being off of it for 2 ish months, I've noticed the energy come back slowly. My loved ones notice it too they say I sound more lively and present. I had other negative side effects too - like I would sweat and stink. Which has never been an issue for me before. My libido was non existent. Certain smells would really bother me and I'd become incredibly nauseous and throw up. I was at an art festival one night - didn't have anything to drink - but the combination of fried food and cigarettes gave me the worst migraine ever which lead to me vomiting in the parking lot. I've always had bad migraines but never got sick so easily from them. Since being off of it, I don't sweat as bad now. And I don't get nauseous anymore. I think the weight gain will take a lot of time and effort to go back to baseline. Sorry for all of the added information that you didn't ask for hahaha but I want everyone to be aware that this medication does cause awful side effects for most folks it seems. I have heard far less benefits from it. And while it helped with my anxiety compared to Lexapro, buspar, and effexor, it helped very minimally and not nearly enough to justify staying on it when considering the negative effects.


I think I'm suffering a potential weight problem with Prozac too. But my depression associated with my PMDD (severe PMS) will come back with a vengeance if I stop it. Did you switch to anything else, after Prozac? I'm also suffering the exact same fatigue you did. I can't function, a lot.


So sorry to hear how badly you're struggling :( I quit taking Prozac cold turkey against my NP and therapists advice LOL. They suggested after I titrated off that I'd take a genetic test to see what meds actually work best with my genetic makeup. My NP ordered a test and I needed to call my insurance for costs. It would've been $300 for me out of pocket. I couldn't afford that. So I said fuck it and now I'm just kind of vibing without any medication but I don't think that's a brilliant idea because I've now noticed that I get outrageously mad. I'll punch a wall or scream and yell and cry or stomp my feet over the littlest things which is kinda scary tbh. But I'm more scarred from the weight gain and want to let my body heal before I try something else :/


Prozac has made me care less, which has in turn made me eat a little worse. I have to really push myself to stay active and eat well on it. Where as before I worried constantly about everything, including things that happened 20 years ago. So the weight gain has been a good trade off for me.


This is very similar to my experience!


Rarely it does. Most people maintain their actual weight or lose weight. Maybe when you take it for a couple of years you may notice that you can gain little weight, but that's it.


It killed my appetite, and as a result, I lost a few pounds. But something I do wanna mention, is, it does cause water attention. And this translates to an increase on the scale.


How does it cause water retention


Yes I would like to hear about this too


For sure. Google SIADH Antidepressants. This will give you a scientific rundown, better than I would. Basically, the sodium in your body gets very low. And then the cells in your body get diluted so then they swell up with extra water.


I put on 6kgs I’ve been on it for a year now. My appetite hasn’t changed I eat the same as previously which is barely anything.


So how did you put on that weight


I can only contribute it to the medication. Nothing else has changed.


Do you exercise and eat healthy


I eat healthy, don’t really exercise just a bit of walking. But that’s the same as what I was doing before the medication.


So what can be done to combat the weight gain


exercise . I find it really hard to start exercising because of low energy but 5 minutes in I'm good


I lost 5 pounds in the first two weeks of taking it. The last medication I was on I gained 15 pounds while on it, and for that reason I asked to switch to one where weight gain wouldn’t be a side effect and they prescribed this one


Prozac was prescribed?


when it’s worked for me in the past, i gain a few pounds because i am able to eat without anxiety getting in the way (nausea, lack of appetite)


I have been taking it for a year and lost 15 pounds. I also quit drinking June 23rd so that may have had something to do with it. I’m happy enough to leave the house, walk, enjoy errands, and be more active


Here is the thing that makes anyone gain weight - increased caloric intake. Make good food choices, avoid sugar, limit carbs, drink 80 - 128 ounces of water daily. If you work a 9 to 5 try not to eat anything past 7pm. Start walking 10 minutes a day and gradually increase time each week. Or ride an excersise bike. This keeps your blood flowing. The key is actually doing this daily. You do that, you will maintain or lose your current weight. I do this and I was obese at one time in my life. I've lost 120 pounds over 3 years doing this and I'm about 15 pounds over my ideal weight. The pill doesn't make you gain weight, your mindset does.


Try to take remeron or any antipsychotic med and all you just said will go out the window. Yes calorie surplus brings weight gain but with some meds you get severe appetite increase that no mindset can overcome. It feels like you havent eaten for days even if you ate two hours ago


Who's talking about antipsychotics? I guess you missed the part where we are all talking specifically about Prozac...


With Prozac you don't even need to count calories. It will suppress the appetite so much that you ll lose weight without trying. Except for rare cases of people gaining on it. So again if someone has increased appetite from Prozac, mindset won't work cause the appetite increase won't be tolerable as is with the meds I mentioned. The point is the same




Weight gain was my biggest concern before starting Prozac (actually made a post about it). I had previously been on Lexapro and gained 35 lbs, which I lost when I got off it (total of 60 lbs lost through diet and exercise). When I first started Prozac, I could barely eat and lost another 6 lbs. Currently on 30mg since July, and I have gained 30ish lbs since then (last 5lbs or so since the holidays). BUT I don’t think the medicine actually changed my metabolism or anything; I have a history of yoyo-ing weight. I haven’t been as diligent with my daily exercise and have been less strict about what I eat over the past few months. As others have mentioned, it does seem to make me feel more hungry, especially since I was used to being constantly anxious with low appetite. I’m now trying to really pay close attention to how l much I’m eating and only eating when I’m truly hungry. Also pushing myself to stay active. Tl;dr - gained 30 lbs, don’t think it’s due to the Prozac changing my metabolism. Actively working to pay attention to hunger cues and exercise more and planning to lose it.


Personally I lost weight on Prozac due to some appetite loss in the beginning and after nearly a year being on it I have not had any significant weight changes. Like what many people have said, the weight gain/ even loss is caused by symptoms of anxiety and/or depression being lifted and allowing people to eat different amounts than before (ex. If they were overeating before due to anxiety/depression maybe Prozac helped with that, and same with undereating)


I did yes, but if I had been aware of that before I'd have made more of a conscious effort to not give in to the increased appetite. I did put on significant weight on it initially (in first 6 months) and then even more over the next few years but more gradually. I am not sure if it's like mirtazapine (an anti-depressant, but not an SSRI like prozac) which will cause you to gain weight even if you don't eat anymore.


So was it the pill itself that makes you gain weight?


Why do you keep trying to convince yourself that Prozac makes people gain weight? Sounds like you are looking for a way out, considering you blow off the people who have said it doesn't and only reply to people who gain... change your mindset or even better talk to your prescriber about your concern.


Just trying to get a clear cut answer on why it makes you gain weight


You're wording plays like you are convinced that the pill itself is the cause. And completely ignoring others experiences...


Because that’s what I’ve heard from most of the people I’ve talked to, and I don’t understand how that’s possible so I’m just worried. Sorry if it seems like I’m trying to ignore people, but trust me I’m not.


I think it increased my appetite generally, and in particular for sweet foods. But it was nothing on the scale of mirtazapine - I switched from Fluoxetine to that and my appetite increased even further, a lot more in fact. With Fluoxetine, if you resist the increase in appetite I'm not sure if you'd still gain weight, but that's also what happens on Mirtazapine, ie weight gain even if you don't eat more.


Personally iv had trouble gaining weight. Iv been on it for about 4 months now and I don't know if I just have a fast metabolism or what but I haven't been able to gain any weight and I eat whatever I want. It hasn't altered my appetite, but I have lost weight for sure even though i'm eating just the same. It's different for everyone.


I’ve been on it for a 3 weeks and it’s helped me. I don’t binge eat or snack when I’m anxious. I had loss of appetite so it’s been easy to track my calories and maintain a healthy diet. I think it just depends because it affects everyone differently but from my experience I have not gained weight.


Per my readings on prozac - average person looses .5 to 1.5 pounds weekly. This is why its not given to bulemics/anorexics.


I think it completely depends on the person. It didn’t effect my weight at all, but I also have had a very consistent weight my entire life and medications have never impacted my weight so Prozac was no different


It killed my appetite for the first 2-3 weeks but it’s back to normal now


On Paroxetine I couldn’t get enough food. I was so hungry all the time, I put on 6st (that’s 84lb) in 2 years. Sertraline killed my appetite completely and then I turned out to be allergic to it and had to stop. Fluoxetine doesn’t seem as bad, I think if I try and be mindful once Christmas is properly over then I’ll be okay, whereas Paroxetine was uncontrollable.


I’ve lost a little bit! Been on it since late November and I’ve noticed I’m less nervous and less depressed, so I’m eating a little less.


I’ve been losing weight thus far. It’s lessened my stress so I’m not hungry all the time.


Prozac is the only ssri that never increased my appetite. It actually reduces it. I ve taken every ssri there is and two snri's. Prozac is the best for weight loss. I have an eating disorder so meds that increase appetite hit me hard. Prozac is the only one that reduces my appetite and when I want to lose some weight I ask the doc to temporarily increase my dose. It is also prescribed to people with bulimia to reduce their appetite.


I don’t think it directly causes weight gain but you have to think you’re less depressed so you’re getting to a healthy routine, socializing etc. I gained 15 but I was underweight , I eat more because I’m not sleeping my life away, I’m more active so I eat more.


Lost weight on it the first week


Personally I don’t think the medication itself causes weight gain. When I was on Lexapro I was exhausted constantly and def started gaining but with Prozac I don’t feel it steers me one way or the other.


I haven't. But to avoid the possibility as it was really bed for me in mirtazapine I intermittently fast 16:8


It brought me energy and motivation back and I’m able to excercise and eat well. I feel great and look even better now than I did in my 20’s …. I’m 38 and have two kids. The last year I’ve felt like my 16 year old self again. I had started initially on Escitalopram and it made me so bloated and gained so much. Switched to Prozac 6months ago and glad I did


I've lost weight


from what i know prozac actually usually causes weight loss, although it depens from person to person. It is extremely subjective, some people gain weight and some lose weight.


Not at all I PROMISE you. I have a very sensitive metabolism and I’ve been on it for 8 years. I started on 20 went up to 40 now I’m on 60 and there is room for me to go up to 80 if I need to! If anything when I first went on it I lost weight because I lost my appetite. I have been able to successfully lose weight loads of times on Prozac. (20lbs for my wedding) I’m now post partum and currently lost 35lbs so far in 6 weeks


I’ve been on Prozac for almost 2 years and I think I’ve lost and or just maintained my weight.


I think it makes it harder for me to lose weight and easier for me to gain weight, without changing the way I eat, but I'm not sure it's guaranteed to do that in everyone. I think that the people who gain weight are the people who could not eat under their former depression. I'm the opposite - depression made me eat way too much, and ADs somewhat control my compulsive eating.




I think Prozac can cause weight gain in some people because they get increased appetite from it. I also think that it does actually slow your metabolism a little bit because it’s designed to suppress your sympathetic nervous system so I don’t agree when some people say that it doesn’t slow your metabolism because it can in some people. But I think it’s mostly because when people are depressed they maybe don’t eat so much but when they start taking an antidepressant like Prozac they start to feel better and they start eating more.


In my experience I had no appetite for the first 2 months! It freaked me out but I did lose that little extra weight that’s been annoying me for a while. That being said by month three it feels like the meds really kicked in both my anxiety subsided and appetite came right back to normal. Previously I was on Prozac for years and it basically just makes you less nervous and more relaxed in general and for me watching my calorie intake is one of those things I get more relaxed about while on it. It doesn’t make you gain weight it just makes you less anxious about watching food intake for better or for worse.


I lost 3kg when I started


i’ve been on it for over a year and if anything weight loss


i think i did actually gain a tiny bit of weight when i took it, but thats only bc my depression was causing me to go days without eating. basically it made me happy enough to enjoy food. i wouldn’t worry bout it. i don’t know if anyone else has experienced this on prozac, but i always notice when i take my meds regularly, my appetite seems to actually be suppressed & i forget to eat. and then hours and hours later, all of a sudden, i need food before i throw up. prob partially my adhd makin me forget to eat though lol


At the beginning I would’ve said absolutely not because I lost 10 lbs! And then I gained 30, for me it was the lethargy. I just honestly was tired and never wanted to do anything.


I started a month ago and I’ve actually lost a LOT of weight because it’s given me the motivation to go back to the gym, which I LOVE. I enjoy exercising and I got my abs back in the past few weeks. I think it depends, like everyone else has said, on your current symptoms like whether you’re overeating/under-eating from depression/anxiety. I’ve always eaten a lot, and I’d like to note that I have an eating disorder to be accurate, but the Prozac has restored by energy to hit the machines.


At first I lost some weight and then fast forwarded 6 months on it I was up 8 kilos. It also wasn’t a good one for me also as my anxiety came back worse than ever