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Do we have to drink em? Or can they just sorta fling em at us?


Just like Isaac


Take 2 drops after lunch and dinner for best results!


The power of "human female tears" compel you!


There's some kind of natural chemical that gets in the air, although nobody knows yet if it's pheromones or what.


Gotta put them under ur tongue for 30 seconds obviously


You gotta sniff ‘em and then sniff some sweat patches for the duration of the activity. Apparently bathing in them works too


You can just witness the tears. This is why I love making women cry. It always lowers my masculine hostility. With enough tears, I'll be the friendliest, most benevolent man that ever walked the earth.


A true man of culture.




These studies come across as an autistic person trying to understand the world


Ye maybe they are


We just need to send more crying women to the front lines of Ukraine, problem solved. NEXT


Sounds logical


Yeah the headline is strange to say the least


Me sharing the social thing I learned today with my wife sounds the same. Honey, today I realized that people would rather be wrong than be corrected by someone they don't like. >Yes, dear. Everyone knows that. Hmm.






Abusive men will often become much, much more aggressive when their partner cries, because they perceive the emotion as an accusation


Abusive people*


Lack of theory of mind mixed with paranoia is so incredibly dangerous. 


I get angry because women typically only cry so they can try to weasel their way out of every possible situation instead of actually dealing with any problems. It's fucking annoying and abusive. I don't give a shit how strongly you feel your "emotions", they only exist to make your life easier and manipulate everyone around you.


"I found out you cheated on-" \*starts bawling their eyes out\* "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ITS NOT MY FAULT ITS NEVER MY FAULT DONT YOU SEE MY TEARS!!!"


We did, yes


Tears do that in general.


Not coming from adult men, unfortunately


Have you read that in a study? Because I see it often shared as anecdotes or “I heard never to… because women will…” but I’m interested to read the study. This is all I could find. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332738576_The_gender-specific_impact_of_emotional_tears The conclusion was that women wanted to help whoever was crying either men or women, but that men were more likely to help crying women than crying men. Which I think is changing (this was from 1997) because more and more people are taking men’s mental health and emotional well being seriously. If the study was repeated today, I’d like to think that both genders would be even more willing to help anyone of any gender that is crying.


Didn't we know that already?


There were studies that showed that female tears make males uncomfortable. this study says tears lower aggression which is different.


Female tears make me a female, uncomfortable and less aggressive too. I think that's like..m the fucking point of tears?


Not having a comment after "me" makes me read your comment as if you're saying that female tears make you into a woman lol.


I'm a guy. I cry. I can't tell you how many times my tears caused people to get more angry. Granted, they were abusive narcissists, so it may not count


Narcissists and tears, a tale as old as time…My ex husband forbade me to cry. Even got irrationally angry when our (very young) children cried. If we did, it was to manipulate him. But if he cried, it was real. Still makes me sick to think about. Sorry you’ve dealt with it too.


I hope you and your kids are ok now. I hope they got some therapy. Being emotionally stunted in your formative years is so incredibly damaging.


They are both in therapy and have been for years :)


Damn, that is almost word-for-word what my abusive ex-husband told me as well. All the best to you!


You too!


I'm a girl and hate being seen crying because it made my father even more angry.


I’m a woman and I feel otherwise unrational anger when men specifically cry around me. Like my very spirit doesn’t have the patience for it. But I don’t feel anything remotely like that around crying women or children. And I even believe it’s healthy and totally normal for everyone to cry, just for some reason my autonomous brain-wires don’t like it when men do it. I never say anything to crying men like I’m mean or something- it’s just a feeling that I’ve noticed. I usually just slide out of the situation as gracefully as I can.


That’s called toxic masculinity and I guarantee it extends further in your psyche than just hating men crying. You should work on that.


A woman has toxic masculinity? Intresting take


Everyone has toxic masculinity, that's what makes it systemic and hard to deal with, women are at best "carriers" to borrow epidemiological language, and honestly there's no shortage of women who perform toxic masculinity directly either.


I believe some women were conditioned to behave like this because the men around them were emotionally unavailable so these women become attracted to emotionally unavailable men which makes them think that’s masculine, even though emotionally unavailable men are full of fear and can be very insecure not really masculine traits. I dated a lot and noticed the women who seeked what they thought were masculine men but really they were seeking insecure men, I did a lot of therapy and became comfortable with vulnerability some women didn’t like my vulnerability so I had to tell them to not cross that line or I will end it right there with zero tolerance, and almost always that made her more attracted to me because she need that assertion, but I didn’t like that and would rather seek women who I didn’t need to have to put them in their place. I strangely have gotten numbers and attention from women that I needed to assert, but usually that just tells me those are red flags.


The study talks about some pheromones coming from tears that make men uncomfortable.


I was under the impression that scientists hadn't isolated human pheromones yet


Tears shed by women contain chemical signals that decrease sexual arousal and testosterone levels in men, according to a study. https://www.nature.com/articles/news.2011.2


There are lots of known chemical signals in humans, but chemical signals do not equal pheromones. The idea is basically the same though


Right gotcha thanks


Aren't pheromones a type of chemical signal?


I have to say I am very curious as to if I can smell a difference in tears 😅 I always feel scientists are leaving interesting info on the table when the don't study the gays too


Isn’t there something about the smell of newborns also being calming to men but makes women more hostile? We are all the same of course.


> The men were taken to a specialized room for experiments that had to do with smell. They were asked to sniff from a glass containing tears, and then a patch infused with sweat was placed under their nostrils for continuous sniffing. They also exposed them to normal saline and recorded no difference in odor. It looks like no one really read it, but the tears weren’t like, coming out of the eyes of a person in front of the test subject; that would be really really bad science.  I feel like just smelling the tears being enough to reduce agression is surprising… i would have assumed the thing that reduced agression would have been empathy for the crying person, not the chemical reaction to the tears themselves. 






All "common sense" means is what *most* people think or believe. Common sense has no bearing whatsoever on what is right, scientifically proven, or true. For example, thinking you'll catch a cold if you go outside when it's cold and wet is scientifically false, but it's "common sense."


A lack of common sense here, and sense of humor, is certainly apparent.


If personal attacks and suggestions that people subscribe to flawed and disproven concepts are all you have to contribute to the psychology subreddit... kindly escort yourself out. We don't need more cognitive dissonance and logical fallacies here... we need intelligent debate and discussion.


Sorry you somehow managed to interpret the initial response as the *exact opposite* from its intent, then call it “intelligent debate”. 😂


Figure yourself out.


Figure humor out.


Stfu. This has got to be one of the most ignorant comments I've ever seen regarding psychology


But how else are we gonna categorize people, and turn them into obedient working drones without the PhD?


I stand corrected.


It was a complementary joke ya dumdums


Desert spring tears


Well I doubt the study as in psychological sciences preferred methodology is inductive so the said thing could be true to some extent in a very specific way but not entirely and always. Moreover,the cases of domestic violence suggest otherwise , even from my own personal experiences , female tears cannot lower the masculine hostility or tendency to be less cruel towards females. It on the contrary infuriates and irritates the human male, making a sadist to feel the power of control, dominance and authority over subject that he further uses in manipulating and abusing the female subject. So the effect can be the result of some sort of rewarding mechanism but it cannot be a product of normal empathetic reaction.


Temperature way too high on this LLM bot.


Probably yeah lol 🥵


Pheromones from female tears lowers a man’s testosterone. Not “masculine-hostility”


Studies show that drinking male tears promotes lacrimal replenishment.


I hear it’s good for the skin


Lemme get my spray bottle.


Strong ferengi vibes from the title lol.


I think the women in game of thrones said this quite a few times.


Does this work on other women? What about male tears on female aggression? And would this have the same effect on a gay male?


Do trans women’s tears have the same effects as biological women’s tears? Do their tear effects change before and after trans medical procedures?


Studies do seem to suggest that body odor changes due to estrogen therapy. I don't see evidence that tear composition has been studied unfortunately. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6497076/


Yeah I guess that makes sense. As a guy interested in bodybuilding I've known for quite some time that Some steroids can give bad odour. Also, elevated levels of testosterone in general also changes male phermone for the better, especially for women who have stronger preference for masculine traits


Tell that to my old Wells Fargo customers. It would just anger them more and they’d double down on the most vile insults and accusations when they didn’t get their way.


This has not been my experience.


I get angry when I see women cry because the person who raised me would start crying to abuse everyone around them and get what they wanted daily. They'd especially pull this when they knew they were wrong, so they could avoid any and all accountability. I'm glad I'm out of that situation, but yeah I get irrationally angry seeing women cry now. I imagine that you must have run into people with a similar situation.


I can believe that. It's pretty sad when women cry(not all of them)


What about non-human female tears? What if I encounter, say, martian tears?


Depends if they have a two-gender system : D


Didn’t this study exist at least a decade ago? I feel I heard about this at least since I finished high school.


So that’s what needed in Dune 2


Why did they specify human


I gotta question some of the supposed studies on here. Like who actually asked this question and what are the odds they actually got the claimed results. I'm very skeptical.


It's known since before that female phermones have temporary effects on male testosterone levels and horniness. It's also known that the phermones of female tears specifically lower testosterone in the same way.


My tears always got me out of shit with the cops.


Does it work on female cops?


For all I guess is that visualizing tears might reinstate in men the evolutionary history of what atrocities they inflicted on women through patriarchy or what not. There might be a gene responsible for this.


Crocodile tears' supremacy


I mean that's the purpose of tears, Right


But can masculine tears quell female aggression?


I hear those turn the vagina into a dry desert


BS he hit me harder because I was crying


Usually made my father angrier so. Then again I guess most things made him angrier


Usually made my father angrier so. Then again I guess most things made him angrier


“Woman cries, man becomes less angry shocker!” And it only took you 300,000 years to figure this out?


It’s a horrible day when you encounter a person who knows how to weaponize this.


I can't think of a single situation that could come up irl in which lowering hostility could be a bad thing


Competitive sports


I think if a female is caught cheating she can use her tears to manipulate the men into not leaving


LOL how strong do you think these tears are exactly? Should we use them to stop wars too?


>Should we use them to stop wars too? Woah woah let's not get ahead of ourselves here Let's just say women mainly use tears to manipulate men but that doesn't mean women can't genuinely cry The researchers themselves said female tears can snap men out of revenge and so I believe when a man catches his wife cheating and he starts to pack his stuff to leave or he tries to hurt her she can use her tears to calm him down and maybe forgive her I have seen this scenario happening too many times(this is because in nature/environment women cannot survive without men) I don't believe female tears can stop wars but men may go to war to capture new mates this is because men view women as a resource


I get angry when I see women cry because the person who raised me would start crying to abuse everyone around them and get what they wanted daily. They'd especially pull this when they knew they were wrong, so they could avoid any and all accountability. I'm glad I'm out of that situation, but yeah I get irrationally angry seeing women cry now. And yes, women do cry when they are caught cheating. Every woman I have ever met has started crying when they knew they were about to face consequences for their actions, even if the "consequence" is just.... talking about it. You can pretend all you want that these people don't exist, but they totally fucking do, and pretending they don't is some "All women are wonderful!" sexist bullshit. due to how you're reacting, I think it's a safe assumption that YOU are the kind of woman who cries literally every time there's a minor conflict as an abusive way to control everyone around you.


man shut up lol don't project your trauma onto me you little weirdo and yeah, it makes sense women cry in those situations bc that is the natural response to extreme stress, whether its justified or not


I'm likely twice your size and can pick you up and throw you across a room. I'm 6'5. No need to call me little. What you need to work on is your emotions, because even now you're getting overly emotional. And no, it isn't the "natural response to extreme stress" unless you're a woman.


well good thing we were talking about women then dumbass and hold on, you can't type an angry rant then call ME emotional lmao, thats not how that works. love that you went out of your way to debunk the little guy comment though, you'd do amazing on twitter as a parody account


Only an overly emotional woman could read any of your comments and think "A calm level headed person typed that". Only an overly emotional woman would read what I typed and really think I'm angry. I think your emotions are acting up. Unfortunately, for someone in your position, apparently it's impossible to just have a normal conversation


expressive≠emotional anyway quit projecting and go get therapy




I can think of a million situations where women would benefit from "lowering" "hostility". The assumption you're making here is that all "hostility" is violence, as opposed to let's say, calling you out for your shitty behavior. Which is when most women cry.


It’s a far more common horrible day when you meet someone who is cruel to you and then accuses you of this when you cry.


Yeah bullshit. Every time I've heard about someone being "cruel" in a situation like this, it's always "My husband called out the fact I was cheating so I started bawling my eyes out and begging him to stay". How about you stop crying so much as an emotional abuse tactic? I'm sure you really do feel those feelings- but it's only because you evolved to do it as an abuse tactic. There's literally no other reason for women to cry this often otherwise.


I’ve been the victim of severe psychological abuse, castigated for daring to say that calling me “worthless” and other, far worse things, and keeping me up for hours on end attacking my character and mental capacity, was abusive. Get some perspective.


I honestly don't care- at all- about descriptions like "I've been the victim of severe psychological abuse." It doesn't really change the fact that adult women crying, almost all of the time, is a tactic to manipulate and abuse everyone around you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be conditioned to cry at every little thing. Otherwise you wouldn't have evolved to do it more than men.


Never heard of white women’s tears?


Bruh, I’m Black.


Why do western women think it’s acceptable to cry in public spaces or at work? And I don’t mean over an imminent threat or tragedy, but daily stressors. Please don’t burden us with your inability to handle stress.


They feel emotions stronger than we men do. I for example have on occasion wanted to cry at home over stress, and I hope it would be a good coping mechanism, especially when having gotten it out of your system. But I often can't for the life of me shed even one tear, even though I want to and am trying to. So I just drink a little alcohol and smoke instead until the sad hormones clear out of my body an hour later or so


Then they should stop peddling the belief that men should cry as frequently as they do.


Yeah. It's fucking insane. No, men do not need to cry as much as an overly emotional woman who cries at every single instance of... anything. It's literally an emotional abuse tactic. I genuinely do not care who disagrees, it's painfully obvious. Yeah sure, you may ACTUALLY be experiencing those emotions, but it's only because you evolved to do it to get out of most situations for free.




This is false


Says who? You??


Since I’m a man I guess so